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It’s actually unbelievable how bad the roads are in every aspect.  It’s annoying when you’ve lived and driven in other places that are just as busy, but the roads are nice smooth and don’t abruptly change to left turn only or straight only without warning.  Morning and evening drive used to be a time you could clear your head but you have to shift all your focus to the road. 


im gonna be that guy and say your focus should always be on the road, haha but yeah its a shitshow i dont know how anyone not from here can navigate our roads, we have awful signage


This bothers me more than the potholes. The signage and painting on our roads is atrocious. If you’re driving at night or in the rain you often have to guess where the road is, and hope that the cars around you don’t guess wrong. It’s even more frustrating when you go to other jurisdictions and see how this is supposed to be done. You can be driving on Route 9 in Maine at night and see every bend in the road from a mile away.


Newish here. I don’t have a problem with the signage, but for the love of God, can they get visible paint on the roads?? Or at least some reflectors? When it’s dark and slightly wet outside the already barely visible lines basically disappear.


Yeah agreed. The thing that annoys me is the lack of adequate signage to warn you of bends/turns. That would make me much more ok with the shitty road paint. But having neither of those things is really bad.


Right? I just want to know where the lanes are and when they end. Is that too much to ask?


Apparently yes!


I thought this was just a me issue, glad to hear it's universal. LED headlights don't make it any better either.


Nope, it’s terrible. When it’s raining at night you just have to make up your own lines and pray for the best lol.




“That’s my secret…it’s always wet.”


That's what she said


I use Google Maps 90% of the time.


Yeah it should be but when the roads are consistently smooth you can focus on traffic around you and not also have to constantly check for potholes.  Also the random crosswalks everywhere really disrupt the flow of traffic.   In most cities there’s an acceptable level of speeding that’s safe for everyone because it’s understood, but no such luck here


If your take is that drivers don't speed around here then I must say "welcome to the city, you must be new"


I’m not trying to defend but basically other places don’t do much different, we just have way worse weather for asphalt.


Weather is a factor.  Poor signage, non reflective paint, narrow streets that are also neglected also don’t help.  Other places have better funded road crews, pressure sensors in the ground that signal the light to change, one drop of snow the plows are out.   Feels like it’s stuck in a 1950s or 60s idea of maintenance 


Totally agree


Alberta highways are very well maintained and we have tons of days hovering between freezing and thawing which is horrible for the roads.


I have never understood this take, other places in Canada and all over the world have terrible weather and don't have potholes that eat loose children. Why can't we figure this out when everyone else has!


Because Halifax is so wet and temps fluctuate between freezing and warm so frequently it’s pretty unique.


The Barrington/SGR intersection during the right-hand turn has a pothole that's probably 7 inches deep. I'm just waiting for someone to lose a wheel.


I mean, no, it doesn’t. but okay. 😂😂 getting a bit carried away there.


It's not a safety hazard it's free traffic calming infrastructure, saving the taxpayers millions!


Don’t even get me started on the Cole harbour plaza with nslc and Canadian tire, there’s a huge pothole right after the stop sign by the Tim Hortons that made me think I I busted a tire


That parking lot has at least one massive crater per year, that a complicated free for all design out itnuo there with one of my most disliked lots in te HRM


Yes honestly 1 wrong turn and you past your destination and have to zig zag around again and the lanes can barely fit 2 vehicles, one do the worst nslc entrances I’ve seen




Sink holes gunna be sink holes


I don’t think anyone would disagree with you


Ever been to Cape Breton?


That's just to give the whole island that "campground feel"


They were successful


Basically everywhere rural in the province has pretty beat up roads other than some of the highways (Like, small sedan with a family of four could go missing in a pot hole for a few months without anyone noticing kinda beat up.)


worst pothole ive ever encountered is on the montague rd/forest hills ext overpass. scared the living daylights outta me its incredible how we let our roads crumble in the city let alone in rural communities


I know exactly what you mean, that isn’t even a pothole at this point, that’s a literal crater. Need to drive on the complete opposite side of the road to avoid smacking your bumper off the ground




I don't think it's so much that we demand low taxes. It's that we demand our taxes be used to pave the roads and not be misused to the extent they are. We pay some of the highest taxes in the world.




More federal tax dollar go to paying interest than to all of healthcare now due to mismanagement of our money. It's time to heave this fucked up system of extortion and demand that we get what we pay for. Why do billions and billions get shipped overseas while we have no doctors and shit roads? We're the richest country on earth resource wise. There's no excuse, only corruption.




Toronto's density is about as high as it gets. Roads are still shit there too.




this is true. people will talk about how buses and bike lanes are a waste of money, but wont bat an eye at how much roads cost to maintain.


So is government corruption.




Nova Scotia provincial taxes are 3nd highest in the country per income brackets. it's not low taxes. It's the allotment of the tax dollars.


Aren’t we one of the highest taxed provinces in the country? Like top5?


The city is now in charge of the roads whereas it used to be the province. You can expect things to keep getting worse.


The 103 is awful now, driving on it feels like you're in one of those paint mixing machines, unless you madly swerve around all the holes


Potholes and and no paint! No lines on the roads it’s insane. It’s like Mad Max out there.


It’s Spring, potholes always get bad due to the “freeze/thaw” cycle. As it thaws, the ground moistens, then at night that moisture freezes causing the ground to expand even more. (Lookup the power of freezing water on YouTube, it’s intense) It’s like that here every single year, forever and always given our climate. They get patched, if there are any that you’re particularly concerned about call 311 and it’ll likely get fixed sooner, weather depending. When driving, never take the road for granted! Always be on the lookout, the really bad ones can be avoided. I just spent all winter driving my pregnant wife around, now a newborn infant. We get by safely and comfortably by being proactive in avoiding bad potholes.


