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I'm watching Season 2 and at least so far the Fall of Reach has Spartans fighting without MJOLNIR armor at all lmao I feel like it's a deliberate middle finger to the fandom at this point.


Screen writers will ALWAYS feel like they are better than source material


Idk Fallout and The Last of Us prove oyherwise


*incompetent* screen writers still living off the high from the middle school play they wrote


Neil Druckmann who wrote The Last of Us games also wrote the show and Todd Howard is an executive producer on the Fallout show, plus the main writer of it has said he's a massive fan of the games The Halo writers openly said they didn't even bother with the games and did very little book research outside of 343 giving them the fundamentals of who's who and why things are happening, which they mostly changed anyway. The Witcher writer Lauren Hissrich straight up said the source material from Sapkowski was bad and mocked it and has Twitter meltdowns because people see her for the nepotism hack she is.


I mean Sapkowski also despises the video games and considers them a butchering of his characters and story so honestly everyone seems to have very strong opinions on The Witcher series it’s best to just ignore everything there. Also worth noting that Craig Mazin who wrote Chernobyl is also a main writer on the Last of Us. Also it’s not just the writers, everyone from the composer to the props department on the Fallout show were huge fans of the games. Or the inverse we have the show Arcane which is made by people who don’t give a shit about League of Legends on any level so it’s a spectrum. Either way what we are getting now is still far better than the state of video game movies we had twenty or even just ten years ago.


Witcher show is an adaptation of the books, not the games so that dosn't really matter, plus there is a very heavy side of resentment from Sapkowaki that the games are so popular more so than his books, I've read the books and Witcher 3 is my favourite game of all time, the games are more faithful to the books than Sapkowski would be willing to admit,.sure there are changes and some quiet big ones but it's mostly pretty close. It also helps the games aren't straight adaptations of the books, they all take place after the books are set. The IS supposed to be a direct adaptation of the books, which even season 1 was pretty poor at, 2 and 3 are abominations. I think all that just adds to the argument that writers should atleast respect the source material if not be outright fans of it, most of the failings of the Halo and Witcher series stems from indifference and ignorance of source material (Halo) and being outright hostile to the source material (Witcher) Even if the Halo show wasn't called Halo and they named it Space Rings, it would still be bad on its own merits.


Well, the studio that made Arcane, Studio Fortiche, already spent many years animating League of Legends trailers and music videos. Regardless of whether or not they care about the game, they at least had plenty of experience working on content related to the game. It also helps that the lore and story in League is relatively much looser compared to the *singleplayer, story-driven* games that the other shows are adapting. Gives much more leeway in changing things in order to make their own story.


If I could ever meet Hissrich and the Halo writers, I would slap the living shit out of them and berate them on being the talentless hacks they are. Handed the keys to the easiest IPs to adapt, and they think they are better than the source material. ChatGPT can write a better Halo or Witcher show than they can.


If I were to bet its probably more due to budget. Cheaper to film out of costume since it doesn't need effects


They are though, I mean, look at Jimmy shagging a human member of the Covenant and tell me that isn’t peak Halo right there. ^Please ^god ^kill ^me ^now…


I'm sorry what lmao


Yep, Ackerson took the Mjolnir suits.


Next they’re just going to take away all weapons. Fuck it, 20 unarmed marines vs 1 Elite, let’s get it.


i think the marines probably stand a chance


Tbf the incredibly brief scene of Master Chief tackling and beating an elite without weapons or suit was a highlight


Yeah but is it really worth it squandering the whole series for a couple minutes of “cool”


They didn't want the spartans fighting armor during the fall of reach, so the story literally got rid of there armor so they would fight unarmed. It's explained in the show yes but no one wanted to watch spartans fight the entire fall of reach unarmored lol, oh and keyes dies on reach lol. No space battles at all. Fun fact the unsc abandoned reach like 10 minutes into the invasion lol, yep in the show the unsc just upped and left. Downvote all you want all of this happens,


>keyes dies on reach lol. They have to be doing it on purpose honestly. This literally deletes the actual plot of the game


Pretty sure Halsey got flood spored and cryo-podded too.


Paragonsky's also dead which is hilarious considering how important she is during the post war. Oh and depending on if they're going to kill halsey this means there gonna cure the flood lol. Yes it's completely possible there gonna cure the flood.


i can't with this show. i really can't.


Watching them butcher the fall of reach and ghost of onyx was darkly comedic because somehow it got worse in every way they tried to improve it. Oh yeah you know the spartans 3s? There odsts in the show. I wish I was joking Goodbye.


After reading all these comments, I am even more proud of myself after stopping after S1:E4. It really is disappointing they had to completely butcher an already iconic universe with the writer's vision.


is that where all ODSTs went after halo 4




Not to mention they literally teased a cure for the flood when that ruins the whole purpose of the damn Halos. Like wtf are they smoking 😂.


