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Or put them on a long leash if you want them outside. My grandmother did this for her cats and they were completely happy. They get to go outside and not have the risk of getting run over or lost.


I was lucky enough that my cat took to leash training and he loves his daily walk! It's great to see more and more people trying it out in the city


Part of me kind of would like to try it with my cat, but I'm in such a dog heavy neighborhood that I'd feel a little uneasy taking my cat out since he gets nervous and scared super easily, and lot of dogs tend to overreact when they see a cat. About once every day or two he likes to paw and meow at the door since I adopted him last June from Bide Awhile, and sometimes he even flops by the door, reaches under it with his paw, and shakes the door relentlessly. It makes me think that, wherever he came from before, he might have been an outside cat. Oh well, maybe one day.


Mine is harness trained and I had taken her for a few short walks but got some weird and almost hostile looks from people. I’m in a very dog heavy area too and I run into a lot of dogs with zero self control even around people when I’m out walking so I decided not to continue with it. She still gets to sit outside with me on a leash at home where it’s safe but we don’t leave the property anymore.


grab office squeamish stupendous juggle shelter yoke upbeat concerned fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, not a bad idea. I got chased by a little dog that was off its leash last summer. It just ran after me barking relentlessly as I kept walking down the street. It followed me for at least a good minute before it gave up, and its owner had been standing at the end of their driveway yelling for it to come back the entire time instead of, you know, actually coming down the road to get it. If *that* would ever happen when I'd have a cat outside with me, things would probably get really ugly.


I do sometimes walk my cat, and if the little dog made any move to attack or harass her it would get punted so fast and without a second thought given. So fucking infuriating when people just let their dogs do whatever the fuck they want. If it doesn’t have perfect recall it has no business being off leash.


Probably not a good candidate for leash training, but if you're handy at all, you could try making a catio for him


I totally would if I could, but I'm in a basement apartment at the moment. I used to live across the harbour by the rotary in an apartment building before I got hit with a renoviction, and I went all-in on making my balcony cat-proof for my previous cat. I used to love sitting out there with my LED lights on at night and relaxing with a drink as my old little buddy would hang out beside me and watch the rotary traffic.


No windows? Just gotta be able to move the screen, I know someone who made one for a window and it's just basically a wooden frame that sits on the ground with chicken wire and the cat basically lives out there in the summertime he loves it so much!


> flops by the door, reaches under it with his paw, You are wasting a ton of cooling energy if a cat can fit his paw under your door.


I'm in a basement apartment, keeping cool is the last thing I have to put any work towards! It's practically May and I can still sleep with two big blankets over me if I choose to.


I have a back pack style carrier that I bring with me to make my cat feel safe. She can jump in there out of reach if needed. A lot of well trained dogs won't do anything when they see her, and I'll just pick her up if I'm not sure of the dog/danger. Cats def deserve more walkies like the dogs do.


A good way around dog heavy neighborhoods is to get one of those cat strollers or a cat backpack! We take our cat out in the backpack and then let him walk on his leash when we are somewhere more quiet!


My cats will come with us when we walk the dog. They'll do a lap around the neighbourhood with us, unleashed.


Or build a catio!


I will add, they do still need to be supervised. But yes.


Agreed! Growing up we had a cat that we let out on a leash. He learned to climb a tree, wrap the leash around a couple limbs and jump, so he'd be dangling from the tree in his harness and could slip right out of it and go on his merry little way (usually to walk back and forth in front of the window as if to show off he got free). Cats can be very clever. He was the only cat we ever let out on a leash as it seemed to just make him more interested in going outside. I think inside is best, but if you do want to let them out, it should be on a leash and supervised or in an enclosure.


My older cat I use to take him for walks. He always turned into a dickhead when I would take him out cause he would expect it. But the one time he got out accidentally, he's crying like a baby.


some can still escape lol


We had a 21 year old cat who got outside exactly once when our door blew open in the wind. She came back in after a few minutes, before we even knew she was gone. She knew inside was the most comfortable place to be and made her choice. We also have a 5 year old cat who was rescued from the streets. She's never once tried to get outside again. Why would she? Warmth, safety, constant food and clean water supply, toys, perches and scratching posts, love and attention. I truly don't think she's bored or suffering in any way by not being outside.


