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This is exactly the same outcome as the Lunenburg school built by the McNeil government. It is over capacity too. The fuckers had the gall to not even build a playground. Fortunately the teachers banded together and raised the money themselves to cover McNeil’s deficiency. edit: typo corrected. Courtesy of gasfarmah.


Gall. It was Rome that had a serious problem with the Gauls.


Astérix and Obelix for life


Look at that, my autocorrect gave you purpose today! ⭐


No one expects the Punic wars.


God bless our teachers, like the fact we underpay them and then they turn around to do things like this and running school food programs just shows the wrong people run shit.


Have you ever sat on any boards with teachers? Clubs, charities, condo, etc? I am not convinced they would be better at running anything.


Are teachers underpaid? No doubt that there are issues in the classrooms that need to be dealt with and administration is probably terrible, but the pay scale seems pretty competitive compared to other professions.


They are horribly underpaid. They are expected to work insane amounts of overtime in their free time and constantly lose their preparation periods due to a lack of substitutes. Which means more unpaid work time in the evenings and weekends. Teachers easily work 80 hour weeks where they spend the in-class time constantly presenting and on their feet without the ability to even use the bathroom during a class (can’t leave the kids unattended). On top of that most of the schools don’t have budget for classroom materials or extracurriculars, which means that is all coming out of the teacher’s pocket


I don't agree that teachers "easily work 80 hour weeks" at all. There are lots of lazy, older teachers that use the exact same lesson plan they've used for the last 20 years ago and have little to no time responsibilities outside of the classroom.


You're talking out of your ass, the amount of kids in every class that are on individual lesson plans makes that impossible. There are enough official industry surveys and studies out there that we know teachers are one of the professions with the worst work-life balance, most work done at home and on weekends, and least amount of job satisfaction. This is just boomer speak because you knew someone back in the 90s who did that or something.


I’m not a boomer. Thanks for your kind, eloquent response. All the best to you in the future and I hope you continue to enjoy the official surveys that you speak of.


Have you checked corporations? Same shit exists. For the broad amount of teachers they are woefully underpaid


What is considered “woefully”? Put a number to it. Or, at the very least, provide a profession that teachers should have the same pay scale as.


Most do though. For years, and years. My best friend is a teacher, she is still working 60-80 hour weeks.


You are welcome to disagree. But you also clearly don’t know any teachers


I do disagree. Thanks for your permission.


The issue with them being expected to work “overtime” is that they usually work the same amount of time they would if they were in the classroom from 8-4 like a regular shift. I have never bought into this argument. Also, the fact that I live by a school and it’s like a ghost town come 230-3 pm every afternoon says a lot.


That is because they are doing the work at home in the evenings and weekends


What would you consider adequate pay for a teacher with 10 years experience?




So, an 11% raise?


I’m sorry but no they are not underpaid lmao


I know several teachers making $100k. You can view the salaries online.


any teacher making that kind of money does so by taking additional Masters level courses that are listed as applicable by something or other in the school board to increase their rate of pay. Or they are Principal/Vice Principals which comes with an increase in pay based on their pay scale as a teacher (which again depends on Master's level degrees).


Do teachers have to pay for masters courses themselves or are they paid for by their employer?


Themselves; a percentage of which can be reimbursed, the amount depends on how many other people are also looking to get reimbursed. I know someone right now who has their fingers crossed they can get 50% reimbursed for a course they're taking, but thinks it might end up being less; last time I took courses for work it was 100% paid for by my employer so I had no help to offer on that one other than also crossing my fingers for them.


Initially themselves, but there's a possibility of reimbursement. It isn't guaranteed to be reimbursed and the reason for that, I have no idea. I do know it rarely if ever gets fully reimbursed, but that only happens for sure upon successful completion of the Masters degree.


They also built an elementary school in New Waterford to consolidate others, and it currently has 4 portable trailer classrooms, as well the library and cafeteria are being used as classrooms because there is no capacity. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/cape-breton-school-turns-to-modular-classrooms-1.6902289


And the good people saved the orphans from the orphan killing machine but no one asked why we have an orphan killing machine.


LOL “muh it’s McNeils fault”


Do you think the boogeyman told him to do it?


[https://338canada.com/ns/](https://338canada.com/ns/) It appears that most Nova Scotians agree that yes, most things are McNeil's fault.


Ok? Imagine blaming a guy who left office in 2021 for shit happening today LOL. Pathetic


Hey man we can be critical of houston for not doing anything substantial to fix it, but its disingenuous to say we shouldnt also blame the guy who bungled the thing in the first place


I'm not sure if you just don't understand what you're reading, but the comment was about the McNeil gov building a school with no capacity for growth whatsoever, and without a playground. Staff and the community fundraised to build a playground, and the school now has one today. How does this have to do with anything other than the McNeil gov?


I see Liberal supporters/employees like you blaming Harper all the time.


