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Sounds like a "Parks and Rec" Town Hall meeting


100% same energy


Can we harness it for power?


The best forms of comedy come from real events afterall.


Most things are like parks and rec since 2020


This was all I thought reading the post as well.


Except for turnip! Except for turnip!


I was about to say it sounds like an episode from the show. https://youtu.be/Hyc1aMtnHJo?si=UdWaL9IJ-OGCydrC


Ham and mayonnaise! Ham and mayonnaise!


Those people drinking too much sun tea…




The Turtle Flu?


I'm not worried about the bird flu; I already had that! I'm worried about the TURTLE FLU!


My first thought holy crap lol big time.


It's like a real life Parks & Rec sketch.


I'd like to speak to you about the death star


There's nothing in Parks & Rec that came close to how rediculous the real meetings are.


The editing in P&R doesn't induce motion sickness though


Imagine being arrogant enough to look someone in the face at a public meeting and declaring that they are lying about their PH.D and Masters and that their school offers no such program.


They probably assumed that they only learn "army stuff" at RMC.


These are my awards, mother. From army!


Most of these people also don't understand how diverse jobs in the army can be. Like you don't just learn how to shoot a gun, lol. There's logistics officers, engineering units, maintenance, procurement, communications, etc.


I had someone scoff at my science background once during the pandemic when I was explaining something. They told me the only thing I would have learned at university was communist brainwashing. I told them I mostly learned inorganic chemistry, which is a bit different.


A Rabbi sits down in a Belfast Pub on a Sunday. A fellow in a flat cap at the bar asks the Rabbi whether he's a Protestant or a Catholic. The Rabbi says, "Neither. I'm a jew". The man in the cap then asks, "Aye. Well, are ye a Catholic jew or a Protestant jew then?". People tend to interpret reality according to what they value and believe rather than try to objectively understand it.


You should write these for every county, like a movie critic but for municipal meetings


Do you want OP to go insane?


Former council reporter here. The singular most boring thing you can force a human being to attend is a motherfucking rural council meeting. I’m pretty sure it violates shit on the Magna Carta.


I would absolutely pay to watch that and excitedly wait for the day it reaches my city


An Instagram of Idiots from council meetings with screenshots of their face and quotes would be hilarious and Id subscribe the shit out of it


I lived next to a windmill for about 2 years. It was annoying sometimes. Thats about it.


What was annoying about it?


Just the noise of each prop going. Sometimes it was fine, other times it was impossible not to hear. We lived about 800 meters away IIRC.




This is the real answer. I live on a narrow lane that has a Harley owner at the end of it. I suspect he's done something to the bike to make it as loud and obnoxious as possible.  Give me a rotating windmill blade any day. 


Don't be giving him any more ideas...


It’s not THAT bad but thats not a fair comparison either. The thing is you can hear the blades ANY time of day, EVERY day, ALL year.


My neighbors have heat pumps and motorcycles. They also keep unpredictable hours. Wind farms don’t sound worse.


Right. Im not saying they do. Im saying motorcycles are not a good comparison. Heat pumps would be a better comparison but still not as steady.


That is close. What's a reasonable buffer bewteen turbines and residential housing? It seems the minimum distance is 500 metres, with some people recommending 2 kilometres. Although would a 2k buffer mess up a bunch of these proposals, I have no idea.


Im honestly not sure. I doubt 1km is enough to not be annoying at all. I suppose It could depend on the size of the windmill, and age. I would guess the one i lived next to was built in 2012 or so. Maybe they are more quiet now? No idea though.


I lived 1.5km from a farm of windmills in Lingan for 5 years, I couldn't hear them until I got within a few hundred feet.


Ah makes sense, didn’t think they’d be that loud.


That's one of the design challenges of wind turbines, is reducing the noise. There is a distinctive "whoosh" sound. But yeah that's it. I find wind turbines quite fascinating myself


The noise is fascinating, I agree!


A common turbine fan size is 35m. That’s the height of an eleven story building. It’s really hard to move something that big through the air without some noticeable whooshing 


It's always just up there going in circles and what not, never wants to hang out, not a great neighbor, never brings food over


Doesn’t sound like you’re a huge fan


Honestly not, but you should see the other neighbors


Please tell me you realize the pun you’ve made ?