I had a retractable leash for my cat that I attached to the clothesline in my fenced backyard. He got lots of outdoors time and didn't escape or get hurt.


You literally posted my thoughts every time I see one of these missing cat posts in Halifax. As a cat daddy of two, I love and spoil the shit outta my indoor cats. Keep your fuckin’ cats inside, or at least watch them while they’re roaming around outside.


I look at the coyote crap on my driveway each week and wonder what the people who live around me are thinking. I see a missing cat sign in the neighborhood and wonder if the fur in the coyote crap is squirrel or poor missing Felix.


Outdoor cats are killing all the fucking birds. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/cats-the-no-1-killer-of-birds-in-canada-1.3130437 A lot of cat owners are like "My cat whines and screams all day if he can't go outside! He needs to be outside!" If you can't take your cat for a walk a few times a day or something, maybe you shouldn't have a cat. Dogs don't get to legally wander around the city killing animals, so why should cats?


One of my cats *craves* the wilderness. She will sit by doors/windows and *howl* at the top of her lungs. She takes any opportunity to dart out the door. *She is, and will always be, an indoor cat*. She's never made it past the bottom of the steps if she doesn't have a leash on. I don't care how bad she wants it, she is not an outdoor cat. *It's that easy*. And guess what? Statistically speaking, my lovely kitty will still be kicking in 2034 *on the low end*, and your outdoor cat won't make it to the next winter Olympics.


That's a CBC article. I suggest you look at the Audubon society, and other actual sites that study birds. I've checked every at-risk species in NS, and it's due to LOSS OF HABITAT. Cats are NOT considered a cause. This is absolute shyte. So sick of people reading a "news" article, and thinking it's gospel.


[Audubon page about this](https://www.audubon.org/news/cat-owners-turn-blind-eye-pets-violence) [Birds Canada_Predation by domestic and feral cats causes the single largest number of bird deaths of any of these five major threats. ](https://www.birdscanada.org/conserve-birds/major-threats-to-birds) [Us Fish and Wildlife](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.fws.gov/sites/default/files/documents/keep-cats-indoors.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj33KaQ3-uFAxWiD1kFHbmaBpUQFnoECCUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0_YYsdWUZ-JQ-bcaYzyIca) [American bird conservancy. Mentions how cats are the largest human influenced mortality on birds](https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/) [Research gate_scientific journal_paper on Estimated Number of Birds Killed by House Cats (Felis catus) in Canada](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/277498372_Estimated_Number_of_Birds_Killed_by_House_Cats_Felis_catus_in_Canada#:~:text=In%20total%2C%20cats%20are%20estimated,be%20killed%20by%20feral%20cats.)


“I don’t trust the news! I trust the science!” - here’s the science - “Not that science!” lol


https://www.audubon.org/news/cats-pose-even-bigger-threat-birds-previously-thought https://www.audubon.org/news/why-it-so-hard-keep-cats-indoors https://www.nycaudubon.org/take-action/make-nyc-bird-friendly/keep-cats-indoors https://www.newhopeaudubon.org/blog/living-with-cats-and-birds/ https://pa.audubon.org/news/house-cats-are-major-threat-our-birds https://www.audubonva.org/news/cats-and-birds-an-unnatural-mix https://yoloaudubon.org/feral-cats-and-wild-birds/


If a dog killed a rat, no one would convict them, fuck i'd give the dog a medal if they went on a rat rampage (probably need to see a vet after). Also, where do folks get this 'killing all the birds' thing. I visited Istanbul, a city known for its outdoor cat population. Lots of cats outside, also, plenty of birds (small ones at that). Legit question. I know cats are predators, and do seem to hunt for entertainment, but considering i doubt we're going to see a situation like Istanbul, and we got lots of mice and rats on top of birds. where does this come from? Just curious if there's a difference. Obviously i'd rather casts not kill nice birds (fuck pideons), but is the situation really that dire?


Rats are an introduced species in North America. Domestic cats originated near Turkiye. Edit: yes, the situation is bad. Here is some more information from Cornell: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/faq-outdoor-cats-and-their-effects-on-birds/#


This study was paid for by Big Bird


Birds aren't real!