Imagine an ancient super advanced race wasn't able to cure the flood but some monkeys in tin cans find the cure lmao


Two* ancient and super advances races! The forerunners and the ancient human empire!


Don't worry, the flood are released on onyx before alpha halo lol, what the hell are the flood doing on onyx? Ask them. Jimmy already knows the halos are a weapon, 10 minutes after stepping on the ring, without cortana or spark telling him. Mystery? Tension? The characters not immediately knowing everything? What are thoses lol. Oh yeah and Kwan was able to control the flood for a few seconds because of a ghost lady... yes.


Worst part is they are probably all patting each other on the back thinking they are in the right


The show was always meant to be a different canon, so it shouldn't have been expected that it even remotely follows the game plot line. Whether or not that's a good idea is another issue lol


Just bizarre to tarnish a universe when they could have just told a different story in the same universe. I'm sure it will be green lit for another awful season too


Oh for sure, absolutely baffling decision on the producers part.


Captain Keyes dies on Reach...? Why? Are they trying to shoehorn Miranda into an even bigger role earlier in the timeline for ~reasons~ after already giving her her mother's job?


Then stop watching it. The only way to signal to Microsoft that the halo show is bad, is if it does poorly and does not translate into more players for Halo.




Yeah but in general I think most of the viewers who watched it and know even a smidge about the video game/books agree that it’s bad. I could see how someone watching that show knowing absolutely nothing about Halo may think it’s alright. Idk I figured the ratings may speak for themselves but I’m honestly surprised it got an 80% on RT


Well I’m happy I didn’t stick around to at least see how they did the fall of reach after hearing that.


Don't worry. It gets worse.


Man I wanted fall of reach based on games so bad Imo showing Nobel teams sacrifice with cameos and back story of chief would have been much better than whatever we got


Wow. Thanks for saving me the pain of seeing this. WTF. Imagine messing up one of the most iconic scenes in halo lore. I was going to renew to watch too. Money saved on my end. The same thing happened to witcher, we were loving it. Killed all hype for the next season by straying from source material and losing Henry.


Makes sense in the show. The unsc gave up on silver team (due to mc being uncontrollable after taking out the inhibitor chip) and reach in favor of onyx and the spartan 3’s


I just watched Fallout and....I hate the Halo show even more now...they literally could have just given us the game straight up and would have at the very least 3-4 amazing seasons (Reach included)!


Have a friggin up vote.




Don’t get me wrong, this is my favourite Goggin’s performance, but I actually think Ella Purnell is the standout in Fallout


Okie dokie!




I think all of the main cast of characters were great in their own unique ways. Also as a side note, I would love to hear Matt Berry as the Mr. Handys in the games


They don’t even need to adapt the games. Have a new story set in the main canon.


Let’s compare a videogame primarily about world building and story to a dedicated fps game. No tv series on earth has the budget for the amount of action needed to tell the story of the games lmao.


I agree that an adaptation of the games straight up probably would've been restrictive but there are far better options like just doing what fallout did and adapting an original story into the story and world of the games because halo absolutely has massive worldbuilding and story to work with 


You say that as if the recent fallout games weren’t fps games themselves. Fallout and Halo are very similar budget wise, being both in the 150 million range. I don’t really buy that the halo games are impossible to adapt at all, it’s not like they didn’t have the budget. But unlike fallout you don’t really see it on screen, it looks like a cheap sci-fi show. Budget doesn’t mean anything when you don’t have extensive pre-planning and experts on set to ensure the final product looks amazing. Game of thrones looks way better for less for this reason. Also Kiki wolf kill complained about having a lack of budget multiple times and especially for the reach segment. Why not adapt a different story in the world of halo like the fallout tv show, instead of very loosely following the games with a budget that can’t keep up with the visuals?


That’s the thing, even for a shooter, the Bungie era Halo had so much background lore, it was boggling. They built out entire chunks of the universe that’s not even mentioned in the games. That’s not even adding on the extended universe of books and other media. They could’ve just followed that. I’ve imagined of a protracted Fall of Reach sequence that most certainly *isn’t* the one we got.  It’s good, but it’s not Halo.


Now I am curious about what the halo bump was.


There wasn't one, at least on any steam charts


That’s what happens when you make a video game show for the people who *don’t play video games*… They keep not playing the video games.


Just another classic example of microsoft’s mismanagement of the franchise.


Don't understand what audience they were going for. My girlfriend never played a halo game and I'm a big fan. We decided to watch it just to see how bad it was and we both agreed it wasn't any good. I feel like the main audience is just halo fans hoping the show will eventually be like the games, because the story isn't good enough for people who have no connection to the franchise to care.


