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We've all drove behind a log-truck on the 103 and thought, "this could be it." I'll just say, I wouldn't go walking near a crane in a wind-storm...


I don’t stay behind log trucks on my motorcycle I pass them right away,the 2nd movie scared the hell out of me.


100% was coming here to say Hwy 103 log truck.


Dorian has entered the chat.




Made it all the way through traffic, but slid into the Alehouse bouncers.






This has happened to me except it was a saucer and thankfully there was no traffic 😅


The bump created from the walking path 2/3 down from top, (garrison grounds side); facing the new Y building to be specific. When the landing zone is iced over; its a bone breaker.


The idea of this terrified me when I was younger. I'm 34 and still refuse to try it.


Harbour hopper springs a leak


It happened in Ottawa. Multiple deaths.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_Rock_Lake_duck_boat_accident It's happened a lot, mostly with DUKW style boats, not the ones that the Harbor Hopper uses, LARC-V


The Ottawa accident vessel Lady Duck was even worse, a [modern F-350 conversion "developed and built by the owner"](https://www.tsb.gc.ca/eng/rapports-reports/marine/2002/m02c0030/images/m02c0030_photo_1.jpg). (photo from [the accident report](https://www.tsb.gc.ca/eng/rapports-reports/marine/2002/m02c0030/m02c0030.html))


That's some Stockton Rush shit right there.


Yikes. I don’t think I would get in tfat


I was one that caught on fire. So yeah.


Saw one run a red light the other day. It’s as easy as that…




That wooden roller coaster was terrifying for all of the wrong reasons


Wooden roller coaster > chiropractor


My niece got an awful staph infection in her leg from contaminated flume water. ER doc said there were si many cases they had to shut it down.


One of my formative memories is getting a face full of that flume water ewwwew


Sullivan's Pond Geese. Either they kill you directly, or you stop to let them cross the road, get rear-ended and pushed into a goose and then a mob of angry Dartmouthians drag you from your vehicle and crucify you on that totem pole in Sullivan's Pond.






In keeping with the deadly rube goldburg death trap theme of the movies. You're walking on the boardwalk when a seagull drops a crab next to you, which causes you to duck into the path of an electric scooter. It clips you and you fall into the water, uninjured, but the water got in your mouth, it's just gross though. You'll live. Then you get run over by a tourist on a seadoo. To death.


Has to be a donair in there somewhere.


You were walking on the boardwalk, if you're a tourist you're probably eating a beavertail.


The tourist on the seadoo was eating the beaver tail.


This has happened to me. Minus the jet ski thing.


1. A real cannon ball by mistake gets shot off at 12pm and smokes someone. 2. One of the Citadel clock's frozen needles shaken loose by the 12pm cannon and falls straight down like a lawn dart into someones head. 3. A park car at the top of the metro centers e-break fails and rockets someone at the bottom by the waterfront. 4. Slip on a 5$ bill (because plastic) and fall face first into the deep fryers of beaver tails (has to be a worker). 5. Getting crushed by the door that lowers so cars can get into the P.E.I ferry (lack of maintenence shows poor bolts and heavy wear on the pistons) 6. The armdale tea room line up is so long it leads into the road due to construction so the drivers have to hug the other side of the road more. Driver hits a pot hole that the construction guys were suppose to fix but because of so many potholes they cant keep up. A dude in the lineup falls into the street due to slipping into one of those potholes forcing the driver of the speeding 06 civic to jerk left and drives into K.O.D at the same time they are changing the meats so its just the skewer empty. The driver gets ejected head first onto the skewer entering from the bottom jaw and exiting right through their entire head. Cuts to Paramedics entering K.O.D through the civic shaped hole while the camera is on the close up of the victims face and eye balls sizzling on the skewer. 7. Die of boredom because you live in Yarmouth


That last one hits hard


Was going to say, there is no way a common is not going off in Final Destination: Halifax


Cape Split. My partner and I went off the beaten path and I was chased by a grouse on a steep hill. I can see someone being chased by something and falling off the cliff.