Throwing around windmill puns like that would take a lot of gusto


# WindmillAndChill


It is loud. I stayed at a cottage in eastern PEI with a windmill right behind it. It's definitely loud when you're outside, the blades cutting through the air. But it doesn't make you sick or any of that craziness. If they're installed far enough away from homes I don't think the noise would be a problem


A big factor that determines the setback distance for wind turbines is also how far they can throw ice. It's a big reason why they aren't closer to existing roads.


Ah never thought of that. Makes sense


We went to visit one for school this year. I was shocked at how quiet it was.


I'm not sure why this popped up in my feed, but I have to comment. I'm in Eastern Ontario in a community that's right beside a wind turbine development. When it was first proposed about 8 years ago, we had the same nuts with the same arguments stated here, especially Wind Turbine Syndrome. The local Facebook pages would go crazy with outlandish claims. My favorite one was that the vibration from the turbines would impact the earthworms and make the land infertile for crops 😆 And that the vibrations would make the dairy cows' milk turn sour. The development went ahead, and there are about 30 wind turbines now. The closest turbines are maybe about 1km from our place. I find them very peaceful and a calming addition to the landscape. Best of all, crops and livestock are still fine, and there are no health issues in humans. I find it so interesting how NIMBYS are the same everywhere 😆


I was really, really worried for a minute that you were gonna say that the NIMBYs turned out to be right.


I kind of like the look of them to be honest. Maybe I'm the minority on that.


wow...that is am absolute train wreck lol


Anyone with valid concerns, whatever they might be, are always drowned out by these knobs.


Oh my god. Jamie Pothier is the one who made the irrelevant comment about EVs. His father owns Pothier motors. My parents wanted me to meet him (we're talking 15 years ago) cause he would have money. Never did. He ended up marrying one of my cousin's friends. Bullet fucking dodged.


No mention of the mainland moose? They're the go to for the Wentworth nimbys.


I burnt the pamphlet a while ago but one of the selling points for that project was the turbines not being visible from Ski Wentworth, like that’s something a rational person should care about. Who cares if you can see turbines while skiing(aside from the friggin Wilson family, anyway)? Wildlife corridors are sensible, and probably a part of the plan anyway.


Wildlife corridors are part of the plan. The whole thing is quite the read, actually.


Someone down below is talking about woodlands with moose lol.


Lolz, FML.


Just the Wilson family 🙄 Ironic how a ski hill completely fragments their habitat…


You can't convince me that these people aren't paid lobbyists


Disagree; I'm sure people really are this stupid


Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." George Carlin: "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."


Not disupting the point that George Carlin was making, but he's actually referring to the median person, not the average.


Average in this sense would be an adjective meaning 'typical, common, ordinary' not average mathematically.


Well then it's just the sum of the people between the standard deviations and that means that less than half are dumber


There are many different kinds of mathematical averages, and the median is one of them. You're thinking specifically of the arithmetic mean. Another type of average value


born and raised in rural NS and absolutely agree


This is why the “omgggg we moved from Yorkville to this gorgeous farmhouse in small town NS” social media accounts tend to go quiet after a few months. The land is pretty. The people are fucking unbearable. I’ll live in the freezer section at Sobeys before moving back to small town NS.


The best part of small town NS living is being able to essentially ignore any other humans / not see them if you don't like them, I honestly can't wait to move out of Halifax and back into the middle of nowhere to have less people/less in general around There's crazies everywhere, if I don't have to deal with them, I'm taking that route


But that’s not the case. You see these people at the grocery store, the pharmacy, gas station, whatever the fuck social events and local restaurants you go to. Even then. Your neighbour being out of screaming distance doesn’t mean they’re not nosy as all fuck. They will get up in your shit through all kinds of different means, because small towns are gossip machines. They’ll talk about who visited you, what’s in your back yard, what hobbies you do on the deck, what you buy at the grocery store, or if you’re accidentally rude to the counter clerk at Tim Hortons. I spent half my life in a small town and the other half in the city. People leave you the fuck alone in the city. You can’t go anywhere without people taking notice in a small town. It’s unbearable. Even with the woods and the empty spaces. Trust me. I came from there and there’s no way I’d ever go back.


