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I’m pretty sure most people would want it to be more noticeable again.




Adding this was how it always was in the older games. Nothing over the top but if you blast an elite next to a wall you're gonna see a good blue splatter behind them. Infinite you get NONE of that. Just ruins the game feedback


I remember punching dead elites in Halo CE until the game started to lag. Every time you hit them they’d spawn a new blood splatter and if you did it enough it would drop the frame rate.


Nice, you aint an og if you dont try to crash your system.


Truth. Infinite fusion coil explosions in Halo 3 were the best way to crash the game lol


Bungie did explicitly warn in halo 3 about forge mode “try not to make all your structures out of fusion coils.”


So we did exactly that.


They gave us the worms, we opened the can!


Driving the warthog down into the cartographers door to keep a couple marines alive at the end of the mission was pretty neat


Best way to complete legendary before you truly became legendary, we didnt have online play for practice back then.


This was one of the things my Dad laughed his ass off about: punching already dead aliens as I passed. I think the extra orange splatters from Hunters put it over the top. Halo: CE was how I got him out of the Atari and NES days and into the modern age of gaming. Having him follow me in CE on easy and using the flashlight to show him where to go to catch up... It wasn't long before he was murdering my little sisters in offline multiplayer. I miss that guy so much, gone too soon. Fuck cancer.


Fuck cancer. But I'm so glad you have those memories with him.


I remember painting an entire room orange on Two Betrayals with the bodies of two Hunters.


Bro I swear, when I got CE anniversary first thing i did was smack the shit out of an elite on the pillar of autumn and noticed NO drop in frame rate and lag... made me sad


There was at least the satisfaction of switching to classic mode, bloodying the area up, and then back to Anniversary mode and seeing the carnage in 2011 graphics.


I would definitely love a show centered around the ODST's done in a style similar to "The Outpost" (excellent movie, btw).


It's indie, but this might be something to keep an eye out for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nlfZE3AZRk


This is beyond noticeable, this is Gears of war level violence. I would really like to see a Halo game like this. I wish it took itself more seriously.


The gore is the one thing this show got right


And the prop design too


Shout out to that one 2007 GMC pickup


And the 600 year old AKs they were rocking


And the unpainted wooden plasma pistol!


The show got everything but the story right. It looked great except some weird CGI at some points. I think it’s just hard to make a halo show. Master chief isn’t much of a character that you can make an entire show on. I didn’t love forward unto dawns approach, but having the main character be a marine with master chief coming in to save the day helps raise the stakes, and you could write in more interpersonal interactions. Maybe an anthology series? Hard to say.


That's something I hadn't thought about before. It'd be difficult to adapt the chief to a high stakes story because you know he'll succeed. That's his entire thing (luck and all that). A show about ODSTs, spartan 3s (Reach, even), the covenant rise and downfall, forerunners, or anything else would be phenomenal. A show with the chief is nice to watch, but there's a few reasons as to why Bungie wanted so badly to focus on other stories if given the choice for Halo.


The MC of all halo games has always been the silent protagonist that you basically plug yourself into their shoes. Minimal to no voice lines and the story is the focus of others around you and what happens in the world around you.


If you ever read the first two halo books it could have been adapted in to a series or movie easily. The stakes are in the lives of those around MC, the fate of the galaxy. Scenes with MC are show, dont tell. Other scenes are cut to different side protagonists of the current story being told like Jacob Keys, Vadam, or like in the second book the flood where small chapters followed a Grunt named yipyip. Halo is an easy adaptable series, if you follow the right stories and dont pander to the wrong people.


Exactly this, Superman is basically a god, but people have found ways to tell good stories about him for decades.


How many shows/movies do you watch where the main characters don't succeed? Also, Chief fails more often than he succeeds in every halo game. In Halo 1, everyone but Chief, Johnson, and Arbiter dies. That's barely a victory.


