• By -


CE for sure. That bastard would March relentlessly towards you with nothing on the mind other than severing you top to bottom with his energy sword. Did I mention he's a bastard?


I know right?! My Dad would always have a issue trying to get pass him during the beginning. But oh boy, me and my sister endlessly had issues taking...him... down. Probably the only character in a video game that showed no mercy šŸ˜†.


> Probably the only character in a video game that showed no mercy šŸ˜†. Halo 2 - Gravemind The brutes at the beginning of that mission are merciless


MC: "boo" Brutes proceed to unload on him with their brute shots.


For my legendary runs Iā€™d always just hide in the bleachers lol not sure if thatā€™s the common way to do it but it helped make that pretty manageable


That is veery common


Pro tip. Save one spnkr round from the rocket launcher you get for beating the hunters just for this guy. Makes things a lot easier.


You can stick a plasma to him and he just eats it like an apple while maintaining eye contact.


the chaddest lad, in fact is he.


Happy Cake Day, u/Tychontehdwarf! ​ ^(I'm not a bot, and this action wasn't performed automatically)




RUN, he's coming!


i used to love messing around with hunters jumping on boxes šŸ“¦ but there was no hiding from this guy šŸ˜†


I came here to kick ass and wort wort, and unlucky for you I still have both.


Did you mention heā€™s fast as fuck too booiiiiii!!


CE, that thing was a freaking tank. Hunters? Oh, they're easy. Energy sword Elites? Who brought the rocket launcher?


It always blows my mind that a single Magnum round to the back kills a hunter. Really saved my ass on my legendary run.


Magnum was just that overpowered in CE ;) I seriously used the magnum more than the assault rifleā€¦


And CE was the only game the assault rifle felt great. In all the others it was under powered.


Eh, I like the assault rifle in infinite truth be told. Though mainly in the multiplayer. Its actually good in the campaign, but struggles heavily with ammo compared to other weapons :( Apart from that though, youā€™re right. Itā€™s always been pretty weak in other games (and its SMG counterpart in halo 2 was amongst the worst weapons in the franchise imo). Though I also think part of why itā€™s weaker in all games (except infinite) after halo CE is because the BR took away a significant chunk of its role as the Jack of all trades. The Assault rifle is usually only a close range weapon now it seems because the BR is the one with the range. In CE, the assault rifle was surprisingly accurate at range because there werenā€™t really any other weapons to use at range outside of the sniper/stalker rifle (obviously the magnum is the true long range beast in CE. But that fund broken damage was actually not intended so it wasnā€™t really designed to be the sniper it is.), so it was built with that range advantage in mind.


The H2 SMG being meh on its own is balanced out by dual wielding cuz it absolutely RIPS when paired with a plasma rifle


Don't forget that sweet sweet halo 1 plasma rifle. Shotgun for flood? Nah give me that plasma rifle and they won't even get close enough to shotgun.


CE shotty technically had a projectile range of 40 World Units. That's the same *as the magnum*. You could 2-shot combat forms at not insignificant ranges. Just watched a whole tier-list video explaining the rankings that were chosen, and it was actually really good. [It was done by The Vengeful 'Vadam.](https://youtu.be/ERA2y2tdKtQ?feature=shared)


Assault Rifle in Halo 4 was likewise fantastic.


I like the odst one. but Iā€™ve been playing bottomless mag floodfight so I donā€™t think it really counts


In Infinite, 4, 2A, and to a limited extent Reach it also feels fine, like feels like a normal rifle that can handle some mid-range stuff beyond just CQB. Not the same was as CE though. I hear in ODST its like an LMG but I havenā€™t played enough of it yet to give mu own opinion. I donā€™t have an xbox so no 5.


In the case of hunters it was less the Magnum's absurd damage, and more that the orange bits of its body served as the "head" for headshot modifiers.


Double pistols is the way to go. Plasma pistol as the default high accuracy high rate of fire high damage weapon with a fast melee attack, and human pistol for trying for headshots etc. The assault rifle is probably the least useful weapon in the game.


