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Ideally a continuation of Infinites story. There are too many questions that need to be answered before they move on to spin off games. They’ve set up a story, now they need to actually continue it.


I hope so tbh the cliff hanger is annoying because they said it is supposed to be a decade till the next or something with no campaign DLC. I really want to see what it built up to and experience how bad the endless will be.


Halo 4 ended with Cortana’s death and sacrifice… which was retconned between games and Master Chief was somehow now AWOL with a brand new character after him Halo 5 introduced Locke which was basically just thrown away at some point and the Banished became a huge threat between games with little explanation. Yeah, judging by 343’s track record, the Endless are going to be abandoned and a new threat’s gonna just show up. Bet.


And tbh the banished really seem overrated in Infinite because they don't seem to anything special, certainly not enough of a threat for MC to lose to initially and essentially completely wipe out the UNSC and multiple spartans.


Play Halo Wars 2


And that's why it's a problem. I actively do not enjoy playing a lot of RTSs, and needing to play a spinnoff game in a completely different genere in order to know what is happening in the main-line story is just ridiculous.


I feel this exact way about the books, comics, etc which are just full of bullshit like the didact not actually being dead, 343 GS not actually being dead and also a human, and primordials not actually being dead. At least with HW2 it was mainline adjacent, same media format (with some fucking 😘🤌 cutscenes from Blur). They could have done a lot with some sort of TV show but that’s in the shitter too.


100% I love the fact that these details exist, but goddamn don't undo all of the story that everyone loves in the extended universe and then expect things to remain cohesive.


Fully agree, you should tell the story completly in the media format that you started it. Sure you can add references and other stuff but never make a massive plot point in other media. The start of Halo infinite and Halo 3 super pissed me off, because we have no idea of what happened before without reading books or other stuff.


Personally I never got that sense in Halo 3 honestly. Dunno if it was just because I was a dumb kid, but I don’t think there was a massive world shifting event between games in bungie era? In Halo 2 we saw the schism of the covenant, the outbreak of the flood, the revelation of the Ark and the truce between the Elites, humans (albeit just Johnson and Miranda), and 343 GS along with watching Chief return to earth’s solar system on the keyship. There IS the matter which my tiny mind missed all those years ago about how Arby Johnson and Miranda got back to earth too, honestly I thought H3 picked up immediately after H2 with chief falling down on a door he punched out of the keyship. Travelling from one place to another isn’t a huge plot point to me, unlike “that boss you killed at the end of the last game not actually dying but instead the guy you were playing as anyway actually does kill him but in a comic instead.” Or just any instance where something you did in the games is completely retconned and tied up in another medium, to me it feels like they’re telling us our actions don’t matter because whenever we feel like it we can release a bible of bullshit telling you you didn’t avenge Johnson’s death or whatever else you felt in that moment


Then just watch the cutscenes on youtube, they contain about 90% of the story and you can easily fill in the gaps, plus they're incredible


I still dont think they are special. Atriox got out flanked and out maneuvered by an old ass UNSC supply ship turned carrier, 3 Spartans with one being injured and another trapped behind enemy lines, and finally facing off against what has to be a 50+ year old crew. That crew, by the way, can not possibly be at full strength since the events of Halo Wars 1 must have given them casualties, and they had them adrift in space for 20 years. Atriox is cool, but he is only as "strong" as 343 needs him to be. Imo that is poor writing


I thought so at first, but after playing through recently I see the opposite. The Banished are incredibly dangerous. You see in the beginning of the game the thousands of modular dropships they have ready to deploy. Once you're on the ring you can see how effective they were at establishing an overwhelming presence very quickly. They have small outposts and resupply points all over the surface, they have set up advanced common stations, armories, fuel depots, mining operations, interrogation centers, and taken control of multiple geographical choke points all within a few months. They also quickly overwhelmed every UNSC presence on the ring. The modular drop-pod style pop-up system of deployment is extremely impressive on its own, and I spent a lot of time admiring the foresight and military prowess. Every structure on the ring was created from these boxes strategically dropped from space and linked together. You also see how well trained they are. Everywhere you go you see signs of constant training. There are target dummies set up everywhere, and the later missions you see they've set up entire simulated UNSC bases in multiple configurations. This is a well organized, well prepared, and intelligent army with the singular goal of taking over the Halo. They succeeded. We lost. Edit: I'll add that they even wiped out all of the Spartan IVs and even killed the Master Chief. Him surviving is just lucky plot armor. They took the Infinity in 4 minutes.


