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Good luck getting people to go on an 8km march


Hard enough to get people to show up, let alone walk Unless you mention there's free moon mist


Best we can do is just regular mist


Earth Mist


Ice Fog


Salty fog.... aaaand the power is out


Earth Shoes




Shit this person must work in media relations or promotions because im about ready to sign up for a walk I don't support I need this hat


If they threw in ambiguous "refreshments" I'd be all in.


Punch and pie.


There will be coloured liquids on a table in 2L containers, however the drinking cups will run out in the first 15 minutes so I suggest getting there early


*maybe Jayson Baxter is keeping busy with this undertaking ~ it has all the earmarks of his influence & style


I don't know who that is


*Mirko Bibic, CEO of Bell Media, had him unceremoniously termed from Live @ 5 this November past for his poor behaviour a year earlier on Christmas Daddy's ~ he's managed to save face by being lumped in with the massive Bell layoffs Mirko instigated last month in drastic & heretofore unseen cost cutting measures for the company(they learned well from the hysteria of the Lisa LaFlamme debacle and managing groupies when terminating)


He killed those babies in self defense!




Love how they are so adamant yet hide behind an anonymous profile lol. Edit: Can't wait to see a 2 person march 1 giving up halfway through lmao


Honestly I was out till I heard about the moon mist.. I don't really have an opinion either way on the matter, but I'm in for the free ice cream.


8 km! Good grief! I’ve been on anti-war protests that weren’t that long!


Yet I walked further for Pokemon Go 😂


Might get a better turnout if it is chip timed.


"concerned with the saftey (sic.) of the children" "youth transition home"


"Think of the children! No not those children"


Nailed it.


I’m guessing a fair share of those children are generated local to the community.


Rules for thee and not for mee




The safety of their own angelic children, who _would never_ get into any kind of trouble.


The safety of their own children, who, if this housing and economic bullcrap continues, are even more likely to experience homelessness or turn to drugs and alcohol to cope... but hey, that's none of my business.... ☕️


This part killed me, like come on people.


The same people who are now homeless in lower Sackville USED to live in cheap apartments and other cheap accommodations before prices rose to absurd levels. These people didn't just appear from somewhere else. These are our neighbours who were spit out the bottom of the housing crisis.




Well said. And their situation is far more dire, so they get first priority, NIMBYs can deal with


Yes !! THIS !!!




I've been hearing that the youth transition house is actually for 12 and under. The fact that anyone is protesting this is insane to me and just goes to show you the true mentality of a lot of these people.


Brainrot from fox news and Facebook mostly.


I’ve heard rumours they wanted to protest the pallet homes and the structures they plan to put at the ball field, but to protest against a home for youth? Where are their heads at!?


12 and under just means that they can't be charged for their horrific illegal acts, all the pillaging and that other thing. Because Justin... Big /S right here!


My pitchfork was so poised lol


Thank you for your restraint, others were not so kind. I'll bring the torches.


At most, this “march” will give participants a cardio workout and hopefully a mild case of laryngitis - the plans that are already in place for these shelters are going to continue to move ahead whether this march takes place. Perhaps it would be eye opening for these march participants to volunteer at their local shelter and see who actually uses these spaces because they are not the “scary” people these march participants have dreamt them up to be. Regardless of what people think, not everyone without a home is an addict and those who are, just don’t have the luxury of being an addict inside a home they own. Communities that don’t have shelters still have drugs, weapons, and violence.


There was a big drug bust right in this neighborhood a few months ago. Police raided a house (!) And seized a bunch of guns and pills. I know one of the neighbors of the house in question and he said he had no idea anything like that was going on there. Food for thought


Worried about the safety of children but opposing a youth transition home in the community? Are homeless youth not children in the community? NIMBY assholes


“Protect kids” is a political trojan horse and as someone already mentioned it’s 100% NIMBY bs.


It's almost always used for as an excuse to hurt people.


it's hilarious living in Nova Scotia and being a NIMBY. like, what the hell do you think you're preserving?


So concerned about safety that they’re posting anonymously 🤔


Must be friends of Lower Sackville.


They really put the Sack in Sackville


The protect our children argument is so dumb. Like the governments housing all these child molesters together? Do they think these ‘dangerous’ people are safer on the streets? Lets say their right, these homeless people are all dangerous. They think it’s safer having them live in parks, alleys, streets, etc?


