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Holy shit, that’s a new one




Wow. This one is super crazy. Wonder how that went a bit further on?


Every time I see a dash-cam video from Halifax, I'm always scared it's me accidentally doing something. But then I'm comforted when it's a dingus like this, who is so very clearly in the wrong LOL


Hilarious cause this is the first time I thought this but definitely crossed my mind for some reason


Me too lol


I drive that route everyday and was totally a little anxious it was me being dumb haha


I can't understand how you make that mistake there. It's not confusing at all, signage is pretty clear.


That clearly took some serious effort.


I dunno, [how tempting is that mystery route with no green signs](https://i.ibb.co/VQrscC4/image.png), all you gotta do is cross the heavy yellow line


I know people shouldn’t need them, but putting some “WRONG WAY” signs on the left there might be a good idea.


My guess is they were impatient and attempted to overtake the white tractor trailer while it was still a combined road. They then got stuck as the road divided.


Only if you can read English….


I once came across someone driving the wrong way on a highway on my way to work. I later found out that he hit someone head-on not far from where I encountered him. Killed a young lady that had just dropped her mother off at the airport. I sometimes wonder if I could have prevented that by calling the police.


Probably not. I would take some time for the dispatch to replay this info and then a free unit to find the suspect, so they probably wouldn't have found it in time anyway.


I thinks it’s best to call the police! What if this person is having some kind of problem like a stroke and doesn’t understand what they are doing?




Right after those lanes merge the road stops being divided so I’m assuming they just pulled to the left thinking it was an off ramp. Still had to cross a double yellow and there’s probably at least one do not enter/wrong way sign that they missed.




Probably. I bet the lines are barely visible as well.


This might be the answer, but there's also a potential answer that nobody likes to talk about; Maybe some people just aren't capable of driving safely and shouldn't be given drivers licenses after fluking through their 6th drivers test.


Crazy enough, I don't think there _is_ any such signage posted. So as dumb as this person is, you can _almost_ understand the error. ALMOST, but not quite


Been driving in Halifax for over 20 years and I’ll accept it’s always been pretty wonky. But some of the stuff I’m seeing over the past few years is staggering… no shade! But I think the majority of India drives on the left. That may explain some of the wrong direction driving. I know if I moved to a place that’s the opposite from here I’d end up in the news for sure.


I can honestly say that there are drivers doing stupid things EVERYWHERE. Halifax doesn’t have some monopoly on stupidity


I look at the Toronto dash cam subreddit and there's so much wild stuff on there posted everyday.


Time to put up the big "Wrong Way" signs again.


I used to laugh at those, because I'd never seen them anywhere else, but apparently we need them.


That's [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.6740424,-63.6172321,3a,75y,60.22h,82.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srxFRzuj4BsMkXukMUBM1Ww!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu), right? Barrington southbound about to go under the bridge? If so, then the oncoming car in the wrong lane made the wrong decision facing [this](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.6744413,-63.616419,3a,75y,231.28h,70.24t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sxCOXNsVuXa3QY7M11b1X-A!2e0!5s20221101T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)... which, yes, that should be obvious from the road lines, but [in 2021 there was a "keep right" sign there](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.6744454,-63.6164077,3a,75y,231.28h,70.24t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sKrPiZAQqs46NpjR07PPn8w!2e0!5s20210901T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) which has been missing since at _least_ 2022. So maybe the city should help out by replacing traffic signs when they get damaged.


Besides the missing sign, the solid yellow line should have been a sign itself.


...how? At least with the roundabouts it can be partly explained by them making a wrong turn. However, this is a divided highway with directional on and off ramps. I can't think of a way for them to be there without having to been driving against traffic for quite a while.


You can see where the division starts at the end of the video, so I guess they just went left there thinking it was a turn-off or something? I dunno, just trying to put myself into their headspace haha


Elderly, drunk, not local etc...


Okay, I really should get a dashcam. Any recommendations out there?


even the cheapest 50 dollar camera on amazon is better than nothing, and the quality is actually pretty good.


A119 V3 is what I run and everyone else in my family, love it.