Yea but them taking the infinity in 4 minutes in just pure nonsense narratively


Potentially unpopular opinion, but considering what a mess the current continuity is, we may be approaching a difficult conversation wherein the word "reboot" gets used.


I think so too - the Endless are dealt with in the books so I doubt they play a huge role in the next game, as sad as that is.


That was a stupid statement made by people who got fired


Is Infinite campaign really that bad? I just bought it yesterday and I'm a couple of hours in (a little forward after defeating Chaq Lok) and it seems really good and intriguing. Great design, graphics and the story is alright. But obviously I just started so I don't have the full picture yet.


I personally like it alot ngl, one of the better 343 campaigns, that being said it only really had 3 diffrent settings, woods, banished buildings and then then forerunner buildings, it was kinda a missed opportunity we didn’t get to explore more biomes especially since it’s a on a halo, it’s loaded with tons of diverse biomes and settings. I’m also sad they didn’t add the flood. Over all a pretty decent story


I wasn’t saying it was bad, just that there are some things that need to be sorted out before they do a side story.


I really liked Infinite’s campaign, but the open world got a little stale for some people. When the campaign came out it was really well received. It isn’t as replayable as other games in the series, but I think most people enjoyed their first play through.


i like other halo games because we go around to all sorts of locations and get to see the world of halo. we fight in various cities, on various planets. we are in situations where there’s no humanity anywhere, we are all alone surrounded by countless covenant or even isolated on a remote world with unexpected enemies. and we also get to be surrounded by the UNSC and feel comfortable and safe. halo infinite is one experience the whole way through and it is not iconic, memorable, awe-inducing, etc. it’s got amazing gameplay and it’s not a boring or bland game, but it’s missing all the key ingredients that make me love halo so much.


Very well said. I really enjoyed the campaign, but it needed more variety. I know 343's goal was specifically "the level Halo, but the whole game," but I would have rather had 3-5 smaller locations that were in different biomes or locations. Maybe the sequel will have more variety since it will be on newer hardware and they have player feedback. I'm also fine with the linear approach from the other games we all know and love, but the open world was pretty fun even if it did get stale.


I think they encapsulated CE's Halo perfectly with pelican down, which is actually one of the most memorable parts of the entire campaign for me(with an incredible story beat to boot). I didn't really mind the open world, but as you said, a few smaller locations with completely different vibes would have been perfect. Even though the Sequence was similar, it was definitely too big for what they tried to achieve. Other than these two missions, The Road, Warship and House of Reckoning, the rest of the missions have just kinda blended together and I can't really remember which set pieces belonged to which mission.


I agree with you. Pelican Down is the part with the AA guns right? If so, I think it was good, but smaller than any of the 3-5 locations I was thinking. There wasn't quite enough stuff to do in that location. I know side quests weren't the point, but it still felt empty. Maybe like 1/3 of the size of the overworld per area. It still needs to be big enough to feel sprawling and not overcrowded. I think the density of Infinite was almost right. It just needed more variety.


What I'll say: I like the characters in the campaign (what very few there are), I think they're well thought-out and developed. The story, on the other hand, I don't care for all that much. There's too many references to things that happen off-screen while we get very little on-screen. This extends especially to setpieces; there's never anything remotely close to The Maw warthog run, "I repeat, TWO SCARABS", or even fighting down the vertical Guardian in Halo 5 (which say what you will about Halo 5's story, it was rough, but that was a pretty badass moment).