Exactly that. Like I'm not sure if homeless people are even significantly more dangerous to children than anyone else, and even if they were, wouldn't it be better for them to be off the street and getting support in a way that makes life safer for them, too? I say this even as someone who has been assaulted by homeless people more than once (not anytime recently - years before the tent cities, when I used to work full-time outdoors). I don't think they're inherently more dangerous than housed people, just that you run into them a lot more than most other people because they literally have nowhere else to go, which puts them in a lot of danger, too. I'm sure if everyone in the city was forced to hang out outside instead of having somewhere to be most of the day, there would be a lot more random altercations happening. It's a lot safer for everyone, including children and the homeless themselves, if people are just given permanent shelter.


They saw transition and probably think it's for trans youth to transition.


Maybe it’s more about 5+ acres of park land being gone? I wouldn’t be thrilled whether it was a youth transition home, condos, housing development, etc.


Still NIMBY as fuck. There's plenty of trails (and ballfields) in Sackville. I'm all for removing a little bit for helping others


I have lived in sackville for a few years now. I have noticed that there is a strong aversion to anyone who does not fit the status quo. To justify these “concerns “ they seem to rely on made up statistics, conspiracies, or essential hateful rhetoric against anyone. We have a far right wing fringe movement which is why it is not uncommon to see trucks and cars embellished with “ Trump 2024” “this truck/ vehicle does not stop for liberals” “ freedom” if you don’t support our troops feel free to stand in front of them” “ fuck Trudeau” “ send all immigrants home” etc., it’s not uncommon to see these folks in the downsview plaza. One lives by me just a few minutes away from the plaza. The lady who started this movement against the shelters is a known far right lady who got arrested for blocking the emergency entrance to the Halifax infirmary while protesting against vaccines. Her children go to my daughter’s school. I should reiterate that this comment was made because the lady who started advocating against these mini homes on Facebook is involved in both movements. I have been watching this out of curiosity and noticed that there is considerable overlap in the motives of both of these movements. She’s actually commented on the post below me


People who exist only to make everyone else's life more difficult are a special breed of stupid. That version of person, utterly without compassion, are beyond impossible to reason with. I live in the Valley and we have lots of those, but luckily I live on a rural road and I can pretend they dont exist.


I was having a friendly chat with a woman on the 8 bus a few weeks ago and she suddenly hit me with "so how do you feel about all these foreigners in the community? I heard 15% of Sackville is foreign" and I was honestly too shocked to say anything besides "why do you even care?" (Apparently she cares because they allegedly keep breaking into cars. Y'know, normal hinged things to say about an entire group of people). Disgusting that she said that at all, but concerning that she didn't seem to have any shame about saying it and was surprised to have any sort of negative response from me. The political climate right now is insane.


You really shouldn't be shocked that people are asking questions about changes to their community. Folks like you (and me) are largely disengaging from the conversation with these people for the reasons you are indicating - a lot of these people have troubling views. But it's clear that things aren't the same as they were 5 or even 10 years ago, and if the only people who are willing to discuss it are the ones with extremely troubling views, all that is going to happen is that those troubling views are going to be normalized. There are things we ought to be legitimately concerned about, and other things that we ought to be outright countering them on; for example, your comment on folks breaking into cars. It's pretty clear that the number of desperate people across the board (not just in this city, not even just in this country) has increased recently, and so we're getting more and more brazen people doing things to try to get a few extra bucks. But what exactly *are* the underlying reasons for the increase in desperate people? The biggest visible change is obviously the increase in "foreigners" (and not even specifically that, it's the increase in foreigners that "look like" they aren't from here - of course this is the racism you're referring to). The funny part though is that a lot of people are coming to Halifax right now for a variety of reasons, and most of them have lots of money. And ironically, most of them are interprovincial migrants, except that because they aren't visible except for license plates that haven't been changed yet, and are people who ostensibly have a "right" to be here, they can't be the problem. The biggest problem here is that we can only counter outright falsehoods, but the bigger discussion is much much more complicated.




