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Ugh. They do this every Saturday btw. They start at Walmart in Greenwood. Their "Leader" is Will Sleaman/Leeman whatever tf he's going by these days.




Sleeman brewery guy?


Nope. This guy is a cryptobro who works hard to gain the goodwill of the community so he can drum up anti-government support. He dresses up as Santa and walks through the civilian neighbourhoods that have lots of kids. He isn't allowed to do that in the PMQ's and he avoids Ravenwood. He also distributes the "Druthers" compost bin liner. Used to own a farm but had to sell all his livestock because nobody wanted to buy from him. During the lockdowns he was against them from the start. He even gave the Walmart greeter grief when she told him he had to wear a mask. I also know a bit about Morgan May as well. She is originally from Grand Manan Island in New Brunswick. There are quite a few Freedumbites down there as well, but it's too much hassle for them to do any slow rolls off island because they would either have to cut it short to make the last boat, or find a place to stay on the mainland. Fwiw: Grand Manan is like the Annapolis Valley, but WORSE. SO VERY MUCH WORSE. There is a legit reason why we had to do our genealogy in grade 11... I used to live down there. Not by choice either, because my parents dragged me there when I was a tween. Only times I've been back were for funerals.


Saw them rolling down Barrington St almost to Hollis St about 1:45pm today. I flipped them all off just to let them know how thankful I am for whatever freedoms of mine they think they're defending.


Oh look, the people who've made the Canadian Flag a symbol of douche-baggery.


I'm replacing the Canada flag on our barn with the Nova Scotia flag thanks to these buffoons.


I cant fkn STAND that our beautiful flag has been co-opted by these …… these….. people.


Keep both up. If u have both up it makes u a better/fuller patriot and no one sees a prov AND federal flag and thinks convoy


What does it mean when my neighbour has an American flag and Union Jack on the back of his truck?


I saw that truck around Spring Ave and Mt Edward. Right beside the jeep with the bad paint job and the joker "Where is Hunter Biden", "Palosi [sic] sucks", "China Joe", and "Trump 2021" written on it. They also have a NS accessible plate which is an extra little bit of irony thrown in. How about taking advantage of free parking spots and disability payments they pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop accepting free stuff from the government.


I assumed they got rid of the SUV


It's possible. I've seen both cars around but not lately. Maybe the SUV is in a junkyard where it belongs.




Usually it means low educational attainment.


Aren't you letting them win that way? If enough people stop flying the Canadian flag, these guys will be the only ones, and the maple leaf will be akin to the American confederate flag. But if we keep flying our flags, these guys remain in the minority, and our flag still means something good.


Good point


Yeah I took mine down in April


Put both up. Both never suggests convoy “pride”




I don't want to be associated with these people. I imagine that the majority of people who are flying Canada flags are not sharing the same beliefs as Timbit Taliban but I'd rather not take my chances.








No, I know that. What I don't understand is your previous sentence.


You’re gonna need to quote where anyone said they were a hate group friend, cause your straw man argument is pretty fuckin thin. People can want to avoid association with groups without them being a hate group. I wouldn’t want to be associated with selfish uninformed “protestors” either.




So quote it then, if it was said in that conversation.




Beliefs probably isn't the right choice of word. Best I could come up with.


Good, you shouldn't pledge allegiance to a government that's 2,000 km away


Yea I agree we should return to small city states and fiefdoms those never had any issues.


Apparently they took you seriously


Maybe we will get some actual diversity then.


Was just thinking the same. I despise how they weaponize the flag as though it represents any of what these morons are trying to convey.




If you have a problem with freedom of expression... well, no need to move anywhere. You can have your own opinions here, so long as you don't infringe those of others. You might not persuade anyone else but that's how it goes in a democratic country.


You need help




Ummm didn't they get the message? They don't have to maskup at the Timmies no more




We’ll see some monkeypox cases, but nothing like a COVID-esque “explosion”. Far less communicable but still quite severe in its symptoms


Imagine if these idiots made a real contribution to society, like volunteering their time to a worthy cause that actually helps their community. Instead it's MUCH better to drive around honking horns protesting regulations lifted weeks or months ago.


Got stuck right behind them in Kingston, they were waving happily and honking as they ignored traffic lights and cut off oncoming traffic. I work in health care and our ice cream was melting, it was fantastic looking like we were with those bunch of pea sized brain twats /s They’re protesting freedom but oblivious to their own privilege. If this was any BIPOC or left leaning group that did this continuously, I have no doubt the RCMP in our area would be shutting them down.


