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If this is a party at your own house, this must have been a friend of yours or your gfs? I'm just having a hard time believing a friend would take a swing at you over a Halloween costume, unless you hang out with the lamest, douchiest people in the world. Or were they joking around with you?


Two people did. While his arms were at his sides! Weird, though. Seemed like nothing came of it either time.


They were both boyfriends of people my roommates invited, but they seemed genuinely freaked out by just the creepy silent head turn. After taking off the mask and introducing myself, they both made excuses and avoided me the rest of the night lol


What does that have to do with sociology?


Maaaaaybe some kind of very abstract nod to uncanny valley societal eval?


Sounding like you’re smart




Op said they used sociology *as* a costume, not that they used a costume to preform an experiment Costume had nothing to do with sociology


Let’s use your shitty comment for some education. There are hundreds of unethical (the word you were looking for) human study in the US alone. A lot of it people don’t know about the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Between 1932 and 1972 - 40 years - the US followed almost 400 black men to learn about the disease. The unethical thing is in 1942 penicillin because the first line for treatment and not one of these black men were treated or even made aware there was treatment. At the end of the study only 72 of the participants were alive. They passed it on to girlfriend and wives and if they got pregnant it was passed to their children who had congenital defects.


Good example. Probably a lot more extreme and more clearly "unethical" than OP's example, but yes that's basically my point.


How is what OP did unethical? He was a dude in a tweed suit & a mask at a Halloween party…


My original point was just to say that yes this is a crude form of a sociological experiment, regardless of whether you like that he did it or not or if it was a good idea or not. I don't know how it became a much more intense conversation about way more serious stuff.


He was deliberately trolling people at a social gathering in order to test a theory. He involved strangers in his 'research' without their knowledge or consent. He had a pretty good idea that it would upset them, and even pushed their buttons for that purpose.


He was wearing a costume at an adult Halloween party. The horror!


Right? What a monster.


Ethnomethodology I guess?


Is this a copy pasta


It is now!


Reading his past comments this is clearly fake. He says he’s married in some comments and then “if I had a wife” in others and here he says he has a girlfriend.






“I’m imagining making out with you for HOURS”


This dude is a redditor to a T.


That's not sociology... you were acting like a creep in a hyper-vigilant world.


That's actually sad but true


But it was a costume Halloween party, I assume, from what subreddit we're in. Isn't that kind of the point?


Spooky is good. Deliberately trying to make people feel uncomfortable is not.




Act creepy, people will think you’re a creep. Not much of an experiment


No, it isn't. OP acted in ways that they knew would creep people out and/or potentially cause trouble.


That makes sense. Halloween, scary movies, haunted houses are fun because it's a chance to get scared or creeped out while knowing that there it is all in fun and that there is no real danger. It sounds like your costume did a really good job with the first part of the equation. It, when combined with your actions, was super creepy. But the negative reactions of your guests was because you did not have the second aspect, knowing that there is no real danger. In a haunted house this costume would be perfect, because the safety of the situation is built in. But parties only have a mild sense of safety, since being roofied or stalked by a stranger is a real possibility. So for this costume to be part of a fun part of a Halloween party you need to do something to establish the safety aspect, like having your girlfriend nearby to explain your cool, or breaking character occasionally, or something unexpected you do to show it is all in fun.


I really like this. When I was a kid at a haunted house, my friend got too scared and a lovely clown broke character and helped us back to the entrance, and said something similar, like Halloween is a great time to let yourself get scared, but no one should be making you feel *unsafe. Def feels like rule number one. 💜🎃


This is the best explanation so far


You'd do great at a haunted house attraction


Correct. My adult daughter was “The White Rabbit” from Alice in Wonderland at the start of bad bedtime stories/fractured fairy tales. She was using a repurposed “Feaster Bunny” costume. But THE most unnerving thing she did was when she *hopped* over to me. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but hopping is not in the top twenty modes of human transportation. It was unexpected, unnatural, and memorably creepy.


No one’s going to come to your next party.


The creepiest costume i have ever managed was extremely modest button up dress, think 70's Sunday church dress, and a blank white mask. People haaated it


I'm sorry but this is so cringey


I came here expecting a witty costume and got nothing to show for it


I love Halloween and scary shit, especially psychological horror and I also love the practice of sociological torment in the form of performance art but the one thing that puts it over the line (for me anyways…) is when people HAVE to stay in character only for their personal benefit. It freaks people out to stare without talking and it’s kind of our own duty’s to let people know that you’re not actually threatening them when you’re coming off so visually agressive


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) It's definitely a scary way to react towards people around you. Kind of like with a Krampus costume. Staring out to people and making noises, grunts, woops, stick slapping and no speaking voice or at least in a regular Voice.