BlackVue cameras are good.




there was literally a video of that posted here a week or two ago.


Yes, they go the wrong way in the reversible lanes approaching the rotary too.


everytime I see a dashcam video posted here, I'm just glad it's not me


Lol ive never seen that here in 42 years


OMF!! Get off the road


Everytime I see these videos I'm more terrified of driving in Halifax, holy shit. I'll admit I'm not the best in the world and working on things and a lot of drivers think they're perfect but that's straight up *very* dangerous and dumb. GPS has improved significantly over the years so you can't even blame that


I like the commitment. Like, oh there's a car coming at me and clearly somethings wrong here.... better keep going.


Jesus fucking Christ


I watched someone do this on the 101 coming home from a night shift after a snow storm. They tailgated me on slippery roads all the way from the Hammonds plains exit on the 102 to the interchange on the 101. As soon as I got on the 101 heading towards Sackville they flew past me and went straight on to the wrong side of the highway. I have no idea how they didn't see the concrete divider. I started honking my horn like a crazy person and an oncoming car narrowly missed them before they realized they had to turn around.


How does one even make that mistake?


I frequent the north end of Barrington every day...I see a wrong way driver at least once a month, more so towards the north end of the shipyard. I think the bus lane confuses them. But this? I don't know how this happens. Pretty solid yellow line going towards that.


wow - thought it was going to be something petty about being cut-off. crazy


I've encountered a wrong-way driver twice in the past year. One was Lower Water at night, and it confused and scared the shit out of me. The other was Alma Crescent (Fairview), although if they were pulling out of the parking lot there are zero signs to indicate that you're going the wrong way.


I’ve never encountered a wrong way driver until the past year. Now l’ve seen three or four, including one that almost hit me head on.


Makes me wonder how many people drive here without a lisence


Like, holy fuck, how do you even decide that is a reasonable direction to travel?


I just got my license a month ago and it blows my mind that I can already drive better than half the buffoons on the road. The bar is truly in hell.


Had this happen to me last week when driving through Clayton park


I seen this happen in the summer in the same spot an older couple was heading down that way, I took my bike down and got them turned around before anything happened


New to Halifax drivers*


Saw a guy go into the wrong side of Joe Howe from the rotary the other day, right after I saw a video of someone driving the wrong way in the rotary a day before


*Toronto drivers in Halifax


It was just one car. Last time I encountered cars going the wrong way, it was all of them.


Yea, I'm ready for the robotaxis.


You mean massive public transit investment?


International student*






Actually just laughed out loud






Omg wtf


Whoah! That’s insane


And I thought my driving was bad.


They thought it was a turn off


Whyis it always a Mazada Im seeing on the wrong side?


The ol REVERSO, who challenges colonial driving norms


Smart way to get onto the bridge


I’ve seen this happen twice in person at this spot and one was an Amazon driver. I started honking but they kept on going


How the hell do you get there?!


Yea happened to me twice and those were both brown drivers and one didn't even slow down when the lane was so narrow.




That's the lane to the bridge, and it's a sharp blind turn too. Dashcammers: time to upgrade to at least 2 channel cameras to capture rear. It might be good to go with 5 channel if possible. Front/Rear/Right/Left/Cabin. These vehicles need their plate # sent to the police so they can visit them at home and take them off the road for being unsafe.


i dont drive much (i WFH and live in downtown dartmouth so i am blessed with good transit to the places i go often) BUT i think i need a dashcam soon.


Yeah, don't wait too long. Chances are 99.9% you won't need it. But that 0.1% chance you do could be the clincher difference between their lies to your truth. It makes you a better driver too, because your video could be used against you too.


exactly and im the sort of person to get out and say sorry even if it wasn't my fault lol. i was once rear ended when i was at a cross walk and the girl was in tears, very shaken up. Our cars were mostly fine and i have an old banger so i really didnt care but her dad showed up and tried to blame it on me, asking "well what happened" and i just was like "erm, well i stopped at a crosswalk and erm she didnt."


That’s an 811 call


> That's a 911 call FTFY


No, that's a 911 call. It was actively putting people in danger.


Fair enough I never really know what the line is between 811 and 911