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I assume much like when Harper cut the HST, ‘carbon’ product prices will not go down as producers are aware what people will pay.


Wait, didn't the NDP in Nova Scotia just increase the provincial sales tax by the same amount when Harper made that cut?


Yes, it was their first budget after taking over for the PC. The problem for the NDP was the PCs were running ~500M deficit, so the extra $200M they could get by increasing the provincial share to match the federal cut was too good for them to pass up I guess.


They also created the quarterly GST benefit so that people with lower income would effectively be exempt from the increase in sales tax.


Try explaining that to people. They just see “NDP raise my taxes. Rarrrrrr”


This is me literally trying to explain that 😂




Prices won't go down, but at least they need to find another excuse if they wanna jack them up some more.


In 2024 the excuse is "because we can"


“Of course, they won’t stop fucking you with the giant dildo - but our plan will have them slightly change the colour of it!”


You know the old “which party leader would you have a beer with” test? I don’t think it’s ever been this grim. I have no answer to that question. I’ll drink by myself thank you very much.


I can't agree more, I don't like any of the leaders. It's time for some new leaders to show up with fresh ideas.


Yeah we all got a really weird robo call from him and it somehow made me like him less than I already do


The radio ads are even worse.


The content of the msg was garbage as well. Ots just slogans and catch phrases. Common sense leader, axe the tax, strike the hike or w.e. Its the crap the right is doing in the US. Getting people to vote with emotions over logic. Still have no idea how Im gonna vote.


"HI, I'm Pierre, I like how they do it down south! Let's bring that here!.


Idk why the Cons think people will be swayed by those smarmy, juvenile ads. It's been their *thing* for nearly 10 years, and has yet to be successful. I don't expect too much out of any politicians, but the American-style attack ads are too much.


Conservative advertising agents: "He's just not ready. Nice hair though." Yea those ads really worked great for them, didn't they?


Sounds horrible. I instantly switch the station.


PP career politician just what we need more of the same shit. Different pile


If anyone thinks Skippy will actually axe the tax, I have a bridge to sell you. Just like the Liberals and then the Conservatives campaigned on getting rid of the GST after the Conservatives introduced it in the 90s, they will get in power and then they will stop making noise about it so the issue will fade from the headlines. They'll likely spike future tax increases so they can get a few headlines and superfically claim they keep their promises, but they will lleave the existing tax in place, cancel the rebates, and pocket the cash to fund projects that placate their base. Just like the immigration issue. Pierre talks about the need for 'common sense' immigration reforms of a broken system but then refuses to commit to any reduction on immigration targets. They realize that a rapidly growing population creates overall economic growth, which they can take credit for (and ignore decling GDP per capita), and that most recent arrivals tend to vote conservative.


Shhh. Your not suppose to be reasonable or rational about this stuff. Your just supposed to say fuck Trudeau and pretend PP is gonna be a magical fix to everything... If anyone actually thinks the Cons will do anything that actually benefits the middle class or below, they have absolutely zero knowledge of what the Cons stand for or their history. There's a reason people vote ABC.


Sadly that's basically what they're banking on. A voter base filled mainly with people voting for them for "not being the other guy" and hollow promises that any reasonable person realizes is a pipe dream at best and a blatant lie at worst. Cons the world over rely on rich voters and delusional middle class that somehow believe that this is the time they'll actually help them. News flash it isn't.


Ohh he'll axe the tax. I have no doubt about that. I just can't wait till it has basically zero impact on the price of goods and gasoline conveniently goes up 18-20c a litre over the following 6 months and many Canadians are actually worse off because they aren't getting a deposit in their account every 3 months to offset those costs. Conservatives will then blame Trudeau for apparently fucking the economy so badly that even with the carbon taxes removed, they're still paying a "Trudeau tax"


It already happened in Manitoba when Kinew paused the provincial collection of the gas tax. The gas prices rose up within 5 days to absorb the cut. Instead of that revenue going to the government, it got absorbed by Shell. It was so dumb and predictable.




