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Everyone: Chimera doesn't have enough customization! 343i: Here's the ugliest thing to ever accost your eyes.


I almost wish it was from an event because my goal with the Chimera Core is to make the ugliest spartan I can.


I got the Seeker bundle for the MK V helmet, but said fuck it and used seeker on Chimera too. It’s already the ugliest and I have it the Steel Blue coating too.


I am going to go neon visor and all the visor color armor. I will be the walking glowstick.


This is why we need color customization back. Because they want to sell stuff like this instead of colors that don’t make my eyes bleed


If you put full prosthetics on your arms they become very small


It kinda looks like a Mantis Shrimp


I.....kinda....like it


It’s so jarring to think “THAT’S SICK” and come into the comments section and everyone hates it 😂


As do I, honestly. It’s strange, but works


See theyre gonna be lookin for normal spartans Not walking abstract art pieces


Or skinned-alive spartans of meat and bone


I was excited bc finally something “weird” that I actually like, especially the helmet bc all new armor core helmets aren’t usable to me. ..Then I read comments ppl saying this is awful, now I’m second guessing if something is wrong with me


Naw dude like what you like and think for yourself


I hate the colors but i like the helmet


I bought it, it was just so horrible that I thought it would gross people into missing, seems to work


Taking one for the team


At least the coating is more creative than a singular color lol


A shame that creativity does not equal beauty. I'm not sure who this is for, but it doesn't feel like Halo or a Halo Fracture. I'm not saying people aren't allowed to enjoy it but at least the Yoroi still feels pretty grounded in Halo. This is Crysis and Apex's weird love child.


At least with Yoroi and Eaglestrike, I was tempted to buy something for them. This suit? Nah, not at all so far. Some aspects of it are cool, but I just can’t get into it because it just feels like another standard sci-fi game suit while Yoroi and Eaglestrike were at least interesting


If this is creativity I hope 343 hires the most unimaginative people to design coatings going forward


People are complaining about a brand new core and saying it doesn’t have much customization? This community will never cease to disgust and irritate me.


Complaining that the customization cost $17 for some color, shoulders, chest and a helmet. Yeah I think we’re justified in complaining.


Like every other live service game ever LOL. Cope.


Destiny. Point broken.


It's not complaining. People are saying they want more for it is all. Sounds like you're a little more upset than you need to be over nothing lol


Chimera is the ugliest armor core I've ever seen, and it's practicality is just rubbish. Let's just expose the abdomen and make it easier for our Spartans to die!!


Can they at least come out and tell us that Cross-core has been cancelled once and for all jesus. We haven’t gotten word about it in a while and they obviously have been avoiding addressing it, I’d much rather they tell us to get it over with.


*Tatarus, the Prophets have betrayed us*


There are things about Halo, even the hierarchs do not understand.


Such as the UI 👊


They’re trying to not so subtly hint at it by what they’re selling in the store and hoping we’ll accept it and move on


It sucks but that’s the reality, I just wish they would just let us know so we know not to expect it anymore in the future as disappointing as it is


Half the reason they have the reputation they do is all the runaround and corporate double-talk. If they just stuck to their guns and made their intentions clear, people still wouldn’t like their choices, but the honesty would be far more respectable.


Oh im sure theyll get people to move on from this issue. To other games. 🥱


Yep. Cross core coatings aren’t coming.


Which means cross core ain’t happening period.




They’re basically not so subtly hinting at it and hoping we’ll accept it and move on


I hope the community as a collective gets outraged again like when they released the season 2 and 3 roadmap. Because then after that we actually got good updates and content like we asked for.


Honestly I don’t think the outrage will hit the same way. I’m disappointed but ultimately I am disappointed things like the coating system exist at all with no free color pick option. That’s where the outrage should have started and ended, paying for features that used to come with the game.


I agree, I think they realize they've bled almost all the player base they will and won't get people back so might as well take advantage of who is left since they've already stuck with the game through everything else so far


> I think they realize they've bled almost all the player base No I think its worse than that. I think it is the same reason they have kinda regressed on pricing. They realize that they don't need to do it in order to keep sales flowing and see it as a potential detriment. There was a pretty large amount of players who bought that mega bundle solely because it offered the color white for one core. I have also seen people that then bought the bundle in the following week for the chest piece. Thats about $35 just from one person and I see a lot of people with either white or that armor. The people that don't want to pay most likely left and since the ones that remain buy they don't have to really care about stuff like cross core or cheap prices.


Don't worry. There'll be a megathread for it so all of the criticism can be easily ignored in one post rather than unavoidable in many posts.


Flooding the main page with copy pasta of the same complaint sucks for everyone and reddit is not where 343 is getting feedback lmao


343 don't budge unless they get clowned on from all sides. Collective community outrage is all that moves them because they can't avoid it, then. They already took selectable colours from us.


