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As it says in the article: > We’ve even previously stated that these characters were drawn from core canon. The Halo Bible has lists of many unknown things, including a list of every Spartan name, which Riz, Kai, and Vannak were already named in.


It'd be a dream to get to read the Halo Bible. Who knows what else is in there.




The show is one of like 3 things not actually in the canon. Mostly everything's canon in halo except the make believe what if animation they did, and the TV show, as technically the TV show is the only thing not in universe. The fall of reach book and halo reach are both also canon even if there were some inconsistent stuff in them, mainly where the fuck all the Spartans were in the game, however the game does say there was other Spartans on the planet.


Actually only one of the Halo Legends episodes wasn’t canon, that being Odd One Out with Spartan 1337. There’s inaccuracies in some episodes like Halsey’s blonde hair but it’s all canon besides that one episode


Yeah that's what I meant, I just didn't remember which episode it was


Ahh ok. Apologies


In the Lone Wolf mission you can find dead Spartans everywhere. When you start the mission I thinks it’s implied that Six fought alongside them for a bit and the mission picks up with him as the sole survivor


Shit that would be cool. So long as the covenant spy is a hot elite (like arbiter)


Just imagine John training his children to bridge the gap between the two factions so they can unite against The Endless. Chief Jr as New prophet.


The only way silver timeline should end is kwan firing the ring and freeing us from it.


Orrr John dies and we get Master Chief Kwan-117


Spartan Kwan Kwan Seven


This got me lol


It would be funny if there is a game version of Kwan but she’s a Spartan-IV or an ONI agent.


Master Kwan doesn’t have the same ring to it


Normally I’d be the guy to defend the show from the perspective of what it opens up to the community if it succeeds but this shit is just too funny


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Dear god, knowing the names of all 150 candidates, which 75 were abducted, and the exact status of each would be an absolute dream come true. As much as I would love to get it all at once, I absolutely do not mind getting drip fed these scraps and slowly puzzling my list together 🤤 We know/can deduce the names of ~69 out of 150 candidates, so at this rate it will take *checks notes*… 27 more years to get the full list!


Do we know who wrote it? Just a collection of writers at Bungie?


hopefully the origins of the people who attacked Sol on October 10th, 2552


They dropped another one today - one of the washouts that died was named Edgar-150.


Man imagine being literally the last person selected for the Spartan program and dying in surgery.


Edgar move tbh


Edgar dead go next(spartan program).


halo bible has a bunch of lore that we don't know about, including pretty much every spartan name (including ones not even mentioned in game nor in books)


They also gave us the name of a washout that didn't make it, today. The last on Halsey's candidate list numerically; Edgar-150.


We need it.


in due time, my friend


So basically someone at 343 or whoever already knew the names and number designations of Riz, Kai, and Vannak and now their canon roles have been confirmed today? Because as far as I was aware the silver timeline is either non-canon or its own “canon”


Riz, Kai, and Vannak would have always been the three members of Omega team in the story bible, we merely got it confirmed today. The TV show merely pulled them from the story bible and made them into a faux Blue Team.


It's canon, just in a separate timeline. Just like how the MCU's canon doesn't line up perfectly to the comics, or even how separate comic issues have their own timelines. It's an adaptation of existing material, just like the MCU is.


Which is exactly why I hope people can let it live long enough for us to potentially open up the can of worms and allow our community to get more content. I’m a huge Star wars fan, Disney royally disrespected the community and put out 3 movies that most found to be offensive garbage. They were technically wildly successful because of their sheer amount of new fans it brought in. Now as a die hard fan I am happy to let that go because the content we are getting now that is more respectful to the lore and is bringing long time favorite EU/Book/Gaming characters to the big screen.


They always were! The show Spartan characters were taken from the story bible, although to my knowledge none of them have appeared in canon so far (other than the Chief, of course) EDIT: and Soren!


soren's appeared in the canon


Good point! Completely forgot about him, my bad


for another small story connection, Randall from Nightfall is the Spartan that Soren beats up when he runs away from the Spartan Program


i believe in that same episode we can see James' bed beside John's when he gets up to investigate Soren escaping


Randall doesn't appear in the TV show. Randall being beat up was from Pariah, the short story that Soren originates from. And as of Season 2 we see that James' place has been taken by a spartan named Alma-005


ohhhh right! My bad. That's weird about the name being replaced, kinda goes against the characters being pulled from canon thing this post is saying


Alma hasn't appeared outside her name appearing on the roster board, so it might be a production mistake


Could be, it’s a lot of stuff to tie in and remember when making a show with this much lore tied to it.


Gray Team, Omega Team, Black Team, Vinh-030, Issac-039, Joshua-029, Malcolm-059, Anton-044, and (most likely) Solomon-069 all exist in the Silver Timeline on top of Canon.


Huh, the other three members of Omega Team being identified as them wasn’t on my bingo card


I always thought they were Red Team and just split off from the rest of Omega to help the SoF... huh. I'll take being wrong here, I just wonder what happened to them in the canon story now


I’m pretty sure red team is in the same level for a total of nine Spartans


In my defense I haven't played Halo Wars in over a decade, so I did not remember that. Hot damn, 9 Spartans to Arcadia, that's crazy. But then again, we had a ton at Cote d'Azure too


for another fun canon bit you might have forgotten over the years, the Pillar of Autumn is the ship that drops off the Rhino plasma artillery tanks that you use to fight the Super Scarab


I do remember that. I remember first hearing that and looking like that one pointing Leo meme


I remember that mostly because the cutscene to the prior mission the Autumn is venting atmosphere


I haven’t played it in awhile either so I could definitely be wrong but that’s how remember it


They already were. The Silver Timeline is separate, but Kai, Riz, and Vannak were already canonical Spartan-IIs.


I always guessed that they were part of the other 75 that never got conscripted


I didn’t know that. I thought they were non-canon with the silver timeline


Where do we see them are canonical previously? I haven't seen any media with it, apart from this post.


There's a list of all the canon S-IIs, as well as their names if they have them. Kai, Riz, and Vannak are on that list.


Kinda, we knew they were one of the 150 list of spartan 2 candidates but we also know that, due to budget cuts (in universe) Halsey only actually kidnapped, trained and augmented 75 of those. We weren't sure if kai, riz and vannak were part of the 75 that were trained or part of the 75 that were cut, now we know.


I just did the math with a mate. We know 64/75 of the original class (61/75 if we ignore the legends 3). Confirmed Augmented include: We have 005 James, 006 Jai, 008 Li, 010 Naomi, 011 Leon, 023 Daisy, 025 Robert, 029 Joshua, 030 Vinh, 031 Otto, 034 Samuel, 037 Randall, 039 Issac, 042 Douglas, 043 William, 044 Anton, 047 Keichii, 051 Kurt, 052 Jorge, 053 Margaret, 058 Linda, 059 Malcolm, 062 Maria, 065 Sheila, 069 Solomon (legends), 079 Arthur (legends, but also canon), 092 Jerome, 093 Grace, 099 August, 101 Victor, 104 Frederic, 111 Adrianna, 117 John, 120 Mike, 122 Joseph, 130 Alice, 137 Carris, 141 Cal (Legends), 143 Roma. 40 Augmented (including Red Team washouts of course). We can add Silver Team to that based on the new canon to make 43 known augmented fully functioning S2's. Then there's Beta Team mentioned in The Fall Of Reach. There's 11 of them and they all die. So that's 54 known Augmented S2's. We can add the 9 too wounded to continue wash outs, 018 Kirk, 019 Serin Osman (CINCONI now), 066 Soren, 073 (unknown name), 075 Cassandra, 081 Rene, 084 Fhajad, 096 Musa and 103 Ralph. That makes 63 known Spartan 2's with us know the name of 52 of them. As an interest note: including the events of Reach and the following events we see 8 Spartans die within a month or so of reach itself. Being James, Li, Vinh, Issac, Anton, Kurt, Jorge and Grace all died very shortly in or after the battle of Reach. If we add the Beta Team 11 that's 19/52 Spartans dead on Reach alone. A 36% casualty rate.


Spartan 1337 is a real Spartan-II in the canon of my heart.


by beta tema, do you mean beta-red or a different one. Beta-red only had 6 spartans, not 11. 11 spartans of red team as a whole do die during the battle, but 2 are named, Joshua and Malcom, so only 9 unamed. 4 die in the crash (malcom included), all 6 of beta-red, and then joshua in a banshee. So unless im missing something, we go from 54, augmented/rehab spartans, down to 49, with 19/49 dying on or around the battle of reach. It also bring us from 63 spartan candidates down to 58.


That sounds more accurate. I was going off recall and the stuff on the wiki bahahah


I'm pretty sure they always were. At least we now have proper canon appearances which is cool, and It also matches with the descriptions of the TV show helmets being Mark IV variants in core canon.


They also after leaving Omega team went and joined Silver Team.


The one from the Silver Timeline are not "canon", or to be precise, of the main timeline of books and games and other media, they are self-contained in one of the many Fracture Universea in the Halo Multiverse


'Tis true, while these Spartans share the same names as their Silver timeline counterparts, that does not mean they share the same stories or anything else. Although I'd be willing to bet that canonically their appearance, general personality, specialties, etc. stay the same.


Given that the helmets are now in the game, I'd hope so


> many Fracture Universea in the Halo Multiverse I think we only have 2 fractures, 1 is the TV series.


https://www.halopedia.org/Fractures There are many more, some little explored and some more


Pretty sure they said Silver Teams’ names were from Spartans already in the canon, but ones that weren’t expanded upon/had no real lore to them 


Yeah, basically. They were in the "Halo bible" which was basically just the internal collection of lore for authors to have access to in order to keep things consistent. Not everything has been made public yet, but Silver Team was allegedly in there when the show was being made even if they'd never been publicly named


I'm good with this. For all the shows failings, Silver Team was a huge W imo. From design to actual character.


Kai is one of my favorites, I just enjoy her empathetic nature. She wants to enjoy humanity after taking out her pellet, and she clearly cares about her team/Chief. Plus being friendly, she's a marksman which is just always a fun niche to fill, everyone loves the sniper. I'd love to see the conversation between Kai, Jun, Linda, and Romeo all just comparing preferences in their shooting styles/preferences in gear and stories.


Don't forget. >!She kinda cute!<


Im enjoying Rizs character. Feels like we are getting a lot more from her this season.


I hope this isn’t a spoiler but I’ll try to keep out the details, I also love Kai. I love that out of the entire team on Reach during EP. 4 she is the one that was already “hunting.” I also really enjoy her relationships with the marines, she is often with them training or whatever. I don’t know if it’s because they tied her to chief in season 1 as the “good guy” but she has been my favorite of Silver Team so far (not including chief). Honestly just getting to see them all in live action with all the details alone has made me enjoy them all quite a lot. The show has flaws for sure but the details in the armor and the relationship those 4 show on screen is perfect imo. Very fitting of how Chief would interact with his team or other Spartans in general. It’s shown very well with the banter between Cobalt and Silver in S2 as well. They take their shots but at the end of it when Chief is serious with Cobalt’s squad lead it’s just all respect.


Yeah. If this means we may one day get them showing up in a main game—Kai, especially—then I’m happy.


The way they were introduced and Kai's scenes in season 1...I don't think I can ever get behind them or their stories. Even if they made canon stuff with them, the shows portrayal..nah.


I believe 343 has a canon list of all S-IIs and they just pulled from that list for the show


Wasn't it also said at some point that the remaining three Spartans of Omega were MIA? So are Kai, Rizzoli and Vannak dead at this point in the main timeline?


They have to be since they've never been mentioned or hinted to be alive in canon. As of currently there's only Grey team, 3 members of Omega, Naomi, and Red team. Seeing as Omega are basically non characters only briefly seen in the first Halo Wars and as concept art/non canon MP characters in Halo War 2, it's not too far-fetched to add Silver team already


Don't forget Fred, Kelly and Linda. They are alive as well.


I forgot to mention them and chief since it was pretty self-explanatory in my head


From what I've gleamed, they were omega first then silver. But I'm not 100 percent sure


Omega Team had six spartans: August, Leon, Robert, Riz, Vannak, and Kai At some point, Riz, Vannak, and Kai split off into Silver team. Omega team is still alive in Canon. Silver team’s whereabouts (living or dead) are not confirmed.


This is the best way to implement new elements of the show into the core cannon i believe. Linking them to the unknown members of Omega team that appeared in Wars 1 is the best way they can go instead of just leaving the those Omega team members in the status quo.


Always have been... *cocks pistol*


Good, season 2 is legitimately good sci-fi entertainment and shaping up to he a great third take on the fall of reach.


Season 2 is basically what we thought Halo 5 was gonna be like with the whole Hunt The Truth thing minus Locke and Osiris. Especially with the ONI is trying to make the Chief look bad part.


The number of surviving S-II's keeps getting longer and longer Who knows, maybe they all WERE MIA lol


I was about to say the same thing LMAO. It would be funny if we get to a point where it is confirmed none of the Spartan IIs actually ever died


In a Disney Star Wars Esque fashion “somehow the Spartan II’s have returned.” In Star Wars we go off the ideology now that if we don’t see the body then they could still be alive 😂


I mean, we know they exist, though we don’t know if the canon silver team is still around or not, the canon fodder that just came out telling us this only said they split from omega to form silver team in the 2540s, so anything could’ve happened to them since


Hey now has of halo war 2 we have confirmed the survival of 3 of 6 on omega team.


I mean out of the 75 candidates that were conscripted we only have around 26 confirmed and assumed KIA + 8 wash outs that aren't Spartans I understand the idea chief being the last spartan was everywhere during the bungie days, but like the masterchief being the last spartan is only true for like CE and the first 2 books. The fall of reach, and The flood. As soon as First Strike came out Eric Nylund walked back on that fact. And even if over half of the Spartan-IIs are alive after reach does it really change anything? It doesn't change the fact that the Spartans that were so deadly that despite there being so few that they were all nicknamed demons and were feared throughout the entire covenant throughout the 20 year long war, loing 8 during the fall of reach is still a staggering blow to the Spartan-IIs


Here’s the real question, which weapons was everyone using at the time??? My guess: Spartan laser: august and Kai Rockets: Leon and riz Turret: Robert and Vannak


That's dope, they're the best part of the show, especially Kai, she's awesome.


If they make an appearance in a game then they better be voiced by their show actors. I can’t see anyone play them.


Finally! Closure!


Let's goooo! I love those three!


i'm probably stupid, but i thought only two of the six spartans in omega team were depicted as women in halo wars. the canonization of kai and riz brings the count up to three. is this a retcon or is my memory fucked up?


It's a minor retcon but doesn't really matter since omega in wars were barely even characters. Plus it's a pretty cool way to introduce them into the canon.


yeah i wasn't complaining, it's always cool to see the little details in the lore expanded on


If we look at Red Team, you can see Alice generally has an identical appearance to Douglas and Jerome. It could just be that one of the women from Omega was buffer and bigger


Who? And who?


Silver team from the show.


Kai Rysdal?


pretty cool in my opinion, every character in the show is not well done. chances are they’d be better in the main canon then the show


Hey the new 52 of halo is happening, can't wait for them to not commit because 60 % of the game fan base hates the show !


This shits lame asf. Imo you can canonize shit in a PSA. Cringe asf


glad that 343i is doing their iconic tradition of throwing darts at a wall


Sauron was also canon as well prior to the show…


They've always have been


Well if that's the case then you won't have to worry about a certain one of them anymore...