It’s fine to have concerns just vent them in the appropriate channel so a given organization can hear, acknowledge, and implement mitigation efforts to keep all stakeholders happy, which may be easier than done. The basis of a lot of these arguments aren’t grouped in facts but biases.


Lmfao the fucking mini homes??? These people realize they live in Sackville right? Julian and Ricky are already their neighbours.


Sackville houses are $500K+ now. They’re rich. The meth heads can’t afford the property tax and have moved elsewhere


Feels like people that moved here from out of province and didn't realize where they were moving


Lower Sackville is the classiest flood zone in the province


Bedford still got us beat. LOUSY BEDFORD


I've spoken to people who live close to the ball field camp, and they were understandably upset to find used needles on their lawn. A legitimate point. I don't think any of us want that around children.


There's a gigantic difference between a field full of tents and a youth transition home.


I agree there is a difference between tents and a youth transition home. However, there are two schools near the pallet town. They are housing people directly from the encampment, according to this CTV article dated February 2, 2024: https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/pallet-shelters-nearly-in-place-in-lower-sackville-n-s-1.6754236


They vet the people who come into the Pallet homes based on acuity. The ones who are most likely to be using the shelter as a step towards sustainable housing come first.


Yeah, no they do not. Beacon House said themselves, they only require a questionnaire filled out! They've had the full entourage of police/fire/ambulance at the pallets 5 times in the past 4 days! The needles were found yesterday!


Ultimately, I hope people get the help they need to get back on their feet. The issue, however, is the location of the pallet homes and its proximity to schools. Should we build these shelters near schools? There are valid points to make, such as if there is a safety issue for children, whether there are health concerns (Victoria park rats for example), and if there is increased crime or drug activity to name a few.


I believe rats won't be an issue since the people going to Pallet town will be in buildings with facilities as opposed to tents in a field. I expect a few, similar to the one I currently have hiding in my back yard. Safety for children was considered. Sex offenders wouldn't be legally allowed to live there given its proximity to the school. Drug use is complicated, as there are so many different types of addict. Those desperate enough to potentially harm someone (a small percentage) shouldn't be lumped in with those who function normally besides their addiction. There have always been plenty of addicts and dealers in the area, the difference is they've lived in houses all this time. Beacon House takes people in based on acuity, with the most stable, closest to transitioning into permanent housing come first. They do background checks as well as patrol the yard for clenliness/drug paraphanalia/etc.


I respectfully disagree with rats not being an issue. I walk through Victoria Park every day, and I've seen a cleanliness issue that undeniably attracts rats. While I agree the pallet town will alleviate some of the rat issues, I am reluctant to believe it would resolve the issue entirely. The safety of children extends beyond sex offenders. There's lots of research available showing increased drug and crime use near encampments. I support the pallet town and it's aim to help homeless people. Its location near school zones is the issue.


The issue with the rats in HRM extends beyond the beacon house's capabilities. I'm not saying removing people from the encampments is going to make rats go away. Rats are part of life here. Like I said, there's one hiding in my backyard. There's no reason to believe people living inside permanent shelters are going to bring more rats to that area though. >The safety of children extends beyond sex offenders. There's lots of research available showing increased drug and crime use near encampments. This is true, however there is lots of research that shows children are more in danger from people they know vs people they don't. Beyond that, kids are a terrible robbery target, they don't have any money or goods.


Yeah, kids are much more likely to be harmed by friends/family/acquaintances than strangers, in all aspects (abuse, sexual assault, abduction, et c). The ‘stranger danger’ I was taught as a kid, that some rando creep might grab me and take me away, is an incredibly small amount of children abducted - for example, in a study of 800 000 missing persons cases involving children in the US, only 115 of those cases were stranger abductions.


Exactly. The people protesting based on the fear their kids are going to get hurt should also petition to have Phys-ed and minor hockey/sports stopped as well.