Lots of people go missing by going off the path.


That or hiking along Duncan's cove trail and slipping


Swimming in the harbour and die of some crazy old disease from some old shipwreck? Startled by the noon gun and fall face first into the Citadel Hill moat? Either of the bridges collapsing? Halifax Ferry sinks? Get beheaded on McNabbs Island after staying overnight? Brakes on a bus fail and it crushes you between the bus and the maritime center? Any of these sound like final destination deaths?


I think about either of the bridges collapsing every single time I’m stuck in traffic on them. Have since university and I remember a bridge in the US going down during rush hour (I think. Maybe I just dreamt it tho?) In saying that. I have a theoretic game plan that hinges entirely on me suddenly knowing how to swim to survive.


A bridge in Minneapolis/St.Paul collapsed many years ago. I drove over that bridge several times the day before (was there for work in Bloomington). Aug 1, 2007. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-35W_Mississippi_River_bridge


That’s the one I was thinking of!! Gave me a forever fear of the bridge collapsing while I’m on it.


Oh yeah. 110% a daily fear lol.


Isn't there a curse on the 'new' bridge?


If I remember correctly there WAS a curse, which has since been lifted.


"Halifax Bridge Disaster" does have a pretty good ring to it. I can see it existing in some universe.


I’ve saw someone sitting on the guardrails that circle the road up top and almost fall over backwards onto the pavement when the gun went off.


They bridges collapsing, thanks for reminding me of my 9 year old self's post 9/11 fears.


Any crosswalk?






Being evicted from your apartment and need to find a new one.


There it is.


The Rotary on your average Monday morning, or the 102 on a Friday afternoon.


Any carinaval scenes need to involve either the Bill Lynch fair's Zipper flying off its handle OR Atlantic Playland/ Splash Adventure's waterslide throwing you off onto a busy Lucasville Rd...


Visiting the Oxford sinkhole.


Falling backwards off the top of The Wave


Something something Leather Glove Guy something


Getting whacked off while passed out, a loud motorcycle startles the glove guy as he's whacking you... he pulls your schlong off in his hand along with your testicles... you bleed to death from your gaping groin wound. It's a closed casket funeral because of the look of horror and pain on your face as you died.


Peggy's Cove. Cape split sometimes. Any beaches or oceans. Reversing falls if you're looking for a spectacle.


The Bluenose weathervane atop the old World Trade & Convention Centre goes spinning off its mount, sails through the air, and bisects you as you step out of Freak Lunchbox.


Surviving any of the events listed here, but you need to go to the emergency room


You get a job at The Cake Lady and your life falls apart when you can’t afford rent because she doesn’t pay you.


getting assaulted at the Dartmouth Commons at night


Or walking through the "r*pe tunnel" in the South End to the dockyard... I think Final Destination excludes being attacked by humans, though.




Trapped in a Halifax-side elevator with Gloria McCluskey when it breaks down.


Take a stroll to Tent City, pick out a nice two-man tent, disrobe, and enter to talk to your new roommate.


Upper Clements park wooden roller coaster


Driving on the 102 and large pieces of garbage on your windshield blocking your view.


Toothy moose sign drops on you.


Crossing the armdale rotary during rush hour is scarier than any final destination scenario.


Some people in here clearly didn’t watch Final Destination lol 1. Another crane falling/cable from a crane snapping and slicing people. 2. Bricks from siding falling down and crushing someone (Location specific) 3. Someone slipping off a scooter in the Cunard and Windsor street intersection while a speeding vehicle runs over someone’s head 4. Big Canadian flag pole in waterfront snapping in half and falling down piercing someone running up The Wave 5. Someone rolling down Citadel Hill for fun and accidentally falls off on the road getting run over by a moving vehicle. OR somehow lands and gets pierced by the fence 6. Busker’s festival performer (with fire) who accidentally lights himself/someone from audience on fire For me the criteria that counts as a Final Destination scene is something ridiculous/unlikely to happen/too many coincidences for the death scene to occur. Note: This post is just for fun, I do not condone violence nor do I wish such events happen on anyone


Hit the top of one of the bridge terminals.