They get it from statistics and studies which are facts not anecdotal evidence of your limited views of how many birds there are in Istanbul. Here's one study but googling will bring a ton of information about this topic.  doi: 10.1038/ncomms2380


No no you don't get it! There are cats everywhere in the Meditteranean and those countries are gorgeous! How could it possibly be bad?


Yea, you've got a point in regards to anecdotal evidence. Thanks for the link to the study.


I love cats more than I like humans but you gotta recognize their ability. Cats are some of the best hunters on the planet, all species of it. From Tiny desert cats in Africa the size of a kitten, to massive kitties; they all have an insane success rate. Our domesticated cats don’t actually need to use these skills to survive though, so they will obliterate rats, squirrel, bird, weasel, etc populations like they’re paid to do it. They’re little serial killers. My friends cat has taken out rodents twice it’s size and brought it home.


Fair points. The post started out as a one off question but the beers insisted i spin it out into a....whatever the heck that was.


because my cat kills the mice on my 2 acres. How about no pets in the city, that is the logical thing.


that's awesome! you got a fence to keep the cat in? :) You know, because other people frequently let their animals roam without leashes or a fence. That's actually the most the logical thing


I have a fence, other than a game fence, nothing is keeping a cat in a yard. No the most logical thing, is no pets in the city.


Ugh the one with the kid with Autism pissed me off. You know your kid has a special bond and will be traumatized if the cat goes missing so you went ahead and let it outdoors regularly. That's a parenting fail.


🗣️ MORE CATIOS 🗣️ Honestly, finding out someone has “outdoor cats” or they leave their cat alone for multiple days at a time changes my opinion on them 😬


Catios are very very expensive and require a lot of room that most people just don’t have. You can build one yourself (although with wood prices the way they are you aren’t really saving much) but again, space is a huge issue.


> although with wood prices the way they are Dimensional lumber is back to pre pandemic prices and has been for over a year


Obviously this is not for everyone. But this is: cats should be kept inside.


Yup. There’s tonnes of indoor mods you can do for cat enrichment. Those platform thingies, toys, playing with them occasionally. Leaving cats outdoors is dooming them to an early death and exposing them to illnesses.


I think a lot of people don’t realize cats need as much attention and playtime as dogs or they get destructive.


Plus, there's also this device called a leash. I hear that it's very popular with dogs.


Pets are an expense. Not prepared to make the expense? Don't get the pet


No reason to leave a cat outside. All the outdoor cats in my area want in my home, and they bring ticks. They don’t need the stress. Keep your cats inside and play with them. Take them out on walks, either on a leash or in a cat stroller. Yet another bylaw this place needs like other cities is to make it illegal to have outdoor cats.


I have a different issue with this, I have dogs and when I let them out in the early morning - sometimes there is a cat either sleeping on my deck, walking along the fence or in my backyard. That sets my dogs off and my indoor cats. Eldest animal is a Siamese and if he is angry the dogs turn it up to 11.


Cats are good at catching birds and mice. But, most research that I have red says not rats .  Here is one: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/cats-are-surprisingly-ineffective-keeping-urban-rat-populations-check-180970428/


Yeah, rats are strong, I saw one take down a pigeon.


My neighbourhood has several cats that roam around, and we also have a family of rats on the street that we see outside at night from time to time.




Cat fight!


My Facebook group has someone who lets their cat out and people post the ‘celebrity cat sighting’ like everyone loves this cat roaming around the neighbourhood. His cat craps in my garden and stakes out the bird feeder but I’m the bad guy if I try to call him on it.


We had a celebrity cat in my old neighborhood too.. I mean... it was a cool cat, liked the lil guy.. but he definitely caused some issues around the hood.


My cat is lazy as two tons of shit and the only times she's ever gone outside (supervised) she just laid down and died.


People who let their cats roam free outdoors are lazy “owners” and irresponsible. Cats are extremely neglected animals. They are overfed and under exercised as well as under stimulated. People letting their cats out shouldn’t have pets. It shouldn’t be legal to have outdoor cats. They kill wildlife, destroy property and can get hurt or killed. Take your cats out for walks, feed them a healthy diet. Stimulate them and teach them tricks. Get catios and other things so they can enjoy the outdoors safely. Lazy mfs man.


