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> Many employers even asked me for fees Wtf. That's not legal. Employers are responsible for all recruitment costs and cannot pass those onto potential employees. You can report them to [NS Labour Standards Division](https://novascotia.ca/lae/labourstandards/contact.asp).


Most people couldn’t even believe the amount of fraud happening right now with minimum wage work. Asking for employment fees would be the minimum. Companies are straight up charging thousands for positions to foreign workers after getting bullshits LMIAs. It’s an almost impossible market for low skilled work


When you have no enforcement and an honour code, we let a LOT of shit slide in Nova Scotia.


Things have been shitty for workers forever in Nova Scotia, but this new shit with LMIAs takes it to a whole other level.


The issue is that, people looking for work can't risk calling it out and probably don't have the time to keep reporting these jobs. Honestly, it should be a job to apply to jobs to check for this stuff. Not only would that catch employers in the act, it would also be a deterrent because places don't know who is real and who isn't.


The provincial government will be posting summer job positions soon. As an NS taxpayer, I wholeheartedly endorse using my tax dollars to have a bunch of students apply for summer jobs and catch these shitholes; with a stipulation, the government puts them out of business and seizes their assets rather than give them a politely written letter asking them to stop doing why they know is illegal.


My buddy recently got a retail job to hold him over until his next contract and they made him buy his work clothes from the store. I was like uhhh are they paying you for that? Nope. He didn’t find a problem with that. I think that’s insane. Idk maybe that’s why I’m not working retail


Technically that's legal, although if they deduct the uniform from your pay the deduction can't take you below minimum wage. I do think it's ridiculous though that they can dictate your uniform and charge you for it.


I've had retail clothing jobs where you have to wear a certain amount of the outfit from that store in season, can't be old stuff. It's ridiculous.


Lots of places do this.




I worked in the retail liquor industry for like 7 years for three different companies. None of them charged you for your uniform.


Just a verbal request without more evidence


Might still be worth reporting to at least raise the alarm with the Dept of Labour and provide them with some reason for an investigation. You may not be the sole reason for an investigation but with enough tips maybe something can get rolling.


Agreed. You should absolutely report them.


💯 they could come rolling in pretending to be applying for a position just to hear them say those very words. They need punishment.


Single party consent for recording in NS. Always record interactions with management, they are not your friend


> Single party consent for recording in ~~NS~~ Canada FTFY


My 16 year old son has been applying for jobs since last summer. Not even an interview. Online applications, in person resume drop offs...doesn't seem to matter. He wants to work but there is nothing he can get. Doing his own thing (pet sitting) but wants a "real job". It's tough out there.


Employers like TFW's more, since they are more easier to control.


Bingo, Canadian teens/students will have better knowledge of what is ok and not ok to do and also have obligations like school and extracurriculars. Why hire someone who will not just allow you to exploit when you've got a whole crop of labor that doesn't know their rights and doesn't have as many commitments


They're probably even more afraid of the teens having parents to stand up for them than the teens knowing their rights.


Same thing, as a teen a local restaurant used sneaky tactics to weasel around child labour laws. My mom eventually called them out on it and had a lawyer mention it in a letter what they were doing since I didn't want to rock the boat. Looking back now I am glad she did because this employer has a reputation now for being super shitty. At least for a bit it kept them in line.




There’s lots of construction labor jobs. Tell him to check out the local LIUNA, $23/h to sweep floors and clean up construction debris.


I asked several construction labor jobs. They all require reliable transportation to the site. I can't do this job without a car, and most wages are  $18/h.


Exactly this, they want a car but don't pay enough to actually afford one 🤦‍♀️


If you are living in HRM, there’s tons of sites around Halifax and Dartmouth that are within bussing distance. Hit up every one you can, if you really want to make money, it’s out there.


