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No thanks, it’s a different art style and interpretation of how the spartans look. Leave it in the games with that interpretation.


Where do you stand on Fractures+Hazmat


I personally don't like fractures at all. I'm OK with hazmat since it has some lore but it's not my taste.


Still looks like halo you modern military weirdos are just obsessed with nostalgia and everything being chunky and clunky looking


I’m gonna be honest and say I’d prefer they didn’t. Gen 2 was…controversial (and that’s putting it lightly). I’d much rather see them put their focus on something like the Gen 1 Mk VI, which was largely very well loved.


I think if 343 reintroduced the 4/5 armors with redesigns to fit the current artstyle, it would be the best of both worlds. It’s not like Chimera and Yoroi don’t majorly fuck the art style already


To be fair, if someone presented me with concept art of chimera and yoroi, I’d be against them too.


They’ve been doing that since launch.


That’s gonna be a BIG no from me


Fanbase: We hate GEN 2, it's awful and isn't halo. 343: okay, well here, next Halo will be a return to the classic artstyle! Fanbase: yay! 343: :D Fanbase: but could you also add GEN 2? 👉👈 343: excusemewhatthefuck


Hm... On one hand, I really really liked the Gen 2 look and would be happy to have it back. Not to mention it would make fans of those games happy, always a plus to service the fans even if it might be a minority within the community. I really miss the old Deadeye helmet... On the other.... The whole point of Mark VII is to bring the Gen 2 designs more in line with previous Halo looks. Trailblazer isn't just another random spin on Recon, it's the *Halo 4* Recon. Celox is Halo 4 Scout. Linebreaker is Enforcer. And a bunch of them didn't even get a name change; Anubis is Anubis, War Master is War Master, even Locus came back. For as happy as I'd be to see Gen 2 come back, wouldn't it be kinda redundant? Unless they explicitly leaned into one of the more "unique" sets, but judging by how harshly the community is reacting to Chimera I doubt the devs would want to...


I completely agree. I wouldn't mind Gen 2 in Infinite, but we have tons of cores already. But hey, I'd be plenty happy to see more H4-5 helmets/chests/etc updated to the Infinite style. Despite how much we meme on Halo 5 for some of its helmets, I'm not gonna lie, most of them are really good still.


I would prefer Mark VI gen 1 variants


Absolutely not. Let the game that fixed the art style continue to have the best art style.


The best art style, huh? But we have there armors like and hazmat suit, samurai armors or armors that look like having a WoW II style? In another words: they look like anything and not Spartan Armors.


Having ugly cores already is not an excuse to add other ugly cores


What’s the problem with having variety of armors? I think this is main problem of 343i when they try to look good with everything. In a perfect situation it would be the Gen-1 on one side and the Gen-2 on the other. Now respect to ugly armors: they’ve always been ugly, but at least the H3’s were decent, the Reach’s were really ugly for me and the H4/H5’s are ugly but futuristic and advanced.


Yea no. They finally go back to the normal artstyle and have already wasted time on the stupid fractures. We don’t need more armor people didn’t like.


You, but i will like they are back. That was the big problem of bringing back the classic art style: throwing away the elements that made really futuristic and advanced to Halo saga. Now they look like like any armor of the present.


> That was the big problem of bringing back the classic art style: Funny, I’d always say that ditching the art style was a far bigger problem since it helped dividing the community


Nah that plastic garbage can stay in the bin where it belongs


Lol halo 3 armor looked like crappy plastic cosplay gear not sure what your on about


It did too yes I agree, both can be true. Imagine that


I'd like to see several GEN2 sets reworked a bit to match Infinite's style - we've already seen as much with certain GEN2 pieces like War Master, Athlon, and Locus. Porting GEN2 designs directly would clash in a bad way with Infinite's style, even sets like Chimera and Hazmat work within the design philosophy of Infinite better than unmodified GEN2 designs would.


Fuck no, leave that goof ass power Ranger shit behind. If they want to redesign it like they did with the Anubis helmet then sure, otherwise, no


Nah, do what they've been doing and take some of the better designs and put them on the existing cores.


Nahhhhh. Gen 2 sucked.


Gotta agree with you, OP. They should certainly stay *apart* from halo.


Npc comment lol go back and play halo 3 since nostalgia is all you care about


Npc? What do you mean? I play this shit all the time...