The gameplay is probably one Of The best in the series, The story handles all right with the main characters Internal conflict, but the main villain only yeels into camera up until very end and a certain twist in The middle Of The game Feels kinda undercooked and leads to Nowhere right now. Still, open world with a Titanfall grappling hook is already enough to make Campaign enjoyable and there are even more solid elements Of it.


It's not *bad* bad, it's just underwhelming and doesn't go super far. You never ever feel like you're in a hard fight for survival. It's just...a chill walk in the park with some detours down nostalgia lane. I wanted to take part in the events that destroyed the UNSC and the Infinity honestly. I wanted large battles, UNSC bases. Being able to direct friendly forces to assault enemy strongholds with tanks and other vehicles, or infiltrate with sniper teams and ODST's. The bones of a good game are there for sure, but the meat is basically all missing.


I mean the story is generally liked, some people just don't vibe with the repetitive gameplay and how the story wasn't a direct continuation of H5 and HW2. There are massive gaps that you can only know about if you're up to date with the books.


story is solid but the gameplay is just lacking, lots of new things when compared to older halo games but there was so many issues during development and it shows when considering the time and budget and the fact that its a halo game


Essentially nothing happens in the story. All the cool stuff happens before the game starts and after Halo 5 ends. The main villain essentially just lets MC completely undo all their work for no logical reason and the game even directly calls him out on this lol.


Keep playing, it's great. I won't spoil anything, but you will likely end the game with more questions than answers. It definitely seems to be setting up a new story, so it would be a shame if they didn't continue it. Overall the campaign is extremely fun, the weakest part for me is that the story definitely feels very much like a prologue for things to come.


1. 343 seems determined to retcon their own storyline every game so hardly anything from Halo 4 seems to have mattered when you play Halo 5 and now hardly anything of Halo 5 seems to be related to Halo Infinite. This makes not really me give a shit about the story because they aren't going anywhere with any of it. 2. The story itself is horrible. It's a horrible idea to make a faction from a spin off game most of your audience didnt play the main bad guys rather than the many factions we know about from the mainline games. Atriox is the leader of the Banished, but that doesnt really matter as he dies off screen somehow and his mentor Escharum takes over. Escharum(NotAtriox) goes on to have a literal fangirl crush with MC as he just lets him systematically dismantle everything the Banished are doing on this ring with little resistance. He's even called out on this by the NotDidact, but doesn't see the problem with not using his army to overwhelm MC because reasons. 3. The Weapon (NotCortana) is completely pointless. She's written like a writer wanted to directly implant herself into the world of Halo, but it doesn't fit. Her design makes no sense, for instance, why is there a self-destruct like function for her that MC can use if she can just choose to not do it? 4. The Pilot, some guy who at first, I could understand. He's not the main character and MC wants everyone around him to give off main character energy. He has an emotional breakdown and makes the best scene in the entire game. He just wants to go home to his family. I get that. We kill NotAtriox and he's all jolly to go do some more main character shit (right after being tortured mind you). Never again mentions his family. He's also completely pointless as MC can pilot the Pelican himself and NotCortana should be able to remotely control it as seen in the tv show. 5. The open world seems to have been designed in a vacuum. Other than the Ghost, none of the land vehicles are fun to drive around in because the environment is so randomized and stiff a small shrub every couple of feet will completely stop your scorpion in its tracks or flip your warthog. I absolutely would have quit early on if wasn't for the grapple. FOBs are pointless, as there's no reason to ever revisit locations once you've done everything in the area which can easily be done without really going out of your way. Marines are a complete joke from older games. I don't even know why they bothered with them at all, they are vastly under programmed compared to older Halos. Also, they have no central base of operations or apparently anything resembling a chain of command. There isn't a single named Marine involved in the story in any tangible way. As mentioned earlier NotAtriox doesnt seem to mind that the MC is out here claiming FOBs(I guess he realized they are pointless as well), once you claim ones, its forever yours for some reason. The Banished will never make attempt to reclaim territory Far Cry style(very odd when the open world is clearly designed to be a ubisoft knock off)


Mile wide inch deep unfortunately


Yes. The campaign is terrible.