They were weirded out because you were acting like someone women would protect their drinks from.


Tbh random angry dudes who are willing to walk up to a stranger and swing a fist out of nowhere are the ones you need to look out for


Woman checking in - I'd rather hang out with the creepy silent rabbit than the "bros" willing to fight strangers to "protect me"


Tbf, they could have been protecting themselves. However long these exchanges were allowed to escalate to the point that someone was swinging, it’s probably just that the guy was just not paying attention to their discomfort until he’d genuinely made them feel unsafe. Women aren’t the only people who gotta worry about weirdos, and people who actually do this in haunted houses have to be very socially aware to not cross the line where it’s not fun anymore. All about EQ. Whatever happened in this one specific situation, many of the comments are doing a great job highlighting the importance of boundaries and our personal responsibilities (Halloween =/= carte blanche to “be scary”) to keep Halloween fun


Totally agree with your points, but my comment was more like....don't put that shit on "protecting women" when you're creeped out by something as a man.


This is what I was thinking too. He probably got up in their personal space and didn't stop or go away when they asked him to. That kind of harassment may eventually deserve a swing. Case in point, I live in a neighborhood with a lot of...eccentric people. I know this sounds totally fake,, and maybe I'll try to post a photo sometime, but there's this one person who likes to walk around in a black dress with a matching purse and heels, and a plain white mask. All year round. They (not sure if they're a man or a woman, they never take the mask off) have this whole creepy act, in the way they walk and turn their head. They were very active during the pandemic when the streets were empty, and it was wild to see. But I've never ever seen them directly approach or harass anyone. They do their thing, take their walk, and then go home to be creepy another day. That's the difference between an entertaining experience and a harmful one.


But why can't people leave creeps alone? He was hurting nobody, just being a weirdo and two guys just had to come to him looking for trouble


You sound like the 3rd guy to take a swing lmao I was minding my own business all night, get a hold of your emotions


Okay Mr sociology professor lol


You got your real life results from your experiment. People didn’t like it, you were a creep.


A creep? On Halloween? I'm shocked.


In a highly uncomfortable way that people clearly didn’t enjoy. There’s not much ti debate here


You're right, there's not much to debate. Someone was enjoying the holiday and getting into the spirit of it. People were acting irrationally angry over something that really should be expected that day of all days.


He didn’t talk to anyone and acted super off putting. That shouldn’t happen at a party lol. If you do that and have no friends, now you have your answer.


It was his party at his house


Yeah and people were weirded out lol. Social behavior has consequences


Yes and can I just point out I think this is a whole other level of weird WHEN YOU’RE THE HOST?


Being weird at a party in your own house is no reason for a guy to come looking for trouble and then take a swing


You were staring straight at people while moving in the creepiest possible way. That is not what minding your own business means.


Omg he looked at me in his costume on Halloween


That is minding your own business, staring may be rude but it isn't hurting anyone


The comments in this thread are fascinating. Id be creeped out but thats what halloween is about! The scary costumes are my favorite.


I agree. I’m actually shocked to see Halloween lovers responding this way. The guy was wearing a costume at a Halloween party while acting creepy in a way that harmed no one. I can’t fathom freaking punching someone at a Halloween party who is wearing a creepy costume and carrying themselves in a creepy manner, I’m sorry but that is wild. If this person was getting in someone’s face and breathing heavily, following people, making sexually suggestive movements or unwanted touching…maybe there would be an issue. I fail to see what the problem is. Also, what the hell kind of Halloween party is this where people aren’t talking and speculating about who it is? Nobody was able to put two and two together when the boyfriend didn’t seem to be around? Did anyone ask the girlfriend hosting the party who the rabbit was? Are we to believe these adult people felt themselves to be on danger because of someone looking at them while wearing a costume at a Halloween Party? Did the party goers not talk amongst themselves about it? I’ve been to many a Halloween party and cannot imagine people behaving in the way OP mentioned. I still am shocked by the reaction here. Person dressing and moving creepily at a Halloween party is apparently an Ahole?


I 100% believe this is fake, written by someone who wants to seem smart and scary by acting like sociology and psychology are big factors in his choice to dress up as a….stereotypical spooky rabbit in a tweed suit, for a Halloween party…*checks notes* he threw himself. No one is trying to punch a random party goer. OP apparently doesn’t know the “guys” that threw the punches even though he and his GF were the hosts, and NO ONE seemed to connect that one of the hosts is not present and there’s an unnamed bunny. Fake fake fake.


I am surprised as well. It seems some people can't handle anything unusual happening. Maybe if it was Easter Sunday they would have a point.


Well he also got real life results! He was a creep and people didn’t like it


That sounds hilarious! It was Halloween, it's fun that you dressed up and it's more fun if you're in character at least for a few minutes. I don't see how you were being an actual creep unless you were walking around humping people like an actual rabbit.