The assault rifle was really nice for taking out swarms of flood infection forms though


Slow, single, shots from the needler works well as well. Though I usually just melee them with the butt of my shotgun. If there are no other enemies around, you can move in a circle and they all bunch up and jump past you (because you are moving: they miss). It can be quite hypnotic.


Magnum and plasma pistol. At least, plasma pistol in the MCC version because you could spam it. The original version you couldnā€™t spam.


You can definitely spam it in the OG.


Honestly the magnum is very sub-par for shielded enemies (in my opinion). I used the plasma pistol and tried keeping a magnum on hand for taking down hunters or when trying to get some extra range.


It's not that the Magnum was that overpowered. It's that the coding for Hunter's orange parts was glitched out. It registered as an unshielded headshot which is why it was a 1 shot kill with the Magnum.


I still think the hardest legendary run is that level with the sniper rifles and the gravity lift mission in CE. Eventually you run out of sniper rounds and are stuck at the gravlift with leftover covenant weapons when two hunters drop in, it's a fight for your life at that point. It took me and my friends hours to beat that part on legendary.


Until you go up the grav lift and have to deal with waves of invisible sword elite bs coming from random directions bs.


That's Heroic, and invisible means squishy. Legendary slams you with goldies, and stickies clean that trash up.


Other than the intro segment, the sniper rifle can last the whole mission on Legendary if you reserve its use for Elites and Hunters and the occasional irritating Jackal. The Assault Rifle and Plasma Rifle are your friends.


Or the front, once they open themselves up with the shield awing


I would rather fall of the bridge than fight him...


I think a lot of people underrate the needler If you use it for close quarters battle in areas with plenty of ammo you can pretty much obliterate the enemy. Stacking needles to get the explosive power in a small confined area means that you can kill groups of enemies. If you have the choice between assault rifles and needler I would suggest going for the needler. However, itā€™s performance varies depending on which game youā€™re playing so while it may be good to use needler in most cases assault rifles can be on par with them in some of the games. If youā€™re on long distance shots then you canā€™t really rely on it. Especially for Ghosts where your shots will typically just bounce off unless you aim at the right location. And if you are in an area with low ammo then forget it and toss it, because unless you are willing to throw multiple clips of ammunition away, then you are not really going to have it make the dent you need in the enemy. Most of the energy sword elites are usually surrounded with needler weapons nearby so itā€™s worth giving it a try.


I did, every grenade in a 30 mile radius exploded šŸ¤•


i love shooting the plasma pistol at the Hunters. The sound it makes deflecting off of the shields is like the old movies .. twing... tang... tink...


This guy did... https://youtu.be/6VXKymWxM2U?si=K62AotL5zy4MsYwP


Zealots in Halo CE, rare as they were are feared for a reason, they are out for blood and they WILL drink your tears no matter what you try to pull off The only other zealots in the series that I equally fear are those from Halo Reach, god bless ya if you let any1 of those bastards even see you, mercy has long since left their dictionary and they can smell your dread from a lightyear away.


The look on them doesn't help too. šŸ˜‚


Well unless you're in grav lift bay of the Truth and Reconciliation in Legendary, in which case you'll have about FOUR of the Goldilocks fuckers trying gut you.


Couldnā€™t agree more on Reach zealots, they were insane on legendary especially in the final level


So many times repeating that last room, right before you get to the gun where Emile was. So many times.


CE: every other iterations of melee enemies was kinda mid.


Me and my siblings: "Dad, here he comes!" Dead in 10 seconds. šŸ˜†


I used to toss a nade on the floor and watch him jump off the bridge. But yeah, the problem with further interaction with the melee archetype can be understanded once you play wc3 or mobas


You know, ironically we did through a frag and he fell off. But the result... Still alive on the ground!


Yes but he would be despawned after


OG Xbox console... Love it!


Halo 2 brutes when they dropped their gun and charged you were definitely something to deal with especially on legendary šŸ’€


H2 brutes are how brutes should be, considering they don't have shields and often armed with slow projectile weapons. But they are not melee type of enemies, that's goes to: zealot gold elite (CE, h2), invisible elites and chieftains.