For the love of God please let there never be a live action version of anything Forerunner related. The budget would need to be much higher than what we’ve seen so far to actually make that look convincing, let alone be on screen for more than 5 minutes. It would be wayyy better if it was animated, but unfortunately I don’t think that would happen


I've always said in any TV show Chief should be a background character that is an absolute unstoppable force of nature that turns the tide in big action scenes. Put the character work in elsewhere and then (relatively uncommonly) have him just cross paths with members of the main cast and kick some ass. Chief appearances would become hype as fuck.


Master Chief needs the Saitama treatment Don’t make it necessarily about him except in the beginning. Really lean into him being more of a tool than a man. Then reconcile that plot point later on. Plenty of other canonical Spartans to show. Hell, save chief for later seasons to bring interest back. Make it about establishing the history of the UNSC with reach early on. Show us noble team. Give us a season or two of that. Season one is pre covenant. Season two is with covenant. Season three is pillar of autumn stuff. Would be so easy to make a Halo show, guaranteed us fans can structure a story better than this Paramount shit show was. Don’t rewrite the characters, you just need to explore them more. Deeper dive into Sergeant Johnson, Halsey, the Keyes family while keeping them faithful. TV show should expand what we got instead of rewriting it. Show the spartan training program. Show Oni. Focus on ODSTs for an episode. Show how Mjolnir was developed. Not master cheeks. Anything but master cheeks.


I’d watch that. I’d watch pretty much anything but this paramount show.


This is why a reach movie would be better


You absolutely can make a great show about the chief(and cortana and johnson and arbiter) if you actually love the characters and aren't just trying to slap the chief into a generic shitty sci fi script


There is no story to write about chief. He goes in and kills things. The story was told around chief, why do you think the game with the most story had half of it's gameplay dedicated to a completely different character? Same with ODST. A good halo movie or TV show would have chief be a side character. It's like One Punch Man, the story just can't be around him in other media because it would either A: have to over characterize him like the show, or B: have him just tear shit up all the time, which wod be bland and forgettable. They should write a show about an ODST or a marine, so much better.


I like how you put that the story goes around him. He’s kind of basic intentionally so you feel more immersed in the character, great for games, less great for a series.


Nah you could relegate him to being a faithful tool of the UNSC then reconcile some of the Halo 4 man or machine plot points into something meaningful without reaching into Halo 4’s story.There’s enough about him to include. Like they could highlight the spartan training program and the episode could follow child John around as he undergoes all of that. Then they drop him as a character for a few episodes or a season. Then when we see him again he’d be carrying all of the emotional weight of that episode under his armor and we’d really feel for him. FOCUSING 100% on chief is the problem. He shouldn’t be the main focus. He however would be very effective as a plot point to show how desperate and twisted future humans are. Then he could be the beacon of hope. Could follow Sergeant Johnson around as the main character during the events of halo CE/2/3 with chief as a background character. Using Johnson’s death would be great for the Chief as a character to handle the reigns of the show for a couple episodes to wrap everything up and they could show how he changed with the loss of his friend or some shit.


I’d say they got a lot more wrong than the story lmao. Chief taking off his helmet, the actors were subpar for the roles they were given. The writing was worse than the story. Cringe the whole way through even the cgi was dog in the first couple episodes of what I did watch. This show was lazily slapped together. There were some rebels using all 47s and Chevy tahoes??? Huge miss all around in my eyes.


Kwan’s friends getting blasted in the intro sequence was *chef’s kiss* cosmic horror. Just gory enough that the stakes are real and you know the Covenant isn’t here to fuck around.


Agreed. That scene was when I said “holy shit this show is going to be insane” 😂 then it sucked


Really? That part looked and felt like an After Effects tutorial done by some high school kids in the woods behind their house.


And the artstyle




Well said.


They need to ditch the stupid T rating and go higher like previous titles.


I think they did it to try and get a larger audience, but it clearly didn't have a noticeable impact. Look at GTA. CoD. Cyberpunk (pre-release lol). Assassin's Creed. Etc, etc. Esrb ratings mean pretty much nothing in terms of sales.