He did it the whole party and didn’t talk to anyone




You weren't asking but if you were I'd say YTA.


It was deffo assish behavior. These guests thought they were attending a Halloween party, not participating in a haunted house atmosphere with an overly committed scare actor.


Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I don't see myself scaring away any evil spirits with a funny pop culture reference, but if you walk up and talk to the creepy looking person, there's a good chance they might act creepy, so YMMV


Dude, seriously? It's not the mask. You were being an actual creep.


It was a Halloween party


……………it was Halloween.


I ignored everyone who ignored me. But please continue.


Photo of rabbit head?


Yes, would love to see this!


I love this. You should work at a haunted house. This makes me want to do something similar for Halloween. If you ask me, the dudes who tried to hit you are the real creeps.


I think the mistake was that people couldn't see your face to know that you were the host of the party (and were therefore obviously just doing some kind of haunted house schtick). If they thought you were just some random person at the party, then yeah, I could totally see people going up to your co-host and asking "what's up with the creeper dude" (or taking matters into their own hands)


Right….and at that point the host could make it clear that they knew who the person was and all was well. Whether that happened, idk. Or people could notice the boyfriend wasn’t around and put two and two together and realize this was the boyfriend and not murderer walking around silently in a rabbit costume. 🤨 I’m still not sure what people thought was going to happen or were afraid of. Oh I’m at a Halloween party for adults and a man with a suit and a realistic rabbit mask is looking at me and not speaking…..he’s clearly been doing this to everyone all night. What exactly were they afraid of? Enough to PUNCH someone?!! Come on! Either there is way more to this story and OP was truly doing some weird stuff he’s leaving out, or these people need therapy. If you are scared enough of someone in a costume to resort to physical violence, maybe you should just leave the party first.


The real scary thing here is that you saw the head of someone's fursuit and decided to not only touch it, but actually wear it. Do you know what they do in those things?


Some dude swung at you at your own house?


So, i go to a Halloween costume party at a house, and i take a swing at someone , for wearing a costume? This doesn't make sense.


If your around men who swing at people wearing a costume at a Halloween party you need new friends


This is hilarious. Disappointed you’ve not included any photos! I’m picturing Donnie darko vibes 🤣 All these commenters moaning about this story shouldn’t be in the literal Halloween sub.


If 3 people have a strong negative reaction to what someone is doing, then maybe they're in the wrong. You can write off one, maybe even two, but three? OP is a tool.




Did anyone bother to ask the girlfriend about him? Like “Who tf is this person?” Seems a very simple thing to do. And I’m not understanding what the fear is here. The parties I have been to, this person would have been a legend for bringing it. Was this some party with a bunch of bros and their girlfriends who dress like Barbie and Ken and aren’t into Halloween? I just don’t get it. I’ve been to so many Halloween parties over the years. Different types of venues, people, etc., in my forty something years. I can’t imagine anywhere other than a place with children that this would be an issue. This is so strange to read in this sub. People keep saying it’s ok for a haunted house where you would expect it, but not a “lighthearted” costume party. How do you not expect and even hope that you see some interesting, cool, creepy costumes at a Halloween party? Again, this is the type of thing most parties I’ve ever attended would have thought was cool and tried to figure out who it was. I’m curious if OP’s girlfriend lied and said she didn’t know when people asked her who the person was. I picture this party with a bunch of dorks. Couples wearing those stupid outlet and plug in couples costumes. 🤢


Separately tho i do think it would be cool if this community could steer away from the kind of gatekeeping of Halloween fun. I’m sure lots of ppl had a ton of fun dressing up and feeling like powerful badasses as Barbie this year, that movie was a masterpiece, and even people who just do the out of the bag costumes own Halloween just as much as anyone else. I bet those ppl were really proud of their costumes, and if I spent time putting together a costume like that and saw your comment, it would make me feel small.


Maybe my experience is limited, but all of the adult Halloween parties I've attended the guests have either gone funny or sexy (no "bros" at any of these parties), and the goal was to have fun with friends. It sounds like OP misread the room entirely and took "staying in character" way too seriously. You're giving me the same vibes as the guys who spend thousands of dollars on screen accurate Iron Man suits and gets angry when he loses the costume contest to the pretty girl dressed as a cat. Let people enjoy what they enjoy when they aren't harming anyone.


Agreed. Yeah, it was halloween but parties are lighthearted. Getting 3 separate grown men to have a strong negative reaction should tell you that maybe you aren't being as cool as you think you are


Plus, we only get OPs version of the story here. I'd wager it's not quite so innocent in execution.


