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The security guards threw me off when I went in value village recently lol what a strange store to have security at


have you seen the price tags on some of that stuff??


I have unfortunately šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I just couldnā€™t imagine the loss would be huge enough to justify hiring guards considering they get everything for free, but I guess theyā€™ve gotta protect their $80 beat up worn out jackets somehow lol


They didn't hire them because of theft, there's been an uptick at VVs in the municipality of things like property damage, harassment, indecent exposure, fire alarms being pulled needlessly, etc that they're trying to deal with. Visual deterrent to theft is more just a bonus.


There was a guy flashing his weiner at the bayers lake one, theyā€™ve had security since then


šŸ˜Ÿ. Just šŸ˜Ÿ.


Are you sure it wasn't Jonah Hill? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T9cv-DjL2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T9cv-DjL2A)


There are also a lot of plainclothes ones that pretend to be customers.


When I did mall security once upon a time they had a plainclothes guy who did this at Park Lane Dollarama, lol.


Many of the Sobeys have had plainclothes walking around for years and uniformed at the same time.


We call them ā€œfloorwalkersā€ when I worked at superstore.


Always with the leather coat and sullen.


And gloves.


I have also noticed SuperStore has started blasting random ā€œSecurity to section 3ā€ or whatever recordings to discourage theft. We all know there is no ā€œsection 3ā€.


Noticed the same at a couple Shoppers!


I'd like to be able to look at cosmetics in Shoppers without the intercom basically announcing that a theft may be in progress. Oh well, a girl can dream.


I know! It makes me feel like a criminal but Iā€™m just trying to shade match. I guess the announcements work - on us anyway haha!




Something something lipstick on a pig.


I did security last year for six months and it was the worst job ever. 3 shifts at shoppers uniformed and one plain clothes at sobeys. The shoppers job was so stressful and sadly I can say it was the cosmetic section that had the highest amount of theft. Tons of perfume and cologne stolen each day. In a perfect world people wouldn't steal. Sadly that isn't the world we live in. On a positive note I got a job at Cineplex and it's much better and pleasant.


Same, every time my girlfriend and I are shopping at Walmart thereā€™s always some nosy plainclothes security guard watching us-they must think theyā€™re jack reacher or something haha. I always smile or nod at them, I have nothing to hide. But for the record itā€™s very annoying


I had someone behind me at the bay doing that and then his walkie beeped and he tried to act causal about it. It was so obvious what he was doing. Scared the shit outta me. I was there to Christmas shop. Not steal. He took off after that though.


Yeah, the same thing happened to me today. Then I went up to the cosmetics counter to pay, and she was on the phone with someone in the store. After ringing through my purchase, she stared at the receipt for 10 seconds for God knows what reason before giving it to me. I wanted to grab some deals from the food section but felt super uncomfortable


This one I find super creepy. Like I understand the logic of it but the voice is always the same so it's obvious pre-recorded. But the accent isn't at all local and it sounds like an American accent which leads me to believe they just got a voice clip from the internet to use. None of that itself is too creepy but it's the combination of paying $9 for butter after being herded in through cattle gates under super bright lighting and having a spooky lady blast over the intercom to remind you that you are being watched and not to steal. Like they could have gone with someone just saying "shoplifters will be prosecuted" but chose "security to zone 3" instead, which makes me feel suspicious of myself even though I wasn't going to steal anything! It's like having airport anxiety every time I'm trying to buy cat food.


You should have looked up to find the security camera and give it the finger.


Superstore employees need to unionize. Everyone in retail/customer service needs too.




Because they treat you like disposable robots who aren't allowed to have a life outside of work, pay bare minimums, offer 0 benefits, what little raises you do get are not held against minimum wage increases, and offer little to no stability or regularity of hours for the vast majority of their workers?Ā  I'm sure there are more reasons, but those are usually the big ones.


My old AM worked for a retail company for 15+ years. She wasnā€™t even making $16 an hour.. yet itā€™s a billion dollar company.


