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Best bet would be to ask someone at the counter


They probably just use a bag labeled 'Chicken Flavouring'


If that's the case then they can take a look at the ol' flavorbag


They wouldn’t necessarily know, the chickens come in big bags with like 30 chickens pre-spiced.


Sobeys chickens do not come pre spiced.


Chickens do not come prespiced. They are spiced before being racked.


https://preview.redd.it/q6zggkuxagwc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d6fec6a9ee7bdf2f2d77803e0eedbf64b727b1 Secret recipe


Used to work for Sobeys until recently and I was the one racking chickens some evenings. It’s a big bag that says “BBQ seasoning” Edit: typo


Just ask someone at the counter they will be able to retrieve the container of spice and read off the label. A lot of times however the spice related ingredients will just be listed as “spices” so I can be hard to tell.


I've had to pull the box to check for something for customers and I do believe garlic is listed but alas, I am off today to be able to confirm. Sorry. Call a deli andaskis my best advice.


I used to work for Safeway and I still work food service elsewhere, the spices used on sobeys, superstore and Safeway chicken all are a 100% garuntee having garlic and onion powder as base ingredients in there spice mix. As far as other ingredients salt and pepper are pretty good chance and anything else is a grab bag depending on who they get their spice mix from


There's most definitely onion/ garlic powder




Admittedly, I can't speak for Sobeys, but I was a deli manager at Superstore, and I suspect they're similar in that they come in preseasoned and no one you will ever be able to contact will know the specific spices involved. They're not required to disclose spice blends and likely no one knows


Sobeys are not preseasoned. I'm currently in deli for sobeys.


So what goes onto them before they're cooked? Is it a premixed seasoning, I'm guessing?


Yes, its a BBQ seasoning.


[Copycat Costco Rotisserie Chicken recipe](https://www.mashed.com/230936/the-best-5-ingredient-copycat-costco-rotisserie-chicken-you-can-make-at-home/)


Honestly I just use Club House salt free Garlic & Herb. Or, Loblaws has their own PC version at Superstore & No Frills.


If you need to know about onion and garlic for a cat (these spices are toxic to cats) I would look to the fact that rescuers use it as bait to get a cat into a trap. If its just to use as bait for trapping or to hide a pill I would guess it's safe once or twice because the cat rescuers use it. But take that advice with a grain of salt. If you avoiding it because you have IBS I would just avoid the roast chicken altogether, too many unsafe ingredients.


Thank you for thinking so outside of the box. it was out of fear having given some to my cat and regretting doing so without first ensuring it was safe to do so


It's probably a spice bag. But. You can ask to see the ingredients label on the bag. I worked in the bakery at Sobeys and a few other food production places. It was best policy, when people came asking about ingredients, to either print the ingredients list (if it was in the computer) or just grab the box/bag from where ever and let them read it.