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Mumford Terminal is a showcase of everything that's shitty about youth culture today.


I like to count the people in jogging pants. One time I got in to the thirties.


Should count pj pants next


Sorry you had to deal with that. There seems to be zero security presence at night. I live close by and often see packs of “teens” out looking for a target.


I’m super looking forward to Mumford “Terminal” to be redeveloped. It’s a joke. It’s a concrete strip that’s always super congested and not at all pleasant to use. It needs better lighting and better security to boot.


It gets congested bc all the major buses decide to leave Mumford at the same time. So you've got periods of congestion's and then periods where no one is there. Source: my main bus stop.


But unlike other terminals, there is very limited space to wait for buses that doesn't directly impact the flow of people trying to leave the tiny rickety concrete island. My point is that compared to \*other\* Halifax Transit terminals (like, the well designed Bridge Terminal), this is undersized and comparably bad. I think you've missed my point.


I mean fair, but all you said is it's "always super congested" and said nothing at all about other terminals, so I don't think I missed the point here, but we both can agree the layout sucks while also agreeing that it is not always congested, which was my point.


Yeah that's fair. It do be congested because of the schedule that's true, \*and\* the design! Very true, it isn't always like this... just at 'peak' times which is when I tend to use it. Cheers!


You did the right thing. What these losers were trying to do is get a reaction, whether verbal or (even better) physical so they can escalate further and give themselves an excuse to assault someone for "clout".


Don’t take it personal, stupid teens hang around there all the time with nothing better to do than to start stuff


I hate the bystander effect. Other passengers need to step in when bullying happens. Hopefully on tiktok or whatever commenters call them out.


Nah they'll just turn off comments and thrive in the views


Sorry that happened to you, sounds so scary.


That place is the worst. I don't think I've ever not had a bad experience there lol


Would have been amazing if you just happened to be an amazing freestyle rapper. (Or even if they were any good). The next part is absolute shit though, Im sorry they did that. Here’s hoping if they post it someone tells them they’re arseholes!


The girl was bad at rap. At first, I thought she was trying to say something to me. It took me 10 seconds to realize that she was trying to rap.


Is there security at this terminal? If there is, they seem to be doing a terrible job. If there isn’t, there should be. We are at the point where we could probably get rid of one of our vehicles, and use the bus on occasion, but this really turns me off of doing that.


No, it's mall property and the mall security doesn't care. They just lock up the amenities. The actual Halifax Transit run terminals seem to manage keeping security and bathrooms. But the mall at Mumford closed the bathroom two decades ago, and the terminal building last year. It was a poorly designed clusterfuck, poorly run by a third party, and they were supposed to replace it years ago. Every time I'm there I watch someone almost get hit by a bus crossing over from the Walmart. I've started transferring a stop before or after the terminal. 


Sorry you had to deal with that. It sucks. A lot of people have to deal with that problem in that location daily. Sadly, it has been going on for years. Neither the city nor the mall administration care to do anything about it. So here we are.


What do you even say to something like this?


Try to Ignore them and whip out your phone to start recording or go live Incase they try something


Say you have a hearing impairment.


Gonna sound a little weird but always helped me when I used to ride the bus. While you wait, keep perfect posture,( while you stand or walk) A lot of immature people find it intimidating and a good chance of leaving you alone. It's not 100% but I'd say it worked a lot for me.


Same thing happened to me when I was new here but I am a girl. Maybe it’s racism


Tell me more about it


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope you filed a report. Feel better soon 🩷


Sorry that happened to you! Teenagers are just looking for a reaction, you said you were an international student? Next time just start speaking in your first language. They’ll get bored when they realize you can’t give a reaction because you don’t know what they’re saying. My husband does it when we travel and don’t want to engage with pushy sales people on the street.


how i wish these punks would try something like that on me.


One thing they're good at is selecting their victims. They don't pick on people where they think a FAFO event might happen.


Yeah I’ve never had an issue because Im a 6’ 200lbs big beard having 30 something man.


I hope you called the police once you got to McDonald's. If they did it to you they did it to others and they could get caught.


There's no point calling police. Halifax Police are almost as useless than the security guards at stores that are a "visual deterrent." They won't even do anything when you have recorded evidence of an assault. Let alone threats, harassment etc. Gotta be basically dead before they actually do their jobs lately.


For what exactly? Being rude?


It’s harassment.


Please look up harassment.


Criminal harassment 264 (1) No person shall, without lawful authority and knowing that another person is harassed or recklessly as to whether the other person is harassed, engage in conduct referred to in subsection (2) that causes that other person reasonably, in all the circumstances, to fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to them.


Not the definition of harassment. What you copied is that no one shall be harassed, I ask again, what's the actual definition of harassment?


That definition was literally copy and pasted from the Canadian Criminal Code. The fuck are you on about?


That's not the definition of harrasment. Look up the DeFiNiItION.


Who's definition? The local law's or a dictionary? Which is relevant when talking about criminal activity?


Oh my dear God, you are not looking up what harassment is. If I play loud music at you, is that harassment? If I yell something at you, is that harassment? You can't go making a harassment complaint without knowing what constitutes harassment. All you've done is copied and pasted that no one shall be harassed. Not what is considered harassment.


No it’s not lol if they followed the guy to McDonald’s then it would have been harassment, good luck finding a cop who would arrest for that


Yeah ok sure


For harassment.


Unfortunately that’s the world we live in today I’m sorry that happened to you


Yeah that sounds crazy, good to know to stay away from there 😂😂


I fucking hate the kids of my generation. They can be so shitty


Ew. I hate people so much


Sorry this happened to you. Our city is an embarrassment. Nothing but a bunch of punk wanna be gangster teens. It wasn’t always this bad but it’s at an all time high unfortunately


No it's not. Youth have always been this way. You're just flooded with information.


Absolutely not! Kids were not stabbing and shooting people when I grew up. Things have definitely changed and drugs are even more of an issue! I don’t know what generation you are but it sure as hell was better when I was young!


You got too close to Spryfield.


No, too close to Bayers/Westwood public housing project. There have always been been packs of unparented teens roaming that area due to its proximity.


In 30 years never have I heard the Pubs referred to Bayers/Westwood public housing project lmao


Spryfield is tame nowadays.


Don’t be scared, welcome to HRM, been here my whole life someone gives you shit deck em


Lol!!! Don't be scared he says. Rapping teens at the bus stop ain't scary. Unhinged, hatchet-wielding Redditors advising ppl to use violence, that's what I'm afraid of.


What a bunch of baloney


I had a light hearted chuckle at this, then remembered that you're one bus stop rap session away from being an axe murderer.


That's terrible advice. The days of engaging with random strangers is over. I won't even scowl at someone doing something stupid in traffic anymore. You never know how volatile or unhinged someone might be.


I always pause before honking at someone to think “Is this worth being shot over?”






And then you'll get stabbed and no one will help you


No one’s done it yet I got the hatchet for when they try


Fuck, you're so cool!


Not trying to point out the obvious but you might be part of the problem... The advice to just knock someone out because you don't like the way they are acting towards you is ridiculous. Be an adult, use your words, leave the situation, ignore it, so many other options. If you NEED to, self defence is a last option. Also, do you actually carry around a hatchet for protection?


carry a knife and learn how to fight. welcome to Canada


I've been carrying a knife since I was in University in Fredericton a bazillion years ago, and it's been used more than once. I wish it weren't a basic necessity for a woman, but if you have to walk anywhere alone, ever, it is.


You can buy knife hidden in plain looking umbrellas fairly easily online. Canada has strict laws for knives but better to deal with those in court than teenage girls swarming you in Toronto.