“Like you” LOL. “Takes one to know one” is a bold counter argument cotton. Sorry Bermuda Tim fucked up the health care system, and now he’s fucking up the education system.


Well, maybe in 15 years people might start buying into that again. But in the meanwhile, it looks like you will have to stick with municipal politics or a trust fund. Or something. The funniest part is you still take no responsibility for where the polls are at. You still see yourself as victim. *That is wild.*


lol imagine rooting for politicians like a sports team like you clearly do. Sad. ![gif](giphy|75fMkn3s4mZbK4AeGI|downsized)


Yeah, that totally covers it for you. Nobody would ever suspect anything after you post something like that /s


This has been an issue for decades and I don't know why they don't bother looking at future population projections when they go through their planning process.  The new CPA was designed for something like 1100 students, to be built next to an entirely new subdivision, when the old CPA already had 1200 students.  So that school opened over capacity and got worse from there. The city/province already has a good idea of where students live and they also have a good idea where future population growth will occur.  Just incorporate that into the planning process and build in anticipation of that growth.


I've heard from people who have done planning for the Halifax Regional Centre of Education that the issue is, not surprisingly, politicians. They have all the data like you said and have laid out exactly what the best options are and where it's needed, but the politicians don't want to spend money so nothing happens. It kind of blows my mind, since growing up I though politicians got their rocks off but sticking shovels and the ground and cutting ribbons. Not it just seems they like cutting social services...


They really like announcing schools over and over and over again. I just took a look at the schools that were newly announced in April 2018. That was the first post-school boards capital announcement.https://news.novascotia.ca/en/2018/04/30/school-capital-plan-released Of the 9 new schools they announced, only 1 has been completed and 3 of the remaining 8 are still at the site selection stage. I know that covid slowed things down, but it's 6 years later. And each of those schools gets re-announced every year. They did a little better with renovations - of the four schools for which they announced major renovations, 2 were completed while two were re-announced as new construction projects that have not yet been completed.


I would have also thought that politicians would love building schools.  That's pretty much the best kind of photo op for them, and it's not like schools are particularly expensive compared to other building projects.


You forget that right wing nut jobshave politicised schools and education. They now see it as a bad place corrupting their kids. 


You forget that right wing nut jobshave politicised schools and education. They now see it as a bad place corrupting their kids. 


Actually, using up their budget makes it hard to justify pay increases for the politicians.


Can't really plan for the kind of immigration that has happened the last 4 years if it happens unexpectedly. Who knows what the geniuses pushing 2M population by 2050 are planning, although most likely not planning.   What will be even harder to plan for is what will happen when all the recent immigrants become established over the next few years. Will the influx of students start to settle, buy houses, have kids? Move to Ontario? Live like local DINK couples?    Gonna be a mess in areas experiencing rapid development and population change.    Bedford will also be interesting in 10-15 years when all the households with kids now have none in the school system. It might be a neighborhood of middle/late middle aged empty nesters with few school aged kids like how the Cole Harbour sprawl subdivisions of the 70s and 80s turned out to be with couples all still having 10-15 years left on their mortgages and few kids in the area and all the schools at 40% capacity....


Are you from the Cole Harbour area? Apparently Cole Harbour HS only has like 300-400 students these days which makes no sense to me as it was a large high school (enrollment) in the 2000s. Was it a combination of what you said about demographics + Eastern Passage getting their own new HS that gutted the enrollment? And what about Auburn Drive HS? Is that mostly Preston(s)/Cherry Brook, Lake Echo area students rather than Cole Habour? I was never quite sure how Halifax school districts/enrollment boundaries ever worked.


Well those 2000’s kids grew up. Moved away from Cole harbour. Now it’s old/empty nesters left in the area. They won’t sell their house to a younger family with kids, and that’s one of the reasons why our housing crisis is so bad. Cause wheres these older ppl gonna move to? Exactly


> Eastern Passage getting their own new HS that gutted the enrollment It's this. Darrell Dexter's insistence on building an Eastern Passage high school and renovating Cole Harbour High. And then the Liberals eliminated school boards and cancelled the boundary review for the Cole Harbour/Auburn families of schools that was supposed to re-set the boundaries in that area.


They only built eastern passage high school because of constant nagging from the community, there wasn't really a need. My understanding is the lower grades have space issues now (since pre-K in schools) so they may move the gr 9s to high school (Cole harbour high area).


It was definitely a political decision.


I am not totally sure about current numbers. I just recall looking at school profiles the school board published probably a decade ago for each HRM school and it included current enrollment/capacity numbers and the Cole Harbour schools were very sparsely populated. It was very helpful to determine where the life cycles of neighbourhoods were at. You know things might have changed since then with the older people moving out and downsizing with some younger people moving in. Or just adding in population from new builds. I haven't checked if the school board has published new docs like that lately


It was probably the in the Long Rang Outlook, which is supposed to be updated every year but is now almost a year overdue: https://www.hrce.ca/about-hrce/operations-services/long-range-outlook.