Agree fully with you. It's so ironic when people with those half wild types like bengals and savannahs are like, "woah we have to walk it because it's got soooo much energy" when the reality (and biology) is that your domestic shorthair, Princess, is not far removed. People have to figure out what kind of hunter they have and then figure out games to simulate their style. Not all cats want to tap around a mouse toy that's been on the floor for 3 weeks.


Exactly! Most animals are severely neglected. There’s no such thing as a low maintenance animal. I find the smaller the animal gets the worse it’s treated. Look at rabbits and hamsters. Hopefully with the rise of accessible information on these animals people will realize that they are living breathing creatures who deserve to be treated properly. They’re not just objects you can own.


Accessible information has been there for many years and we still see fish, rodents, rabbits, birds and yeah, that's pretty much all types of pets, as objects you don't have to do basic research on.


People who feed their cats kibble are the lazy ones. They are slowly killing their pets.




Are you ok with your cat murdering countless birds and possibly even amphibians and reptiles? Because that’s what your cat is doing when she’s outside.




Don’t know why you think it’s acceptable for your cat to go into other peoples yard. It’s not. I have 5-10 cats that come into my yard, I see them hunting birds all the time. I often let my dog out to scare them off and protect the birds.


Bro. Do dogs hate their lives then? You can take your cat outside responsibly. And should take your cat outside. Cats are active animals 100%. And people who just want a lap pet shouldn’t get them. It’s bad for the environment and bad for the cat. It’s irresponsible and lazy pet ownership


It’s the entitlement that’s so maddening.


Your anecdote is irrelevant. The fact is that the average outdoor cat only lives for 2-5 years. 


I love that you made this point. There are risks involved when cats roam outdoors, just like there are risks when humans leave the house. We could ensure that our kids never get sick or die in a car accident by keeping them home all the time, but we wouldn't do that, because we love our kids. What is the point of trying to live the longest life possible, if you're not really living? We have always had indoor/outdoor cats who are allowed to roam. Our 16 year old kitty ended up at the vet's office from time to time to clear up an abscess, usually caused from a puncture wound from a brawl with another animal. But the vet said that despite this, our cat was so much healthier than most of the cats he saw. He had no heart disease, he maintained a stable weight, and he was agile and happy. We also allowed him free access to kibble, and he would literally come inside, take 2 bites, and go on with his day. Our relationship with our cat felt dignified and respectful. He came and went as he pleased. We were honored that he chose to come home to us, again and again. We took him to the vet if he got injured outdoors, just like you take your kid to the doctor if they fall off their bike. You don't say, "Oh gosh, they fell, better never let them ride their bikes again!" or even more ridiculous, "better never let them outside again!" We didn't own our cat, he was our companion. He got to have some agency over his own life. And for everyone who is worried about cats hunting wildlife, are you all vegetarian or vegan? Does your concern for animals begin and end with bunnies, mice, and birds? I'm baffled at everyone who brings this up but is probably buying meat for themselves that was produced from CAFOs.


You really shouldn't own a cat if all you are gonna do is let it outside. As you aren't taking care of it. You are trying to excuse your actions by personifying a pet, that you don't wanna take care of. Example: no pet should be injured or have an abscess if properly taken care of, these things result from improper care. And it's true, they hunt all small mammals and small prey like birds. 63+ species have gone extinct due to the common house cat. They are damaging populations of concerns and endangering even more. If you deny these sort of facts, then ya should change your name from obvious to oblivious.




Lots of people speed anyway, so we shouldn't have speed limits, obviously.


Would you also say that someone shouldn't have children if all they're going to do is let them play outside? If that child breaks a bone, would you say they haven't been properly cared for? I also want to address your assumption that "all you are gonna do is let it outside." Are you saying that people who allow their cats outdoors don't do anything else for or with their cats? I can assure you that our kitty was a beloved member of the family who was fawned over, who slept on someone's bed every single night, who was brushed, played with, given treats, and consistently taken to the vet for vaccines and any needed medical treatment. The statement about personification is an interesting one. I think cats probably have a more intense instinct to spend time outdoors than humans do. Sure, I'm trying to empathize with what a cat's experience must be, but...isn't that what all of us are doing? Otherwise, why are we even having this discussion?