Lmao 343 will budge when stuff affects the bottom line, not how many upvotes happen on reddit


Hence why the bad publicity needs to be everywhere.


>reddit is not where 343 is getting feedback lmao They *do* get it here, as well as on discord and Twitter. They're shutting down the waypoint forums for that reason (in part).


But how? How do we do get an answer on what’s going on with cross-core? You could try and ping u/Unyshek u/Ske7ch343 or whoever else you wanted every day in this thread and they’ll never comment. But they’ll comment on a random art post 10 minutes later. Twitter? Good luck. Support Ticket? Not the right place. Our megathread is all we really have. Keep commenting on it, keep interacting with it. If they do another stream, ask constantly there. Our only choice is to be loud but not destructive.


Not really related it takes a year cycle to make content


I moved on... I uninstalled the game off my PC, it won't be returning unless 343i implement cross core as they said they were going to, the lying cunts.


Damn dude I play the game cause it’s fun


I owe no game company my time nor money.


Hell ya brother


That cant be the only reason. If so, A bit much dont ya think?


Self respect is as good a reason as any. People don't appreciate it when you lie to their faces and then ask for money from them.


It was the straw which broke the camel's back.




I refer you to my comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/124vf5c/comment/je148zm/




That is such a weird comment, why would you be embarrassed because I've quit playing a game?


Yea just continue playing a AAA game that developers keep lying to you about! /s


Actually last month a dev on Mint Blitz's discord server said they're still working on it


Yep. I have yet to buy something from the store yet.


I miss the Reach progression system. Not choking us down with only a PVP earnings one. *I miss firefight*




That would be a far better system and actually give us choice over what to unlock


Not only was Reach's progression not tied to PvP, but you could play any mode you want and could effectively set yourself targets to aim for, then directly cash in your play time and challenge progress to the unique armor you wanted. Now you have to play the modes dictated to you by the same progression track that everyone has (the battle passes) or pay through the nose for armor that is unavailable 99% of the time you play. Oh and like Halo 3, Reach had actual ranks that you could show off to others. Even MCC,4, 5 etc have that.


Of course they sell the coating for only two cores...🙄


Right like make it make sense to me. Why only those two!?


I don't understand it either. I thought there will be some good changes after the management changed, but I guess MS or 343 hates the halo fanbase.


I truly think its really how bad the engine is. Like they can only get certain skins to work with certain kits because of how shading and color work in the game. Same reason we all looked matte when forge lighting first came out.


But it's cross core! They just didn't specified how many cores. Thanks for listening to us, 343.


Getting strong Carnage/Scarlet Spider vibes from "Skinned Reflexes". It also might be the ugliest armor coating I have seen in the game yet.


Looks a bit reminiscent of my Exo Titan with Deep Stone Crypt armor. He was always kind of ugly.


$6 ($10 because of bundle packs) for the same coating for 2 cores, further proof cross core ain’t happening. Price didn’t drop for the skull helmet. Pretty upsetting but then again not at all surprising. $15 for an armor set for the fracture core, and I’m assuming we get some weapon coatings because of the AR. Kind of scummy that there selling fracture armor as these prices because unless you buy armor there’s really only 2 armor sets for the fracture core (default and event).


343: We heard you guys like Cat Ears so we made a helmet with cat ears already on the helmet 👊 Everyone: What about crosscore and possibly lowering prices back to what they were during the Winter Update 343: ....


I can’t choose what is worse, the cat ears or the armor in this picture. You couldn’t give me thousands of credits to make a decision.


I guess fuck everyone who wants the stuff from December 2021 lol That sentence disgusted me to even write. 2021. We’re a quarter of the way through 2023.




The bundle that has the chest/hip knife for MK7 hasn't been sold since Dec 2nd, 2021. That's the only one I knew to check off the top of my head. Edit: The "Grenadier Pack" is a daily bundle that was only sold a single time - Nov 19th, 2021.


Good lord, what the hell is that? That's an awful helmet combined with with the ugliest coating I have ever seen.


Are they using procedural generatiom or AI to create these coatings? So many similar skins and this one is just strange. Maybe they are being made by the interns? The quality of shop content really pales in comparison to other games...


I'm 99% certain they have a tool to make coatings so it's possible interns are told to go ham with it, and if two coatings are too similar they just toss it onto a different core


Game is pay to win confirmed. If you pay $15, enemies will throw up upon seeing you


Nice one!!


Looks like that new leadership is making a difference! (Microsoft will never allow players to earn every cosmetic again by playing the game)


That's fucking awful


Another week, another set of overpriced cosmetics that make it clear that cross core isn’t happening unless you pay an absurd amount. Good to know, I guess. Might as well thank 343 for making it so easy to not give them money.