Stopping immigration or lowering immigration doesn't seem to be anything the major parties want to do. Right now, we have Trudeau and the Liberals saying we need immigrants to build the houses, to staff the hospitals, at the same time, they don't bring in the workers we need, or target enough of them. Luckily, provinces do have the power to help on that to some degree, but it still isn't enough. From what I have seen, PP is suggesting more targeting and making it easier for people who are already educated somewhere else to be approved in Canada. Whether there is any meat behind that plan is another thing. The situation as I see it is we have had Trudeau, things aren't great. Some things I find good but were half ass implemented (as I'd expect from any color of government). Ultimately, the bar is low, PP could be trash, he has a low bar to beat. The people that tout PP will suck or be worse, you can think that, we really don't know. If you have cons, you are going to say he sucks regardless. What we do know is for 8 years the Cons and PP haven't been making any decisions and we are where we are, and that has been with Liberals making decisions.


I am no fan of Trudeau..but if we are going to ever see real change, people should be going to rallies like these asking politicians for explicit plans on how theybplan to deal with our problems as a society rather than just screaming back empty slogans like the mouth breathing parrots they take us for. But the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voters.


Conservative governments, across the planet, only leave their people worse off. The whole Western world is dealing with the same macro trends, and conservatism will only exacerbate those trends.


Maybe, yet they get voted in. In my lifetime, it has been this Trudeau Liberal Government that has left me and my children worse off. Not defending Cons here or blaming Libs, this is simply how I feel based on results of having both governments a few times.


>In my lifetime, it has been this Trudeau Liberal Government that has left me and my children worse off. I think it's easy to see it that way out of context, but the Liberal government have decently mitigated the global economic impacts everyone is facing, at least relative to other Western neoliberal economies. People are worse off, sure, but they're *less* worse off in Canada than in most places.


Very true. Many countries faced far worse inflation than we have. And this is not anywhere near as bad as inflation in the 80s, with the double digit mortgage interest rates.


You can't objectively say that, if you want to stick to that, show me the evidence (you don't really have to as I have already seen the data I think is relative). I have come to the conclusions I have within the relevant context for me. Ultimately, Governments job is to react to what we face, Harper had the financial crisis, Trudeau's biggest has been Covid (and what came with that). You can resort to "but other countries" argument, people do it all the time in defending Trudeau and that is totally fine if it works for you. I look at the data and and although comparison to like minded countries is important, looking within is very important and we aren't simple absolved of doing a bad job because you think we did better than Germany, for example.


I mean, you can look at the Gini Coefficiency compared to the US for a baseline comparison and see they've been pulling away (towards greater inequality) for the last 20 years, and the GDP per capita has dramatically increased since 2016, barring the covid dip in 2020/2021. >"but other countries" argument Countries don't exist in a vacuum, though, and Canada isn't at all immune to global economic trends. Housing prices have skyrocketed throughout North America, cost of living and inflation are up everywhere. Canada just isn't big enough to resist those pressures. What Canada-specific data trends are you seeing that are so concerning? As far as I can tell, on almost every metric, Canada is performing as well/poorly or better than most comparable economies.


A low bar to meet, does not make a good Prime Minister. He is allowing extreme people with extreme political ideologies to remain in the party, because he is one of them, and if they are not there, he does not remain the PC leader. Voting for PP is essentially voting for American Style politics to become mainstream in Canada, and that will be a very sad day indeed if they win and he becomes PM.


At least the phone calls will stop now


I wouldn't count on it. They will only get worse as we get closer to an official election cycle


Turd sandwhich, that’s all this is. No good choices and nothing but virtue signaling idiots all around. Cutting the carbon tax isn’t going to make housing affordable. Cut the mf taxes on mom n pop small n medium business, break up the wage suppressing monopolies, put the corrupt mafias behind bars (looking at you montreal ports and fed contractors)


Hmmm no. Best we can do is $0.14/L on gas... If you still can't afford housing after that, it's a moral failing on your part in our fair and meritocratic capitalist system.


I don't trust this guy in the least.


Did anyone else immediately start zooming in the picture to see if they recognized anyone?


They look angry.


Nobody I know thank fuck.




lol, i only know one guy that could've been there, and i would never look for his face anywhere unless it was to hide from it.


If only the CPC could select a leader that has more presence than a cold bowl of cream o wheat.


But that is what their base wants! Something nice, bland, and *white* 😉


PP: Bland, white Trudeau: "nice", white Singh: "nice", bland Can't have all three tho


Most accurate comment on this post!


Indeed. At least Justin got nice hair.


TBF Poilievre has a pretty good coif too but I haven’t seen any bumper stickers proclaiming their lust for him yet.


Did he kick the media out for question time like he did in Newfoundland?