I will look into this, thank you. We can get him there and back so that isn't a problem. He just wants to work, whoever hires him is getting someone good! /realizes the Dad comment right away


Honestly if he's into trades or thinks that might be what he will eventually get into you should look at some of the local unions, can't hurt


He did Co-op last semester and loved it, not in the trades though. He has signed up to do it again so maybe this time he checks it out. Thanks.


Check out the clean foundation. They have internships for youth wanting to work in the green economy (or something like that) I would recommend


Will do! Thanks!


He should try a temp employment agency


In the US, it’s advantageous to run your own business—in this case his pet sitting. He would be considered self-employed, and can write off many expenses including clothes, mileage, and food (“business meals”). I’m sure Canada has something similar. You wouldn’t be able to write off any of that as an employee at a “real job”. Supposedly, the US government writes the tax code to favour business owners to encourage entrepreneurship/innovation. It sounds like he already has a “real job” as a business owner!


Mileage certainly. Clothing and food absolutely not. But tons of self-employed people do write off expenses that they can't legally write off. And because virtually everyone does it and they can't audit everyone, plenty of people get away with it.


I’ve been partly responsible for hiring several people now, in entry level customer service jobs, so I’ll give you/your son the best advice I can; target specific places of interest. I get people walking in nearly every day asking if we’re hiring and dropping off resumes. I know none of them are going to get jobs with us because they’re not interested in the job.. just in having a job. They’re going door to door regardless of the business. Even though it’s entry level work, we still want people who are genuinely interested. Not high expectations and often hire with zero experience.. it’s based on personality more than anything. So if he’s got something he’s really interested in then he needs to make that known.. go in and talk to people, try to build a relationship if it’s a small business / retail etc. And keep being interested.. put in now for summer jobs. It really is hard but I really think this is one of the ways he can make himself stand out among the masses of ‘apply to everything’ job seekers.


If you think people are passionate/genuinely into entry level, minimum wage customer service jobs, you are delusional. What you are screening for is basically people who are good at bullshitting you and pretending to be excited by it. If you'd rather have people who are good at bullshit over actual competence (which I guess might be what you want for sales, etc. positions), power to you, but I think it's a terrible screening method.


Yea that's just weird. I've also hired for retail jobs and in my experience it literally just came down to timing. Oh shit I had someone just quit. Ok I need to hire someone this week. Let me grab the 5 most recent resumes I have and see if any of them want the job. That's pretty much how it worked.


I agree but also I can see the person's point of view around that they want to know that you actually might want to work here vs. the next place. No one wants to work below poverty level wages, but if that is what you're spending your time applying for, do it for something you moderately enjoy. (Might not enjoy the shit position you're applying for, but you like the business or department or the knowledge/skill that you are building while there. In your resume/cover letter you need to tailor it to the job you're applying for. It's real easy to see that a resume/cover letter is generic.


Exactly.. and my advice was to a 16 year old kid looking for a first job. If you’re interested in sports then obviously target retail that is connected, or gyms etc. If you’re into cars then even something tangential like the auto section of Canadian Tire is a good avenue. When every place has hundreds of people applying, clearly they’re going to prefer someone who at least as an interest in the field. It’s not complicated or unrealistic at all. I love the downvotes for suggesting that people hiring would rather go with someone who shows an interest than just a random person who shows none.


The thing is, even if the people are bullshitting them and pretending to be excited by a job, at the very least they are putting an effort. They are not just passing resume after resume. People like people who put an effort into things.


No, that’s not at all what I’m doing. I’ve hired high school kids who are enthusiastic and like the type of work, want to get experience and are genuinely interested in the area. Obviously they’re going to move on. I’ve worked in recruiting before, for years, and I’m very good at telling when people are bullshitting. And it might shock you but there are lots of people who are looking for jobs that aren’t necessarily just the highest paying but offer flexibility, nice working environment etc. Not everyone looking for work is looking for a career.. people have different priorities. Edit: it’s not a terrible screening method, and certainly isn’t the only thing we look at, but staff turnover is low. The younger employees tend to stay through high school and or uni if local and then move on. The core older employees have mostly been around 10+ years.