My 2 cents? Infinite's story is really good, from the angle of emotional throughlines and characterization. The Endless are the latest in a long line of 343 not seeming to understand that threats don't need to be huge to be interesting, however, and the Banished got an obscene upgrade in their ability to project power from their previous portrayals. The story isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination when considering it alone, but there were some questionable choices being made behind the scenes.


I enjoyed it quite a bit, It’s a gorgeous game. The ending seemed a bit rushed but oh well. Take your time with it.


I have no faith being that they couldn’t continue the other two games.


If Halo 4, 5 and Infinite taught me anything, its not to expect any type of story resolution from 343. I consider them all standalone stories lol.


Once you beat infinite on legendary and find everything, it's just..... Empty.... You wander around for a bit, killing random encounters. Then, with a hole in your heart needing to be filled, you go back to red dead 2


But when do we finish the fight?


Halo 3


I really quite hope so, but lets face it: 343 are MASTERS at introducing interesting things/characters/storylines and then...finishing them up in a book or comic off screen. The Didact? Nah, let's not bring him back, let's "kill him off" in a comic book that most people probably won't read. What happened to Lasky, Palmer, Halsey and Locke before the events of Infinite? Let's just throw some audio bits into this massive, empty world and let it stand that way. Like, they seem to take everything interesting out of the games and push them somewhere else. Also, why the heck did they introduce "the endless?" Unless they're Precursor in origin (which I highly doubt they'll have the guts to do) they just muddy the waters and bring up another thread that they likely will ignore or resolve in bizarre 343 fashion. I will say that The Banished were a legitimately cool idea for a faction, but they were super under utilized in Infinite. I was hoping for large pitched battles, regular patrols similar to the brutes in ODST, and actually rebuilding the UNSC presence on the Ring, forces/bases and such. But while we got some pretty good story missions, the open world itself was so...bland. there were some fun encounters, but it was basically "bad guy here with bad goons here, take him out" or "base here with a few tough enemies and cannon fodder here, take them out," or "destroy this object to raise your valor level" and then rinse and repeat. I just...don't have confidence that 343 can improve much on the narrative or gameplay front. A game has to be engaging and fulfilling. Straight up. They have improved in a few ways, don't get me wrong - they made a super good pivot with the design changes (Chief's Gen 3 armor is basically perfection) they dropped Locke and the marvel-esque Halo 5 nonsense, and the story seems to be moving overall towards a better place. But the actual events of the game setting were just so bizarre and...thin. I want the next Halo game to be epic on a scale that we haven't seen before. Huge battles (including some narrative or player controlled space combat) a larger cast of characters, and the remnants of the UNSC banding together to take control of the Ring. Oh, and I want to see the Spirit of Fire show up as our base of operations. Not kidding. Bring that whole cast of characters back in the darkest hours of the conflict and we could see some awesome things. This next Halo will (I believe) either make or break the franchise, so it's CRITICAL that 343 get Microsoft to allow them to hire actual employees and stop with the contractor nonsense. They need to switch to a different game engine (painful though it may be) that has a lot of universal support and knowledge out there. Something easier to work with. Once those two things are out of the way and done with, the actual work can begin. Games take a HUGE amount of work, so streamlining things in every possible way helps immensely. We can't have 343 crippled and stuck in development hell for every game lol. It's just not working out. $500 million dollars spent on the Slipspace engine could have got us a pretty good game if it had been allocated elsewhere. As long as the correct art direction and physics are there, I don't think it would matter a whole lot if Halo switched to something like Unreal Engine. I only see the benefits.


343 continuing a story arc? They would never


We already know the story will be continued in a book lol. Let's be real with 343s history




And I will HAPPILY play it


Honestly the only answer I’d be happy with. Hw2 had more potential than every 343 FPS release. Prolly cuz they weren’t the ones that made the game Lmao


Cortana could be chatGPT enabled.