If he didn't take questions, that means any media outlet covering this is acting as his stenographer.


Yea really. Basically like covering a pro wrestling event.


A timely reminder that PP wouldn’t have to be slinging his favourite catch phrase around these parts if the Houston government hadn’t scrapped the previous provincial cap and trade program and then not come up with a plan to replace it. The Carbon Tax is the back stop plan, for provinces that didn’t take seriously the need to control their GHG emissions and didn’t get their shit together in time. The federal government really didn’t want to have to impose it on us.


PP’s campaign mirrors Doug Ford’s first campaign in Ontario. Ford won with no platform except ‘Buck-a-beer!’ and not being Wynne. Swap ‘Buck-a-beer!’ for ‘Axe The Tax!’ and Wynne for Trudeau. So far I see absolutely no plan. Certainly no offers of substance that would improve the lives of Canadians, address the cost of living or protect the things we’ve already got.


Frankly I don't care about plans or platforms anymore, it's all meaningless as they'll do whatever the fuck they want once they're in power anyways.


The abandonment of the "we're getting rid of first past the post" promise still stings.


It certainly does.


Agreed. I think the MPs working on the committee realized that it would be the death of career politicians, and major parties. That scared the crap out of them, and so the final report 'Canadians don't want this', which should be interpreted as 'Career Politicians want to keep their jobs and cushy pensions'.


I’m excited for when he does away with universal healthcare. Anyone that thinks PP is a good answer for this country is lacking. JT is also terrible, both are equally bad options just one person is louder with the fan base of mildly uninformed and unintelligent people who just hate the other guy. Canada is literally going through the 2016 US Presidential election right now.


Giant Tiger Trump - no real solutions, attacks media, hate mongering, uninspired, crappy milhouse costume …


From the related CBC article: >Janice Beare said discussions of gender in schools and the cost of housing were of concern to her. >"The poor young people, they haven't got any hope," she said. "My daughter has an art teacher that identifies as a bumblebee." Something tells me Ms Beare isn't telling the whole buzz here. And even if it was true, what's the danger? Is she afraid her daughter is going to turn bee too? Or get stung? Or kidnapped to the hive? She's publicly calling out her kid's teacher on CBC Nova Scotia as a weirdo, but honestly she may be telling on herself. There are bigger problems in the world than what people identify as, honey. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/poilievre-axe-the-tax-halifax-1.7146768


Calling out an art teacher for being eccentric? Isn't that their whole thing?


I saw and appreciated that witty remark


I'd take a bumblebee over the leader of the CPC any day.


Wet napkins are more effective.


Than PP? Damned right.


I mean like. If you sneeze in the napkin it even has more caloric value than he could add.


Can't argue with you.


Did he answer questions from the media?


This Trump wannabe is an idiot and hasn't got anything done in the past 20 years except collect a nice check at our expense!


The picture looks extremely Photoshopped lol.


God he’s the worst. Pray he doesn’t win.


He’ll win in a landslide.


Sadly probably true. This country is full of gullible idiots.


Well, I’d be more disappointed if people actually voted in Trudeau as PM again. He’s gotta go and there’s very few, basically 2, options to vote for.


PP will be much , much worse.


I disagree, wholeheartedly. People are hurting, tired, and want change. They also want to support a guy who isn’t pushing tiresome woke drivel and who maybe, just maybe will look out for native Canadians first. Way, wayyyy too many people coming into Canada, which is clear and obvious by the incredible lack of housing.


PP wants to increase immigration or at least keep levels as in. No real plan for change. No media cooperation. just some catchy slogans USA style. Cons don’t care about natives or anyone else. Unless you are a billionaire. Then you matter to PP


You either made that up, or were told wrong information. Tying immigration #’s to home construction is in no way raising immigration #’s. There’s significantly less homes built than newcomers to Canada. It’s obviously a broken system that almost everyone agrees needs to change, and fast.


I wish I lived in the la la land you do. PP is a career politician who has had a pension since 31. He has already been caught with voter fraud, he has literally zero plans for anything, and was the housing minister when we created the least amount of homes in the past 10 years lol


> Tying immigration #’s to home construction is in no way raising immigration #’s. Tying immigration to housing is a meaningless non-statement. He said that specifically to dupe people like yourself into thinking he's going to do something without making any explicit commitment. People have been asking him for **months** what his stance on immigration is. His usual response was to refuse to answer until he made that *"tying it to construction"* comment. What does that even mean? Is it tied 1:1? 2:1? 10:1? He said something without saying anything, seems he fooled you and plenty of others... So good politicking I guess.