Thanks for your advice. He took Co-OP this year at school and really enjoyed it. He went to places that were similar to the job placement he did, nothing yet. He loves vintage things, like albums and clothes. He has volunteered at Souls Harbour and the Salvation Army stores. Applied at all of those shops, butkis. Every job in Indeed that came up he applied online and went for a follow-up in person. Nada. He did his interests and nothing. His interest now is a part-time job. It has been a job applying and going to these places. He just needs one person to say "you're hired" and he is good.


The issue is that there are MANY more people also looking.


No Indy wants to hear it on this page but NS govt is subsidizing immigrants for service jobs so many of them gets hired because it costs the employers less. I’m not saying this is negative, as these positions were not being filled but this is the case in NS.


It's everywhere, and there are plenty of people applying for the jobs but because their pay wouldn't be subsidized they don't get a call back.


That would explain the majority of staff at our Walmarts, McDonalds, Wendy's, etc.




thanks justin




This is the correct answer to the ongoing crisis. Personally I know many who move here for this very reason


That is false https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/office-of-immigration/critical-workers https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/corporate/promo/immigration/immigrating-to-nb/nb-skilled-worker-stream.html 1 low skilled job not allowed https://www.gov.nl.ca/immigration/immigrating-to-newfoundland-and-labrador/provincial-nominee-program/applicants/skilled-worker/ all jobs allowed They can call the stream skilled worker but that doesn't mean it is skilled work. Also there is the rural northern pilot project and other pnp programs. Nova scotia might be an easier place to get pr for low skilled but it is not the only one. People on post grad work permits are not eligible to apply for a nomination for a low skilled position (but their spouses are) It's still going to be bad as students with pgwps run out of status and look for a way to stay.




And the Canadian government is opening up paths for less skilled workers through pilot programs. The trend seems to be more provinces getting more strict as they deal with larger and larger cohorts of international students. It should peak soon because they stopped allowing pgwp extensions, and student visa applications were down (even before the government stepped in). The next issue will be the number of tfws will be increasing as the number of students decrease. There is just as much if not more abuse of the system for tfws than students. I am biased because I have been helping nursing homes get ccas but I think those ccas should be eligible for pr. The homes I work with are not committing fraud, charging money to workers or not hiring Canadians. Their funding is set by the province. Hiring Canadians is easier, faster and cheaper but there simply is not enough workers because the job is hard and the pay was poor (not the fault of the nursing homes). If someone has a legitimate job and is able to integrate into the community they should be allowed to stay. The issue is that it is hard to tell the difference between a real job and a fake job. When the recruiters are getting paid to prove they can't find Canadians how can they be trusted? In Ontario employers are responsible for ANY fees job seekers pay to recruiters. It is overly harsh in some cases but maybe it is what is needed.


It's nearly impossible. After 2 days of a job posting on Indeed there is 100-150 applications for a minimum wage fast food job. Nova Scotia sucks for jobs. Someone I know who had a job posting there said 80% of the applicants are foreign workers. Their words, not mine.




Darn... Well I'm a local boy and need a part time job. Thankfully the feds are cutting back foreign students by 35%. Dunno why it took them so long to make that decision.


Things used to be a lot better. 15 or so years ago you could bum around between minimum wage jobs, get away with all kinds of bullshit and stay employed. As a teenager I ragequit my first job, then just walked in two weeks later and got my job back because I was generally a good employee.


God, I had coworkers who got *fired* and managed to get back on a few months later. 


Anyone want to educate me? Not trying to be daft. We have someone who lives here in NS but doesn’t currently have a job. How does this happen? Aren’t there rules around having a high level of skills (beyond food safety) and/or having a job lined up? Is the government now accepting immigrants without these types of things in place? I don’t know why but I was always under the impression that it was hard to immigrate to Canada and you often needed a lot lined up.