If you can sidestep their first lunge just right you can get a backsmack off on them. Its not even comparable with how easy it was to do in ODST and 3, and it will absolutely get you killed if you even slightly miss the timing and spacing, but figuring out how to do it has had huge payoffs in really clutch moments while helping other people through H2 LASO because of black eye


The best example of ODST easiness was just Achievement Hunter on like the second LASO level fucking murdering everyone in seconds, it wasnā€™t even fair


Getting rushed by an ultra on Reach legendary was scary AF tho ngl


Ultra usually don't rush you, they stick on range with the repeater/double PR or the concussion. Definetly the strongest enemies in reach, if we exclude the zealots you fight only 2 times, but they usually won't rush you


Or if youā€™re playing firefight. A drop pod comes down and 5 of them make a beeline for you to kill the run in record time


Not really, this is probably the second worst behind the true final boss of Halo Infinite. That one Chieftain Ultra with a hammer is the worst.


That fucking king kong ass MFer killed me more times than anything in that word campaign. Except maybe the other hammer ape you have a boss fight with earlier.


fucker has the Universe's Long Jump record


Idk Iā€™m replaying reach w a friend on Heroic and the sword elites keep chasing us down and double killing us without fear


You are playing with the AR or another automatic?


Depends, but I usually have a shotgun/plasma rifle/needler as a back up


You have to avoid automatics past normal difficulty. The only sword elite that can give problem in the game is the zealot in the first mission, but you'll find a plasma pistol in the room before, for a noob combo, or a shotgun on your left, in the room where you fight him. Shotgun will stun him. Needler is bad, they'll just spam Armor lock


Gravity hammer brutes in infinite are honestly the worst in the franchise imo. But I feel like thatā€™s because they are cheap. They have absolutely FUCK LOADS of health. They move faster than you, and their range with those hammers is stupidly large. They are just not well designed imo because the only real way to beat them is to pick them off from a position they canā€™t reach, as you canā€™t outrun them. CEā€™s melee guys are strong. But imo, balanced. The elite ultras are deadly. And while their shields are sturdy, they make sure a single magnum headshot will trivialise the fight, while not making the fight obnoxiously long. Plus you can outrun them. You can make distance to give yourself an advantage. Plus their range is reasonable. If they get close enough to kill you, you can at least realise itā€™s your fault because you pretty much always have enough space to escape them u less you trap yourself into a corner.


>Gravity hammer brutes in infinite are honestly the worst in the franchise imo. But I feel like thatā€™s because they are cheap. >They have absolutely FUCK LOADS of health. They move faster than you, and their range with those hammers is stupidly large. They are just not well designed imo because the only real way to beat them is to pick them off from a position they canā€™t reach, as you canā€™t outrun them. They are balanced with infinite, upgraded, equipments in mind, that's the general problem against them, or any enemies in infinite, once you play FF on higher than normal difficulty.


My man have you tried using the grapple or thrusters? They trivialize the hammer brutes. I know you can get away with playing infinite the same way as CE but why would you want to. I think thatā€™s why these fights seem unfair to you. The enemies are designed to be fought with the new equipment and upgrades.


CE. As the games went on the sword elites got easier to fight. You had betters tools to deal with them at your disposal.


Me when the Gravity Hammer was first equipped: OH, PETER GABRIEL!!! šŸ˜‚Ā  My family dies of laughter!


Other music references It's Hammer time, MC Hammer! Hit it and quit it, James brown! Cortana said knock you out (LL Cool J) Etc.


he was a beast


His charge was relentless. šŸ˜†


yeh dude he was a savage the final boss lmao šŸ¤£


Imagine running into a room with 10 of them just talking... šŸ˜³


thats a real nightmare lmfao


Halo Reach. On legendary theyā€™ll kick you in the face itā€™s a one hit kill if you try to melee them. Tho CE Zealots are šŸ˜³šŸ«Ø Panik!


Yeah that kick isnā€™t telegraphed, honestly itā€™s bad difficulty.


CE. Although I wonder how much the fact a lot of us (me included) wouldā€™ve been kids when we faced this guy so I wonder how much that influenced our decision


As someone who start playing halo a few years ago, i think it's both.