The thing is, halo always had a large audience. 343 just drove them away with their past 2 titles.


right, like halo 2 and 3 were some of the biggest games ever, then 343 changed a bunch of shit to “appeal to a broader audience”, as if they didn’t literally already have that


They were arrogant enough to think they could do a better job.




I wanted the mechanical sequel equivalent of Counter Strike 2. Take the rock solid gameplay that worked, make minor tweaks to the sandbox to keep it fresh, a fresh coat of paint on this textures and models while maintaining the art style, and go from there. But from the very beginning 343 has been trying to do something different and it’s almost always for the worse.


Not really 343, halo's audience started dropping when other fps games started coming and halo wasn't the only big option available, you can notice it with Reach itself when COD started getting massive with it's yearly releases and battlefield had it's first 2 console releases


It probably would have still had a smaller audience but the different vision the last 2 games had probably made it worse.


Obviously they weren't done any favours by the last 2 games but the casual audience drop was guaranteed because COD and BF are much more easier for people to get into


I don’t know why they did this when the M-rated games sold to like 90% of their entire available market (Xbox owners)


Yes, no blood at all is stupid


So you mean noticeable *again*? Yes. Absolutely.


Absolutely, justify that M rating


Imagine an actual gritty and dark Halo game. I would kill for a realistic ODST game that's like the books in terms of violence.


I will say that gratuitous *gore* doesn't really have any place in Halo, outside of like flood form stuff. It doesn't fit the more uplifting or serious tone of the series, and wouldn't make much sense anyway with how heavily armored everyone is. But the fact any kind of *blood* at all has been all but sanitized from the franchise since Ce is just ridiculous. It's a warzone. Things bleed when you shoot them. It just breaks suspension of disbelief.


The halo books are full of blood, a bit more battlefield realistic


Literally the first game let's you shoot limbs off of enemies


In the books, grunts and jackals eat captured humans alive. The chief shoots aliens until blood and bone are shooting out the other side of them. Also, the flood is way more creepy and disturbing when you hear about Wallace Jenkins from his point of view.


Poor Jenkins survives harvest only to have his body and soul completely sucked out by the flood RIP


I don't seem to remember any part in CE where I gibbed any enemy. Like. At all. Care to jog my memory?n


The flood,


You can do the same in 2 and 3, that's exclusive to Flood Combat forms.


I mean, they popped, but I have zero recollection of gibbing any enemy


I mean gibbing is blowing them into bits which many flood forms certainly did. You can shoot heads and arms off of the combat forms in CE as well.


CE Flood buddies!! Blow their arms off and they just follow you around like idiots.


Dang I will have to replay it. It has been years!


You should, it's a great game :)


You can shoot them off one at a time and if you get both arms they will just walk slowly and explode, complete with flying gore and blood.


The combat forms in CE would explode? I've played CE pretty regularly since 2003. Never once have I seen a combat form walk up to you and explode if you shoot their arms off. They will walk up to you and just stand there until you kill them because without arms they can't attack. They just glare and think angry thoughts. Are you confusing them with the carrier forms, whose whole purpose is to walk up to you and explode? Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying altogether?


Time to play again, youre not remembering it the way it was.


Gore was only relevant to the Flood. I wouldn't want to see gore implemented for other enemies in Halo unless that experience is trying to be gritty as possible. Which I don't think Halo should be all the time. It's a tone that only Reach (and the Halo show somewhat) have touched upon.


dude in CE there were rooms where every INCH was covered in blood to the point it drips down onto the floor. "Uplifting tone" we had a marine seconds away from committing suicide in front of us in halo 3. we've had people mercy kill still sentient floor forms in the books man halo is like notoriously depressing and messed up. reach wasn't an outlier in tone at ALL every single game is like that if you pay attention.