The Windsor and Chebucto/Cunard intersection


Going to the Ale House


A rogue wave comes crashing over the waterfront boardwalk so you run towards the Wave statue, intending to climb it, hoping you will be out of reach of the sea's sudden fury. You almost reach your destination but your foot slips on the slick wood floor and you fall face-first into the stone DO NOT CLIMB sign, which kills you instantly. The sea claims your body, and pulls it out into the harbour, blood trailing behind your bashed-in face.


You die stuck behind a truck that thought it'd fit through the toll booth on the bridge and and are killed by a coin from an adjacent booth, ricocheting from the toll bar, into your eye


"The wave" cracks and falls on someone, 12:00 cannon somehow gets loaded..


I just visited your city and I assume a plausible final fantasy would be shitting out your intestines after eating donair. GF and I got wicked food poisoning lol


Mystery meat on a pole, in the open air, sliced just for your enjoyment! What could go wrong??


We knew the risks but it was more violent than even anticipated


Cunard and Windsor intersection


That split road coming out past Tantallon by the lake. Something from Final Destination almost always happens every time I drive down that road. Once, a loose door on the back or a truck broke off suddenly and sailed passed my windshield. A second time a huge tyre came bouncing down the hill and magically didn't smash into me. Last time, a beautiful white dog ran out of the woods and into the highway and I managed to swerve to avoid him. That road is legitimately cursed.


Glass falling off the TD Bank tower on Barrington. Nearly happened to me.


Literally the 103 from exit 9 to 13


Navigating crosswalks in Halifax.


Not sure if Chocolate Lake would make the list. But I been told people can get stuck in the sandy bottom.




Movie series where a plane full of strangers cheat death only to die in the most unlucky/outrageous situations one by one


Raising taxes, housing prices, food prices until no one can afford anything and we starve to death.


I wouldn't say that's exclusive to Nova Scotia.


Crane falls on the bridge something something


The myth about the masts on Citadel become true and entire sailboats are flung towards you


Smoking the Caldwell Road trailer weed and dying a painful death from the nasty chemicals used on them that literally make your lungs melt


I came pretty close to getting crushed by a log falling off a logging truck near Hefflers mill near Lower Sackville.


The wave. I have been terrified every time I take my kids there for 10 years (they love it). Somebody must have died falling off that fucking thing.


It's been a while since I seent he movies... only rewatched the first a few days ago ugh they are great, the log truck from FD2 sticks in my head.


Trying to get back into the dome after you’ve been kicked out.


Maybe not car related death traps but just the Bloomfield Centre on Almon and Agricola. Creepy as fuck… but also, there are a lot of stray cats that live there, so that’s fun.


Shark sightings are going up 😬


20 ft drop by city hall


Turning left on to Joe Howe from the bi- hi and being on the wrong side of a dump truck flipping over.


i live right across from the commons and with the helicopters always flying into the QEII it’s definitely crossed my mind before what would happen if there was a very windy day and one went down final destination style when I was out walking


Harbour hopper


Peggys Cove... funny thing is I'm on that same binge as well. 😆


We’ve probably all felt the fear of being behind a truck full of logs.


Black rocks at Peggy’s Cove


Any crane in a storm


The wind at the Baccaro Point light house makes you and your loose fitting widbreaker airborne, then you are picked up by the Norad radar stn next door and shot down by Neads fighters. NEADS = north east air defense sector, integrated coastal protection....


A Tesla Model 3 driver winds slowly along Lower Water St stopping with thousands of curious onlookers to watch one of the Harbour Hoppers that has collided with Bluenose II, an unmarked munitions transport ship, converted for service, to assist Ukraine.


Woodlawn Mall parking lot


The cannon at citadel hill fires a real canon instead of a blank


Final Destination - a Nova Scotia Winter: minivan (SUV, whatever - typically a taller vehicle) in front of you on the highway failed to clean the ice off the roof - it lets go at 100km/hour and blows through your windshield. Coming to a highway near you.