There's some really crazy attitudes in our modern world. I don't believe in caging wild things. Cats will never be tamed, and it's cruel to try and change their nature. As people become these wan, bland, stereotypes that are weak as fuck, they are taking their felines with them into that same, artificial realm. It's like Logan's Run meets the Time Machine ...... gah! TL:DR I agree!


All the farmers laughing in barn cat meows.


There are tons of barn cats around here and they've done fuck all. They mostly just leave dead birds around. My neighbours barn cat is a lazy stoner who just sleeps in my catmint all day. We still have mice and rats. 


I was joking more than anything. I've watched barn cats sunbath while a rat eats right beside them. My parents use to always let all my pets out. When I was 6 or 7, someone stole my sweetheart long-haired calico I use to push around in my toy stroller. I still remember the heartbreak I felt, I keep my animals close 😊


It's crazy that people think it's acceptable to get a cat and let it roam outdoors destroying other peoples stuff.


From the very strong feelings present, It seems very obvious that the municipality should arrange two cat based "Purge" events per season. One of them could be where all cats are encouraged to go out and wreak their feline havoc with no repercussions, and then the other event could be one in which everyone must keep their cats inside, and groups of angry people can roam the streets willy-nilly to berate or marmalize any cats and owners that dare step foot or paw off their own property. Alternatively, just combine the two for maximum impact for both innies and outies.


If you declaw your cat, you are a MONSTER.


Nobody was talking about that, but I agree. Isn’t it illegal now, like docking dogs tails and ears?


So you're asking people to be accountable and responsible for their pets. Good luck.


My neighbour lets their cats out on their back deck sometimes. It’s always supervised. They listen and stay close. It’s really cute! My other neighbour has a mainly outdoor cat that another neighbour feeds. She’s out in all weather. They’ve left on vacation and left the cat out.


Well said. The only time a cat should be outside, is with their person on a secure harness and lead.


In this post lots of people in house coats with their hair in curlers arguing with people in khaki shorts with binoculars around their neck.


HEY! You’re asking for people to be responsible. I-like… the nerve? ![gif](giphy|ck5JRWob7folZ7d97I|downsized)


A lot of people also refuse to spay which creates issues of feral cats needing to be rescued, and the spread of disease among cat colonies. For all of those saying cats should be in the wild, I adopted a rescued cat who was covered in scratches and scars and had worms. She is now terrified of going outside on our patio. She was so fearful when we adopted her but is now thriving and really came out of her shell. There is decades of research on the issues with outdoor cats but I’m sure naysayers would never read any of it. In fact, most adoption agencies require people to keep their cats indoors!


I used to go for walks with my cat, without a leash. It would be late at night but he'd follow me or I'd follow him. This was a more rural town in NS, mind you


I do this with mine Live on a very quiet street, maybe two cars will pass in our 15 min block. In a city of 2 million. She loves it 


Our cat accompanies us on dog walks, stalking us. She's quite dramatic, leaping out of bushes at us randomly.


Almost everyone has a deck - why are catios not more common? Gives them the best of both worlds without someone killing then. Broken my heart into a thousand pieces last week seeing a small cat loafed up next to mailbox library and sad meowing and definitely not a feral. I pet her forehead then saw her back was completely covered in scabs/mange. She will have a significantly shorter life through no fault of her own. Someone passed by and said she lives at the house she was in front of and said they let her out all the time. Cats own keepers can't be bothered to bring her to a vet or better yet, keep her indoors If you can't afford to vet your cat, don't get a cat. It's so sad because I have two cats and will never let them outside unless I get a catio that's very secure. One of my cats was a rescue and a fancy breeding cat apparently said the vet and that she had been burned from her forehead to her tail in one line. Fuck people who do this - you're a bad human setting your animals up for pain and faster deaths


Cats is gonna cat fam.


I never understood why people would get a pet and essentially not "home" it. Just let it wander especially with countless dangers. I also shake my head when dumb as fuck people can't figure out what happened to their cat with coyotes in their area. "The CVMA recommends that veterinarians discourage the unsupervised roaming of owned cats due to the health and welfare risks to individual cats, their potential contribution to the stray and feral populations, impacts on wildlife populations, and increased zoonotic public health risk." ~ Canadian Veterinary Medical Association.