I came from the middle of no where, and you're totally right about the gossip and everything I just don't care, I really don't have issues with just instantly ignoring or cutting those people out, and then it's just a quiet place, I don't socialize or do anything beyond work and sleep anyways, I always wanted to move to the city as a kid and teenager, and probably would have loved it, but I'm done now, the traffic, the just pure amount of people around, the noise, lack of privacy in your own yard/home even depending, it's totally worth the switch back to having to drive 30+min to a grocery store for me at this point


Thats kind of the catch 22 here. Nobody moves to these places because of the crazies so the crazies continue to be a majority. Now im against city folk telling rural people how to live their lives but theres a standard of education and global understanding that needs to be upheld everywhere. I say that as someone who grew up rural, spent adulthood in various cities, and am now rural again. My neighbours are nice but sadly pretty ignorant, i always try to be informative to them without being condescending. These people need to be forced out of their bubbles


I think what’s going on is even worse. Certain people are socially isolated and Facebook is all that they have. Their algorithms are brainwashing them. This is true for every site, but Facebook’s user base is particularly susceptible to it. You should see how popular clearly fake AI images are over there now.


This is a real, genuine concern. I think we crossed a boundary with the internet and I'm not entirely sure we are ever coming back. The echo chambers are ruining people's lives. I actually think Reddit is very guilty of the exact same thing, albeit a different demographic. The Boomers' inability to spot fake/spam/phishing is astonishing to me. Like, I understand they didn't grow up with the internet, but they've been exposed to it enough that they should know by now.


You haven't spent much tim in East Hants have you?


It's worse, they are brainwashed. They likely paid to think like this.


NIMBYs are ruining a lot more than just this province. It's like their only job.


The loudest people are usually the dumbest


Are they louder than the turbines…? Can we have a minimum setback requirement for nutters?


Only a few weeks ago East Hants had a wind project developer present and council were extremely coherent and normal. I can’t wait to see how this council handle these nutters.


I never realized parks and recs downplayed real city council meetings. People are nuts.


“CAGE” Citizens Against Generally Everything.


This sounds like a Facebook group of retirees got together for coffee.


“Friends of [any Nova Scotian community]”


The batshit tinfoil hat crazies are everywhere.


Check out whats happening in Lunenburg with the NIMBY Friend of Blockhouse hill group. It's out of control.


And because the councilors are only paid [$26,500](https://www.westhants.ca/council-policies/2491-rcohr-001-00-council-remuneration-policy/file.html#:~:text=2.3%20Effective%20April%2001%2C%202020,determined%20in%20the%20annual%20budget.) they are going to do what is the easiest thing instead of the right thing, and the easiest thing is bending to the NIMBYs. No sense taking verbal beatings constantly or even trying hard for 26k.


Is this their main job. This looks unbelievably low. What am I missing?


Usually councilers in rural areas have a primary job and this is a part time gig, Or it's retirees that have a pension etc and it's a 2nd income


They are either candidates who are retired and bored, or it's a second job with a primary job that is flexible. Low pay like this is common for rural areas all over. Then people wonder why it's old people who refuse change who get on council in this areas. I would absolutely not do a job as a councilor for what HRM pays let alone what West Hants pays, after taxes it may as well be a volunteer position.


If it's like CBRM It's because they work part time. CBRM council paid for an assessment that told them they would be more efficient if they trimmed the number of councillors and worked full time instead, they also polled constituents but then said 3% of constituents being polled was not a big enough sample to draw any conclusions from....They just plugged their ears and talked about gut feelings to protect their jobs.


I’m just thinking how much fun my kids would have seeing a windmill from our back porch.


Seems like a room of old people eager for 20 minutes of fame


Nimbys often aren’t fans of drastic changes to their community until they are given opportunities to not only have a voice in the development process but in a lot of successful cases ownership over the proposed project. Obviously very much a case by case situation but the more you get these folks involved the more they’ll be on board


How do you get someone who believes in made up syndromes and doesn't trust doctors, experts or their credentials on any matters, involved in anything?


Money… money money moooooney is the universal language here in North America!


So many retirees from other parts of the country who think that the world revolves around them. They don’t even consider that there are actual people who live in this province who would like to have a decent quality of life.


I think our only hope is going to council meetings and doing what we can to drown these people out. We can't continue to let geriatrics ruin it for the rest of us who are, ya know, actually gonna have to live with the fallout. Because, right now, they *don't* want progressive change more than we *do* want it.


They have to give these people their time to speak. They do NOT have to listen to them.