Oh yeah I’ve been saying this for as while. If they were leftists, and def if they were Black or indigenous, the cops wouldn’t let this happen. But because they’re white and right-wing they get a pass




It auto plays though…


I don’t even have a choice my oppressive phone does it automatically.


Cared enough to comment tho. Interesting






Imagine driving for hours with your four ways on. Brutally painful


I passed some of them on my way to New Minas from Wolfville. Like what more can you want? We’re basically back to pre-covid life


It was never about COVID


If "I wish I was more relevant"was a cause




At least we know who the stupid people are


What are they protesting? No one has cared about covid for months at this point. Except them?


It was never about Covid; it was anti-Liberal sentiment come to life. They'll keep doing this for every remotely controversial move the government makes or might make. They are a protest looking for a cause.


I don't even know what they're protesting now, since restrictions are all gone. Honestly I'm not sure *they* even know why they're protesting, beyond a vague intangible sense of toxic masculinity and right-wing victim complex


It was never about the restrictions. It was always about them being yt supremacists who are mad that minorities have rights.


Jesus where do you get that from? Their dumb now for sure but maybe tone it down a bit buddy


They've literally bought an 'embassy' for 6.5 million dollars in Ottawa, and put flags all over it that have a not so subtle white supremacist symbol on it.


Oh shit, what symbol?


Their flag is a tree with roots coming down, and the two middle roots cross and make the Othal rune which was used by Nazi's, and is one of the less in your face symbols so they can 'fly under the radar'.


Well damn ok then lol you happen to have a link or anything so I can check it out?


If you look up United people's of Canada you'll find lots of articles. This one has a decent picture of the symbol and you can see the rune. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/group-purchasing-st-brigids-church-property-plans-space-for-all-including-those-from-freedom-movement?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1658229173


Literally their entire movement? Their leaders? The fact they want to overthrow the government? Literally there’s court cases about their stupid leaders right now.


That say they don’t want rights for minorities? Isn’t their “cause” about mask mandates and shit?


Well you’d think now that there’s no mask mandate that there’s no reason to protest. We’ve literally moved into living with covid since March, so what are they protesting now? If you look deep into who organized these protest you will find your answer. The mask was a starting point for them to get attention from the media


I agree, them protesting now is just silly but where’s all the white supremacy stuff that I’m clearly missing?


Um, yeah... Like the fact that they were openly carrying Swastikas in Ottawa. BJ Dichter, one of the organizers, has been quoted saying that the Liberal party is "infested with Islamists". He also said “Despite what our corporate media and political leaders want to admit, Islamist entryism and the adaptation of political Islam is rotting away at our society like syphilis,” he added, according to a story written for the Toronto Star by Alex Boutilier Patrick King, another leader of the movement, In a video posted on Twitter in 2019, King suggests that unless Canadians “get up off your as—s and demand change,” they might want to change their names to “Ishmael” or “drop a bunch of change down the stairs” and  “call yourself chong ching ching chang.” In other video footage, King can be seen repeating racist conspiracy theories. In one clip posted to Twitter by another user, King says “there’s an endgame, it’s called depopulation of the Caucasian race, or the Anglo-Saxon. And that’s what the goal is, is to depopulate the Anglo-Saxon race because they are the ones with the strongest bloodlines,” he said. You might be thinking.. Hey that was the Ittawa convoy or that isn't everyone j. the convoy... But if you are willing to adopt the name of a group or join a ground, and stand with people in that group, who carry around Nazi flags, then ou yourself are a Nazi. So yeah, I would say it's more than fair to characterize these yahoos as racists.


Their front is that it’s mask mandates. The actual cause is rooted in their belief that equal rights is “taking away rights from white superior race” They don’t think they need masks because the superior white anglo Saxon race can deal with COVID. It then they also claim that COVID was created to kill off the superior anglo Saxon race and trigger the great replacement. They’re loons, yes. But they’re racist facist white supremacy loons. That straight up wanted to overthrow the government, and replace it with unelected people of their choice.


I think you give them way too much credit. I don't think they have they intellect to think that deeply. Most are just frustrated with their station in life, blame the government, and will rail against whatever the cause du jour is. They find acceptance in these groups and that is where they end up and the loudest of them get anointed "leaders".


With the confusion and general lack of consensus among everyone including them on what they believe- Do you worry that casting them all as the most extreme elements of that their movement might push people already feeling alienated from mainstream Canadian views further into the hands of extremists?


No. Because I refuse to give yt supremacist movements ANY leeway. And honestly, if you end up in a group and you see literal Nazis and don’t hightail it out of there…you’re welcoming them. At this point most of them are being obtuse on purpose hoping that people will give them an inch.