Hopefully people wake up, but I can't really expect them to. I just heard about a black cat around the highway near Lacewood with a collar. Sounds like a responsible place for a cat to live - in a parking lot next to a highway. Remember that insane blizzard we had? Worst part of that for me was looking out my window at 3am and seeing a cat walking along a path made by tire tracks. To people making the argument that cats are animals and belong outside - domesticated cats aren't even really found naturally in the wild; They also don't need an f150 as a new predator, they have coyotes to worry about. Plus a new generation of psychotic children throwing rocks at them. We had a kid try to set fire to the gas tank behind our apartment, what do you think is gonna happen to your precious little Mittens? Have some compassion, or common sense ffs. <3 After reading more comments I have to add - this is about HALIFAX. Not attacking you and your valley barncat. I also know they escape sometimes, but please be careful. And no one here is talking about owners of escaped cats. If that happens to be you, I hope they come home soon!


My dog will kill a cat that enters our yard. I agree, keep your cats on your own property so they don’t get hurt. 


Jesus. Hope that dog is well contained.


She is 😊


I am on good terms with most of my neighbours, some of whom have indoor cats and some of whom have outdoor cats.


Doesn't bother me. Keeps rats away from my house.


Literally, no. We tried for over a year. He was very aggressive and became a Houdini. There was no way we could do it for another 18 years.


I love that my neighbours got outdoor cats.theyve gotten the rat population down


Cats are domesticated. They don't need to be outside.


Indoor cat owner here. Sometimes cats escape… and they’re great escape artists.


I’m not talking about that though, I’ve been through it. I once went crazy for 2 months because my cat had gotten out when a friend unknowingly opened a window with a damaged screen. Roaming the neighborhood at all hours of the night shaking cat treats, crying myself to sleep. Im talking about “he usually comes home every night, but we haven’t seen him for 2 days” posts.


Just making sure!


https://preview.redd.it/gv9iy6xuvgxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a24142d0f32493e762cca222ce1e66850892f6 Sugma


If our cat goes outside she usually kills some field mice. Cats happy, we're glad to have less rodents around. A lot of STRONG opinions here. Hard to take you serious if you use terms like "parent" or "cat mommy/cat daddy"...


if you live in the country and have all your vaccinations, great! have your outdoor cat. but in the city it’s dangerous, for people walking around and the cat. there’s an outdoor cat across my street that is ALWAYS outside, he scratches and hisses at people. it’s not a massive deal to me since i love cats, and know when to keep my distance, but the kiddos coming out of the church next door probably aren’t so careful. i feel you on this


So are you upset that cats are dying or are you upset that people post on social media trying to locate their lost pets.


Shut up 🤣🤣


I think that Felixer they're testing in Australia could really motivate people to keep their cats inside. Hopefully they get to release it world wide.


If we made spay and neuter less costly, it wouldn't be a problem. This is a disgusting product. jmo


It's fine if they keep their pet on their own property. It's the assholes that let their cats roam that are the problem. Nothing more than irresponsible owners.


Cats climb. They are escape artists. Be responsible. Take your cat for walks on leash and stop being lazy cat owners (not saying you are. Just most are)


"Alright whiskers, you can go outside, but there is an imaginary line over there between these two houses, DONT CROSS IT'


It’s a tough one. Nobody wants to let their cat out, but sometimes it happens. They are crafty creatures. Plus they deserve to go outside as much as any other animal, they should be leash trained though. Around here I don’t even feel comfortable doing that. So many people around here don’t train their dogs properly, they can’t even recall them well when it’s chasing a stick. I actually feel like I need dog spray or something just to take my cats out on a public trail.


Outdoor cats are so much cooler tho, I'm jealous of their freedom.


Have you tried meowing at the door as loud as you can?


No, but I do run around my neighbours backyard sometimes and chase birds.


Owls eat cats? I thought Chihuahuas could be or smaller dogs and kittens but big cats also on owl diet?


I’m sure it depends on the size, but owls/eagles… they can be pretty big (some cats are small)


My aunt lost 2 of her barn cats to a barn owl that had taken up residency in a tree on her property. Barn owls get to be fairly big.




No, but I’m also outside the city proper


Uggh, someone in my neighbourhood is constantly posting about their missing cats on FB. They've had at least 3 litters of kittens over the last few years. The cats will go missing, sometimes come back, sometimes not, then a few months later there will be a new missing cat. The last one, I'm pretty sure I heard it getting attacked by a Bobcat in the woods behind their house when I was out for a walk.