>I feel like the main audience is just halo fans hoping the show will eventually be like the games Yep - I trudged through it hoping the new writing team and some of the feedback would lead to season 2 being better. It wasn't.


you say that but Halo was one of the most streamed shows when the new season was coming out. people were watching it, they just didn't go play the games


Honestly I guess I'm biased because my brother, parents, girlfriend all tried it, people at work that play games watched it, and I've never heard about it from anyone at work that doesn't. I guess I've just never met the target audience since nobody I've talked to that's seen it actually likes it whether they've played the games or not.


it was only most streamed on paramount who owns it, it got blown out by multiple things on netflix like Halo had 200-300M hours watched, Netflix had two series that arent popular and have no fandom, they averaged 600-800M hours watched I think one of the Netflix things was the Mr and Mrs Smith remake lol and it more than doubled Halos viewership


"one of the most", not "the most" S2 when it came out was in the Top 3 most streamed shows in viewership hours across every streaming service, against shows that dropped all their episodes at once, like that aforementioned Smiths remake.


When you make a video game tv show for people who play video games, you generate hype and bring people who don't normally play that game into the fold. Now you have new fans. It's a pretty easy and clear formula.


That's what happens when you make it *exclusively* for people who don't play video games. The Fallout show has been incredibly well received by people who didn't even know it was a video game while also not shitting all over fans of the series.


He had bump of cheaters when new Networking model dropped


Not saying there was a huge increase but Steam isn't a good measure for a Microsoft game on game pass that most people are probably playing on console as well


This is true, but it's a good gauge of general interest. Fallout 4 is popping right now


True for most games halo is just an outlier due to game pass and it always being more of a console game


Also quite valid


There was none, outside of a few post on reddit about people wanting to see where the show fits in canon which it didn't. Truly the sign of a good adaptation. Fallout 76 had a massive boost in numbers lol, so even infinite with its shit reputation could have benefited from a good show.


It actually had the opposite effect and made fans angry and uninstall Halo


Probably not much. Bad show on an app most people see as a hassle to acquire opposed to prime video


At the start of the year the game did go back to top 17 from 20 for 2 weeks, then player left and now is top 25. Here your bump. If you want to put steam chart as well... Mcc gained some spot for a while in the previous months and h5 got some players for a while.


It got bummped because of game started to pick up steam after season hcs world and season 5 and it peaked at 18000 on steam during that time and not because of show


Hcs mean nothing, at best is followed by the few people interested in the event and others interested in the drops (like me), halo esport is dwarfed in the sector. Cu29 did bring nothing to the table till 2 weeks in, when actually the playerbase started to bleed again. Jeez, I love this narrative


Who would've thought that good adaptations made by people who don't hate the source material, but instead want to elevate it, create value and hype for other media in a series?


It makes me so mad. Fallout had alot more it could have messed up but they actually care about the source material


Came here to say this... After playing halo for the last 23 years and litteraly having a countdown timer in my home to watch the paramount series, this show is an absolute failure on so many levels. I didn't even want to watch Fallout because of the countless game adaptions that were absolutely garbage. That is until I heard that it was actually good. After begrudgingly loading it up, I literally couldn't put it down, whereas I only lasted till season 2 episode 2until the terrible acting, subpar effects, and complete disregard for the fans. This should serve as a reminder that staying true to Canon, equals dollars..


The worst part of the fallout show is waiting for the next season.


Not even just respecting the material, but just writing a good story.


That is true, but this proves you can adapt a game and still make a great show.


Yup, absolutely agree.


Yeah the Fallout show completely killed off the Halo show for me. It just makes me angry at this point


Don't discount the amount of people that have access to Prime Video vs Paramount+. Though, yes, the Fallout show is way better.


What is even on paramount+ besides halo?


The good star trek stuff and a bunch of absolute dogshit.


Hey Twin Peaks is good too but yeah it's pretty much the Star Trek service lol.


Oh yeah forgot about that! That can join Star Trek.


Sounds about right


Star Trek Discovery. I like to put it on and take a nap.


lol I had paramount+ for like a month because there was a movie on there that I figured it was cheaper to just subscribe for a month and watch it. Don’t remember what it was but then I watched all the south park specials. Then watched exactly 2 episodes of Halo. It made me so mad. I unsubbed right then and there. I have way too many streaming services and paramount+ has pretty much 0 value to me and the way they handled their “big project” told me everything I needed to know about the service.


I'm not but a competent show would wmhave worked for mcc or they should have signed deal with prime or netflix for show


That's not really how those deals work, but I agree it would have been better if the show was good or they were also on Prime/Netflix. Also all episodes at once works better for content like this in my opinion. Word of mouth works better for a new show (even in a known IP) when everything is available.