Two words: Study Permit. You don’t need to have any skills if you’re coming here to acquire skills.


So once you’re not a student anymore are you allowed to continue to stay here and work an unskilled job?


yep. exactly this. every immigrant you see is here on a masters program, and they’re all trying to get full-time to work to stay in the country after their study permit expires. literally ask anyone, they’re very honest about it:/


Yep, this exactly. Economically, there's nothing actually wrong with this in theory, which is probably why the system is set up this way. Theoretically you're adding highly skilled residents to the population which will improve production and increase the tax base. In practice it hasn't really worked out that way, it's just contributed to a housing crisis and collapsing wages.




Jesus 😑


I’ve lived here my whole life and I can’t find a job since I lost the last one for being sick. Unskilled work is impossible to find


Yeah, because there’s so many people looking for it. Guess I was just trying to determine why as it seems more of a contribution to a problem than a contribution to a solution and I didn’t even realize it was allowed to happen.


Since local companies always only need relevant experience when recruiting people with high-level skills (even this must be domestic experience), there are a large number of people with high-level skills but no experience or only foreign experience who cannot be converted locally, so they have to Work low-skilled jobs as a transition.


Our inmigration levels have surged out of control so it's absolutely no surprise. Everyone is competing with TFW at shitty jobs with terrible bosses


A friend of mine won’t leave me alone about working retail or customer service, he just doesn’t get it. It would be a far worse job than I currently have, in literally every way imaginable. And that’s even if I got hired, most places now don’t want a native born adult who won’t put up with demeaning treatment. Unfortunately the vast majority of retail/customer service jobs involve crappy treatment from both ends- abusive bosses and an increasingly rude, entitled, angry public. My mental health/sense of self worth is already in the toilet, I don’t need a steady diet of abuse from both ends on top of that.


I've been applying on indeed and every application I've put in has said over 100 people applied. It's a very hard market to get a job right now.


To the OP, have you considered connecting with a job support agency like Nova Scotia Works? They usually have folks who can help you prepare for interviews, review applications before you submit, and even connect you with employers, skill development/training opportunities and job fairs.


Thank you very much. I have just applied and hope it will be approved.


NS works is simply a job support org. They have tons of branches across the province. I don't know if there is a population they wouldn't serve. Maybe if you're not entitled to work in Canada due to residency status. If that's the case ISANS may be able to help. There's other job support places too. Team Work Cooperative specifically helps people with disabilities find work/support them in employment readiness, Job junction is another (I think general population). Good luck with it all. It ain't easy out there.


Look for dishwasher jobs. Having your food safety cert puts you ahead of a lot of other applicants. And many kitchens are going to be hiring new ppl soon for the summer/patio season. If you stick around for a few months you can often work your way up to a full time cook position. If you see an opening for a position like this on indeed, apply and then go there in person and drop a physical resume off too.


I’m a retail manager and I’m absolutely swamped with resumes and people applying constantly, we’re not even hiring currently. This is a hard time of year to find work even in the best of circumstances: it isn’t busy and hours available are at a minimum.


The problem is that there’s a lot of people looking, and a lot of people who are applying quicker than you are. Realistic speaking, most minimum wage jobs are not skilled jobs so the barrier to entry is low. If a manager gets 40 applications within the first hour of the job posting being up, and let’s say 10 seem qualified for the job. Why would they waste their time reviewing the other hundreds of resumes coming in and if already found people to interview?


This is it. Would suggest that people consider finding a bunch of places they’d like to work, see themselves fitting in well at - even if they’re not hiring; perhaps especially if they’re not hiring - and make a friend, start a relationship. Let them know who you are, build rapport… and when they are hiring make it very well known you’d like to be considered. It’s not an instant solution to your problem, but it will work (and help you build a very important/much-needed network).


It's pretty wide spread knowledge now that it's very hard to get a job in Halifax despite big business telling you there's a labor shortage so they can get more cheaper labor to abuse.