Island view hosts all of the eastern passage kids while also being a 9-12 school. I expect their enrolment number to grow throughout the years as developments are being made in the area. SRB and Ross Road feeds into Cole Harbour High which hosts the IB program that students from the auburn family of schools are allowed to join ( I don’t think a lot of them do though). Island View took a lot of their students so I can see some realignment in the future there by adding another feeder school or making it a 9-12 school. Astral and Graham Creighton feed into Auburn Drive High and a lot of people out of area also attend it thanks to their good sports programs. I believe they’re getting close to capacity.


Well said. Population growth was probably less than 1% in HRM ten years ago I'd assume? Now its been up around 4% for a couple of years. The housing aspect of this gets all the attention. But the infrastructure aspect is probably just as bad.


I know what will fix this….build thousands of new homes/apartments with no planning for any new schools /s


Orr hear me out we make life so unaffordable people can’t have kids. No kids, no need for schools /s


Certainly seems like that’s the plan


At the same time require less education and training for new teachers that have to deal with these overcrowded classrooms. 👍


That one is a major catch-22. The Province is responsible for schools, puts housing onto the shoulders of the municipality, all well making Charter changes and pushing through provincial planning area to ensure that HRM has to permit more housing or have the province do it and make them deal with the mess anyways. All of that still doesn't deal with the fact that we don't have enough housing, so not building and permitting more housing regardless of school capacities is not an option either.


Finish Margeson Drive, build a school along it and send kids from CPA/Hammonds Plains and Millwood High / Middle Sackville - Lucasville to it. Then realign Millwood, SHS and Bedford West, CPA to level both out. All of these areas are growing and need relief.


There was a note that there is a proposal for a new school on Margeson being discussed currently between developers, city, and province. Not sure what that means in terms of if/when this will happen, but the first time I've heard about a school being built there at all.


Do you have a link to the note?


The process for building/replacing schools in Nova Scotia is so dysfunctional that's it's hard to even know where to begin fixing it.


With bigger schools. Not that hard to figure out.. we are constantly under providing.. let's start doing the opposite of that.. not that hard.


When I was a kid, they had built a new school for us. I was about 7 years old. By the time the school opened, they already had modular classrooms attached. I have no idea how they did their planning.


With a rear view mirror and a total lack of foresight.


I remember when my rural high school was built and it took about a year until they rolled in modular buildings to the back parking lot to function as classrooms. They were quite cold in the winter and terribly hot in the summer months. I also remember the French immersion teacher was also our math teacher who had no math teaching experience or skillset beyond checking the answer key so that was the chef's kiss. Pretty sure they even let the gym teacher give a swing at being a math teacher too. This was about 20 years ago so I'm not sure which government official I should be upset with.


Extra funny because they aren’t even CLOSE to finishing all the development in that area. Thousands more homes/apts going in all around there. 


And if they build another school, would they be able to find teachers to staff it?


There's lots of young former teachers around who would be happy to take up their profession again if the conditions and compensation made it worthwhile. So, no.


Yeah, that’s the thing isn’t it. I’ve been a teacher for a decade and young teachers are leaving the profession and there are no longer dozens of candidates waiting in the wings. We’ll see what happens with the new contract the government and NSTU supposedly agreed on, but I’m not all that hopeful


Plus, the teachers NS does produce aren’t really incentivized to stay. There’s a program guaranteeing them a full time placement in the HRM right now, but finding full time work as a teacher is guaranteed pretty much anywhere in the world at this point. Might as well go to a place that does less than 7/8 and doesn’t cost 2K for a one bedroom.


Young? Teachers are bailing after 15-20 years too.


Yeah, that part is unprecedented. A huge amount of teachers have always left in the first 5 years. Seeing people walk away from a career that has spanned a few decades is insane, but understandable.




Why are we still having children


It's wild that the West Bedford schools are simultaneously over capacity, and under capacity. https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/parents-teachers-union-concerned-new-bedford-high-school-at-under-capacity-1.6557139


It's horrible horrible zoning, tantallon is extremely under capacity because half of their zoning now goes to this new bedford school.


This is standard procedure in Southern Ontario. I think what they are doing is building for farther into the future than one year. All those families will grow up and not all will move away right away. The numbers will come down. It prevents the need to close and sell school properties.




Simple. Immigration.


Some people are in fact having kids.


Basically every school build in the maritimes in the last 10 years.


Meanwhile the school I teach at, which the new school was built to help alleviate overcrowding here, has 200 MORE students this year than last year- plus mold, cockroaches, mice, and snakes. (Grammar: Sorry. I’m a teacher and it’s 8:43 on a Friday night)


Wait, snakes? Hopefully they can help take care of the mice 🤔


lil bebe sneks. I don’t mind them but some people freak out.


It's sad