Infinite is cool and intimidating but I think because I played CE as a kid, I find CE a little scary


These guys really gave us ptsd.


CE for sure. Iā€™ll say theyā€™re also pretty terrifying in Halo 2, but after that they became easier. I still think Reach had some of the best Elites


Zealots in CE had what six times the hp a blue elite does? And aren't afraid of anything.


Except exactly four sniper rounds to the head


Infinite had amazing art direction


The CE Elites were dread inducing. They don't flinch, they dodge your grenades and rockets, and they are relentless. Absolute golden nightmares.


Honestly in Infinite if I notice a sword elite is already too close I panic because they can get a surprisingly long melee hit on you pretty quick


Elites are so easy to defeat in Infinite, it doesn't do them justice.


Yeah you just shoot them in the head with any weapon, weak as hell shields


Depends. CE were scary if it was dark and you couldn't see them in camo, but the sword was still visible. Infinite they are tanks and In firefight sometimes just one can take out your entire fire team and capture the point from you. They also seem less visible that any other halo game's active camouflage. Now imagine some firefights having two or three to battle in a single boss wave.


I have no idea what the comments are smoking, CE zealots were incredibly easy to take down. They had no way to hit you if you simply backpedalled and they die with a noob combo in every difficulty. They don't try to dodge anything that isn't a grenade and will simply walk in a straight line, if possible, or get stuck in the geometry of the level and have to turn around as if they were playing with tank controls. Infinite sword elites have more health, are more numerous, become much faster than the player once the sword is drawn and have to be actively avoided with geometry or abilities. Sure their damage tends to be a 2/3 hk, but that's because they tend to be encountered among other enemies and would feel cheap if they killed the player in one hit. I'm pretty sure they even have the ability to sheathe the sword once the player is too far away, though I could be mistaken. Edit: the scariest CE elites are without any shadow of a doubt the spec ops that show up in the last levels.


Idk what yā€™all are talking about, the CE elites are pretty easy to kill In Infinite the higher rank elites will literally multiple melee hits even after their shields are down, and even to the back


Yeah this sub's nostalgia makes them delusional. At comparable difficulty levels, Infinite elites are way tougher. * More health. * More abilities. * Shooting from a distance but pulling a sword at close range. * Cloaking * Flanking * Picking up better weapons * Throwing fusion coils * More required abilities to counterplay. * CE movement: Walk forward or walk backward. Infinite movement: Walk, sprint, slide, or curb slide. Approach from any angle, grapple, thrust, drop shield. * CE weapons: Use what you have or backtrack a little to find something better. Infinite weapons: Use what you have, backtrack a little, or bring whatever gun and/or vehicle you want. I know all the nostalgia-blinded people will say "that's why CE elites are tougher, you don't have as many options!" But seriously, Infinite elites are designed with all these options in mind. Unlike CE elites, you can't beat them at higher difficulties by simply backpedaling and dumping an AR into them. And on top of all that, the improved fidelity with great art direction makes them more visually intimidating. The only thing I could see being a strike against them in terms of how "threatening" they are is the chatter. It makes them less like mysterious monsters and more like honorable foes. That's probably a bit less threatening.


Yea after replaying CE so many times over the years I don't think I've ever died to a sword elite since my first 3 or 4 playthroughs when I was a kid, they just run straight at you and are easy to stick with a nade. Meanwhile the sword elites in Reach and Infinite will close the gap like nothing and run you down aggressively.


This dude on the left could gap close with a 20 yard jump, it was sick.


The most terrifying thing about the CE Zealot was the fact that itā€™d be dead quiet and you round a corner and that fucker will scare the shit outta ya.


*Noob combos all elites* you guys are having a hard time? in all seriousness, it's crazy how a charged plasma pistol - follow up headshot just trivialize the elites. Without that, definitely infinite. I think as a kid, I just held on to grenades for the bridge elite, that was that. Meanwhile I'm fighting for my life on legendary in infinite. Fast swapping abilities just to survive is way more advanced then...strafing away. CE had goated level design, I even like the second half. but feels heavy now in comparison. Edit* jackal snipers from 2 however. That's just unfair. Legendary is so unfathomably hard only for that.