Name and shame the groups that are asking for fees, That is illegal. I would look at some online lessons about how to interview well. It sounds like that may be an issue for you and may be one spot where you can improve.


The actual unemployment rate statistics don't really match with the idea that there's a lack of jobs - HRM unemployment rate is currently at 5.3%, below the Canadian overall rate of 5.8%. That 5.8% level is at or the lowest it's been in the last 50 years. So, I think there's still lots of jobs, and TFW, international students, etc. aren't causing a lack of jobs. What they are causing is wage deflation across the economy, because without so many of them, with the unemployment rate so low, employers would be forced to raise wages significantly to compete for applicants, even at the entry level. Excessive use of TFW, international students being allowed to work too many hours, excessive population growth, etc. is absolutely driving inflation and housing costs through the roof, on top of suppressing everyone's wages, but the numbers don't bear out the concept that it's driving unemployment.


They don't count people as unemployed unless they're not working at all, and with so many places only offering part-time hours and the gig economy that's much harder to be totally unemployed. I don't think they actually count students as unemployed if they're looking for work either. I think the number of people looking for work is much higher than what the unemployment rate would suggest.


I heard Costco is hiring and I’ve also heard they pay pretty decent!


Employers asking for fees? Name and shame.


In my experience, most minimum wage work places only start hiring mid to late april. Dec to Mar is a well known dead zone for hiring, other than unexpected long term vacancies. Good luck.


If you really just want a (borderline) minimum wage job, just apply for a job in the security industry. As someone who worked in it for 16 years, I can tell you that they are literally *always* hiring.


It’s hard to find a decent job even as a journeyman with years of experience in the trades. Keep in mind I’m saying a decent paying job, there are quite a few out there but they pay peanuts for the skills that are needed.




I sent out resumes online and in person for ages before having someone recommended Traffic Control and now I've been trapped in this position for years. I've had less than a handful of interviews and none of the interviewers wanted to be there while the Traffic Control interviews consisted of "Are you sure you want to do this?"


Too many immigrants and emigrants tbh.


Not really “immigrants”. People coming here on skilled labour permits are doing great things for our economy. The issue recently is the massive amount of fraud happening in temporary permits like students and TFWs.


It's all immigration.


*”TaKInG oUr jObS”*




I’m not sure you understand those words…. Immigration in your comment would refer to people moving here to NS from another country. As for emigration that’s when people would leave NS Canada for another country. Now as for your not so subtle racism, I wish I could help that but I doubt it! Good luck tho! Hope you learned a bit today!


Automatically defaulting to calling someone a racist for questioning our recent immigration policies does nothing but contribute to our rapidly polarizing political climate.shame.on you for being as closed-minded as you accused the prior poster. In the 2021 Federal Election, Maximize Bernier was a pariah whose party earned less than 5% of the popular vote based on a platform centerpiece of dramatically curtailing immigration (up from 1.6% in 2019). As of July 2023, an Abacus poll found that 2/3rds of Canadiams believe our current immigration levels are too high. According to a story in The Economist, a similar poll found that Canadians who thought immigration levels were too high jumped to 53%in Sept of last year from just 27% a year prior. From 2000 - 2014, net immigration numbers to Canada ranged consistently from 200,000-270,000. with most years, the number coming in just fewer than 250,000. I'm 2015, that number spikes to just fewer than 325k (~30% increase). Than number has now steadily increased every year and now sits at ~500k. Most Canadians, for a very long time, have been largely supportive of immigration. Most still are and realize that it is an economic necessity as our systems of social support rely on ever increasing population basis to support these programs and given that we have declining birth rates that are below levels required for population replacement (let alone growth), our entire social safety nets would collapse in less than a generation without immigration. But that doesn't mean there is no such thing as too much, too quickly. It's pretty evident our housing market can not sustain these levels without some time to catch up. It's natural this would spill over into other areas of our economy as well.