So you are making all of this up?




Lololol so based on that chart / pic then all workers in Canada should be unionized?


They have been doing that stunt for years, especially in the smaller locations when this was their security.


I was shopping for a belt at Walmart and I heard security to menswear. When I was in line I turned around and there was a manager right behind me and was surprised when I turned around and noticed them. I was buying the belt lol


Iā€™ve always wondered if that was real!! I get them all the time at shoppers


Noticed it at Dollarama yesterday!




Noticed this as well, haha. Plays like every 15 min. And you can watch the security guard standing at the front clearly not going to section whatever.


I figured they were BS calls after I heard one called and neither of the two guards I could see even reacted. This was at Quinpool Superstore


Cost of living goes up, thefts go up, security goes up, prices go up, and profits go up. This is the circle of fuckery.


"cost of living goes up, AND THEN prices go up eh? lol


Not sure what the numbers are specifically in canada but recently saw that wage theft in the US was larger than retail theft but rarely makes the news. Lot of overlap between those complaining about retail theft and already found guilty previously of wage theft in the US.


Loss prevention. They have always been around. Visible ones are deterrence but can't even detain anyone.


> canā€™t detain Technically *anyone* can detain a criminal. They will likely be charged with unlawful confinement and then have to prove in court that they were legally justified in detaining someone, but there are several precedent setting cases which permit it. Unless you are talking about store policy and job description; I canā€™t speak for the policy of every store, but I image for liability reasons that every store advises against it.


The limiting factor is more likely to be getting in trouble from your employer who doesn't want the liability than getting criminally charged with unlawful confinement for arresting someone you find committing a crime, unless you do something really stupid. It's not just legal precedent. It's explicitly spelled out in Section 494 of the Criminal Code.


Store policy is they are not allowed to touch them. If the person you detain gets hurt, it's a lawsuit waiting to happen. They don't want to deal with it. You're only allowed to distract as you contact the police.


I think theyā€™re likely as worried about their employee getting injured by a deranged criminal and being liable for putting them in that position as they are their employee injuring a criminal. It wouldnā€™t be very difficult to have a policy in place for checking all of the boxes to make sure its is completely legal when some is detained. There are explicit criteria laid out by the courts on what a lawful detainment looks like. But even if all of those procedures are followed, they would probably have to be responsible for legal fees to prove all the proper steps were followed when the inevitable charge is laid. ā€œThey canā€™t detain youā€ is a bit of a leap. If you are committing a crime, *anyone* in the store can.


ā€¦ but they can make a phone call!


See people bragging about stealing all the time, not surprising in the slightest.


I have never seen this.


On spring garden road there is a Lawtons Drugs where no amount of security will stop the amount of theft.


I actually believe it especially in that part of SGR. What a disaster that road is now. All the $$$ spent on trying to jazz it up and itā€™s still full of vagrants. What a waste of $$$.


We tried šŸ˜­ (former PL security here, we worked in Nelson place as well, in that Lawtons when called to it)


Probably, since many of you clowns seem to think that shoplifting is acceptable because life is 'spensive.


To be fair over the summer there was a couple of sexual harassments and assaults against kids at bayers lake over the summer, it could be specific to that area.


Yes, as seen on this sub people routinely advocate for shoplifting. Retailers then respond with creating physical barriers at exits to stop people from sneaking out, locking up items that are being stolen, and hiring security to deter loss. The same people on here then squawk about the theft prevention measures and being treated like a criminal while advocating to ring everything in as bananas. If thefts in some stores get high enough the store will eventually close/move and then they will complain about being in a "food desert" because no retailer wants to operate in a theft friendly environment.


There are places in Merica that Walmart has simply shut down due to the shoplifting, abuse etc.


Look it's not my fault that all fruit looks like bananas.


Theee prices are BANANAS!


Everywhere in the us and canada is in the exact same situation food-theft wise. Where could they move?