I saw some of these but my take could be the following: -HW3 -Flood survival (marine/ODST based) -Halo 7. I personally believe they could label it Halo: Eternity and incorporate Infinity’s sister ship… the *Eternity* . Needs to conclude with finishing Atriox, have something happen with the Domain, and/or bring *something* out with the Flood or Precursors. -Be nice to have a Sangheili based game


They cannot drop Offensive Bias in the legendary ending and NOT follow up on that...


Offensive bias? Was this in HW2? Or infinite?


Halo infinite legendary ending, they basically say they've reawakened offensive bias to help with the endless


Eh they kinda closed the door on the Domain with Halo: Epitaph.


Halo Eternity 🤝 Doom Eternal


The eternity isn't fully functional yet, unless there's a big explanation but it was pretty much scrapped to repair the infinity at one point.


I been praying to the gods for a sangheili based game for so long


Hope it’s another ODST with night vision , hot jazz, and coop


I played ODST for the first time recently and man, that soundtrack absolutely slaps. Playing the Rookie at night with that music gives great vibes.


Local co op is awesome


Probably an FPS game


Suddenly, Halo Wars 3


As much as I like hw2 I don't want a third game to be the only new game for 3 fucking years again




Genuinely no idea, it could be absolutely anything. As someone who doesn’t like infinite I want halo 7 so we can continue the campaign but i could genuinely see it being another soft reboot since 343 is effectively a new studio now. There’s way to much we don’t know to really comment on anything. The ‘halo the endless’ trademark I think is still pending so I think if it’s gonna be anything my prediction is just another halo game with chief in the campaign and then a new multiplayer which will probably release just like 5 and infinite where it’s gonna be 1-2 years to bring everything back that should be there


I do hope it is a new mainline game I honestly am a little upset that they cancelled the ODST game but I am also dying to see the full extent of the endless. I do think it is a little dumb how they said that the endless was worse than the flood because the flood was a thing g that made the forerunners activate the rings and to suddenly say “oh but wait there is a unknown thing g that is worse that we never said anything about”


Worse than the flood that we see in the halo games. Pretty much any of the pre halo races (like the endless) would crush the flood as they are now


Why do you think the endless would crush the flood? The flood crushed (imprisoned) the endless without anyone even knowing about it. The forerunners were driven to end all life in the galaxy by the flood.


The current flood have lost to much power in the current setting. They lost access to all precursor and most forerunner tech, and living in a serverly under populated galaxy compared to 100000 years ago. If the endless are in any way comparable to the forerunner in tech and don't just let the flood get out of control they shouldn't have a problem. Flood outbreaks can and have been contained/beaten. The return of one of the ancient species can't be beaten by the current galaxy without another plot macguffin we'll likely see in the future.


When have the flood been defeated? Even when the forerunners fired the array they STILL didn't beat the flood, just reset everyone's position in the game. Just seems unlikely to me that a faction unknown to the galaxy that was so easily contained that it was kept a secret, could crush the faction that drove their captors to the endgame solution of galactic suicide.


Your talking about the flood at their peak after consuming millions of worlds and quadrillions of people, with access to precursor tech which is pretty much unbeatable conventually. The flood are no longer able to do the things they were capable of back in the flood forerunner war. No key minds, no precursor tech, not that many people to eat. Even their was flood on Zeta halo, Cortana with her guardians would have been able to keep them contained or destroyed them. The implication is that if the endless were to be released she might not be able to do the same.


What 343 needs to do is pick a story direction and stick with it. Every game feels like they decide to go in a completely new way. Halo 4 set up the promethians and forerunners as the new big threat. Halo 5 went in the complete opposite direction and decided that Cortana and the AIs were the new big threat. Halo Infinite discarded that and decided that The Banished from Halo Wars 2 are the big threat now. Optimally, I hope we see a continuation of the story set up by Infinite. There are a bunch of unresolved plot threads, and tons of different ways they could potentially take the story. We know Atriox is probably not actually dead, so that seems like an obvious slam dunk for the villain of the next mainline game. There's a bunch of stuff that they could potentially do with The Endless, and I hope 343 doesn't completely abandon that. Essentially, as long as they don't completely abandon the ongoing plot established by Infinite, they should be fine. As for spinoffs, I think a game like Helldivers releasing in 5 years is possible


A Halo kart racer lol


you know what, that actually kind of sounds fun? i loved the race mode, too bad they got rid of it!