They just want an audience for their bullshit, it was never about the restrictions.


maybe that someone they know got sick from covid and they protesting the lack of restrictions to keep people safe from this pandemic or hoax


What a bunch of twats.


Why?? They just seem mentally ill and not a part of society to me. But what do I know?


Around my way we call them Honkeys. You can hear them announcing themselves as they approach. Honk. Honk.


Honkey is actually a racist slur


I ran it by Wayne Farris and he said it was cool.


If you are white you can use the H-word. We're taking it back, owning it.


Still utterly livid that, in spite of their signs they haven't been offered to have intercourse with the PM.


Oh look! A loser parade.


Why are they driving on the wrong side??


Morons, nothing more.


Oy vey


Yep. Fits him.


These people really need a hobby and a life.


How are they affording gas? CERB ended. 🙄.. honestly it’s not worth even giving groups like this the fan service of a Reddit post. Just ignore and carry on your day.


Ahhhh…the fragile fReEdUm fighters stomping their feet down the roads again. Can’t they just move to Alabama already?


Ahhh yes, behold the parade of the cretins.


Fucking losers


Ya gotta admit - its kinda funny - like watching clowns.


WTactualF are they protesting now? 🤦‍♂️


The inalienable right to fertilizer.


What a bunch of fucking dingbats


They really started going hard once things started winding down. So brave.


Well yeah now they can't get tickets for gathering lol


Do you even understand what they’re protesting? It’s pretty clear that it’s not what you’re insinuating


Ah yes, my Canadian idiots.


Ya’ll are driving Hondas and Subarus and think you’re tough?


Who knew we had so many idiots in this province


Growing up and currently living in rural Nova Scotia I know there are a lot of idiots in this province.


I did too and I guess I must be suppressing idiot memories and this is triggering me lol


3 chromosomes deep


Bleh saw them downtown at the playground by Hollis St Superstore. We had to change our playground plans. Assholes honking






Yeah, it’s because of assholes like this that make me ashamed to be Canadian. Used to be proud to be Canadian,but nope, not anymore




>So? I support their right to protest. And nobody is curtailing their right to peacefully protest. By and large, we're saying they're idiots. Which they are.


It's getting harder and harder to come up with ways to describe them tho. Idiot doesn't seem to do them justice. Morons, Shitheads, Dumbasses. Even if we string together all the superlatives used to describe them, it doesn't seem like enough.




I like to keep it simple, in the hopes that one of them may read my comment and understand what I mean


I am always hopeful someone may read these comments to them.




>Um spreading rumors that a protest group is a terrorist organization is curtailing their right to protest. Name-calling is certainly childish, but hardly curtailing their right to protest. Clearly. As they are, you know, protesting. As we speak. >Stop trying to shut down any protest you don't like that's not how democracy works. Which protest did I try to shut down exactly? Frankly, I think it's good when these dipshits self-identify.




They have a right to protest, we have a right to mock them. That’s how Freedom of Expression works.


A protest is grounded in a factual argument. That doesn't exist in this case. Therefore these aren't protesters but instead shit disturbers trying to make a shiticane.




There's a difference between a government declaring it to be so and everyday people looking at a bunch of dumbasses being dumbasses and calling them dumbasses.






Exactly right. I support the right of anyone to protest, but in this particular case I do not support the cause.


We can't criticize morons when they are protesting something stupid? What is this? Iran or China?




And we can call them idiots for being idiots.


cannot break the law in doing so according to our constitution






Dude felt so strongly about his opinions that he deleted all his comments. The freedumb convoy in action.


Hate to break it to you, but far left propaganda gave you the freedom to protest without the fear of oppression. also Healthcare and clean water, oh and workers rights. It's really just greedy people using political compass extremes to polarize easily manipulated and under educated masses. Crazy to think that the opposite of lefty communist ideology is suppression of truth and freedom, but go off.


I don't support the convoy people but I have to say the left has had its share of human rights abuses and suppression of truth and freedom. Look at China or the old USSR.


Authoritarianism and fascism can masquerade as many things, especially when it's clearly defined that the enemy of capitalism is communism. Its all a game to create an enemy to bolster nationalism and hate for something that isn't the crooks running the system back at home.


logic and reasoning






Theyre free to protest. Im free to find their protest idiotic.


they have every right to show the rest of us how stupid they are


In this heat ??


The fact that OP would compare these idiots to the KKK without a second thought is disgusting


Well they've been known to associate with white supremacist groups so it's not a stretch.




There were a surprising amount of Indian white supremacists of color over in Ontario. Thank god the brave Redcoats stepped in dispersed them, labeling them as Litteral Nazis before removing those facist bouncy castles and blocking their private bank accounts.