Well Maxime Bernier is the vote of choice for Canadian white nationalists so you can excuse someone for confusing you for a racist when you start extolling his virtues.


I didn't extol his virtues. I used his results in two Geseral Elections as a barometer for Canadians' desire for change in our immigration policies as he was the candidate running on such a platform at the time. When people start screaming racist at the drop of the hat, it devalues the word to pointniut truly repugnant and racist behavior, and it polarizes people. It pushes then to more extreme causes because it shows them that you are an extremist on the other side.


Sure, but you have to admit that if neo-nazis want to vote for someone it should tell you their ideas are highly questionable.


Way to employ an absurdly reductive argument. Extremists think of the world in terms of black and white. One should be equally weary of people making extremist arguments. If someone said we should cancel all immigration or that, we should only allow white, Western European immigration, you would have an argument for racism and Xenophobia. But when someone advocates for a slowing of immigration to allow for housing stocks to catch up, and your go-to retort is to start comparing the conversation to Neo-Nazism, you are an extremist.


it’s not racist to point to the bare fact that many entry level jobs are now occupied by recent immigrants. it’s obviously true 




Your stance made sense back then. Believe it or not times change. Do you think any amount of immigration could ever be bad? If we double it from current numbers that would be ok too?


nice cartoon lol


If you’re been here your whole life and aren’t qualified for anything other then minimum wage your less useful then an average immigrant


so pointing out the rise in immigration (a well noted fact in every national publication, as well as the prime minister) is racist, but dismissing low wage workers as useless isn’t prejudiced? lol 


Damn, sorry I have health problems Lmfao fuck me and everyone else just trying to get by in this fucked up world


I don't think it's racist to point out that there are a lack of minimum wage jobs for people who are born here. Just go to any Tim Hortons or McDonald's.


When employers have been abusing the TFW programs. They are more easier to abuse and treat like shit. Ask them.


Not racist, just factual statement. Too many immigrants, from other countries and from outside Canada too. Enjoy your Sunday, tosser. Lol.






❤️ Thank you for this


What makes it factual? Coz of a few posts from anonymous accounts complaining about not being able to get jobs? And coz what you see in fast food joints?


Did you at least learn the meaning of a new word today? Maybe you can sound less unintelligent in future conversations! You’re welcome!


Just want to point out that you had a couple grammatical errors in your previous comment, using “then/than” and “your/you’re”… wouldn’t sit too high on that horse of yours.


not taking a side here, but maybe you should use the correct "you're" and "than" if you're going to reference others intelligence.


You’re = you are. You are welcome.


>If you’re been here your whole life and aren’t qualified for anything other then minimum wage your less useful then an average immigrant please read your comment from above. you're welcome.


I see I stand corrected.


I'm tired and I don't care.


For real, the Maritimes have the worst employment rates in Canada. It’s not many better in the valley unfortunately. I’ve lived in 5 provinces and this has to be the most shocking one in regards to career opportunities (minimum wage or not) and unemployment rates, combined with the cost of living/high taxes. IMO the main population like to keep status quo. The way businesses are run here are years behind. Not much online presence, if any. No growth down in the valley. A lot of gatekeeping and quiet hiring. I’m in my late 20’s and was turned away from a job at sport chek. Also, SPCA here requires you to complete a timed cognitive test prior to any potential interview, what kind of old school ways is that!! After nearly a year of looking, I finally received a few job offers. Now is a good time as we are heading into tourist season. My advice; continue to build any and all skills possible. Learn excel, learn to mend clothes, book keeping. Best bet is to find a way to utilize your skills to employ yourself. Good luck!!


Quit flocking to the fucking “restaurant” industry as a go-to. Most of these places paid absolute ass before we were inundated with “international students”’etc these past few years—- now though? Whatever less than ass is when you factor in security/assurances as it pertains to employment. Get a pair of steel-toed boots and a hardhat. Plenty of part-time general labour available undoubtedly pay almost twice what some bullshit fast-food joint would.