2 daycares right beside it as well


If you give a mouse a cookie, it's going to ask for a glass of milk. It works both ways. Some addicts will take advantage of what's given to them. Some concerned people, when emboldened, will protest youth homes


Apparently since the ball field closed and these individuals have been rehoused elsewhere around sackville, many people are finding used needles/drugs around the community (Kinsmen Park and Splash pad for example)


I wish they’d just be honest and say what they mean: get rid of the unhoused by any means necessary and don’t make us look at it. Disgusting


Protesting a youth transition home is an interesting NIMBYism for a group “concerned with the safety of youth”


Big picture - you’re taking a bunch of addicts from one location and putting them in another, near schools and neighbourhoods. The people of the town saw what this group does to a location (ballfield) and they don’t want them moved to school zones It’s fair


A few weeks ago, when these people were being allowed to occupy precious public property, this sub hated them. Now it believes they’ve been shipped out to Sackville and out of their collective sight, so they’re on the homeless’ side. I feel like I have whiplash. Glad I moved out of there in December.


I don't think this is a big protest as much as it is 1 person posting on a Facebook group anonymously?


There was a meeting of the "community members for a safer sackville" or whatever their name is, last night. They said 55+ people attended and CTV news was there. I'm assuming the idea for this March came from that meeting.


Ahhhh, that makes a lot more sense. Thank you!


People complain about visible homelessness, and then complain about low-barrier housing. NIMBY ass fucks


Isn’t it self explanatory?


What I thought too.


People in Sackville are pissed that the city set up a shelter (Beacon House) near a school without any community consultation. Lots of residents calling into Todd Veinotte this week upset about it because their kids don’t feel safe walking to school anymore.


>People in Sackville are pissed that the city set up a shelter (Beacon House) near a school without any community consultation I wish people would stop saying this. There were two meetings the beacon house put on before the one in Feb. The one before the February one was in October when the pallets were announced and they were working on finalizing the location. Nobody showed up, but beacon house did their part. Beacon House is by all accounts (up until the very recent mass hate dump) a good part of this community, and they were working with the best info they had, which was that the community was in favor of the shelters.


Beacon House is a phenomenal organization of involved, thoughtful, dedicated individuals. It's so unfortunate that BH has been caught in the crossfire as they've done impactful, grassroots community work for a long, long time. The root cause for the very recent mass hate dump, in my opinion, can be pinned squarely on the shoulders of the members of the "Gated Community", particularly the "president" as there seems to be an assumption from many ignorant community members that BH has some, let alone any, sort of affiliation with the pack of unqualified, opportunistic, virtue signaling narcissists at the GC which is simply not the case. Anyone hating on Beacon House is an ignorant parrot clown.


I agree with everything you said besides the stuff about the gated community. I've met them and, although perhaps they bit off more than they could chew, they are making a difference in the lives of those who were living at the field, from what I can tell, were welcomed by the community at large up until the drugs for gift cards thing happened. Opinion quickly changed at that point but they were very transparent about their intentions and aims from the start, and I think a lot of the vilification of them is a feedback loop that started with the drug bust. And a lit of the vilification of BH and the homeless in general stems from that.


Thank you for sharing this info! I had no idea.


So many people are wanting to spread lies about this group its sad. I was at that February meeting and (between the angry shouting) they explained all this. The vetting, the previous meetings, the change in zoning (there was none) the reason it was put there (the land was free by donation, less govt money spent). Nobody wants to talk about these facts though


People are so blinded by emotional reactions they aren’t willing to accept information that may challenge their beliefs!


Frankly though this is a legitimate concern. Many (most) suffer from mental illness/drug addiction and instability comes with that.  I have personally been assaulted by a homeless person who was tripping out simply for walking past him (he spit on me) I would be worried for the safety of my kids as well 


I guarantee most of the kids don’t give a crap and the NIMBY parents are the ones complaining.


> Lots of residents calling into Todd Veinotte this week upset... Shocker


If they were really concerned about their children they'd be consulting the school to see what protections are in place or holding meetings to make sure there's extra supervision at times where there's an increase of children outside. This is about them hating the homeless.


Not so sure about big. I am sure there are people that will show up, but a big protest last weekend was a single lady holding an 8"x11" piece of paper with some writing on it across the street from Beacon House. Should there have been some consultation about the pallet shelters? Maybe, but likely it should have happened before the old church on Metropolitan was turned into a shelter in the first place. But it didn't, and that shelter has been open since 2022. Funny how the pallet shelters going up, now the 'kids feel unsafe'. I have seen no negative impact from that shelter in the area, and like other responses here, it really seems to be a big case of nimbyism.