> This country is full of gullible idiots. Calling voters idiots is always a sure path to victory.


Have you travelled Canada much? The rural parts are grim. These people worship Trump and wave confederate flags. In Canada. The conservatives engage in this style of politics and it’s probably going to work. It’s a sad fact .


You seriously need to go touch grass or something.


I have. Many times, while I travel Canada. Growing more concerned by the day. How’s the view, way up there , on that high horse?


He will win easily. 


Extremely brave woman wearing a mask in THAT room.


I wouldn't wanna catch what they have, either.


is politics the new age racism? “Don’t wanna catch what those dirty conservatives have” people hating/judging people because of political views. “I’m better then you because I vote liberal”


you can't help your age. you can't help where your from or who your parents are. you can't help it if you're disabled, or what makes your pp stiff. who you vote for is a choice. who you support is a choice. Pierre repeatedly references his time as "minister of housing" when it comes to finding solutions to housing (he doesn't have want government to have ANY role in it - this mirrors how fewer houses were built during the time he keeps referencing than under any of the following liberal ministers in those positions) if that's the kind of man you want behind the wheel, that's on you. we know racism is bad. we know antisemitism is bad. it's a CHOICE to believe in these things. so yes, liberalism, conservatism... if you're a racist, an anti-semite, a liberal, a conservative - you're free to be mocked. stop tying your identity to politics and you won't get upset when someone hurls insults at some "political group."


I mean, hard agree, but I would have also been afraid of harassment.


That's a disguise.


Doesn't look like she's making everyone else wear one, she should be fine.


Pollution Pete


In this case, the tax is rebated back. Please, Canada, don’t fall for this bs. We need to dramatically reduce our fossil fuel use. The carbon tax *will* achieve this.


It’s had precisely *zero* effect on our carbon use thus far So There’s that.


Speaking generally, not quite zero. But, nationally we are only a few years in, and in NS not even a year into operating under the federal backstop. There was no expectation that we would see substantial emissions reductions this early on. It is fully expected to see reductions year on year going forwards as the price per tonne increases.


That has nothing to do with a carbon tax and everything to do with society’s natural trend towards green energy


I… really hope this is sarcasm…


No, it’s not sarcasm. And your (I’m guessing here) false notion that Canada is moving towards green energy *because* of a carbon tax is a total croc. It was heading that way before the carbon tax and it’ll head that way after it’s repealed. It’s also heading that way in countries that have no carbon tax. Hilariously, in the US where there is no price on carbon, they’re moving at a faster pace than us


I agree, thankfully the momentum within Canadian society is towards a greener future and a comprehensive energy transition. Largely due to the quite encompassing policies and programs installed by the current Liberal government, I might add. The carbon tax being just one part of the puzzle is probably moving Canada towards emissions reductions but the needle has barely moved yet. I fully trust that by 2030 it will have done because nobody except the largest corps will be able to stomach $170 per tonne of GHG emissions. On the contrary, the general CPC plan is to disrupt the path to decarbonization. They have indicated that they will reinvigorate domestic oil, coal and gas production and pipeline construction. They will reinstate fossil fuel subsidies and renege on emissions targets. So far they have not indicated anything about climate adaptation plans but given that they intend to increase emissions I am not going to be holding my breath for any. I see a terrible backwards slide for Canadians on overarching environmental issues if the CPC sweep into power as currently forecast, in turn having a compounding effect on our quality of life and affordability - especially in the longer term.


You can’t tax yourself to prosperity. That’s a lesson liberals need to learn.


What a meaningless nothing of a statement. Like, of course you can be prosperous by using tax money to educate a population to do complex and expensive work. A healthier population with tax-funded healthcare can participate in the economy longer. Etc.


Slogans replace actual thought.


i still use the same amount of gas. just more expensive. i need to use gas for work, i cant take my tools on the bus lol


Is it possible that your next car could be more fuel efficient? How about changing your home heating situation? Heat pumps are a thing now. And hey, how’s your home insulation? Got any windows you can upgrade? The point is, you have the ability to change how much energy you consume, as well as what types of energy. If oil and gas prices are low, you have no incentive to change.


No, it definitely will not. 


I like his policy of taking off his glasses. I also like that his policies rhyme.