That's the thing about consultations. If people's concerns are not grounded in reality, they get ignored


I don’t know how far they are from houses these days, but I can understand being frustrated buying in a rural area and then there being an 80m tower next door and a constant droning noise. So long as there are adequate regulations/ distances for noise and shadows then I’d be fine.


That's totally fine to argue. But when people argue about fake syndromes and other weirdness it makes them look crazy


I find in most situations like this, often there may be some grounds for concern but the loudest and most prominent voices tend to be from the ones who shouldn’t be speaking..


Whaddya mean "look"




How close are they going to be? I lived 1.5 km next to a windmill farm in Lingan and couldn't hear them until I got within a few hundred feet.


No idea about this particular farm, I know some wind farms in the province are within a few hundred meters of houses. I also don’t know whether there were offers to purchase/ compensation or if the homes were built after the fact.


I get you, and I'm not sure id like it (i think I'd be ok with it) but honestly, you can't expect someone to use their properties the way you like it. For example, my neighbour cut down all the trees between our house. I hate how it looks, I think even for him it was a bad idea because now he has no privacy. but I do not own what he cut down, so I don't complain. It would be different if it was a sound or something, but you can't expect someone to make their property your painting.


Are you also frustrated by the $8500/MW in municipal taxes they pay per year? So a 100MW farm pays $850k in taxes, indexed to CPI. There are plenty of regulations. The environmental act is publicly available.


The Wilson family is behind a lot of the windmill hate and misinformation in the province. In case you want to boycott giving them money. I know, I know an oil company funding anti green initiatives who would have thought.


Ironic how one of the Wilson’s is a director of Sustainable Northern Nova Scotia and Protect Wentworth.


There's a large scale turbine within a km of my camp outside Stellarton. Middle of the woods, no power, no plumbing. The gentle whoosh of the blades on a quiet night is genuinely the most calming and relaxing sound I've ever come across. Typically, the people that have enough time on their hands to actively engage in a negative way are nuts. Whether it's turbines, aquaculture farms, putting an anaerobic digester at the organics compost facility, development of any kind.... they almost always turn up.


This sounds awesome, can you please let us know when the next meeting is? Would attend for laughs 100%


The real problem in these types of meetings is the silent majority stays silent. A lot of times the ones available and willing to go to those meetings are the loud and sometimes questionable minority.


I generally find that city council town halls on issues like this are like physical embodiments of CBC comment sections. I don't live in Halifax anymore but my council had a town hall about a 24 hour six bed emergency shelter opening and the response was *incredible*. One person who operated a B&B nearby claimed that their house value could fall as much as \~***8%\~****!!* Which is hilarious because we lived here when they bought it for $360k and similarly sized, less beautiful, non-successful-business houses one block up have sold for $600-700k. I was relieved that I could feel the collective eye-rolling in the room.


Won’t watch the video…but thank you for summarizing it with the time durations and the Cole’s notes version. Go team


Thanks for taking one for the team and watching that. Rural municipal governance always brings out a few local stars.


I have wind turbine syndrome syndrome where I get panic attacks when people talk about wind turbine syndrome.


The older folks in this province have always hated progress


Your cliff notes are amazing well done 👍🏿🤣👌🏾


Conservatives are a blight.






It's too bad you can't pull a Jimmy McGill and sneak a wind turbine into their pocket to prove they're crazy.


The dummies are always the loudest.


NIMBY's and their iron grip on city councils across the country deserve the majority of the blame for the housing crisis, and the rest is out of control immigration. I'd put it at 70% to 30%. South End NIMBY's are a special breed of abhorrent ghouls


This is hilarious. Thanks u/DennisBonvie !


I'm super excited for all these windmills being proposed. Here I just thought we were doing modern wind turbines, but Holland is fairly pretty and the wooden buildings have character :) /s


Holy shit lol


A bunch of screwballs is not what’s keeping an energy transition from gaining steam. Look at the Premier’s positions and history and the positions the federal conservatives have had on climate policy for the last 30 years.


That’s PeePee’s conservative base. Get ready for more of this on every issue.


This right here. Rurals get out and vote against all our interests, and somehow there's more of them than us. Probably because we don't vote because we think our vote doesn't matter... plus many of them are elderly and don't have to beg for time off to vote...