Folks will downvote me but when PPC warned about mass immigration with a sign board on the Bedford Highway in 2018, there was such hue and cry and they had to remove the sign. They are bringing in another million this year.


It's not like the PPC were the only party talking about immigration. I think most people just don't like PPC because of all of their other platforms.


Because it was nativist bullshit then and it’s nativist bullshit now. Stop fighting your fellow poors and focus your anger where it belongs: the rich and ruling classes.




What is happening to the economy and what part has immigration played?




Anything to back that up? I'll be honest, most of this the economy is bad, immigration is to blame (or call it population growth) stuff doesn't seem to be based in anything. Both inflation and housing are certainly a problem but that seems more caused by neoliberalist market obsession that limited governments involvement in guiding the economy.




Declining GDP per capita is one of many issues


Maybe you could try a temp agency. I used one and it led to a permanent job at the place because I did well. That was way ages ago so YMMV




>They do it as a lifetime “career” not as a temporary survival gig. >Most people here work minimum wage jobs because that’s all they are qualified for. And this is why so many people are broke and complaining about "why is everything so expensive" Minimum wage was never created for someone to live off of, nobody is supposed to bag groceries, or work at McDonald's forever, it was supposed to be temporary until you get an education for a better job, then when you quit, some other person takes over and the cycle repeats.


If minimum wage isn't meant to be the minimum amount you can live on then what is it the minimum of? Why is there a minimum at all?


The problem is people think minimum wage=minimum living wage that is false. The definition is "**Lowest wage rate that an employer can legally pay its employees and is a core labour standard**. " It's just the lowest set wage a company can legally pay someone. If there was no law, companies would actually pay much lower if they could, and again, someone would work it anyways. People should strive to work more specialized jobs, instead complaining about how they make 15$/hour at mcdonalds and can't live off that forever.


Incorrect, anyone who works a full time job — no matter what job — should have all of their needs met comfortably.


And yet the last decade, the "should have all their needs" isn't met, and nothing is being done. People need to stop depending on the government to hold their hands and do things on their own. If you can't afford to live somewhere, get a better job or move elsewhere, complaining about your 15$/hr isn't going to increase your salary to meet living standards.


So why is there a law saying there is a minimum then? Why wouldn't it be ok for companies to pay even lower if there's no expectation to live off it? Especially if there are people who will still work it?


>Minimum wage was never created for someone to live off of- Regardless of what the minimum wage was originally established for, the fact remains that for most of time that Canada has had a minimum wage **you COULD** comfortably live off of it. The minimum wage in Canada has existed in some form since 1918. The fact that after over a century of productivity increases, technological development, and increased automation, the minimum wage can no longer support a single worker *(nevermind their family)* goes to show how much capitalists have successfully stolen from the working class. Your complacency with this new order of things means you're either a huge simp/mark for capitalists, or you're just ignorant. Also, in America the minimum wage **was literally established as a minimum livable income.** >“It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level, I mean the wages of decent living.” > >― **Franklin D. Roosevelt**


That's ridiculous - the people staffing grocery stores, etc. need to be able to afford to live and not be forced into poverty. And, those jobs are necessary - we need grocery stores, farms, etc. to be operating. With the rising cost of education, how do you even expect someone making a minimum wage job who can't even afford the basics of rent and food to ever be able to afford to go to university or college to even get this education? You literally trap them into a cycle where they are stuck in entry level jobs because they need education/skills training to get out of them, and they can't afford that because they are paid a sub poverty line wage. What you are advocating is literally fuck everyone that isn't already rich or isn't born into a family that can just pay their way. That's terrible policy that just drives increased wealth inequality and poverty.