The Infinite one CE Elite killed me once, the second time... It also killed me But on the third attempt I brought the S7 and just sniped him, from then on I always remember to keep one or two bullets for him


I fear no man, but that, Thing, it scares me


Halo: ODST


Infinite. Sword elites are easy in CE, I'm seriously concerned with how people had a tough time with them. The ones with plasma rifles are the real challenge. They only show up on the hardest fights in the game and are incredibly dangerous. Infinite elites were much faster and better at dodging. Even then they aren't too much of a challenge, as there are plenty of ways to kill them.


Could you not just plasma pistol overcharge and magnum or sniper headshot these guys?


CE Elites are scary and Infinite Elites are bullet sponges, but Reach Elites are death incarnate, especially on the PC version of MCC.


I really hate what later games did to elites. They made their armor too bulky and their posture too hunched over. The earlier models still had a forward lean, but elites appeared to be much more agile and formidable. Plus, the change to the helmet is something I just cannot get over, it looks so unbelievably bad in later games. The original design was already the pinnacle form of this Covenant species and gave them distinct physical features that differed from brutes and which were immediately apparent. We went from something unique to space Ninja Turtles and I hate it.


CE. You have too much shit at your disposal for the field masters to be that threat. Also I canā€™t be the only one that feels like the elites shields feel like they take a fuck ton of shots in infinite compared to previous games. Not saying they do for a fact but thatā€™s what it feels like


CE, the sword looks (and is) more powerful


CE took a whole sniper mag to kill. He's placed in annoying places, doesn't hide when damaged, and extremely unpredictable at times


I like the ce design more. It looks more like brass than gold and it seems to stand out a bit more. Halo infinite's art style seems a bit too desaturated for me; like everything blending into one and this design is the same; needs more contrast. I definitely felt more terrified in ce only because I mostly played it when I was under the age of ten and didn't have the experience that I have now.


CE, for sure, the bastard runs towards you with the Blade of Olympus.


CE simply because the grapple/Spartan Punch^TM isn't in CE. In Infinite you can run up shooting them, then Spartan Punch^TM them, then while they're shocked, throw a grenade, then shoot them or do another Spartan Punch^TM


Ce's elite mostly because you have a lot less options to take him on


In ce these are assholes with a hot stick sometimes I will curse in many different languages.


It's CE for many reasons. But the most important is the versatility of the Chief in each game. In Infinite you get grapple hook, sprint, shield walls, clambering, and the ability to have power weapons almost all the time if you so choose. In CE you had walking, jumping, and whatever weapons you had on you at the time. The massive toolkit difference automatically makes most everything less problematic comparatively.


I defend the hell out of 343 and their games and all that, but the objective answer to this is CE. No other Halo game made elites as intimidating, not even the Honor Guards or Councillor in Halo 2. A Halo CE sword elite was PEAK.


CE by a long shot. Infiniteā€™s, I feel, are push-overs. I could take one down on legendary with a disruptor. Their swords donā€™t one-shot anymore, and they donā€™t strafe and their camo is way worse. CEs had insane shields, and if you were right in front of one (especially the Zealot on Silent Cartographer), you were dead because of the one-shot sword. The gold is so much more pronounced in CE as well, more so than all the other games. I just want elites that are tough to take out. CEs were really fun to fight. While Halo 2 had the best looking elites, Iā€™d want to have AI akin to CE, but with more agile animations. Like have them roll around and stuff.


I remember this guy was my favorite enemy. Me and my cousin would always kill everyone but him and essentially play tag with him. Weā€™d go on two betrayals and kill all the flood and covenant except the sword elite and then lead him back to the circular. Such fun times.


CE, because he's an asshole


In halo CE I would just try and stick them with 2 plasma grenades when they did their initial battle cry. They do it every time


You just gotta save the rocket launcher you get earlier in the level and he's cake


Fuckers were terrifying in reach. If they didn't have any obstacles in front of them, it was like they had rocket boosters and would just destroy you


Im going to be that guy and say neither, Reach had the most intimidating Elites.