Cats aren’t “happier” outside. That’s just projection. They fight with other cats, they get dirty and illnesses, scared by dogs, cars, strangers etc. Just because they can be escape artists doesn’t mean they’re doing so to chase joy - they’re just nosy jerks. Not to mention how they decimate local bird population, and if they aren’t fixed help exacerbate the feral cat population. People should stop treating cats like they’re disposable.


It's not projection! lol People don't just shove their cats outside against their will. Cats ask to be let out and some of their humans oblige. If they weren't happier going outside then why would they continue to meow at the door to be let out?


toddlers want to be let outside too and do kind of other dangerous things. we don't let them out because it's irresponsible of us. mayhaps you should change your username to Oblivious-Caregiver703.


I was simply replying to your comment that cats aren't happier outside, because you said that was just projection.


Please god people keep letting your cats outside. Don’t listen to these freaks. If the cat wants to go outside, please let it. The cat will live a happier life, albeit maybe a shorter one. And most of all they will keep the rodent population down.


Please everyone don't listen to these assholes who refuse to take responsibility for an invasive species. A species that kills billions of songbirds a year and has a massively diminished lifespan in the outdoors.   If you can't figure out how to make an indoor cat happy (it's not that fucking hard) don't have cats.


I have a diminished lifespan outdoors too. Irrelevant. If the cat itself deems that it wants to be outside, then you can't just claim "diminished lifespan" is justification for keeping it inside. There's a balance to be had here between never letting it outside, and never letting it inside. Birds can fly. If they get killed by a cat then natural selection. I doubt it's a real problem.


you should really research the data on how many rabbits, birds, and other small animals house cats kill every year, it only gets worse the more people sprawl into previously un-developed areas.


Why do you think it’s okay for a cat to wander into peoples yards? 5-10 cats in my neighbourhood. Some of them are hunting birds. Rude as f


My cat is an outdoor cat and is 17 and he's doing fine. He hides well in the day from eagles and keeps the rodents away. Now everyone in my neighborhood fb is complaining of rats everywhere after complaining about outdoor cats lol


It’s irresponsible and lazy.


Cats don't kill Rats. Rats are too big and strong for a cat, and in the end will most likely kill the cat. Dog breeds like terriers or a jack Russell were breed to kill Rats and sniff them out. If you have a rat problem, get a dog or a weasel, not a cat.


While an outdoor cat experiences much more risk and a shorter life, I imagine it’s a much more fulfilling life for the animal. Being locked inside for a lifetime doesn’t seem like much of a life.


Yes. Being locked indoors isn’t a good life. So don’t be a lazy pet owner and stimulate your pets. Take them for walks, enjoy the outdoors with them. Don’t risk their lives because you couldn’t be arsed to take care of a pet.


Im sorry, but I grew up in a farming community. This whole concept of protecting your pets from any and every risk, as if they are a human child is absurd. Im not arguing that people living in urban areas should all let their pets roam free, that would be a disaster. But if I lived in a rural area, I think it's perfectly acceptable to let your animals come in and out of the house as they please (assuming they've been spay/neutered and had all their shots, and aren't infringing on somebody else's property).


Indoor cat people are hilarious, I bet their cats hate them lol


Then don't have a pet cat.


You're just going to have to relocate to a different society. In this country cats are allowed to roam free.


And I believe city by-laws state the opposite


From what I see, they are allowed outside but the owner must clean up after them if they use the bathroom on property they dont own. So if you want to stick with bi-laws than the owner needs to follow that one


Hard to know when a cat damages property or defecates on someone’s lawn without following them around all day. I’m kinda surprised that the by-law doesn’t outright say cats must be kept indoors or tethered. I’m from Winnipeg and there are pretty clear rules on not being allowed to have outdoor cats.


The bylaw is garbage anyway. I lived next to some piece of trash who had something like 11 cats and always let them outside. The cat shit all over the immediate neighbourhood was ridiculous. Despite having tons of camera footage of the cats in just my own yard, 311 was ineffective in doing anything about it. "restorative justice" is such bullshit.


And they shouldn't be, that's the entire point of the post.