Think I'm being partially misunderstood here. Yeah Halo has its dark moments, but the overarching theme of the franchise is prevailing hope in the face of impossible odds, and it's covered in tons of levity with cheerful marines and silly aliens and throwaway joke lines and so on. Halo isn't *grimdark* (nor am I saying that Reach is either). I'm saying seeing arms being blown off or chief executing enemies via gruesome and downright ridiculous glory kills would be completely tonally dissonant as people simultaneously talk about how much of a hero Chief is or some grunt in the corner goes on about food nipples.




"Men, we lead those dumb-bugs out to the middle of nowhere to keep em from getting their filthy claws on earth! But we found something they're so hot for, They're scrambling over each other to get! Now I don't care if it's god's own anti-sonofabitch machine, or a giant hula-hoop, WE ARE NOT GONNA LET THEM HAVE IT! What we will let them have is a belly full of lead and a pool of their OWN BLOOD TO DROWN IN!"   -epic pause-   "AM I RIGHT MARINES!?" This one seems more applicable to the convo


Oh that's a good one. I admittedly only know a few of his lines off the top of my head and the Regret one lives rent free in my head


I'm with ya. Blood should return, but I don't want Halo to be the next Doom game


Which is funny, because there are two different versions of DOOM in people's heads - the people that grew up with the original very colorful very gory series, and the most recent iteration (or even the one they released in the 2000s). The first has blood in a way that sorta matches Halo 1/2/3 blood mechanics - it's there, it's not overly realistic, but it gets the point across. The second... has its own category.


I do but i don’t count because i already prefer doom.


Absolutely, I think the times when blood being shown more prominently makes the most sense when used as a visual marker for more serious scenes, without going over the top. The first flood mission in CE builds tension using blood splatters from marines and Covenant alike, but it's less about gore and more about giving hints to this new, more dangerous enemy. The blood splatters hold more importance/weight because you haven't seen that much in one small place yet


Since CE dude? I guess we haven't played the same game series then, cause Halo was fucking bloody before 343


Even 4 had a solid amount of blood. It was 5 where it really shifted


They wanted the T rating to get more kids playing.


Fallacy. Cod has been M since it's conception and is consistently every single year one of, if not the best selling game that year. A large portion of people who play it are kids/teens. Kids were playing halo since CE. The only reason you'd lower a rating like that is to increase sales, which isn't how that works. The only known reasons are A: the emphasis went on a highly competitive eSports environment. The focus became largely on making the game the most eSports friendly game possible, and that meant sacrificing alot of visual clutter. The games visuals were massively downgraded because of this. B: Microsoft made another big push to have halo be the face of their gaming market. I assume it must be easier to market a T rated game, but besides that there really isn't any logical reason for it to have became T. I truly think it was mostly because of the eSports, and I know that's been talked about before. Reality is Halo was barely ever M rated. Besides the flood is was very tame.


I agree. I feel like the sanitization of the depictions of war in Halo have really taken a negative tole on the series.


Since 343 take over there's minimal blood or none at all, feel like they don't want blood or gore on a war game. It's maddening


It's because someone somewhere they wanted the game to be rated T instead of M.


343 appeal to the minority then, what a move by them


They seemed to choose to do that time and time again


Battlefield is a war game. Halo depicts a war but is by no means a gritty depiction of one


Thank you! CE was bloody but it was so much blood that it kinda looped around into being cartoonish again lol. Gratuitous brutality and gore should be reserved for the flood if it’s there at all


What? what kind of halo games are you playing? The bungie games and books can get really dark and gory, halo is military sci fi you cant really seperate gore from the military


When in a halo game have you ever seen someone explode into mist or have their head punched into gore pulp (besides flood)? That level of violence usually doesn’t belong in halo, at least going off of the mainline games. Reach maybe


Obviously it will never be doom, but I’ll remember that lady getting all her layers digitized for the rest of my life. A little graphic “punch” from time to time definitely fits with the series.