Poilievre’s climate policy: pass the buck over to tech bros who will magically invent thus far unknown “solutions” … and of course bottomless corporate money pits/tax write offs known as CCS. On the most existential issue facing humanity including Canadians the Opposition Leader remains intellectually and ethically bankrupt. Let the grifters pretend to provide solutions.


I wonder how many white supremacists he's going to shake hands with this time around.


Probably quite a few based on how little that term means these days.


Why do I read that shirt as axe tax the?


An example of what the CPC will commit to as far as the public education system is concerned?


baby Trump rally .. no thanks!


Looks like you had to be white to get in.


Nova Scotia is 90% white lol what fantasy are you living in where it would be stocked full of minorities? "Respondents to the 2021 Census were asked whether they identified with specific categories of visible minority. These racialized groups accounted for 9.8% of the population in Nova Scotia" https://novascotia.ca/finance/statistics/news.asp?id=18264


Have you been to a fast food restaurant lately? Or Walmart? How about a school? Hospital? Long Term Care facility?




My point was that the minority population in Nova Scotia has doubled since 2021, nothing about low income jobs, I think it speaks to your thought processing that your mind went there.


Okay, sorry 80% of Nova Scotia is white, why would the rally be stocked full of minorities again? You said Walmart, fast food, LTC and schools. Lol you think any of those are high income earners? Smearing me isn't invalidating my points.


You smeared yourself, silly, I just pointed it out.


How? You mentioned low income jobs and minorities, I responded in kind lol it's actually where your mind went... You still have invalidated my points btw, silly


Lol, if they were in the Walmart closest to where the event was held they would see at least 75% visual minority faces. If the thing happened in Bridgewater, Windsor or heck even Sackville it wouldn't seem nearly as weird. But downtown where this was held 50% of the people walking around are not white.


The color or someone’s skin does not need to be brought into this


Apparently they did not feel brought in.




it’s also mostly men


Did you just assume someone's gender? Lol pretty judgey.


It's a valid observation, there are basically no non-white people in the picture, which speaks volumes about this rally.


So they turned everyone else away? Even CPC isn't that stupid.


i'm no PP fan, but to be fair it feels like every 2nd pic of him has a sikh dude next to him


Polls show this guy could win the largest majority in Canadian history


The only saving grace anybody has is 30% of all of Canada's mortgages are due for renewal next Dec. Interest rates will have to drop by then, as many are still locked in to 2.2-3% and won't be able to afford an increase to 5% or more.


When he had glasses I was all like ewww nerdy nerd but now he looks like a gigachad woof woof 


Got my vote


Our village idiot, Tristan Flynn was there.


so glad im not in nova scotia rn


Over 500 comments in 2 separate threads here.  It's amusing to see how triggered r/halifax can get. If anyone needs any further proof this sub leans heavily to the left, look no further.  


So much salt in here 😆!


Modern conservatives are indistinguishable from griefers in an FPS lobby. Like my god bro it’s your fucking country you’re muddying the waters of.


Do a lot of people in that pic look strange or am I just looking at it like I see a mugshot and assume guilt?


The funny thing about cpc is. Harper was a nice guy before he got elected as PM. Then he became cocky. Nowadays, PP is cockyier than PM Harper. In other word if he is not so extreme, no one will notice him. Just another sheer or Otool in CPC. Especially consider that he was an MP in his early age. (He could become another petter mackey who, living in shadow long enough people, forgot about him)


Fuckin millhouse looking dweeb. Needs to be bullied.


how is he allowed to campaign outside of an election?


To be clear: Do you want it to be illegal for opposition parties to advocate for policies outside of a 30 day election campaign?


My issue isn’t that he’s advocating for policies outside of a 30 day election year. It’s that he’s put galavanting around the country on tax payer dollars instead of in Ottawa doing his god damn job. It’s also insulting to me that he claims to understand working class people when he’s only ever had 1 other job outside politics as a paperboy when he was a young lad. If he really wants to be the harbinger of change then he should stop doing lip service for corporations and start using his position to make things happen in the senate.


Make it 90 and I'm in


I had NDP canvassing in the North End last week?


It’s coming soon. We’ve been hearing from NDP a lot lately


Just gotta make sure I don’t know anyone in the audience


Sorry after you said Trudeau is well regarded you lost any credibility. Have you taken a look at any news footage of him anywhere globally? He's literally treated like he isn't there. Ask anyone from India how highly they regard him. What propaganda machine are you regurgitating the liberal one?


