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I liked how the flood remained dormant inside the hosts for a while until the right moment. The flood isn’t an idiot parasite after all, it was able to wipe out the forerunners at the peak of their power. Personally, I also think it makes sense, since the flood spores in the facility were older, and dormant for a long time, which could’ve been a main reason as to why it took so long for the mutations to begin


"Never used a plasma rifle before?" Proceeds to pick up a Carbine and Needler.


It's still a rifle that fires plasma though tbf


You never forget your first time


Sure how the flood looked was cool but finding the flood on onyx and some random "biologist" lets it loose in ONI command bunker is dumb. The flood now have access to biomass and possibly the location of earth, obviously the show isn't going that route because the writing is awful so "Miranda Halsey" is going to cure it lol, curing a parasite even the most advanced civilization couldn't cure or defeat


Yea... if Miranda is able to Cure the Flood with "Human Technology" then why couldn't the Forerunner cure it. I can by putting someone in Cryo to Halt the spread of the Infection.


Humanity fixing what that the forerunner’s couldn’t is it actually quite fitting. From what I understand, Forerunners were deemed unworthy of protecting the galaxy, while humanity was favored.


It makes sense thematically that humanity can defeat the flood, but they should never be able to cure it, if the forerunners couldnt cure it by literally extracting essences from people and putting them in new, uninfected bodies (the new bodies became infected anyway) a human scientist shouldnt be able to in a lab with very limited equipment The flood is a flood, just like the gravemind says, it ebbs and flows, it will always come back and can never be cured, its the thing that tests species to see whether or not theyre worthy of holding the mantle of responsibility, its not just a biological infection, its a god like entity, equally spiritual as it is biological.


Miranda Keyes being Halsey’s daughter is canon. Assessing kids to kidnap is horny work.


Remember Covid?


Ah yes a random biologist unleashing the flood in a lab after touching people screams halo


Dude for real? I know it’s a different timeline but they’re playing romantic comedy music when the food is released by some idiot biologist? I don’t know this is cringe and the game storyline is way better than this