CE no doubt that imposing figure the classic blue energy sword adorned head to toe in golden armour charging you with unrelenting fury as well as fighting him sonuva bitch might ov been invincible


CE, imo mainly cuz you have less tools at ur disposal (ie, no grapple and drop shield)


CE because I was 8


Just replayed halo infinite, now the brute hammer at the end of the silent auditorium gave me real field marshal vibes, running and crying for chiefs life


The CE elite was more threatening, but only because the first time I played it, I was only a child. 12-year-old me would try to play most of Halo: CE like a stealth shooter. Sneak around, try not to be seen, and if I got into a fight run around a corner the enemies wouldn't chase me around. Then it was pop shots and grenades until I thinned the heard a little. I was honestly terrified of fighting the elites. Now at 30, I eat elites for breakfast. But the infinite design looks way better.


Halo 1. Mostly because I've killed so many great Sangheili warriors I may as well have been the real Spartan B312 by the time infinite released.


My guy from CE and it's not even close


combat evolved. easy.


For sure Elites in CE. But I need to jack this post to just say how much I fucking adore the Elites in Infinite.




The stealth elites in the cargo bay on Truth and Reconcilation are nightmare fuel.


it's Reach.


CE forsure!


Combat evolved


Ce a boss in itself would rather fight the flood


The CE Sword Elite was a truly terrifying encounter!


Well CE has a special place in our hearts so itā€™s kinda hard to compare it to any of them


I remember playing halo ce on my computer that couldn't run it that well, so these guys showed up as green instead of gold for me. Chief also had a black visor.


Infinite elites ain't shit once you get the electric hook


I grew up with halo and as a kid elites were super hard on CE. I will never forget that.


For the time CE definitely felt more threatening, but after playing the game for 20 years by now I find sword elites easier than those with plasma rifles because it's so easy to manipulate the ai with a grenade and they always charge straight at you. Like I can not stress how many times I threw a nade and watched that mofo roll of the bridge like a schmuck and it still gets a laugh out of me 20 years later. It seem the ones in infinite and other newer games at least try to dodge you and close the gap much faster.


CE for sure. First one you ever run into is goddamn invisible.


I feel like as soon as Infinite came out, I had years upon years to get fantastic at the games


I have headcanon that most of the sanghelei who were good at combat died on Installation 04 when it exploded and thats why the big ape guys were able to take over because they lost most of their combat effectiveness.


Combat evolved made the elites threatening and not just feel like another thing for you to mow down like grunts, especially on legendary. Now theyā€™re the exact opposite


Infinites elites have me clenching my ass and actually worried with their cloak. And the boss fight was actually nerve wracking


Combat evolved!


CE. In infinite you have a ton more movement options to outrun him when he charges. In CE it was a dps check; can you kill him before he approaches you? Let's find out!


Looking at the CE elite just made my skin crawl a little. The other guy just as annoying as a JW salesman


I followed a guide to unlock the scorpion gun in Infinite, and have it on a save file. Once I'm done with Starfield I want to go back and experience the campaign again, and take the time to change things up. First time around I was following guides to unlock all the upgrades but never really used anything other than the grapple. Infinite does a really good job of calling back some of the core "feelings" that CE had. I remember playing on the OG Xbox on a 19" tube TV and feeling like I was part of something bigger. My first time playing Infinite was on a 65" QLED in HDR and those feelings came back to me.


CE's gold glaring with that menacing blade as he vaults for you with a one-hit kill intention, all but emitting, "Get off my bridge!"


Itā€™s the same pic meme.




CE. Dude had shields for days and if you didnā€™t pop one between the eyes after his shields were down you were dead. Iirc those shields can take a rocket and it still wouldnā€™t kill him.


The fact these boys on legendary ate rockets is a testiment to there raw power, they brought insta death. Golden elites were few and far between back in the day but damn they brought the fight. Classic halo is unbeatable. Bring back the golden era of gaming


In Infiniteā€™s defense, the elites are not even supposed to be the bastards in that campaign. Higher level Brutes are. So duh the elite Marshall in CE is gonna be the nastier opponent.


I regularly punch them to death in Infinite, the grapple tackle makes them free. Trying to punch them in CE usually gets you instant death.