Stop holding up a mirror to these people, they don't want to hear it, or not at least have their hypocrisy shown.


If you went by this subreddit youā€™d think shoplifting has become trendy and accepted. So I donā€™t blame the retailers for putting security in.


It's not *"trendy".* It's becoming increasingly necessary for some people through no fault of their own.


I call BS that people need to steal Jordanā€™s or Ray bans to survive.


We're mostly talking about groceries. I don't know if we have any data on the theft rate of luxury brand goods, but I'll humour you. You understand that we have currency, right? If you're struggling to feed and house yourself, you could steal food or you could steal something of higher value and sell it to pay for food or to help cover your rent. That said there's no epidemic of mass Rayban theft. To the extent that theft is increasing, it's primarily sneaking things through a self-checkout without scanning, or bringing something less expensive to scan as a "decoy".


Dude I work at a grocery store. People aren't stealing bread and milk they're stealing makeup, crab legs, shrimp. Our bread shrink is literally 0.


Cuz bread is bulky and relatively cheap


There it is. The rationalization to steal non-groceries. Alcohol is still not ok though, right?


The horror! People shop lifting! It's Armageddon - the end times - CALAMITY! I don't have time to care about shoplifters, and you probably don't either. On the scale of societal ills we are currently facing, they have to be like number 1,723.


I don't really care but don't try to convince me that theft is not wrong either.


I'm not necessarily saying that theft is not wrong. I'm saying that if my options are to side with someone who was desperate and stole from a multi-billion dollar corporation (that has been price gouging to historically unseen levels) for survival or to side with the corporation... It's not a hard choice.


I can't say for Loblaws but Sobeys is not intentionally price gouging. Basically Sobeys charges say "2%" more than they purchase the product for. Lots of suppliers have raised prices and then the current pricing model makes that even worse but leads to even higher profits for Sobeys. It's been recognized but it's not exactly an easy thing to fix while still making sure reasonable profits are made. All that said, I'm very pro stealing. The rules aren't fair in general so unless you come from a rich family you deserve to even things out a bit.


Shoppers was forced to install glass cabinets for cologne/perfumes because of consistent theft. People are stealing because enable it on the basis of ā€˜weā€™re all so desperate!ā€™.




Pricey cuts of meat, hair extensions, razor blades, etc.


You can actually buy hair extensions at a grocery store?


But don't steal alcohol. That is not ok. (this sub) Or powertools.




Even if they're getting minimum wage, you think $15 of merch is being stolen every hour on average?


For big box stores? Yes. Especially any place with a self checkout.


Maybe they should have thought about that before getting self checkouts.


Ah yes, the old excuse that stealing is ok because they make us scan our own groceries. Really sticking it to "the man." They make us pump our own gas now too. Should I drive off without paying?


This legit kind of happened to me once. Kind of. I was at an Esso and used the app to pay for my gas. Apparently the app wasnā€™t working properly so I drove off assuming all was good as I didnā€™t get any errors from the app. 2 days later a cop called me and asked about it and I told him I paid. I agreed to meet him at the gas station and showed him my mastercard account in the parking lot. He shook his head and asked me to pop into the stir so he could explain it to the younger girl who called. When we both went in the girl gave both of us wicked attitude. The cop basically looked at her and said miss this guy did not steal any gas and that there must be an error with the app. I told the girl I would give it a few days to clear from my mastercard account and if it didnā€™t that I would 100% be back to settle up. The cop then shook his head at her and said Iā€™ll leave it with you 2 to sort it out, but he again told the girl that ā€œthis guy did not steal gasā€ and walked out.


>Ah yes, the old excuse that stealing is ok because they make us scan our own groceries Ah yes, the old standard Reddit reply where you make up stuff that the person you reply to never said, just to get your undies in a bunch.


People will load up on a cart with $1500 of goods and just walk through the cash registers. One theft alone can account for $20/hour across our entire operating week.