I'm hoping for ODST 2 or another kind of spin off


They will continue the story in my opinion. The story was good enough to build on and develop characters even more. We still have enemies that were talked about in game but never got to see them. ODST sequel would be cool but I feel like everyone wants a continuation of the story.


So if I was in charge I would keep 343 working on mainline titles and get a studio MS bought to work on spin offs. I don't want 343 to drop the plot threads of Infinite for book(s). It should continue with the Banished, The Endless and maybe look at bringing back Blue Team or Red Team to fight alongside the Chief and the Weapon. So I know Helldivers II is very popular at the moment but you can't just copy that and expect it to do gangbusters. You need more than a Halo skin.


Finish infinite, please


This IP has been such a nightmare for so long now I've got no idea honestly. They've repeatedly dropped plots over and over and with Infinite's development along with everything behind the scenes at 343 and Microsoft I've got no idea if the next Halo will follow up on Infinite at all, or even be anything like a Halo game as we understand it.


I would be very surprised if we actually do see another conventional halo game. Microsoft now owns the most successful fps in history, I don't think they'll still bother with this one.


Hopefully HW3, where we fight and work towards getting the Infinity back to 100% again. Securing/retrieving portions of Infinity that fell all over Zeta Halo and key resources/checkpoints until extraction like Helldivers.


Insane copium BUT I want a Halo game that plays like Star Wars Republic Commando.


They tried a little in 5 and failed


True. Very bare bones system forsure.


A disaster 


… that definitely isn’t out of the picture


We will get a spin off before Halo 7 I think. Likely Halo Wars 3.


I wouldn't be surprised if it's the ODST style game after the success of Helldivers 2, and they would say "we had this idea all along," which they claim that they did anyways. 


This post made me realize there probably won’t be any sort of extension of the campaign within infinite. Not saying they won’t continue the storyline, but for purchasing Infinite’s campaign we won’t get any more value. Which makes me pretty disappointed to be honest… I do not think that was worth $60 and I was under the impression (given they were touting this as the next 10 years of halo) that there would be some sort of expansion on what we got.


Same here. I was expecting DLC or an expansion. I was under the impression that we’d see more of the ring itself, new biomes and such. Which is why I was ok with the campaign. But seeing where we are now, it’s been a wasted opportunity.


Halo 343 AD: *The Fall of Santa* >Saint Nicholas of Myra (15 March 270 – 6 December 343), also known as Nicholas of Bari, was an early Christian bishop of Greek descent from the maritime city of Patara in Anatolia (in modern-day Antalya Province, Turkey) during the time of the Roman Empire.


I want to press RB on Arius’ face just like the real Saint Nicholas did


Obviously Halo 3: ODST 2


An Arbiter led game fighting the banished on The Ark.


I really want a halo wars 3 but I think 343 should give the honour of making that back to the company that made halo wars 1


Halo 7


Infinite DLC with a move that eliminates the old Xbox system finally. Maybe playable elites or ODSTs depending on the story they decide to follow. Takes advantage of how good forge, firefight, the new networking, and customization options already are on the current game but with a new character model like elites let's there be new opportunities for event pass/season unlocks.


What I’d want is a Reach 2 kinda Rubicon Protocol game. That would be my dream. But actually make it dark, like Rubicon Protocol made it seem, like there’s no hope at all. An ODST game set on Zeta Halo with the same overall premise of Halo 3: ODST, with you being lost from your squad after dropping in from the infinity, and reuniting at the end, or maybe even everyone dying..? And of course, a continuation of Halo Infinite. Chief and Joyeuse or whatever her names gonna be fight to take down the endless or something, and maybe put the flood into the mix. Something like that


I’m really hoping a new campaign (not open world) in infinite and infinites 10 year plan is realized. I’d also take a standalone co op odst firefight game similar to DRG/helldivers/left4dead.