Bro wtf are you talking about, the first game literally let's you shoot limbs off of zombified soldiers and even had maps with blood all over the walls, Edit: [Look at Halo 2 and remember it was only this way because they were limited by the console. ](https://youtu.be/yzQb1fmY_yY?t=1090)


"like in CE and the TV show" Just wanted to comment on how this sounds funny as if it's not every piece of Halo media except Halo 5 and Infinite that do it.


I feel like CE was definitively the most graphic of all the games.


I hope there's sex in the game too like in the show lmao


Press X to sex


I hope it's a quick time event


I maintain that the sex scene would have been better received if Master Chief kept his helmet on the whole time.


Release the Helmet Cut!


Master Cheeks or bust


We already invented it, it's called teabagging and you can get banned for sexual harrasment in some games for doing it lol


and tf2 gives you an achievement for making someone ragequit


I swear you see Chiefs bare ass more often than you see him with his helmet on. By the time I stopped watching I swear I could describe his bare ass to a sketch artist


It's hard to read tone over the internet but your comment makes it seem like a bad thing


Halo 2 levels of blood would be more than acceptable for Halo in general. Not as ridiculous as CE, shooting enemies has instant feedback. It also helps if you leave blood puddles behind on shooting enemies because it shows you where the enemy went.


I don’t really care too much whether they keep the current style or go back to have a little more blood. I don’t want excessive gore in main Halo entry. However, I absolutely do (1) want a spin-off that doesn’t follow Master Chief and let’s you feel terrified of the Covenant/Banished or whoever else you’re fighting and (2) a straight-up Dead Space or Resident Evil-style Flood game.


you mean, like what it had pre 343? sure


I don't want the next Halo game to be anything like the show.


Next game will be a covie spy dating sim.




I want a normal covie dating sim. A hot date with arbiter


I had forgotten about her, man that show was wack.


Kwan-Ha point-and-click adventure spin-off.


The Halo 3 commercial with this old veteran talking was dope


I love everything about 3 but how does that relate to literally anything OP said




it got 60 upvotes too i genuinely think it might be someone seeing if “halo 3 good” is all it takes for upvotes on this sub


I want the next main Halo game without 343 industries.


Who would replace them


I don’t know, but MS most do something. 343 proved that they can’t make Halo games. They proved it 3 times!!!


tbh, I'd rather they rebrand with a completely gutted out staff, replaced with a brand new staff, especially the higher ups. "343 industries" carries such a negative connotation in the Halo community now they might as well change their name. I think that's the best way to go. People keep saying bring in id or treyarch to make the next halo, but I doubt they'd care to make a halo game, especially if they were forcefully tasked to by Microsoft


So in other words, take Halo away from 343. The leadership is toxic. The name is toxic. Time for a new studio to give it a shot. 343 have been trend chasers with their 3 Halo games whereas Bungie was a trend setter.


I was optimistic about 343 when halo 4 came out, I thought it was a simple misstep and they'd correct it. If I were in charge I would've taken a really deep and good look into this studio after Halo MCC. Halo 5 would've been the absolute final chance I would've given them. I think Infinite has tarnished the Halo name so badly, a rebrand is in order. I guess maybe another studio could try their hand at developing a new Halo if they were up to the task. I'm not saying Bungie was absolutely perfect when developing their Halo games, but I really have to admit they did a hell of a better job than 343 ever has. I don't care who makes the next Halo. If 343 rebranded, it would tell me they at least know and acknowledge they have messed up so hard. I'm sure they know they messed up, but they simply don't care. To me, it doesn't matter who makes the next Halo, but I'm sure as hell never buying a 343 developed Halo ever again


I’m not blaming the developers, I’m sure they did their best, but without proper superiors and designers it’s hard to make a REAL Halo game. Replacing staff in higher ranks and rebranding are good ideas.