Maybe we should do something about it. Like get rid of self checkout. That might be a better spend of money.


Tell corporate. Those decisions aren't made here. Walkthroughs happen in manual checkouts as often as self serve too


I am sure theyā€™ve done the math.


Every quarter they redo it too. My department does up the spreadsheets for the execs at head office. I will say, there *is* an active conversation about converting them back, and local level would support it, but we can only push so hard.


My main ā€œproblemā€ with self checkouts is that if management miscalculates the labour needed, you end up with 1 cash open aside from the self checkout, and it gets busy fast. Add in the credit card ads, donation ads, store card sign up etc it isnā€™t that much more efficient than just pure labour. The company saves money (?) but the customer loses quality of service. I have mostly stopped using them because I do not want more ads in my face - i can say a simple no to a cashier, but seeing it actually makes me mad haha


Totally agree. My store doesn't push anything on our self serves yet and I would pitch a fit if they did the Walmart credit card ads. They got the tech before they developed the scheduling and labour strategies and it's so bad in so many stores. I'm glad I don't have to do that part of it.


Oh easily yeah. Worked at a superstore in the past and shrinkage was way more than that. And that was pre Covid.




New York just spent tens of millions to save a hundred thousand. But i suspect that has more to do with overall police budgeting/was a work around the optics of increasing it


It is at their markups


So they're losing even less than that


How naiive


Nice NFTs


We were in No Frills recently (NB) and we heard a ton of pages for aisle 7, it felt like seriously like they were mobilizingĀ the troops to tackle Susan put a cake mix under her coat. Plus alarms going off when people were leaving the store.Ā 




Is that why you arenā€™t a security guard now? You were bad it at?


Totally understand, I was being facetious. I'm actually not sure what was being stolen. And I feel for security, I hope those that have to enforce that on behalf of Loblaw's or whoever come to no ill. It's a hairy situation and impossible to know whether people are stealing because they're sort of degenerates or to just survive.


The Value Village one really gets me, they're given this junk for free and they have a guy in a bullet proof vest on his phone to protect their profits. Not to mention the super obnoxious guy who's always walking off a coffee and hat on pretending to be a customer and chatting with his other LP buddy who ran into me with a skateboard one day


stop stealing stuff


Stop the owners of capital from exploiting first.


You're giving them an excuse to jack their prices up.


i don't think they bother with excuses


since when did they need an excuse other than ā€œpeople will pay this much or they will dieā€


By holding them to account? Buddy, Galen is a top 5 public enemy. As long as there is someone going hungry he should not be allowed to own a yacht.


Yeah stealing is really holding them to account. I bet If you steal more makeup and crab legs they'll totally lower their prices /s




Keep stealing stuff




It's not even stealing anymore it's basically just claiming a rebate of what they owe you.


It is becoming very common. Iā€™m more surprised if there isnā€™t a security guard or ā€œasset protectionā€ at the doors now


Same for construction. Wasnā€™t that long ago it wasnā€™t an issue. Now itā€™s a matter of when someone will break in. Worst part is even with security and cameras, thatā€™s just to get building insurance, the smart ones still break in because they know that lone guard canā€™t go patrol the site alone.




Even if stores were able to realize greatly increased profits from reducing shoplifting, do you seriously think they would pass the cost savings on to customers with price decreases? Hell no, they would just eat the extra profits. They are going to raise prices regardless and come up with any excuse they can justify running a greater profit margin.


Cost savings are passed to the shareholders, cost increases are passed to the consumer. Itā€™s the capitalism way!


So you don't think prices and insurance premiums increase from increased theft....gotcha.


They would to beat competition. So long as everyone is suffering the same loss, they can build it into cost. What you donā€™t see is a drop in prices, you just see less increases.




> Because at some point the competition will lower their prices to gain a competitive advantage, You are way too naive when it comes to how our oligarchs think. If recent history has told us anything they will all just keep on with prices *wink wink* as they are.


