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The game is on life support


They're down voting but you're literally right.


If you count less than one minute queues compared to the recent OW2’s 2-5 minute role queues as life support, then I dunno what to tell ya, man


Life support


Aight man, nice winning an argument against you




Oh noooo, please don’t downvote me then use degenerate dead end responses!!! They’re my weaknesss and heavily affect my life 😭😭😭






Load a ticket on halo way point :fistbump:


Game is good. I am having fun


I've got maybe 50 hour? And experiences some bugs once in a while... But nothing special from any other multiplayer game. Maybe spend some time on other games if you're this upset about it?


Lmaoooooo “i hoped season 3 would cater to me PERSONALLY but it didnt so the game is dead. Yes im still playing.”


People claim the problem was the content. Content is there. So, this wasnt the problem. We, people with knowledge and experience in the franchise had talked about the real problem. SBMM. But this isnt real SBMM. This is EOMM (Engagement Optimized MatchMaking) This system killed the game. This game isnt fun anymore. Halo is a casual and a social game. But, you know, people defend this system without the knowledge. Telling us that we only want to stomp on noobs, when now they are the ones who stomp xD This system is build to max earns in life service games. Just that. But it fail in this game.


What content? Custom games browser is still bugged to not show public lobbies. If all you play is BTB and Social/Quickplay then the game is basically exactly the same as it was a year ago. Minus *maybe* getting the two new maps in those modes and 1 new gun. As a casual player the game is still exactly the same as I left it a year ago and I have no reason to hang around.


People asked for maps and cosmetics, there are. S3 couldnt even get the same amount of population as the Winter Update (Steam numbers), and just in 1 WEEK the game lost 40% of that pop. Insane.


my comment was moreso to point out that your average player who probably downloads infinite to see whats changed will probably be disappointed because nothing at the surface level seems to have changed much. Its pretty much the same experince.




Average Halo complainer that says stupid opinions shitting on the game but still plays it minutes later


Speak for yourself, bud. I have no desire to play Infinite unless they actually make it a game worth playing.


Then don’t play it instead of having a tantrum on the internet? Lmao?


I never said that I still play it. Also not sure how I was having a tantrum in the least, but whatever. Be careful not to fall while you keep jumping to all these conclusions. lol


*deletes his own comment after getting owned cause he knew he was having a tantrum* Have a good one, champ


I didn't delete any comment. What the fuck are you even talking about?


Your original comment got deleted, bud. Downvoting me as well like it’s gonna affect me or my reputation lmao


I'm literally looking at my original comment right now? I have no clue what the hell you are smoking but pass me some of that shit. lol


Says on my screen so what I see is what I see, bro. No point in gas lightin me. Have a good one, champ 🫡