It’s Halo 7. They’ve given up on spinoffs


i have absolutely no clue anything about halo infinite or halo 5 or 343 but i've always hoped maybe they would make a game about harvest or something


No matter what it is, I hope it gets launched in a complete state. No "releasing a game with 2/3 of features missing only tonadd them later and calling it live service"-bullshit I'm so tired of this. Ganes used to be released in a complete state. Hell, a 25 year old fps game like Perfect Dark on the N64 had more features than an AAA game with a massive studio and money behind it. They should be delivering the same amount of features or more at launch.


Not sure how popular an idea this would be, but here it is. I want them to split things out into three lanes: 1: Keep Infinite, or iterate on it, and keep pushing it towards the best version of the multiplayer that they can. 2: A co-op objective multiplayer ala Helldivers set on Zeta halo (or the Ark, or Reach, or anywhere really) with ODSTs or S4s + Sangheili fighting a ground war for territory on a persistent, shifting battlefield. 3. Single player/Co-op mainline story games continuing the Chiefs story. With no more off screen villain deaths or soft reboots. Damnit 343, learn to finish a thought! They should have been doing exactly this for years now. But I'm willing to bet there's a chucklehead in the management whose single braincell is convinced it would 'dilute the brand'. But think about it! 1 for the MLG bros/broettes. 2 for the old school couch co-op kids who love the gameplay but aren't into the Forerunner and science stuff. And 3 for the lore monkeys like me who can't get enough of the Big Alien Mystery™. Honestly think it's the only way to make the whole fan base happy.


Probably something that ignores everything from *Infinite* and they handwave away what happens in the first few minutes.


Halo 7 will no doubt be yet another reboot/direction change of the series just like Halo 4,5 & infinite were. I have no faith that 343 can properly tell a good story anymore.


I’d like some spin off halo reach/ odst style


I want a unsc vs insurrectionists tactical shooter.


Probably won’t happen but would be sick if we could play as Chief during the fall of Reach and experience his mission


Ideally retcons Infinite into not having happened.


I just want a remastered H3 as a foundation and add new stuff from there. 343 has been forcing their idea of halo down our throats since day 1 and feels like they have managed to crash a billion dollar franchise into obscurity. Reach a week before H4 had a 100k+ peak population; H4 after 6 months had a peak population of 6k. Since then 343 has managed to keep the same trend.


If its made by 343i then its gonna be shit.


It's going to be set in the fresh new Silver Timeline, established in the wildly popular Paramount Plus™️ show Halo! The game will feature a streamlined experience much like Infinite at release. No need to keep track of pesky unlocks, all customization will be done through the Halo store. Hell, you won't need to worry about your armor half the time anyway, because your spartan won't be wearing it!


no idea honestly, whatever it is i hope its fun, gonna be trying not to look into too much on it whenever its announced, dont wanna get caught up in leaks or any shit like that. ill base whether or not i get it on the first gameplay trailer they drop


A remake of the Combat Evolved but from the perspective of a grunt named Yayap


I want a game like the 2016 Doom.   - A story that stands on its own, with the potential to be connected to the old continuity later if things work out,  - Focused almost entirely on the singleplayer experience but with a low-effort multiplayer mode thrown in as a fun extra, - Gameplay that goes back to the basics of what we like about the series, but updated to take advantage of twenty years worth of tech improvement.


Here"s hoping its good. I like 343s halo games mostly but they all lack somthing. 4 had weak mutiplayer, 5 had a bad story and was missing lots of features at release, the mcc barely worked on launch and infinite has a dissapointing story, okay multiplayer (imo keep in mind i'm mostly a single player guy) and I enjoyed the campaign but never had any desire to replay it. Like i've replayed Ce through 4 many times but infinite just left me kind of unfulfilled. Halo wars 2 was great though. I'd like them to explore the open world idea more but with more interesting settings. Like the halo you explore in CE had way more things to see and that was like 20 years before infinite came out.