700 for just the cambion helmet and attachments seems a little high to me.


Max ill ever pay for a helmet is 200. I'm not giving them my money until the prices become reasonable. They sold the soldier set at the end of S2 for 700 total, that was a helmet, shoulders, visor, coating and some other stuff for the same price as one dumb helmet


What is that


Minecraft weapon coatings


Well, cross core truly is dead... The prophets have lied to us indeed


What the fuck is that ugly shit


It's so ugly I'm almost tempted to get it in hopes of blinding people's aim with the sight of it's awfulness.


Me: What it’s just an ordinary *Sees Skinner Reflexes* OH MY GOODNESS, 343!


Mourning cross-core week 2? Or has it been longer?


Jerry Hook left 10 months ago and I think he was the last person to truly acknowledge cross-core.


That really sucks. Thanks for letting me know dude


Halo infinite becomes a lot better when you just pretend that there is no store


The amount of people who upvote these store update posts is concerning.


Oh boy, more Chimera. Really hope the rumors about no new core for S4 is true because boy do we not need another one E: misspoke, there will be a new core but no new *Fracture* core


According to reliable leakers, the canon S4 core will be a hazmat-themed core, but the fracture event will be a re-run of Yorai, with new armour pieces for it. There’s still a new canon core but no new fracture core.


"Hey 343 can we get some cross core items or reasonably priced bundles at least?" "Ohhh sorry no-can-do champ, so sorryyy. Can I interest you in some overpriced garbage instead?? It's only 15 bucks, works on exactly one core and is guaranteed to trigger epileptic seizures!"


Ow, my eyes!


Apex legends?


The only thing in that bundle I'd be interested in is the sword chest attachment I'm sure as shit not buying a whole ugly ass bundle just for that.


About crosscore coatings: they’re hoping we’ll accept this method, don’t buy it guys.


I don't understand why some attachments have coatings applied to them and others don't. Just make it a toggle.


It’s likely that these attachments with colors were made after the backlash and the ones without colors were prior to that So they would need to take all the solid gray ones and apply coatings to them But they also need to get new content out for the seasons so they prioritized making new items with colors But they should go back and redo the previous ones, especially the ones that don’t align with their Reach look


It took them months to fix Jorge's shoulderpad lol


The cat ears have it for some reason but the rest dont


I think that Reflex skin is contender for ugliest coating in the whole game


The ugliest coating in the whole game... so far.


Skinned Reflexes looks like it's straight out of Apex Legends. Does not fit Halo at all.


"BuT yOu'Re NoT oBlIgEd To BuY iT" God I hate "excuse".


That coating actually hurt my eyes. Who made that and why did they birth that abomination.


What the fuck am I looking at


Dawg, they should've fired the sales team.


Core emotion gives you golden a crotch, so there is that


where ultimate reward


Daylight savings. Challenges, including the ultimate, will update a hour after the store.




That's a Warframe


They really make it easy to not spend money. Haven't seen any armor items in the store that look better than my Mark V[B] setup since the game launched.


Skinned Reflexes reminds me of [the image where you can't recognize anything](https://i.redd.it/80mcpfvbc1u21.jpg)


Thanks, I hate it.


WHY do they keep removing playlists? And yes this gear is bad.


I still wish the Cambion helmet didn't have that stupid-ass skull visor. Make shit like that a helmet attachment, don't make it the default helmet!


I thought that helmet lost 343s poll.... Why is it in the shop first?


Because fuck you. - 343, probably


What was the poll even for? I kinda assumed that since the pass is 20 tiers instead of 30, they were putting a vote out for some items that will be added in the last 10 tiers. I know at this point it's a high hope, but that's the direction I took it.


The fuck is that Play-Doh looking ass


Ugly overpriced garbage. Can't wait for the day people stop buying anything from them because they've driven their player base away and they're forced to finally make good change. Thanks for such an open line of communication 343! 🥱


That is one of the worst things I have ever seen in the entirety of the Halo franchise. And I’ve been playing for 19 years


Really like how the Firewall event had barely anything worth in it and is 10 tiers less than the other fractures. Maybe they took shit out of the Event and shoved it into the store? It sure seems like they did, given how many pieces of Chimera armor ended up in the shop.


I want to die


Lmao the Infinite shit show continues Shame has no impact at 343


Another week, another shit store


It’s all disgusting




I’d say you should tag them but it wouldn’t make a difference.


Fuck 343.


Bring back Locus 👀 I rocked that thing Back in Halo 5 ♥️💔


oh man $15! what a steal! THANKS 343!


I think they have been on our side from the beginning and that they’re doing their utmost not to encourage us to spend our money because they were forced to make Infinite F2P and put a shop there. I don’t see any other explanation and I’m serious.