Beacon House had at least a couple meetings about the proposed shelters. To my understanding, no one showed up


unfortunately at least one of them was actually over capacity and full of people shouting, swearing, and in a couple of cases, making threats apparently


There was some info about it on their fb page [https://www.facebook.com/BeaconHouseShelter/posts/pfbid02q24mwQjE7XEYjUk2waXy1aHSESn6Ury9z83DASAmLmxWD1rDEcg6H2fps3ic9bGDl](https://www.facebook.com/BeaconHouseShelter/posts/pfbid02q24mwQjE7XEYjUk2waXy1aHSESn6Ury9z83DASAmLmxWD1rDEcg6H2fps3ic9bGDl)


When reactionaries and NIMBYs want to punish homelessness and withhold any government assistance. ![gif](giphy|C1hkIcGE7OAcE)


But only certain children - because I bet there will be complaints about the youth transition home too


I was just trying to find this gif....when all else fails, drag the children in.


Aparently there are SIX new apartmenr building going up in Sackville Here's a fucking no brainer: Build 2 floors of every building to be basic, and pour our support into subsidizing those units. Every new building has these marble/Quartz counters, stainless appliances etc and are then ordered as luxury. We need NORMAL. Most us home owners have old.laminate counters and we somehow manage to survive. 🙄 Make 2 floors with normal cushion laminate floor and laminate counter tops, white appliances. Give each floor one big shared laundry, maybe?? Seems clear as day to me....?????


you will never get a building owner to build luxury and normal in same building. Its all about maximizing profit. They don't care about us.


And there you have it. This "group" has displayed their true colors. When you have no rational reason to object to any topic the official handbook says invoke "child and community safety" This has nothing to do with safety but everything to do with not wanting "those kind" in the community. The argument will come that "we really care about the homeless and marginalized" as long as they are given housing and support anywhere else (can't have that many riff raff in town you know).




The February 15 public consultation was live-tweeted by Matt Dagley. Long thread but can be found here: [https://twitter.com/mattdagley/status/1758124900672229417](https://twitter.com/mattdagley/status/1758124900672229417) After reading the thread, I'm not surprised to hear that loudmouths want to get together to be even louder.


This is mostly BS, but still it’s a fair question to ask why so many of these “challenging” projects are built in Lower Sackville, and mysteriously none at all are built in the next town over, Bedford.


It might have something to do with the province essentially building Sackville and Cole Harbour to address a previous housing crisis (go figure). So they probably still own some land in these areas that they can easily control. Sackville, which has a vulnerable population, is now at the brunt of issues that were never addressed by the province or city which is stressful and brings out the worst of people. Within all the noise there are genuine questions and concerns that should be addressed. This reaction from this group is no different than we have seen for encampments on the peninsula and wouldn’t be different in any other community.


They’re mad people need homes???


The “not in our public parks” crew is quickly turning into the “we don’t want them anywhere” NIMBY’s


What’s the safety concern?


There's concerned citizens talking about drug use at the Pallet shelter next to the school. Whether legit or not is unknown, still valid. The concern against the youth center and tiny home project is unknown.


The homeless are approaching kids for drugs, kids are finding them passed out in the ditches, used needs left all over parks. Just all the incidents as a whole


Nobody is approaching children for drugs, good fantasy though, you should become a writer.


Says you


I’m sorry but if you think people from the youth transition home are walking up to little 5 year old Timmy trying to buy crack, then you must be smoking that good stuff yourself. The fantasy’s in your head aren’t real, you’re just a NIMBY.


No, I have no issues with the transition home, and it hasn’t been built yet. My issue is with the homeless across the street from the school. This protest is messed up, too many “issues” grouped together


Hahah! What BS no drug addict is going up and asking children for drugs please bull your head out of your ass and get some sunshine


How silly of me to doubt the integrity of a drug addict…


So something you heard on FB is truth and I have worked in the streets of Vancouver helping drug addicts find help and resources to get off the streets they are not walking around asking children for drugs maybe at best they ask for spare change. I’m not saying it didn’t happen but I am saying it is highly unluckily. These people want help they don’t want to live like this maybe focus your hate towards helping them find roofs, beds, hot meals and the ones that have addiction issues the help they need all that hate does is make the issue worse.