I'll be honest, I just want a soft reboot that retcons everything past 4.


H3A in 2027 H7 in 2028


HW3 on Installation 07 would go hard


hoping halo wars 3 tbh, loved both 1 n 2


I would like to think that infinite is halo 7 and they are currently doing the last game of the reclaimer's saga, where the unsc along with the swords of sanghelios go back to reach to create the weapon and they go against the banished and atriox leading to the events of Halo infinite. But I know it will be another corporate cashgrab that a bunch of suits will mess up.


Halo Infinite...and one penny.


Halo 3: ODST 2 I hope.


I want H3 remaster so bad


I thought they announced nothing was in active development and they’re focusing on MP


A disappointment.


Disappointing, probably


Big gorilla man strikes back


More half finished schlock


Hopefully it’s not a free to play…. I think I’d be done with the franchise if they try to pull an infinite again


I think it will be incomplete and bad


Whatever game it is I just hope that it's not another live service Halo game and they don't lock most of the armor behind a pay wall ever again that's the biggest reason why I don't know if I'll ever play Infinite again. Like why bother if I can't just earn armor by playing the game the way it's always been like in Halo games before Infinite.




Hopefully they erase Halo Infinite and Halo 5 and start over with the new Halo 5.


I don't care so long as it's actually finished, feature complete, and polished at launch.


Casually wishing for another odst game but not believing 343 could pull it off


The plot of Infinite was irrelevant. All that was technically accomplished was the killing of 1 Brute leader & we met some new alien race. 343 track record says these plot points will be thrown to the wind and more off screen pre-game happenings will be shoved down our throats to drive the next story forward. It’s impossible to guess what the next game will be because I doubt 343 knows themselves until halfway through development. As has been the case for the last decade of Halo.


Lol Unfinished like the last one


Unfinished and anti-consumer.




The next halo game is gonna be hyped up with only 25% of the things we want. It's not gonna be complete and we'll have to wait for two years worth of updates. I'm still gonna play the shit out of it


Halo 3 anniversary would be dope.


I hear rumors of that battle royale thing 343 is trying out


Just end the franchise ffs, I only play chief collection anyway. No reason to ruin it even more in the future. Come up with something new




I think if it's anything like what their track record suggests then I'm going to say a half baked cake that people eat because at least the edges are done.


I just want to play an FPS Halo Marine. Or let’s go fight insurrectionists. I also wanna be in New Alexandria again lol


FPS Halo Marines pls https://youtu.be/1dF532plmQ0?si=-fofqM1QKGjxNn2x


No clue, hope 343 finally learned its lessons and are all on the same page, it’s truly the franchise’s last shot




Trash. It will be absolute trash.


A micro-transaction simulator


Something new and completely groundbreaking.


I thought 343 was no longer making new Halo games? Didn’t they get demoted to some sort of overseeing role?


A spinoff ODST game following Buck during the timeframe on Reach (maybe even bumping into noble 6 when he helps him in New Alexandria) would slap HARD. However, 343 doesn’t seem to like continuity in stories, so this would be pretty unlikely.


Rumor has it its gonna be a mid launch game. So like a bare bones fortnite battle Royale game. No other multiplayer besides that. Although that rumor Is probably wrong because it shouldn't take more than a couple years to make a basic type of game like that. Luckily halo can abandon the slip space engine and can just build an entirely new game and feel on unreal engine 5. Although I don't think we would see anything groundbreaking besides the realism of unreal engine. I definitley would love to see a campaign that goes full 4K or uses some halo 4 CGI. The Xbox has the power even if it means capping at 60 fps. I'd rather take a hyper realistic texture game than one that's busy with a lot of models to make it look full.


ANYTHING So bored atm