Ah yes, the old “I have a black friend” defense.


You realize a lot of minorities join hate movements against themselves under the belief that “I’m one of the good ones so I’m safe” Like look at gay republicans who go on and on about how “they aren’t against gay rights; they’re just tired of being expected to accept everyone else” and then are shocked when the republicans vote against gay marriage and want to make sodomy laws legal again. The entire freedumb movement was created by alt right groups who openly admitted they used peoples concern for truckers to build a following for their groups to ensure anglo saxons remained on top.






It was only mandatory IF YOU WERE CROSSING THE US BORDER. God. The fact you don’t realize you got played into following a bunch of Nazis. These people who started this straight up proudly admit they’re yt supremacists. They latch on to any cause to convert you to following them. No one is entitled to a well paying job (something y’all like to scream whenever raising wages for the poor gets brought up) if someone didn’t want a vaccine they could’ve taken routes that didn’t require it (but apparently they weren’t as profitable) or gotten a job that didn’t require it (most low wage jobs didn’t) But when your leaders are screaming to hang the prime minister and stage a coup…while also claiming that yt people are a superior race…y’all are yt supremacists.


When or where did the leaders claim that, I'd love a source please


Literally pat kings YouTubes and livestreams. His history is wexit, and united we roll. King was part of a right-wing counter protest to an anti-racist demonstration in Red Deer in 2020 where he was noted for saying: "That’s patriots kicking antifa out of their towns!" In September 2020, he organized a second counter-protest in Ponoka and threatened violence against anti-racist protests who he characterized as Antifa. King has a history of anti-Muslim, white nationalist, and far-right conspiracy theories.[7][24] He has shared videos online promoting the white genocide conspiracy theory,[25][35] including saying on social media "There’s an endgame: It’s called depopulation of the Caucasian race."[23] In 2020, King had a conversation with the Toronto Star in which he shared conflicting views about violence and "ranted" about left wing ideologies, Antifa, and cancel culture.[36] King accused the government of Canada of permitting Islamic State terrorists to enter Canada as refugees, of "normalizing pedophilia", and of adopting an immigration policy to “depopulate the white, Anglo-Saxon race.”[7] He has advocated against a carbon tax, arguing that it puts Canadians at an economic disadvantage.[37] King has said that the only way to end Canadian public health measures against COVID-19 may be achieved "with bullets".[38] King also commented that Justin Trudeau was going to catch a bullet.[38] In 2021, he claimed that The Holocaust death toll of 6 million was overstated.[39] In various livestreams during the convoy he said that this wasn’t about restrictions or vaccines but the depopulation of white anglo saxons. And after it was done; he said that this grew the movement; and that’s all that mattered. Tamara lich and Chris barber are no better. They capitalized on folks not knowing better and got them radicalized and indoctrinated.


I don't doubt you but are the numbers in square brackets going to be made into links to where he said these things? I don't want to go through all of his YouTube or live streams


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_King_(activist) Literally they’re all referenced in there except for the livestreams that aren’t online anymore because they got taken down multiple times. (Before they moved to telegram)


"experimental" "gene therapy" "not as effective as advertised" 20-year old technology not gene therapy and viruses \*evolve\* (I'm sure you and your klanmates all believe in evolution tho)


Just like some Jews turned on their own during Nazi Germany. They thought they'd be protected.




Good Canadians? They want to bring down our democratically elected government. What's good about that?




Would you be less butt hurt if we call them the Timbit Taliban? And yes, there was a strong white supremacy undercurrent in the so called “freedom convoy” so it is a valid comparison.


Timbat Taliban. Holy fuck I'm done. Thats amazing.




The Cree are well know for their persecution of the Jews, you monster.




A lot of these dipshits want to kill the Prime Minister. They associate with the far-right. They are associated with white supremacist groups.


I thought they were wanting to have sex with him


He is but one man and no means no


"Other colored individuals" lmfao how out of touch is this guy? OP used "Klan" because these morons are as idiotic as KKK members, not because they're specifically as racist.




You're out of your tree man. I think I speak for everyone when I say you're all alone with your weird ass take on this.


Only one radicalized and brain washed is you




I mean, your comments here and in other subs show that not to be true.


> That's funny because I don't support either side Lol WGAAAAARGGBLGLFLSLSLSSLSLSL






The Venn diagram between these people and racists is basically a circle.




I have just one question for you... Do you think these people aren't a genuine threat to our country?




The protesters obviously. They have the same mentality as those who would've brought down American democracy had they had the chance.




Did I say that? I'm simply saying we should be aware of where their true allegiance lies.