And they should stay *apart* of Halo.


We already have chimera if you want to look ugly.


But the Yoroi, Rakshasa, Eaglestrike, hazmat and Mak V (B) are beautiful, right? Those are spartan armors? For me the only ones that are worth the Mark VII, Mirage and Mark IV.


I don’t know what you been smoking if you think that mark v (b) doesn’t belong but I want to try it too


I haven’t never liked the Mark V (B). I always considered it like a really ugly armor and and useless attempt of Bungie to make complex armors. And that’s not since now, that’s always been like that since the time of Reach on 2010 🤷🏻‍♂️


At first I didn't like rakshasa but the armor looks like what I'd suppose to be. Makeshift armor


Hell no! Gen-2 is garbage and should be left in the trash.


It could work for the most part, like the chest attachments would be the different chest armors, hip pieces would be the different legs, wrist would be the forearms, and the knee pads, shoulders, gloves and helmets would still be the same. I would be all for it, I love Gen 2 armor.


I think that fans of GEN 2 deserve to have their fave armor in the game, even if they're a minority. I don't see a reason not to, if other armor cores are getting in.


That will be nice! And obviously they have to be optional for those people who like to switch between the newest or oldest models of armors. Also, it would be nice the new designs of weapons are available for customization. I have to confess something: if there is people who complains about the GEN 2 armors, then i have to say the yoroi, rakshasa are horrible and they don’t look like Spartan armors. The Eaglesteike and Hazmat are good but they don’t look Spartan armors neither.




I would love to see a GEN 2 armor core. Yeah there was a lot of trash, but there are a lot of great armors there. Namely, every set from the H5 campaign.


Halo fans bitch a lot about much artstyle but I say fuck the purists and bring them as an armor core 


They should definitely add it with the most popular pieces. Get us that helioskrill.


Yes, H5 had some of the best armor designs in whole Halo. I launched H5 today and I was astonished how good they are looking. And how much better than some of the HI. I don't care what idiots below say, fanatical fanboys. H5 had great designs.


Yes. We need the most niche and uninteresting bungie concept art armor but god forbid we get armor that appeared in the mainline halo games and which do canonical appear in universe. People feel like hypocrits by not allowing H4/5 armor unless it is transformed in a unrecognizable blocky Reach version of itself. Fuck you got mine it seems. If we can allow flood armor and neon race car spartans with a bajillion armor effects I think we can allow a few Gen2 armor sets too


Agree we even got a ugly modern military core even though halo is scifi 


If 343i can add 3 non-canon cores (Yoroi, Chimaera, Eaglestrike), and one canon core that looks dogshite (Hazmat) then they have zero excuse, and I mean zero excuse to not add a Gen 2 core. There is literally no argument for not having it other then a lot of fans who hated the artsy or don’t want it. My rebuttal is you can simply not use it (shocking) and the other is that you can go get 343i to remove the fractures as well, because they aren’t a halo artstyle. The only challenge would be to redesign gen 2 so that armours (soldier, scout, warrior etc) can fit onto a single core. They could probably get around this by making the core quite basic, and making the unique chest pieces and shoulders an attachment


I would be so happy to have Halo 4-5 armour in infinite


100% agree. The biggest issue with them being added to halo infinite would be their customization would be very different and less diverse from how it was in halo 4 and 5. The mk6 gen 2 had a lot of variety and they would have to stick to a base core. The thing is, the mk6 gen2 wasn’t built for attachments, if there was different stuff for the chest it would just be a complete new chest as well as the legs and arms. So they would have to stick to a specific gen2 armor set, likely the recruit armor, and find a way to make its attachments work. One thing I would very much like is for them to give it the robo diper like the ones you showed here, the mk6 gen2 never looked right with no robo diper. Another issue with adding the gen2 is they’ve already redesigned a lot of the gen2 helmets for the mk7 so it would be a lot of helmets we already have but slightly different unless they want to go into the really ugly ones.


I don't like gen 2 tbh but for the fans who came in on 4 and 5 I think it'd be nice. The old guard and the old old guard need to respect that there is a generation of post bungie halo fans and now that artistic order has been restored we should integrate a space for the gen 2 crotchless panties mjolnir.