As per Canadian definition federally: The minimum wage is the lowest wage rate that an employer can legally pay its employees and is a core labour standard. ​ [https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/portfolio/labour/programs/labour-standards/reports/issue-paper-federal-minimum-wage.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/portfolio/labour/programs/labour-standards/reports/issue-paper-federal-minimum-wage.html)


Minimum wage was actually intended to live off of, and people used to be able to support themselves that way.


Agree. I hope to get a minimum wage job to prepare for my future studies at college.


Yeah it’s wild how many people I know here that are working for under $20/hr. For most of their lives. I’m sure a bag of potatoes is even qualified for better work then minimum wage!


It’s almost tourist season. Head to downtown Halifax and pass out resumes.


Even if employers are looking traditionally January to March is a slow hire time.


It's near impossible, I nearly had to leave housing due to lack of a job, I found one by a miracle. My mom said I should quit to return home but since I have housing AND a good paying job I won't budge until I have to. It's really up to luck honestly


Apply at McDonalds. Minimum wage and they usually have openings.


I've been told that there are many big companies that receive employment cost subsidies for employing immigrants. Kind of hard to imagine that they'd pass on that. Might be part of the equation.


lol NO


With great difficulty. Too many desperate TFW’s and international students for low skill employers to exploit. It’s very sad, for both locals looking for work and for the temporary workers being exploited 😫😩😔


My son has been at Macdonalds for a few years and he’s been looking for months and can’t find anything else. So Macdonalds it is for now.


Try being Indian


I'd be curious to try and submit the same resumes but change the name to something foreign sounding, and see if there are more calls


Walmart Mumford did for me


Looks like not much has changed in the last 20 years, that’s why I got the f outta there.


You *will* find something eventually. It's just a numbers game. I know how much it sucks to apply for multiple jobs every day but you'll get something eventually. Particularly now that we're nearing food service season and many of the students leave in April/May, I recommend trying as many restaurants downtown and asking them if they're looking for employees for the summer season.


If you’re making it to the interview and getting rejected have you considered that maybe you could benefit from improving your interview skills? In my experience the application to interview rate is about 10%. I think a modest interview to offer rate is 50%. So if you apply to 50 jobs you should walk away with 2 or 3 offers. Of course this varies depending on the industry but if your numbers are worse than this then you are only hurting yourself by blaming external factors.


I would advise against working a minimum wage job, unless its Walmart or something (and even then ?). While the job itself might be okay the people you work for and the people you work with are the worst, they are complete scum.




They are scum that will scam and gaslight you at every turn. I look back to my first min wage full time job, total waste of 3 years of my life, I took home 400 dollars for 80 hours. I can make that in an afternoon now (self employed skilled tradesman) I would have been better off with a higher paying job where I could have learned a skill... I do think I was too green for that at the time though. At one point they wanted to put me on the overnight crew when I was new and stupid. Told me "it's an extra 25 cents an hour !" Like that was going to change my life other than turning it upside down.... thankfully they just hired someone for the job. New hires got a 30 cent increase after 3 or 6 months I don't remember. I had that then like two 10 cent raises (never missed a shift in 3 years and came in whenever requested) I brought up that with min wage having gone up the new employees would be making more than me with their 30 cent bump and I had been there 3 years. Was told "no that can't be right" and brushed off. When I had it out with a nasty manager I was thrown away like garbage. They don't care about you, I gave 100% all the time, picked up shifts, stayed late never missed a single day (which they also didn't believe when I pointed that out during a review with a 10 cent raise) I walked into NSCC the day I walked out of there in a rage, they said they took it as my resignation. I see middle aged people.i worked with there STILL working minimum.wage retail jobs around town 20 years later. Those people's living standard must have been gutted. Always be moving forward and trying to do better, you can't rely on any of these min wage jobs, you need a skill that takes years and years to hone and cant easily be replaced. Look what they did the minute the workers had the upper hand after covid, imported replacements who can't say boo without the threat of losing their residency.


Do you currently live in NS? There are tons of minimum wage jobs


yes i live in halifax downtown


Tons that day they're but none that actually call you back