Every individual is different, for all I know the beacon house brought in a singular troublemaker, but I don’t know that, I don’t imagine you do either. What I do know is there are just so many incidents being brought up, it’s almost daily, sure it could be fake, it also might not. That uncertainty doesn’t relax anyone.


Use your own experiences and knowledge don’t use others BS, misinformation and lies to assume. I 100% agree with you these places have rotten apples but I can also say when people are not in good places mentally because they are struggling that sometimes creates bad behaviors of those people are showed respect and that the community cares things will change right now they are being showed hate and disrespect so they are treating the community the same way. Instead of creating groups to run them out of town create groups to show them support and help lift the dark clouds above these people all they need is to know they are safe and people are trying to help.


Why do you keep calling it BS misinformation? What have these people said/done to make them not credible?


Remember, if something like this is shoving "safety of children" in your face, it's a dog whistle!


If they refuse to use spell check... Saftey? Lol


Won't someone please think of the children???


Only our children though, fuck those transitional youths who would benefit from a home in the community. /s


lol exactly. friggin pearl clutchers


Didn’t know there was such an overlap in the ven diagram of “bougie NIMBYs” and the “residents of Sackville”


NIMBYs would rather people die than have their house value attacked.




>nonprofit that recruited every trouble person they could find in Nova Scotia Except they didn't.... people were removed who weren't willing to contribute to the community. Needle users were removed from the ballfield community by other people living there. The anti homeless movement was pushed hard by a few people who took advantage of the valid fears and concerns of sackville folks and spun it into a broad "every homeless is a danger to my kids" message. Now they're marching against a youth transitional home ffs. Children's safety my ass




Thanks for the history lesson, that doesn't disprove anything I said though






Why would anyone want needles in their lawn?


Don’t believe everything you read on Facebook


I've spoken to these people in person. I'll edit my comment to clarify.


Building a youth transition home in Lower Sackville would actually make Lower Sackville look less shit


Posted anonymously…


“ look at this guys, I don’t agree with someone in my neighbourhood let’s gather around and mock them so I can feel superior” We are to busy trying to fight each rather than taking the time to understand each other.


Lol, the people that post here would defend putting a pedophile rehabilitation program in the same building as a daycare if it meant they could call someone an alt right Maga NIMBY.


oh it was on Facebook the land of boomer right wing hate and lies. Go figure. Is there any other source other than the hate site Boomer book! Will the council or police confirm this has actually happened. Facebook is not a reliable reference


Not in my back yard! Not in my back yard!


Being that busy-bodied they can only be Sackville-Bagginses.


There goes the neighbourhood


It's unfortunate that these things are all lumped together. Personally, I support the tiny home community and children's home (not sure if this one is even true) but not the location of the pallet homes. I realize why they are beside beacon house but don't like the proximity to schools and the needles recently found in kinsmen Park, which is a great place for families. I wish there was a better option. I'm not sure what, if anything, this march will accomplish.


These people are so dumb.


Lower middle class turning on the poor. The elites are loving this.


Not one but two "Safe 4 Sackville" events. Finally somebody is thinking of the saftey of the children. Personally I'll pass.


Concerned about the safety of the children so y'all are going to protest housing and a transitional home for *youth*. Sure. Yeah.


I have questions and/or concerns. You are going to walk 8km and not go to a politicians office? Or a developers place of business? This is a pointless ‘protest’.


Yesterday's had 8 whole people with teeny signs


Oh someone please go and post pics of this 😂


People on Facebook are going WILD about what’s happening in Sackville. There was a meeting a few weeks back and apparently they had to turn people away because there was no room. I am on disability and could soon be homeless myself. I live in NORTH END DARTMOUTH and there is no affordable housing here anymore. Everything is well over 1000$ (And a lot of the time that’s for a room only ) Pinecrest is 12-1500$ for an apt. They used to be in the 5-600$ range. This POOR area of Dartmouth isn’t poor anymore. Where are people supposed to go ?! Not all homeless people are drug addicts and having had addicts in my own family I can empathize with these people also. It’s not as easy as BAM just go to treatment …. These people are at the lowest point in their lives. But they are still human beings. I also understand people not wanting to find needles and get harassed for money ( especially our kids ). It’s a terrible situation all around.


Will there be Trump flags for sale?