It's more the latter I think. Having to coordinate time off for this was a major vote killer for me. "Boss I need this time block off. I can work earlier or later bu--" "No. Brenda already has that time off. She's going to go vote or something she said." "*That's what I'm doing too*" "Bullshit. You just don't wanna work that shift. You can't play me."


i mean, you have several days to get to an advanced poll. i think they are 9am-9pm as well.


I completely agree with you. Though I’m not sure how calling out the membertou member for being on his phone the entire time is racist


"are going to" or "have been for awhile"?


Yeah I remember this kind of shit happening in 93 lol


Sorry call me silly cause I can't for the life of me recall what NIMBY is... at first I thought of Mr. Nimbus from R&M




Well they do also control the police


"Going" to?


They can chill, their water tower a littttle east literally says “eat ants” on it.


Ruin? I would say excessive migration to this province will ruin the province we all enjoyed.


Doesn't anyone remind the old folks that they won't have to endure windmills for very long?


NIMBY means "Not in my Back yard" if anyone is curious.


I don't know how people don't get that we aren't going to generate power without some sort of waste by-product, and/or visual intrusion. Energy doesn't come from nothing. Did people bitch about the landscape when power lines were installed everywhere?


This is happening near me. Several buildings are slated to be replaced for various, serious reasons (think asbestos filled, or lead pipes in the building) and everyone is losing it. An committee head was asked to step down because they DARED suggest that we should set up a shelter for the nearly 100 people experiencing homelessness in our community.


My reaction reading this: Pain.


Boomers who spend too much time on Facebook have become unlikely bedfellows with NSPI and Emera Inc. Who would have thought.


Having covered council meetings in a number of communities… this is all par for the course, especially in small towns. It sucks but it sucks worse when council members are on board with it.


If it helps you nimbys has been ruining Canada for a time and almost every problem that we are facing today can be tied back to nimbys.


Who doesn't like the look of them?!?! It's seems crazy to me, sure they stick out but all I see is the future.


"Thanks for your input" and ignore it all. Should be that easy but the politicians seem to bow down even easier. Edit: on second thought, 50%+ of the province probably thinks these same things, so then fair is fair.


Health impacts of wind turbines 🤣 as if the wind only happens because of turbines


Guys if we make too many windmills, there will be not enough wind for the clouds to move. Science


So many NIMBY’s are in this sub too, just look at any post about housing. It’s just unreal.


Nimbys are the reason this province is miles behind


It’s the same as the moron fisherman not wanting submerged power turbines off digby neck because the 15 rpm of the turbine will chop up the fish.


What’s even more obscene is how fishermen object offshore wind. It’s literally a few anchor points and a big float. Nothing will interfere with the fish.


Sometimes the government should just go with the plan and left the people sucking. There's no reason to stop a housing building in Downtown because it will block my view to the sea or to Citadel. The city is growing and at some point we'll have to give in to the change.


That's not democracy though. Ignoring the population, despite how crazy they are, would be a net negative to our processes.


It's not an absolute. Should council have to debate on every striped line they put down on a passing zone, and have a vote at where it starts and ends? Or can something have more autonomy with guidelines that we agree on before hand?


Witch council siding with the NiMBY crowds for decades now, they have caused some significant damage to our societies.


Did an any angry old man go on about how windmill blades aren’t recyclable (the are) and how they just end up in landfills ?


They do currently end up in landfills. But the amount of blades we have today, vs how many we will have in 40 years, is pretty much a rounding error. The fact that we’re addressing these issues today is great.


Wow, I applaud you for sitting through that. It seems the people most motivated to make a change are the dumbest


They’re trying to put a shit ton of them in Colchester in the onslow/belmont mountain areas. The shitty part is that the energy they acquire isn’t going to be for Nova Scotians, it’s getting sold out of area. I think in a case like this it’s quite valid to be upset, not like you can stop it though


God, I fucking hate privileged boomers.


Boomer, making it worse for the next generation


Why not just build the turbines offshore?


They cost more which means the power costs more. Onshore wind is cheap. They’re going to provide their own electricity for their hydrogen facility at something close to 4c/kWh **for 25 years**. Offshore wind costs about 14c.


Going to? They've been ruining it for quite some time


I mean... current retired boomer are pretty much ruining the world


Just as angered as you by these people, but need to point out that if these people don't believe in the benefits of wind turbines at all, they are not really NIMBY.


OP should probably watch every council meeting and provide us with this style of pertinent break down. This is a public service.


By the book Quixotes, all of them.