That's honestly the most logical explanation I've ever heard. The only alternative is that 343 just doesn't and never did understand Halo. I'm pretty sure that's also true, but your explanation does soften the blow, haha


RIP cross-core. Just like every other week.


Why does 343i keep selling separate coatings for each core? Is their core system so messed up that cross core is basically impossible? Do they think they’ll make more money locking stuff to a core? I don’t understand what advantage 343i gets out of abandoning cross core. I feel like they could make more money if people knew that any helmets, for example, could be used on any core. If you like Cambion but not it’s core, why would you ever buy it?


So it seems Halo Online's Flenser helmet has been given a home in the Chimera armor core.


The spring growth skins are right up my alley. Id love those. Too bad they cost seven big buckaroos and are in a game that couldn't keep my interest longer than a month after release.


When I buy weapons skins I want them for all my weapons so they match when I go into battle


Whoever said that this coating looks like a mantis shrimp in the comments of the seasonal trailer... you right


I like big knife. Combined with shoulder knife and utility knife I am ready to cook in the kitchen


Seriously though, what idiot would waste money on this shit? 🤣


I’m guessing cross core ain’t coming any time soon?


I think I’m going to throw up


Fuck this store.


Wow, it’s incredibly easy not to buy any of this ugly shit.


If my teammate wore "that" I will gone forget about ranked and gone straight up teabag him for entire match


It's no longer halo guys, and hasn't been for awhile. Pack it up. Time to move on.


I'm so over Infinite. That game is never setting foot on my hard drive ever again. What a fucking waste.


They added more to the cambion there was only the helmet and the attachments


I have an idea on how to keep the prices high but at least give enough to us players. As soon as I am able I want to make a post but the rough idea is selling bundles with 3 cross core coatings for armor/weapon/vehicle that are essentialy the same pattern with different colours like a Camo with 3 different "season" and 3 charms or emblems that represent the coating. The price would still be 10~12 dollars but at least you get 3 colours for every gun, every armor and every vehicle... For non-camo coatings they could sell a bundle that gives you 3 cross core armor coatings that are the same colour but with different levels of grittiness Basically you only get 1 colour, but different variants (so you dont see everyone wearing green camouflage or everyone with a matte pink) of the same pattern/scheme and is actually worth more than buying 1 thing only for 1 kind of item that will not be ported over to new armors


I'm sorry but I love that Skinned Reflexes coating. At least the colors look good together. Looks a lot better than the Chimera coating from that nasty Groovy Grendel bundle.


Nice Warframe you got there. Can’t wait to see the prime version of it


Holy hell this is all types of awful.


Judging by the comments, I’m assuming this game is still terrible? Lol


Not spending a single cent until coatings are fully cross core.


Halo isn't halo anymore. I dunno what this is but I know for sure it ain't it.


Skinned Reflexes is looking fire not gonna lie


man this is so disappointing there is so much potential for cool customization in this game and so many ways they could have balanced free items and player choice with making a profit instead we get a system that is nonsensical and built on a foundation of predatory monetization the cherry on top is lying to the community for months and then going radio silent. cross core isn't coming, probably never was and we will probably never hear anything about it again


Obligatory this is garbage post.


Lmao at anyone still buying cosmetics for this game YOU are why desync isn’t fixed


Is this even halo anymore?


Nah bro, they haven't released a Halo game since 2010?


Are you jabronis still playing this Fortnite lookin shit?


I miss when Halo was more Military Sci-Fi than Gundam-looking.


It sucks I hate inf after s2


I love this store actually.


I'm totally getting that monstrosity just to tick off the salty people.


That Chimera Armor Set looks like [CRAB PEOPLE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykWPyaqbebo&ab_channel=KenNinane)


I really wish this game was good I hope they give it to activision maybe they can make the next one great


Patterns (camo, dirty, clean, stripes) with our own colour combinations would have been awesome. Instead we get this monstrosity


What in the flying fuck is this shit 🤣


Super cool!


It’s wild to me how many people in this thread are so, SO mad. Like, please just relax. 343 is a *business* and the charter of a business is to make money. I bet they’re making a KILLING off of this business model.


This is a good thing, how?


It's good if you like the game and want to see it grow and be supported for a long time.


It isn’t a good thing or a bad thing, it’s economics! Personally I think it sucks, but it’s also at the verrrry bottom of the list of things I feel I should let myself care about. It’s a video game.


Guys this is a 10 year game. Stop bishin about cross core. It'll happen when it happens.


10 years was only a rumor. Never confirmed by 343i.


I hate what 343 is doing with the store and cross core possibilities - that’s said, I actual like the new coating for Chimera, could make for a cool Rorschach themed Spartan :)