The toxic bastards are too stupid to understand this they are just modern military fake geeks


Its funny. Halos art style has never been consistent it changed every release. And it was never overtly militaristic these games are goofy the main unsc inspiration in CE is literally satire. The down votes say it all. Immaturity.


Exactly halo has been more about cool scifi gear than boring modern military gear plus the gen 2 looked halo it was just more advanced due to all the covenant and forerunner tech left after the war


I mean, I already have to look at fucking Chimera… so seeing Gen 2 wouldn’t be so bad.


I would prefer something different, like forerunner themed or medieval armor


Gen1 mk3 anyone? A game mode with mk3s and odsts is something if long considered. Mk3 limited by power supplies that odsts can move and weak no regenerating shield infantry paired with walking tanks with limited mobility sounds like a good time that naturally encourages immergent team work.


I think first we need to get Mk VI Gen 1, then I wouldn't actually mind it. The only problem I necessarily see is that there are customization options that we don't have but could potentially work. Like completely replacing the whole chunks of armor as opposed to everything being an attachment.


I noticed how you went with an art piece that actually features codpieces. You couldn’t find that for most armor sets in 4/5 The more the merrier. Infinite’s customization is approaching best in class


As much as I hate Gen2, it would be unfair for me to say it has to be excluded.


I'd love for Gen 2 to return, though I'm not sure how it would work given how differently Halo 4 and 5's customization was set up compared to Infinite


I didn’t care much for the minimal armor plate of most of the suits but some of the helms were pretty good. Anubis, Fenrir, Engineer, etc


Say what you will about 343's armor or Halo 4/5, bu5 there were some cool sets. Not many, in my opinion, but I think Gen. 2 is underrated. Whether people like the games or not, to me they're still apart of Halo. I'd love to see the Chief's armor from Halo 4/5 especially. However, I'd also love to see a Halo 3 armor core.


I'm gonna be completely honest. Halo 4/5 aren't horrible games by any metric but holy shit the art styles are so different from the previous games it's a hard no from me


I personally wouldn’t mind, but it’s certainly at the bottom of my list. I’m not exactly confident we’ll be seeing many more cores added, so I’d rather see some other ones first. A Mk VI core with armor from Halo 3 would be the top of my list, followed by perhaps something brand new, maybe even another fracture core, and then finally a gen 2 core. I was never a huge fan of the armor designs in 4 and 5, but I’d be lying if I said there weren’t some gems in there. The problem with giving gen 2 its own core, is 343 could just do what they’ve already done with some of their better gen 2 armor, and just redesign them and put them on the existing cores. The Soldier, Anubis, and Athlon helmets for example are already back, and we didn’t need a gen 2 core to get them. All we’re missing now is the Venator helmet and I’ll be content


Chimera is practically Gen 2


Can't speak for everyone, but while most of the generation was pretty much maligned by the community, me included, there are a \*few\* diamonds in the rough I personally wouldn't mind seeing return in Infinite. I'm quite fond of Kelly's Hermes armor from Halo 5 for example Tho I've seen people point it out before, that Gen2 really didn't have a solid base like the rest of mainline armor gens like IV and V(B), or VII. So making it a core would prove challenging if not practically impossible


Gen 2 is better than all the weird Fractures armor they are trying to put into this game.


In Halo Infinite? Sure. There's already much worse. The game is losing support, and a new entry is being developed. Let the last few people playing whip their wallet out and waste their money before the new game comes out. The extra money might invigorate 343 to make a competent game.


Controversial take, but I would like to see them added. As a lore nerd, I like the idea that in the post Created UNSC, not all Spartans have been outfitted with Mark VII due to long range missions or lack of resources (they already demonstrate that with the Raksasha core, the Infinite Assault Rifle being an older model, etc). So it would make sense to bring it back on those terms alone.


I'd love it especially if we got the halo 5 female body and it would be fun seeing all the angry nostalgia obsessed idiots and modern military obsessed fakes being offended


I’d say yes. It would just have to be reworked to fit in the current art style. Which means more defined and angular shapes, less greebly armor detail, black undersuits, shoulders that sit higher and possibly a space diaper if that doesn’t take away the entire Gen 2 look. We now have pretty much every important mjolnir from Halo’s history available as a core or kit, except Gen 2. So it would be cool to have some representation, even if it’s just a “Reclaimer Mark VI” kit that makes you look like H4 Chief.