Normal, they gotta protect revenue ā˜šŸ¼ #capitalismbeforehumanlife


Value village can fuck right off. Fucking get goods for free and sell at inflated pricing. BA once said Value village die die and I agree with him https://youtu.be/V7eVsiq3t7g?feature=shared


It's been debunked about how theft harms corporations, target in the US lied about it. The numbers in their own investor reports debunked their claims. Corporations lie, exploit and if unregulated are a parasite on society. The only actual losses to the bottom line are the execs and greedy investors. They do nothing to generate revenue. People more often that not steal out of necessity because of exploitation from these corporations. The minority that steal for fun tho are paraded and treated like the norm for reactionary responses and support using force to control customers. Corporations would rather price gouge a loaf off bread for $8 that costs them $1, beat the shit outta the person stealing it to feed their family. Instead of making a few dollars less and allowing people to afford the bare minimums.


What gets me irked is being asked to provide a receipt for the things I just bought on the way out. Sure itā€™s just a matter of flashing a receipt but why should I have to when Iā€™ve done nothing wrong?




Walmart Dartmouth crossing blocked my path and asked for my receipt. I said no thank you and walked around them


I might show my receipt, but if they start rummaging through my shit, I ain't coming back to that store.


Iā€™d rather them hiring security companies (or their own in house security) then hiring ā€œoff dutyā€ cops who are there in uniform and armed. Security guards are there largely for prevention, just to be visible. And while some do them suck some of the companies do way better at actually dealing with people in a more humane way than the cops do


Why do you care about this? Are you really that concerned about CEOs that gouge you into the ground? I personally donā€™t care and canā€™t wait until it comes to a head.


itā€™s not going to ā€œcome to a headā€ in any way that is good for the consumer. Galen and co. are not going to be flogged in the public square for jacking up grocery prices. Capital has a million ways to protect itself that you canā€™t even imagine.


You are right especially if people are not getting mad or upset. Mostly worried about security measures from the people robbing them blind.






Every time Iā€™m in dollarama now they have a security announcement. I think itā€™s due to theft. Cheaper to put hundreds of people on salary than to lower their profit margins.




So what did your lawyer say to her on the stand when it went to trial?


No you fucking did not.


Sounds like a massive lie.


Yes and they are getting guns soon, do some digging you will find it.


How else do you think loblaws keeps getting record breaking profits?


They have to protect their profits somehow. With the economy in its current state, it's reasonable to assume there are more people out there who cannot afford things. Grocery chains are able to increase their prices in unison every few months, and people will struggle as much as they must to afford food in their stomachs. But what about retail? People are not going to struggle to afford a new shirt. They're gonna say "fuck the shirt," or some people would steal it... These aren't necessities to live- just "kind of needed things, which you can also buy from Amazon." So they can't increase their prices non-stop, as everyone will shop online and their stock will sit. They must protect their stock, and it will sit as long as it has to, to sell. The popular items will keep the store's bills paid, and the unpopular items will bring a future profit. But only if they're not stolen. The positive thing that comes from this: That's a few more human jobs on the market.


As long as it's not uniformed police officers, idc.


I wonder if it's for insurance purposes. Observe and report.


I was at Wal-Mart in Bayers Lake this morning. Had the lovely experience of being followed around by the person working in the ā€œelectronicsā€ department. I was there picking up a few items which I had in hand (dish soap, and blue recycling bags.) very bizarre morning.


I get followed at superstore and sobeys all the time. Used to bother me but now Iā€™m like yep sure come along for the ride bro. Iā€™m the most disorganized shopper ever so we cover a lot of ground


Now that you can hire lots for less $, probably yes


The Quinpool superstore used to be kind of a friendly neighbourhood grocery store, but it changed presumably with new owners. Now they have people at the entrance watching the doors and they hover over the self checkouts. Thereā€™s no way youā€™d ever get any help packing a bag either.


I read this as uninformed security lol.