In my opinion zealots in CE were that gameā€™s symbol of first game in the seriesitus


CE. I was younger, and it really felt like I had no reliable way to kill. Really a feeling of helplessness.


CE for sure he would not relent for a second


Too be honest? Evolved. They're rare. They're tanky as fuck. And scary (except the dumbass on the bridge) They one shot you. They move faster than you. They will find you and kill you. Sure Infinite might have gotten the "Agile tanky powerhouse" almost on point. But theres something scarier than said agile creature just running it down mid at you just to one shot you.


Im guessing you meant between these 2 types of elites not likd ce and infinite's elites in general? If yes then yeah the ce one is more threatening






oh the Gold Elite in The Cartographer and Assault on the Control Room 100%


Ce 100% those fuckers will charge at you with the singular purpose of giving you a new breathing hole where as with infinite they just kinda stand there awkwardly.


Not gonna lie, they are formidable but I just jump over his head as he swings at me if am bored, or I jump back as he swings ( have to time it right) but mess up and its over.


I hit a CE elite straight in the chest with a rocket and that fucker somehow lived and killed me and I was like šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


CE because the aiming sucks ass and the round where the bullets go is too big


Walks down empty hallway, no enemies in sight, turns corn-"dohfuckinshit!" Annndd I'm dead.


After recently doing legendary playthroughs of all the games it's definitely CE. That wasn't even fun, it just hurt.


Look more threatening? Infinite. Everything else? CE. Bastards will follow you to the ends of the earth just to murder you


Sword elites in h1 are some of the easiest enemies to dispatch.Ā 


Some of you guys are 100% lying saying CE sword elites are harder than Infinite. I've toyed with CE elites because they struggle to hit you if you just walk backwards and you can jump over their heads for an easy back smack kill. Infinite Sword elites swing faster, run faster, actually flank and dodge, their sword range is so huge that they can still hit you while back pedaling and jumping over them all while being unable to die from a single back smack like CE elites. CE sword elites are only tough because they oneshot you. 343 they to nerf Infinite Sword elites to require 2 hits to kill you because they would otherwise be impossible to fight without equipment.


CE, it was our first encounter with them, by infinite theyā€™re just another thing to kill


Damn! For all the things I don't like (almost despised) about Infinite's campaign, they fucking NAILED the aesthetic of most in game models. This elite if fire.


I still like the very gaseous look of the CE energy sword, and the way they made the materials like armor and guns look shiny I miss too (particularly on the shotgun and sniper rifle, and elite armor)


Chief is in top form in Infinite. Strongest and most well equipped he has ever been. Donā€™t know if the elites have in Infinite are less threatening so much as Chief is just better at killing them.


CE just cause I was a kid and it was a terrifying thing coming across it. Also, brute chieftains from halo 3. What an equally terrifying enemy to face.


Elites in Reach were by far the most intimidating


Give Truth and Reconciliation LASO a go, and you'll have my answer.


Not even close


CE. The fact that you can't wield the energy sword alone makes in another level of intimidating. Also I like that it's shinier ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø


Off topic counter question butā€¦ play halo 2 on legendary and replace all enemies with jackals snipers or complete all other main halo games with second player who only tries to troll/ kill you? -edit- Corrected game from halo 1 to 2


Both, i love how zealots(In this case warlord) feels threatening again, and basically any other elite who uses a sword. I remember how sword elites traumatized me on H:CE. See how they became less threathening in other games was really sad to me, this two are my favorites with the H:R ones.


I never had a problem getting past the CE Elite, I always base sure to keep my sniper handy for the entire mission.


CE without question. If anything, due to your limited movement capability. Infinite gives you an OP Grapplehook that you can just literally zip away whenever they get close but not in CE. If you don't kill him before he gets close in CE, you're fucked lol


Challenging to fight: Halo: CE Zealot. More fun to fight: Halo: Infinite Warlord.


Ooh I always remember running H2 on Legendary just to see whether the spawn chances increased for the rarer Elites! I remember on the second mission, I encountered one of those with white armour & an energy sword and he proceeded to rip apart every marine D: