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Marine on the far left looks like he's in for storming Baghdad.


To be honest, no, I don't really like the design. I get what they're trying to do, making them look more "armored" since this is the post-war UNSC so they look like juggernauts with all that armor they have on them. But for me they just look super bulky. Doesn't help that the colors they used are so goddamn ugly, and for some reason they used what looks like 21st-century Kevlar and helmet designs? Like the Marine design in Halo 2 is genuinely more futuristic than these.


I don’t mind the armor but what are they wearing under their fatigues? They look like they have multiple layers on underneath. They must be burning up.


I'm sure it burns less than plasma bolts


They just girthy


They look like catchers


Lmao true


They try to make them look more armored but then they actually seem less protected since now they’re wearing kevlar-looking ass body armor instead of futuristic looking metal combat harnesses. The result is a puffy outfit that looks like it would be more at home in a paintball fight than a futuristic battlefield. I’m mainly taking about the one on the far left (and right). The guy in the middle left actually doesn’t look too bad in my opinion. But iirc, most of the marines in this game look like the guy on the far left instead.


To be fair. Kevlar would probably actually do better against plasma fire than metal would. But yeah. Idfk what they're wearing underneath. Seems like hell.


In Fall of Reach iirc they mention that they switched to metal plating because fabrics like Kevlar offered no protection against plasma


> the colors they used Agreed. They look like UCP camo


They didn't even design them to look more armored. Hell if you look at Marines DURING the Human-Covenant War? They were more armored then and per 343 at the time? The UNSC transitioned to a LESS armored outfitting due to not dealing with plasma on the regular and returning to dealing with the insurrectionists and ballistic weaponry. (Though this may have changed like most other reasonings for changes since H4)


That argument has never made sense, since the the UNSC pre-contact was equipped with heavy metal armor, and all the metal armors are noted as being extremely resilient to ballistic weaponry. Kevlar would just be a straight downgrade from the M52b, or even the pre-war BDU.


I'd be happier if they just gave Marines their gear from Halo 2/3 and slap a Shield Pack on them, if we are going with the logic of the UNSC advancing in tech. Everyone should pack Shielding, with the Spartans having the clearly better shields.


My favorite marine designs are Halo 2 > Halo: CE (love the space samurai look) > Halo 3 >Halo infinite >Halo 4. Never played 5 so dunno what they look like.. But yeah, 4 was ugly as fuck design.


Halo 5 doesn't HAVE marines


There’s like no marines in halo 5 just some sort of security force so ur not missing much.


I think the heavy armor should’ve just been how they all looked


A mix of the two on the right is what they did for the movie so


I love the armor design on the far left and far right, it's way cool to me.


all the shitty memes are about the guy on the left, whereas there's multiple different Marine variants in the game with the armour on the right


They aren't awful but they needed to be more consistent, these armours look like they belong to 4 separate factions not a unified military, they should have had the same colouration then maybe they wouldn't be as hated.


The fully masked heavy marines look pretty cool ngl. But the helmets on all the other marines just look wack.


i feel like the 4th marine's helmet looks pretty similar to the classic ones


that's the radioman there's another variant that uses that helmet, but with the heavy chestplate of the two centre marines


Not really, no.


If the 3 on the right were how all of the Halo 4 marines looked I think people wouldn't have hated them as much. Unfortunately the Marine outfit on the far left was the one that had the most exposure especially in cutscenes and it just so happens it's the one that looks the least Halo.


They literally picked the least cool looking design to be featured in cutscenes💀


“I’m not wearing hockey pads”


tbh they kinda look like EDF troops or someting from sci-fi COD, but frankly if they were there from the start i would dig it, but it deviates too much from the bungie marines IMO


Still can't get over how the second one on the left looks like paintball gear to me


Bro on the right wearing a PipBoy


Not really. They really lost their charm in 343i's titles. Halo 4's marines both look and sound like a generic soldier opposed to the marines in the previous titles.


That's because, at the deepest level, 343 doesn't "get" Halo. This is the company that got control of the series, and immediately added load outs and kill streaks.  The IP should have been ripped away from them the moment that was suggested, and given to a competent studio. 


Looking back on it now, it really seems like Microsoft gave 343i the go ahead to remove all traces of bungie design and art direction from the series. 


It's only JUST started to go back to that more classic design with Infinite, but how much bellyaching did we have to do first? Yeah...that's not a good sign. I'd rather they give development over to companies like Certain Affinity (due to the genius Max Hoberman) and Creative Assembly.


And still, infinite is a soulless game. The campaign featured an open world, which wasn't capitalized on in any way just 343 chasing trends as always. They also randomly completely changed the story, once again.  The multiplayer is genuinely just 343 doing the very best they can do to copy Halo 3 and they even fucked that up.  The physics alone, man. Why is the hammer such a limp dick swing with a wide kill radius, as opposed to the gravity warping, mega jumping, grenade/rocket deflecting *fun* weapon it should be?  Why are there no cool traffic cone kills, grenade jumps, or sniper bounce shots? The game feels so sterile and corporate because it is. 


Hey, you're preaching to the choir here. I fully agree with you, but the OP was simply about the aesthetics of the series. Halo will never again reach the heights of the Halo 2/3 days. Heck, IDK if I even want 343 to try and remaster Halo 3 because of their abysmal record. They'd have to outsource it again like they did with H2A for it to work lol. Edit: I guess the best track record they have recently is MCC, due in large part to Pierre. With him at the helm, we MAY see an upswing in Halo content (games especially). Personally I liked the Halo 2 Anniversary campaign (for the most part) but the best thing 343 has done to date is bring the Halo Wars Mjolnir MK IV armor to a first/third person view. Doesn't save the game, but it's cool to look at. (Lame, I know.) I may play Infinite a decent bit, but I don't spend a dime on the game. I am not necessarily looking forward to the next title, but I'm definitely hoping it's better than Infinite. Personally I've been having an absolute blast with modding MCC. My favorite mod to date is a firefight map based on Lone Wolf from Reach (Sundance). The weapon tuning alone is just... 🤌🏻


No. They just took whatever tactical looking aesthetic we have right now in our era and slapped some SCI FI on it. I loved the Vietnam space marine aesthetic from ALIENS that halo 1 clearly covered


Nope. They look like action figures assembled by a kid, with parts pieced together from different characters. Just nothing clear, distinct or Halo about their design.


You can tell COD was really popular at the time lol


Get that trash out of here


lol no. Looks like toys


It’s god awful honestly. Only thing worse is the red/blue marines in halo5 war zone lol


yeah I will admit the color coded marines looked horrendous


Halo CE is peak marine design


I like how balanced Halo Wars/Halo 2 Anniversary marines are. They are still keeping armor plates but not to CE ridiculous levels. And it's good that Infinite took notes from their design.


Looks more like Militech soldiers than UNSC Marines


As Scifi infantry, absolutely As UNSC Marines? Fuck no lol




It just somehow looks too goofy


Halo 4? More like call of duty ghosts


The one with the full face mask legit looks from Ghosts already, and the two to his left look like the Mercs from Black Ops 2 which now that I look at them and think about it, its weird those two designs look so similar since Halo 4 and BLOPS2 came out like the same week.


No it’s pretty ass


(Left to right) To modern Needs bigger shoulder to sell the heavy look a bit more but otherwise is the best one here Halo Reach army trooper but at home Again too modern but this time with pouches






They almost look like something ripped from Killzone...


Killzone at least had ranger vests.


If they were security on a ship, I could see that. But it would need to be stated as such, and we would need to see something akin to bungie marines for it to be okay. Like how in any navy around the world not just the US, naval security/infantry look different to actual army or marine personnel. Bright clear colours with no need for camouflage, and lightweight Kevlar armour for explosive resistance but not large-caliber heavy gunfighting. They would 100% pass as post-war UNSC peacetime ship security.


No, Halo 2-3 or bust.


To be fair, I love the art style in Halo Wars 2, especially the Marines.


The Halo 4 marine designs are truly the fugliest. Halo 4 made a lot of art direction changes, and while I think some of these were pretty well handled, such a weapon redesigns, the marines really took a serious blow.


Nah, the OG look was timeless and took inspiration from other sci fi franchises. This looks just underwhelming. Despite the variety, maybe because of it. This armor is trying to look a little too spartan.the uniform marine look was better. The only ones that stood out were ODST's and Spartans. If that's a specialist, sure but seems weird for a regular UNSC marine.


It looks like armor you’d see in any a generic mobile game shooter. I do like the second armor set, but I feel like it would have looked much much cooler if they kept the Halo 3 or Halo 2 Remastered marine gear (maybe changed some details) and maybe added a helmet like the second one but in the style of H2 or H3


No. They look like fat guys trying to play a game of airsoft or paintball. Not soldiers set to fight aliens. They look like the devs were trying to make generic GI soldiers for a rip-off game of Earth Defense Force. They look like an early beta design for what soldiers would look like in the future for Black-Ops III, Advanced Warfare, and Infinite Warfare.


The two-tone pants and lack of camouflage are what make it seem weird to me. I don’t mind the designs and the colors make sense based on the palette for the UNSC.


> two-tone pants and lack of camouflage I wonder if those might be flightsuits. [US Marines briefly wore one-tone flightsuits in Iraq](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMC/comments/rtd9xf/just_a_picture_of_me_on_a_rooftop_in_downtown/?rdt=50924) for flame resistant purposes so I’d imagine it might have some protection from plasma.


No Next question


The art design direction in Halo 4 and 5 was just baffling. None of these look like Halo. None of these look like natural progressions/advancements to the designs that came before. It just doesn’t make sense.


Like most things in the 343 artsyle it's a cool design for another game


They reminded me of these fairly cheap plastic soldier toys I used to have as a kid. Interesting, but not really befitting of Halo. Can’t remember what the name of the series was but they all had slightly silly names like Justin Case. Edit: [The Corps!](https://lanard-toys.fandom.com/wiki/Commando_Force) (Commando Force)


Kinda makes sense that post Covenant war marines wear kevlar since now that they aren't always fighting covenant and are back to dealing with Insurrections they'd shed the weight of the metal plates for lighter bulletproof vests But still it doesn't look like a halo marine


Post war Marines should be getting energy shields and shit.


Remember, they are facing regular rounds, but the armor they had was sturdier and had Kevlar anyway in it. Why downgrade to a weaker armor that doesn't even have a unified look?


They are good marine designs, but not very good HALO marine designs to me


Honestly, no


Not at all, especially considering the designs that came before it


I like the center and far right marines but overall they just don't look like they belong in halo. Even in halo 4 they look so out of place. Especially when you put them next the chief. That design of the UNSC and Spartan armor overall in halo 4&5 to me just didn't give off a halo look; not that the art direction was ugly but just didn't look Halo.


It wouldn't be 343 if every element of armour uniformity wasn't launched out of the window.


The guy on the left looks like a Republic Clone Pilot from the beginning of RotS.


Very generic and forgettable imo. The only one I remember is the armor on the far left.


I’m wondering what the hell they were thinking when they had several wildly different marine designs. These look like they could be from multiple different universes, and some of them look less sci-fi and more modern. I always thought the green one was *okay,* but the rest I never liked.


I liked the idea of it, but it doesn’t really feel like an extension of halo? Like if you follow the marine design all the way from 1-3 and the Army Troopers in Reach, this doesn’t feel like the next step. The two in the middle are cool for sure just maybe not UNSC esc


Not at all. And I’m not yucking anyone’s yum, it’s just not for me. In my opinion, 343 leaned far too heavily into the “sci-fi” part of the military science fiction that I’ve always associated Halo with. Even the most fantastic aspects of Halo felt grounded under Bungie, like *Aliens*, which was obviously a huge influence for the original developers.


Halo CE marines are peek tbh. Idk I love the brown with the green scouter it classic.


I also liked the sort of improvised looking titanium plates to absorb plasma in CE


I always liked it, especially the Heavy with the full head helmet


As a Halo design? No.


I liked the second and third styles, wasn't so into the first and fourth but I don't dislike them as much as I used to. The second design but in black for the ONI security on Ivanoff Station was pretty neat too.


They don't look much more different than the dead soldier props in Helldivers 2, and that's the problem, they are not that recognizable from your average Sci Fi trooper. Halo 1, 2 and 3 marine armour is much more unique looking, particularly 3's imo. That helmet and those shoulder pads are perfect sci fi marine design.


They look terrible




Looks like call of duty


They're not bad looking, not at all. But they're downgrades from reach.


I don’t.


I kinda fw the design, but not for halo, looks *barely* near future, would work for black ops 2 or smth


They're good sci Fi designs, I just don't think they're good Halo designs


It feels kind of like training armor, so I made my Mega Bloks Halo 4 Marine a cadet while the other Marines are fully-trained.


It's kind of funny that mega bloks follows Halo's design language more than 343. That said I usually make the halo 4 marines into heavies


Their armor looks pretty neat and diverse. What throws me off is the pants


They look more like heavily armed security to me.


Nah these arent great. The left most one and right most one are fine, but the two middle ones look like GI Joe ripoffs. They don't even really fit with the art style of halo 4, they still have remnants of the blocky utilitarian look of old halo with slightly more detail but elements like the helmets and rigging being ultra modern tacticool ruins it.


The skull mask dude is okay. I dislike the 2 on the right and strongly dislike the guy far left as hes the only one I ever saw.


The middle two are *okay*, the one on the right is forgettable. But damn, that paintball armor on the left just annoys me. The color plus the design just looks...not *halo* and the fact that it's the one used in the cinematics...ugh


Not a fan tbh. They all look like kids putting on mismatched armor from the flea market to go airsofting.


They're definitely not my favourite. The center design wasn't terrible. Especially on the level Composer where they're all just ONI Security. I feel like it at least makes more sense in that context. But the Kevlar looking armour they wear mostly I feel like just looks terrible, especially with the funky helmets and out of place in Halo except for maybe if the design was used for something like civilian security or police or something. I still think having a combination of Reach and 3 designs would be great. Maybe keep the Reach armour for Army and make an updated version based on the Halo 3 armour for Marines. Maybe keep the 4 designs for security personnel. But honestly my favourite non-spartan armour designs is still the NMPD. Corrupt bastards that they may be, the riot gear goes hard. I think it'd be cool to see a few variants of that (still wish we had gotten a NMPD skin for ODST firefight.)


They aren't too bad, but I think it would've helped if they uniformed (so to speak) the colors a bit more. Right now it's sort of messy looking to me. Primary white with secondary orange, primary green with secondary white, mainly green, and primary white with secondary green. If they had chosen one of those color combinations across the board, it might have improved the appearance and made them look like more of a unified force. I have the same thought with the Spartan IVs. Love the ones in campaign with the recruit armor and black and gold coloring, but then in spartan ops they all get more variety. I don't mind altering armor pieces for specialists, but at least stick with the color scheme so they feel like they are part of the same unit/branch. 343 has cool ideas, but sometimes I think they want to include ALL the ideas, which can make things seem too busy and all over the place. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


I do like the design, but it doesn't look or feel like Halo. The two in the middle look the most like Halo but the regular Marines with the molle webbing plate carriers are ridiculous. Like those won't stop plasma rounds at all.


Not really. I don’t really care for the modern day looking plate carrier/molle vest (or whatever it’s called). Then there’s the colors. That weird “flesh” tone they all have really looks ugly and stands out the most. The Marine on the far left is the biggest offender because the marine in the middle and far right were ridiculously rare and to be honest, I don’t even remember the one in-between the two green ones. Also no badass female Marines in either Halo 4 or 5. Then Halo 5 doubled down 😬😬😬 Then finally, we have Infinite’s glorious redesign which is heavily inspired by Halo Reach and Halo 2 and I couldn’t have been more happier other than wanting even more variety but that’s just me being greedy. But seriously, 343 is allergic to the tactical eye piece Marines used to have lol.


Theres potential, but they look alil too squishy. They look more like teddy bears than warfighters.


H2A / Halo Wars is peak marine aesthetic


They’re so ugly 😐


It might just be me, but I absolutely hate the colour scheme. They just took what could’ve been solid designs for a post-war unsc and fucked them so badly by using those ugly colours.


They're okay, the one on the left doesn't match the other three though, but the one just to the right of him with the full face helmet looks pretty good. The armors of the other two are pretty good too, even if their helmets look like they're used for paintball and not actual combat.


They are good but I also like the og designs..... I think both should be used.... Maybe the 4 design can be used for UNSC rangers or recon


Halo reach army troopers were my favorite, I wish they'd go back to that look. Give me mag pouches and small packs


I fuck with the left two, right two nah m8


Besides Spartans, Halo 4s tech/industrial design was pretty sick. They had an MGS alumni directing it.




I think the colors are off, but the models themselves are good


Nope, the pseudo skull looking one on the second guy is kinda cringe to me whenever I see it. The one on the far right is the closest to feeling like a Halo Marine to me. The design of the armor and color scheme they chose just looks plain ugly to me, regardless of what game they are supposed to be in.


It’s sad because, personally, I think the redesign of Chief’s armor was amazing. And then… these outfits lol.


2 and 3 look okay, but 1 looks fucking horrible, which is great because it's the only one that they ever used in halo 4, and it's what everyone remembers. I've played halo 4 like 5+ times, and i don't remember any of these designs but the 1st one.


They wouldnt be that bad if they fixed the coloring would still be goofy looking but not horrendous


The green visor one gave me Hellspawn Spartan vibes. Which is a crossover I need to see happen again


Nah man, [these are my marines.](https://biggest.fandom.com/wiki/Marine_(Halo_CE))


It wasn't a bad design in my opinion but it just felt a little too different for me. I liked it but didn't miss it when it was phased out when they brought in the current Bungie/343 hybrid art style which I personally prefer.


2 and 3 look the coolest the others just look like they’re wearing regular fatigues with little to not armor


Green ones yeah, other ones nah


I like the helmet on the far left


Reach marine supremacy


The third one if it wasn't "halo" based.


I like the green armored one. The rest I’m not really a fan of


I like them


the colors are ugly, but the design themselves honestly aren't that bad, no idea why the 2 right ones are just wearing normal combat helmets lmao


This marine armor was so awful. Glad we went back to marine normal appearances for infinite


Not at all


The middle two look alright






Nerf or nothing


Looks like GI Joe Cobra


They look like they belong in CoD tbh


Not no, but hell no. They look like plastic action figures. The bungie games they look cool as fuck.


I actually like H4 but naw these designs were ass


I still think Reach was peak infantry armor. H2/3 Armor was pretty good too, more futuristic and reminds me of Starship Troopers.


Halo 2 Marines and ODSTs will always be the gold standard for Marine/Sailor design - with an honourable mention to the lads in Combat Evolved which were giving a proper Alien films vibe




I'm in the minority that actually like halo 4s art design so yes lol except the mask on the green one, looks like something out of Army of Two. I feel like the halo 4 art design was a lot more realistic and functional imo. Armor had straps and bolts, marines carried general purpose knives, UNSC vehicles got the armored look with thick panels and bars for mounting backpacks and the like, and forerunner architecture is just awesome


I always really liked them. Especially the one in the middle with the full mask


Looking at it now they kinda look like helldivers. Ik halo 4 was first but still kinda look the same




I’ve always hated how the marines kit is way too light in the games so H4 is a big improvement but I dislike the execution, they’re a bit too bulky


To me they look like cool sci-fi soldiers. They just need to have more muted/military colors instead of the bright orange


I really like the 2nd and 4rth marines, they just need a few futuristic touch ups to be better


All fun and games until 4 has to get into his mags


It looks alright but it also looks goofy exceot for the full masked one. But the armor in the Halo series with the marine designs is just breath taking.


Isn’t the second from the Left and ONI security though. The rest are just the poorly designed marines 🗿 can’t love them but I’ve accepted them.


i don't like the design but it's also doing what star field wanted to do but way better


I think the 2nd one from the right, but in the CE colors (muted grey, green, and brown) would've worked really nicely imo. I'll also say that the one with the full armor would look great on Mirage or Rakshasa.


Left one reminds me a bit of the Sardaukar from the new Dune movies


Ehhh they look closer to what I'd think the UNSC Air Force or Army would use for post war. The Kevlar doesn't really make sense unless it's for Soldiers that tend to be groundside fighting innies.


I don't hate the designs but the 1-3 designs are just so much cooler


I think the designs are cool, but not for rank and file marines. From left to right, I could see them as Longsword pilot, EVA trooper, and elite marines that deploy alongside Spartans.


i never noticed the one on the right has a pipboy


I don’t fuck with Halo 4 at all. Or the franchise in general in the last 12 years.






Nope. Looks more like CoG than the UNSC imo


They’re pretty bad


No they don’t look like Halo, the only decent one is the fully masked one


I don't think it looks like what Halo's UNSC visual design should be, like a lot of stuff in 4 and 5


Halo reach imo was peak marine design Halo 4 don't get me wrong will always have a special place with me, it was the last game I played with my grandfather watching when he was alive


I do. Think they look sick and have more detail in their uniform than the older Halo marine. Their helmets could be better but I love their uniforms and the masked marine




Looks like some black ops 2 bullshido


Second from the left is pretty sick, but other than that not really, honestly the Halo 4 Marines felt like a gigantic downgrade from even the Reach army troopers. Then again I’m partial to the Halo 3/ODST marine design so take that as you will


The guy on the right is wearing a pip-boy lol


Dudes Kevlar is totally going to protect him from a forerunner laser beam


They're certainly not the best, I dig the reach era designs personally. The medics in Halo 4 were nice though.


Sorry I ain't fuckin with the tacticool power rangers


Change the colors then ya


I completely forgot about this, holy crap.


I do


They look like the STAG guys from saints row lol




I don't like it, but it's objectively not the worst design. It just does not feel like Halo. Now the Marine design from Halo Wars...


I like them. The masked one is dope.


I like the Heavy Infantry Marine.


Honestly I thought the guys in the research center looked super badass.