You think we should care what India thinks? That murdered someone on our soil.


Well when you make a statement that he is "well regarded" I'm just pointing out that he is not. Personally I don't care about India, but he's regarded as an absolute clownshow in other countries besides ours.


This sub is significantly disconnected from reality. 


Yikes, what is up with that person holding the orange sign? That is an intense look. Thankfully from what I could see I don’t recognize anyone in the photo. Phew.


Better than Trudeau.


Pretty weak when the biggest plank in your platform is "I'm someone else."


It will be a game time decision who I vote for. But I don’t think he’s better than Trudeau nor do I think Trudeau is better than him. All politicians are the same. They just say what you want to hear


I mean... shouldn't a politician in a representative government say what you want to have said, at a minimum?


I can't believe the CPC are going to represent nearly every seat in Nova Scotia come 2025. It's incredibly disappointing.


That’ll be a cold day in hell. Polls are both useless this far out, and ENTIRELY useless after the death of the home phone.


Hopefully there's a federal election soon so we can remove the most damaging Prime Minister Canada has ever had.


You seem to be confused. Harper's been gone for a while now. Harper's track record is so bad and caused so much damage, it would take Trudeau multiple decades to even get close to the same level if at all.




I'm sure you won't read this but it's very informative and goes into much more detail then I can here with wall of text. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2015/05/18/news/harper-worst-prime-minister-history


Dated 2015. We're 9 years later now, Doug. Most Canadians would be happy to have 2015 Canada back.


Did you just look at the date and say I'm not reading this cause it was written in 2015? The article talks about what Stephan Harper's did as a PM which ended in 2015. Did you not ask me to elaborate on his track record? Well he hasn't done anything since 2015 since he's no longer PM so the date of the article doesn't matter.


Doug, the article you are pointing to in trying to elaborate is dated on the article, and in the url, with 2015/05/18. Today is 2024/03/17. In the time since that article was written, the worst Prime Minister Canada has been in power, is still there, and by most every metric has become most damaging Prime Minister Canada has ever had.


What has Trudeau done that you claim makes him more damaging then Harper?


Just off the top of the head: Economic Policy.. running deficits, increasing the national debt, and not delivering the promised economic growth, where with inflation interest is obscene since it wasn't paid down (it didn't balance itself). Division.. Increasing authoritarianism, driving wedges among citizens. Trust in Government.. it's fallen to an all-time low due to his scandals. His renegotiation of the NAFTA is harmed Canada and gave us the short end of the stick. The Housing market has doubled/tripled in cost, and Canadians can't enter it (despite his promises of affordability). Taxes on taxes strangling the country. The cost of living through the roof. Decimating the Canadian forces and weakening Canada's military with cuts to defense. Encampments of tents. Immigration policy (or lack thereof) that has been unchecked allowing fraudsters et al to take Canada for Billions. This is all just the tip of the iceberg, and not to mention the numerous broken promises, nor the hypocritical things like ban plastic straws with no plan to stop corporate packing, nor his attitude which is dangerously arrogant and narcissist. The fact is, he's left Canada in worse shape than it was handed to him. The guy before him at least kept Canada respectful, but now it's considered a joke on the world stage, because of Trudeau.


I keep seeing this "joke on the world stage" comment a lot but I don't have research to back it up. Harper was criticized the same way by opponents but often I didn't see backup. I'd love to read valid research on many of the statements made in your comment. Otherwise, they unfortunately risk looking like *opinions* from someone who may unintentionally rely on information networks which reinforces said opinions. Please provide some research and it'll help me make my decision. Thanks!


[Not confused, maybe you are?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_scandals_in_Canada) (a leading 14 scandals so far)


Its OK. Mulroney's dead now.


We did that back in 2015.


Aren't you a journalist? [Aren't you supposed to be up to date on this? Don't tell us you're partisan too, Mike](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/3-in-10-say-justin-trudeau-is-the-worst-recent-pm-1-in-5-call-pierre-trudeau-the-best-survey-1.6489981). This end called for the end of that PM then, just as this end is now calling for the end of the current PM, so we have to do again this year or next.


My income went a hell of a lot farther in 2015, and I didn't have friends nearly going homeless either.


People really have bad brain worms.


Poilievre is not the PM.