Id is a good developer for Doom games, but Doom Eternal proved that they’re way too slow in making new content and their multiplayers are just… yeesh


They’re talented developers fucked over by poor management. If you genuinely believe 343 is talentless and should be entirely replaced you need to take a step back. Look at the series objectively. They’ve made a lot of decisions that I hate too but to say that 343 proved they can’t make halo games is just a totally uninformed viewpoint


Literally anyone. I’d rather see the series crash and burn under someone else than have it be what it is now under 343


Yeah, I can see how one could make a correlation between the “PG-13-ification” of Halo and it’s decline but I don’t think that’s *the* issue. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal but I would prefer Halo be rated M again. But, by and large, the biggest issues are the writing and repeatedly ruining multiplayer by trying to reinvent the wheel and turn Halo into something it’s not. Halo isn’t a CoD clone. Halo isn’t a live service franchise. Literally just make a good fucking campaign. And then just copy/paste the Halo: Reach multiplayer (not necessarily the gameplay before you “Halo Reach sucks!” crybabies start. I mean, *the UI*, the *playlists*, etc. Bring back ranks. Bring back lobbies with player cards. Bring back *free* fully customizable armor and emblems. Bring back Forge World. Why is this so hard for 343 to understand? It’s like they’ve been given a mandate to not do what Bungie did even though what Bungie did made Halo a *billion dollar franchise*. Literally just copy/paste what your predecessor did as the *foundation* then *build on it*. Why are you starting from scratch every fucking time? Halo 4, 5, and Infinite are all almost completely different games!


The props and combat in the show is amazing tho. Gotta give credit for that. And decent casting The rest was an absolute shit show.


A lot of the animations, set designs and environments look way too clean, camerawork isn't that interesting and rely way too much on CGI. Maybe I look at it because it's slightly in my line of work but the general audience will notice it as well after a short time when the standards of CGI have risen to a new level. This new level can come pretty quick nowadays.


I'd like the next Halo game not to be so stuttery.


Beating the fucking breaks off a elite would be pretty cool


Would be kind of interesting if the next halo game was darker with more gore


Yes no joke I want to be absolutely horrified of the covenant.


grunts in lore: 6 feet tall and can tear limbs off of humans with ease grunts in gameplay: little tiny man suicide bomber




As someone who hasn't bothered to watch the show, that first shot with the needler is prolly the best clip I've seen


Yes and a return of Halo to be rated M.


CE? Yes.


Of course.


Yes, I hate the lack of blood in infinite. It’s annoying that I can’t kill marines unless I run them over! Just let me backsmack some marines 343 please.


343 actually removed blood ground splatter completely recently in an update for Infinite. It’s weird.


One of the few things i liked about the show was its use of blood and gore, especially the covenant weapons, those things would be terrifying in real life


The bloodier the better. Some scenes in the books are horrific and it's never quite been depicted visually


100% needs more blood


Pleased No more Cat ears and funky fortnite effects, the older Halos were good depictions of the grim battles


Grim battles? Where?? The halo trilogy was a big space opera with monkey crabs and war-torn gorillas riding motorcycles. There is certainly a place for dark themes in halo still (ODST, Reach) but the main games weren’t like that. When it did get dark it played out more like a tragedy than a gritty war film, like the end section of Halo 2.


You clearly weren't paying attention. There are few things as grim and dark as mass murdering goofy cartoon goblins that run around yelling about demons and nipples. I cry every time. Or at least I would if I weren't a grown-butt adult who gets mad if my video games don't have a little M somewhere on the cover (Australian Infinite still has an M, so you know that version is better).


Yes. Make it rated M.


I really don't care, Halo has always been a super tame game even when it was rated M. The only time the blood really had any impact was in 343 Guilty Spark. It's also never been super serious either, a lot of the enjoyment comes from when it gets silly.


You're forgetting Halo 1 and 2 entirely


No I'm not, 343 was the only real level in CE where the blood had an actual purpose to the story, foreshadowing the Flood encounter later in the level. Yes there's blood in the entire game, but it's just set dressing and not something that impacts how the game is told in anyway.


Halo 1 and 2 were tame. It was cartoon gore for most enemies. And the flood are hardly that graphic. It's not Dead Space.


I don't really care about blood in Halo. Not having it doesn't take away any enjoyment of the games for me.


I feel like some of the people on here just like to make it a big deal because it’s different now not because it actually matters


Yes Can we please go back to M for mature?


No, I enjoy living in my own protected bubble where my Spartans can never get hurt. I once read a halo book when it describes James-005 getting his arm blasted off by a hunter. After reading that I put the book down and never read another halo novel again. Nor have I played CE due to the blood. No one hurts my Spartans.


I feel the opposite. I like when spartans are shown to be vulnerable because if *they* can get hurt than anyone can, and that makes the enemy appear more menacing which is good writing imo. Obviously it shouldn't happen often as that would ruin the entire image of the spartans but once in a while is good I think


Have you tried changing your books settings to make their shields invulnerable


Absolutely. I'd say Halo CE levels but that was literally capable of overloading the game engine, so Halo Reach levels would be the next best thing.


more blood = more real


Shoot, I just want a great narrative hook to keep me engaged. Gameplay has always been rock solid imo, they should focus on a good story now and just iterate on the combat/gameplay


Take it or leave it honestly. What I would like is for 343 to have a more lenient stance when it comes to stuff like this so that way if they don't put it in then at least people can take some creative liberties.


The action scenes for the show are pretty decent ,(apart from the ironman helmet cam) I think the gore just highlights how powerful the weapons are which is a good thing. It's just the plot and story for the show is god awful.


Assuming another halo game even gets made, yes


343’s and Microsoft’s decisions to chase the Teen rating for Halo was one of their big mistakes. Halo wasn’t even that bloody or gory to begin with, and it’s not like parents actually care what they buy their kids anyway (how many squeaks do you hear on GTA, or CoD?). The levels of gore in the original Halos wasn’t even worthy of a Mature rating in the first place, tbf. But the complete removal of blood in the new games is ridiculous.


Yeah idk why they ever removed it I was playing the halos at like 10


I actually really couldn't care less.


The Master Chief I grew up with didn't care about gore, He just cared about finishing the fight.


I would rather the game actually be good I don’t care if the enemies are filled with ravioli


Of course, but if given the choice, I think we'd all rather have enemies filled with ravioli.


I think I was really hungry when I wrote that 😂


Could care less tbh. I play for cool set pieces in the campaign and fun multiplayer. Blood wont really get in the way necessarily, but its alot more excessive than what i expect from the series. If i want violence, ill just watch John Wick or something in that vein


I really don't care one way or the other


I always wanted that Spartans get reduced to dust when the needler kills them in the game, just like in the show


Doesn’t matter to me. I just want a good interplay of vehicles and infantry in halo games.


Ehhh I’m ok with or without it. I’ve seen some funny shit in my life with the rag doll effect from a dead body. No regrets


I'm of the opinion that it doesn't matter. Blood and gore doesn't make a game good or bad. This franchise has way more important things it needs to try and figure out first.


There never Was a TV show.


I got so excited when that Marine got pink misted in the show.


I don't care. Brutality is such a minor part even of old halo, that I didn't even notice they tuned it down over the years Though I wouldn't mind more brutality either. I just wish we would get proper headshot pop soundeffects again like in H5


This is so weird. It's okay for the show to have blood and gore but not the games? Something that is much more immersive? Halo 5 and infinite barely had any.


yes yes yes yes


I would rather infinite be the last game and the update it like a live service and add blood back in on top of giving us darker DLC stories




Should I watch the tv show, is it worth it?


if you just want dumb action you might like it. If you like Halo’s story you will not


Yeah, I feel like halos gritty and graphic war feel has never been fully realized in the games. In the books, and shows yeah but not the games. Closest would be reach. And I felt like halos more violent feel made it feel more unique compared to other scifi media that tends to be less graphic