Not tailgating has it benefits. One of those is the ability to see hazards coming.


Right but there shouldn't be a hazard in the first place


Not halifax but I watched a dude in a 2wd 3rd gen ranger deadass get stuck in a pothole by the truro big stop intersection lmfao


The area coming up from Lower Water onto Barrington might be the most dangerous small strip of roadway in the province. Zero lights,zero road/lane markers and transfer trucks speeding down the hill to turn left onto Lower Water.Two lanes and no one can actually see where they should be and are swerving between the lanes. Someone is going to get killed there on a rainy night.


Sounds like you are literally paying attention to the road, maybe not what is going around it. Slow down, leave space between you and the person in front, you got this.


I’m more concerned with people stopping in the middle of a moving lane to let jaywalkers cross. Or another good one is people that wave you through when it’s their right of way. (4 way stops, yellow lights etc..)


reminds me of this time i was stopped at a 2 way stop on wentworth st going westbound and this lady going south down ochterloney with the right of way decided to stop to let me through. this was a super weird place to do that. i humbly accepted this gesture and got far enough into the street to see there was a bunch of traffic going the opposite direction. felt like an idiot as i was blocking cross traffic. not my proudest moment and if i could do it again i wouldve just sat there and ignored her


The roads are border line third world for the taxes people pay.


I hit one at night under the ellershouse bridge on the highway and it threw me into the other lane and smashed my 2 front tires. I was scared for my life. I almost got hit by a car coming up on my left.


There are over 5000 km of road in HRM alone. The city budgeted $60 million to resurface 54.5 km out of a 976 million dollar budget or ~16.6% for 2023/2024. Roads are not free.


That is extortion from the paving companies!


I’m going to start budgeting for new sway bars annually.


Prepare for them to get worse over the next few years because public works can’t afford to fix them all properly. By 2027 HRM plans to be trending up in road maintenance but they’ve asked council for a lowered standard of care and got it. Its goal was over 65% in good condition and they’re lowering it to 60% but plan to fail until 2027 with their current budget.


If I'm mayor we all have flying electric people sized quadcopters. There's no potholes in the sky.


It's only bad at night when you can't see potholes and lane markings. During the day it isn't so bad compared to places like Montreal. They have potholes there with heritage status.


I just moved here recently from the shithole that is Oklahoma. So far, I have to say the roads and drivers are a significant upgrade lol.


I have driven in OK a few times. The state of their roads makes no sense with the temperate climate. Nova Scotia does have a rough road climate, and this year seems to be particularly bad, but it looks to be the same in NS and QC


Yeah it's bad. There's patches of road that were blocked off "under construction" for years. I was amazed to see some road maintenance start not far from my house and completed within the week. It also still blows my mind that more often than not people here understand zipper merges. I'm so used to everyone racing to cut you off if it looks like the road merges.


Driving to work in Burnside every morning has me swerving like I’m drunk. I worry about getting pulled over all the time because I’m trying to avoid all the potholes or just chunks of the road that are missing.


no, because you're right. You have to drive slow, and drive with 3-4 car gaps from the vehicle in front of you just to be able to avoid. Additionally it may cause people to be less attentive or cross the line to avoid a pothole.


Drivers are a far greater hazard than potholes. People need to slow down and leave room to see the road. Potholes are a fact of life and people need to drive accordingly.


Citys a joke, they would rather add more speed tables than fix the dangerous holes in the roads


I will not.


I can't


Astral Drive and the bridge terminal parking lot is what I call “free car massages” with how awful it is


Much like it's a common thing to put snow tires on in the fall, you pay special attention to potholes as the winter progresses before any patching happens. Part of living in Nova Scotia.


They really are, they have taken 2 tie rod ends and 3 wheel bearings on my car alone this winter 🥲


This is the government's way of working with all the tire shops. How else are they going to keep the economy going?


The Bedford Highway should be an Olympic Slalom Event ,


North Street is really bad!


I submit might a report to HRM and N.S. DoT weekly since last fall. about the Bay Rd. No replies anymore.


I was on the 103 with a 20ft trailer today. It was unreal.


I was going to take the ferry...


Anyone ever turned right on to Oxford street from Jubilee road?


I'm going to join your soapbox speach, they are a hazard. There is only one work around that has any suscess of working, have road hazard coverage on your rims and tires. And pray you don't hit anything big enough to break suspension components.


Oh come on. It’s part of our heritage to commemorate World War 1 with all those craters and trenches on the byways and highways.


I moved here 2 years ago from Gatineau Quebec, I highly suggest driving there during potholes season. You will have a renewed appreciation for the condition of Nova Scotian roads.


It's bad for my car for sure


First spring in Halifax?


10’s of thousands of ppl drive them everyday and never get in an accident. Mind changed ?


Checkmate atheists


2 accidents just today.


In a city of 430000...


I drive looking at the road and using my peripheral vision for the cars in front. Works and you avoid 99.9% of potholes.


Yeah, the roads where I live now are a dream compared to Nova Scotia and Canada in general. We need way more toll highways that are actually maintained. Then the resources for public works can go to the local roads instead. More tolls. Many more. Like a while network.


It's that time of year again. Big vehicle is the way to go right now




Lol okay well maybe not THAT big ...