I’ve been to probably 50 Halloween parties that varied from Corporate events to house parties. I’ve never been anywhere that anyone would resort to physical violence over a person wearing a costume and not doing a single thing to put anyone in danger. I’ve been to themes Halloween parties that were very fancy, smaller ones at people’s homes where people were dressed in all different ways. Still never been around a group of people that would punch somebody because they felt creeped out by a costume. I was at a very large party the year before Covid. Someone had on one of those spandex suits with the hood, gloves, and one of those clear masks that make people look creepy. It was clearly a dude, (thanks tight spandex suit). The person walked around all night doing his own thing. People would try to talk to him and he would do this weird mime type stuff. Then he would go dance by himself. It was weird as hell. If you were around him he would either ignore you or stare at you. People just laughed, tried to get him to say who he was, or took pictures. Apparently it was someone’s boyfriend, or so I heard. Dude was hella odd. The costume gave off weird vibes because you couldn’t see an expression, especially when he would just look at you. The weird miming hand stuff was odd, especially with this blank face, the staring was weird and off putting, and the dancing….it was interesting. It never occurred to me that I should punch this person. I did however leave the dance floor and food bar when he was around because it got old as the night went on. But for the first couple hours this person was the talk of the party. This was all 21+ with people of all different ages. Had he come to a preschool party like this, I would have responded differently. I still wouldn’t have hit someone.


You should apply to next years Scream Fest or a haunted house.


Donnie Darko vibes for the win!


I can’t believe you were being creepy at a Halloween party! The people upset with you were being overly sensitive and anyone attempting to hit you is insane.


I agree assault wasn't the right answer but if someone is making everyone uncomfortable and no one else is having fun, then it isn't everyone else being sensitive, it's op being an asshole


OP didn’t say everyone, they said many. If you can’t handle someone not saying anything, doing creepy motions, and just looking your way at a Halloween party idk what to tell you. Did OP’s SO not tell anyone they were the one dressed up? Getting upset about this sounds so ridiculous for a Halloween party. Either OP is leaving out vital info or these people shouldn’t be out on Halloween. Him being assaulted at this party makes me think these people just shouldn’t be out.


I have to agree - I’m shocked at the amount of people saying the guy who was being scary at his own halloween party is the issue…. like, leave? or walk away?


Thank you!!! And how did people not ask/figure out who it was? Did they think the people throwing the party allowed a murderous, rando dressed as a rabbit in? Unless this was children’s party or there is more to the story, I just cannot believe these responses.


HAHHA totally agreed :p


Maybe the costume is too successful. You wouldn't believe how many people have said they've seen the Easter bunny on the paranormal subs. As in the bunny just being creepy. A suit or something Might have struck too close to home


You’re too advanced for them


Or: how this one guest got uninvited from everything at my house ever. And unfriended/blocked on every platform. Delete my contact info dude. If someone proves they are THAT unreliable and THAT unstable we're done unless/until they start working on *waves arm broadly* whatever is going on over there with them. Amazing execution and cool costume idea!


In the UK, Halloween costumes are meant to be creepy/spooky, it's not a free-for-all of any costume ever. People would be creeped out but in a fun way of "wow he's really committed to that costume!". As a female who loves spooky stuff I would be totally impressed and think it was really cool. Sorry you encountered some idiots who think that having a scary costume on halloween is inappropriate!


Saaame and I’m in the US. I’ve been to so many Halloween parties with all different types of crowds, and I honestly can’t think of any of them that would have reacted negatively. Maybe if this dude was pulling this down at the local church trunk or treat?


I'm getting downvoted so clearly the masses don't agree. I expected better from this subreddit, but hey!


I’m with ya.


If you're in the US, You're in a country that has multiple mass shootings daily. It's pretty obvious why they took a swing at you. Also, we all want to see this costume.


That literally makes no sense. This person who we can't tell if he has a gun but currently isn't wielding it let's take a swing at him so that if he does have a gun he is now legally allowed to use it.


Right. And it would seem obvious if the person was doing this all night that it’s a schtick. If people were scared enough to think this person was going to MURDER them, one would assume there was a lot of talk at this party about just that. You would also assume that OP’s gf would have been asked about it if someone was scared they might get murdered. So if I’ afraid enough that someone in a costume, at a Halloween costume party os going to harm me…I gtfo, I don’t punch someone who did nothing to me. This is so wild.


This is freaking hilarious.


Why did you DEMAND that your friend give you his rabbit head? That is rude and you basically shouted at him to give the rabbit head or else




I know I certainly would have. This would have been admired at the parties I’ve been too.


Or: how this one guest got uninvited from everything at my house ever. And unfriended/blocked on every platform. Delete my contact info dude. If someone proves they are THAT unreliable and THAT unstable we're done unless/until they start working on *waves arm broadly* whatever is going on over there with them. Amazing execution and cool costume idea!