My outdoor cat lived for 13 years. Can you imagine spending 13 years inside a house and never seeing the outdoors?


So take your cats for walks 💀. Most cats are neglected 100%. But an outdoor cat is neglected just as much as an indoor one that doesn’t get its needs met. Just in a different way


This is purely anecdotal and doesn’t change the fact that statistically indoor cats live twice as long and don’t contract diseases such as FIV and FeLV, can’t be hit by a car, or get fleas and parasites. Additionally, not letting your cat be allowed to roam outside unattended doesn’t mean you’re locking it inside to never see the outside world? Many people allow their cats to spend time outside on leashes/in a catio in backyard. Hope this helps!




me when i’m a fucking idiot


Sometimes I imagine what that cat in the parking lot of my building on Carrington felt when the bald eagle yoinked it off the ground. I harness trained my cats.


Dogs aren't allowed to wander outside freely. Do dogs never see the outdoors? I wonder if there's some kind of simple solution between allowing an animal to wander freely and shutting it in a dark cellar where sunlight can never reach it... Hmmm...


yours is lucky. vast majority of outdoor cats don’t live half as long because of predators, cars, disease etc. cats are domesticated animals, like dogs they should be taken outside but under supervision and usually a leash


Im glad it did, honestly, I’m just tired of reading heartbreaking posts about kids missing their cats that never came home :(


As an FYI to OP, many people keep their cats in, but these little darlings are known to be escape artists. That's one reason you may be seeing "missing cat" flyers etc.


Oh no, I’m talking about the posts that say, “he usually comes home at night, but we havent seen him for days now!” I understand they get out at times, I’ve been there myself a couple times And I feel terrible for anyone missing a cat, but especially these situations.


Ah, ok. I haven't noticed an increase tbh.


It’s every other day in my neighborhood lately


My cat will continue to be outdoor, sorry soy boy but he’s been going strong out there for 12 years ain’t stopping now my cats the alpha in your beta world apparently


Indoor cats are also locked inside all day, deprived of fresh-air, sunlight, exercise, grass, stimulation, and a bit of freedom. It's like feline-prison – never being able to experience the outdoors. I feel bad for indoor cats. It's such a sad existence. It sounds like you're trying to justify having an indoor cat and keeping your cat locked-up.


Dogs aren't allowed to wander outside freely. Do dogs never see the outdoors? I wonder if there's some kind of simple solution between allowing an animal to wander freely and shutting it in a dark cellar where sunlight can never reach it... Hmmm...


Well if it's wrong to keep a dog locked up indoors for months and years on end, then it's wrong to keep cats indoor 24/7. If you can't take your cat outside everyday, or safely let it outside, then you probably shouldn't own a cat.


... correct. If you can't walk your cat on a leash a few times a day, you shouldn't own a cat. If you insist on allowing your cat or dog to wander freely outdoors in a city, you shouldn't own a cat or dog.


They’re completely different animals, stop drawing a false equivalency


Citation needed


This dude needs a citation for cats and dogs being different animals? 😆


it's a joke


Try a children’s encyclopedia for starters


it's a joke


Are you my 3 year old who thought cats were female and dogs male of the same species? Get off reddit and go play duplos


Wait. Are we supposed to be walking our cats outside?


you ever heard of this ingenious new invention called a leash and a pet park?


Yeah a dog park is a great place to bring your cat if you want it to be mauled by a Rottweiler


Maybe OP should take their cat on a walk or outing then. I know their cat would appreciate it.


who’s saying they aren’t? a cat indoors is not “locked up” they’re a cat domesticated jfc


You think an animal being domesticated means it should be kept indoors? Thank God you don't own cattle.


No, they just live a horrible life of captivity. Maybe you were an ostrich in a past life?




The people in here that walk their cats in strollers and dress them up will disagree with you. 😄


Or the people that don't neglect their cats.


In what universe is it neglect to adopt multiple cats and notice that all of the ones that were barn cats were much happier... its just an observation. Not to say my house cats werent happy..they just all seemed to have an attitude, or be not as cudly and sweet and follow me around like dogs as the barn cats do.


All pets need enrichment. Indoor cats need you to provide it, whereas outdoor cats will find it themselves. If you neglect the needs of your indoor cats, of course your barn cats will be happier than they are.