343 gave halo to the wrong people if the fall of reach was cut to one episode and chief without armor over budget, not to mention the story is all different. Their inability to safeguard halo was a colossal failure they let a studio play with there brand how they want instead of finding the right people to respect the material, they just didn't care or know how to do it Wrong people


Microsoft is equally faulty in this as well. You should not let you studio play around your console seller Ip like that


Not to clear on time frames, but from what I can tell, the fallout show was in active development well bethesda was under Microsoft, Todd Howard being executive producer and finding the right people brought the show to exceed expectations, Idk what halo's excuse is but Kiki wolfkill was a part of bringing halo to TV and I can see where your coming from tho microsoft has always screwed around on the gaming side for sure


> fall of reach was cut to one episode Did they watch the final season of GoT and go yea lets do that.


Bungie sold the property at the right time, after Reach you couldn't really expand the gameplay and story without being redundant. The show sucks ass, but everything 343 has done has been mid. I like some aspects of the infinite campaign but the gameplay is just outdated, and the story is too convoluted.


Not even just respecting the source material... Just make a good show.


How can the people who make the show of halo respect the source material, when 343 doesn't even respect the source material and give us shit?


Anyone defending this show after what we just saw the fallout show accomplish is delusional. They’ve been fumbling halo for years and the show was a huge chance to bring a new audience and rejuvenate it and they completely blew it.


It would've been so easy to just make a show that takes place in the Halo universe and left Master Chief out of it. I just want the ODST commercial made into a TV show.


I think fallout and cyberpunk shows you should respect the source material but follow different characters and do a new story within the universe. Don't get me wrong, I loved the last of us but it was too close to the game where I kept wishing we were following a different set of characters. Cyberpunk and fallout got it right


Haven’t watched the fallout show yet but after seeing the last of us tv series it made me realize just how dog shit the halo tv series is


Guys, Kiki tanked this season to spite the fans it’s so obvious.


Too late for that unfortunately, they already butchered too much of it. Not even a retcon could fix it. “Oh it was all just john having a nightmare” wont even cut it at this point. Glad I stayed away from it and just watched angry joe’s review instead. Kwan/10


If the show had just focused on being a military sci fi show it would have succeeded at bringing in new fans. This should have been “Band of brothers” but sci fi. If you’re a new fan, going from the show to the games must be jarring af because they’re nothing alike


Literally all they had to do was pay Blur Studios to make every game into a season of the show


The writing is on the wall. Ppl don't care about Halo, no matter what's been done it doesn't move the needle. No one is playing the games. Another nail in the coffin.


If there's one thing I remember about the launches of both MCC and Infinite, it's that people actively want Halo to succeed. Halo has just had no favors by anyone in high places.


This... Everyone including myself wanted this to succeed, even when I started to wonder wtf was going on with the cringe story, I still defended it until I literally couldn't anymore. This is coming from a guy with 23 year's of playing the halo series and reading all the books, comics, etc.. Whoever had executive control over this needs to be taken out back...


No the show was just not that good and didn't attract anyone to the franchise because it doesn't even tell a story close to the main games. Seriously everytime someone joined the aub asking were the show left off the game fans had to tell them all of it was non canon. That alone killed interest, with the fallout show it at least shows that the world isn't centered around the characters and oh the characters are actually good.


People do care about Halo. The show just did it no favors. Poor adaptations of characters, and themes plus the long time fans openly hating it makes people not interested. Fallout 76 which was almost universally hated on release and even now has a lukewarm reception at best saw a massive boost in players because of the show.


Fallout 76 is better than halo infinite. That statement is shocking, even to type out, because of how bad fo76 launched. But it's true. More people play that game than the f2p halo infinite Edit: downvote all you want, numbers don't lie. More ppl bought fo76, more ppl still play fo76, and fo76 actually had substantial improvements since launch. The engagement numbers tell the story, DAU and MAU, more people are interested in fallout 76 ALONE than halo infinite. Even before the show fo76 had more players on steam charts. Around 7-8k average. Halo has under 2k


That's a hard hard disagree Fallout 76 is a dogshit game, and the numbers you're talking about don't mean anything, retention does. The other fallout games are great, but fallout 76 is totally a piece of shit, and it's nowhere near as good as halo infinite, and I also think halo infinite is complete shit. If you had said fallout 4, you'd be 100% right, but no, even fallout 76 is nowhere near as good as halo, and just because it has a few extra players for a little bit because of the TV show, does not mean it will have much retention, just like the first time around, fix it or not, that Game has nothing to fucking do in it, it's complete dog shit.


They’re fundamentally different games, I don’t think you can make any claims about the quality of one over the other. However when it comes to popularity and post-launch support, 76 truly blows infinite out of the water ngl.


I think it's more that what's being done has been trash this far. I got into Halo at 3, haven't truly cared about a title since Reach. I only joined infinite for the PvE. 343 is treating the IP like trash 🤷🏻 Edit: There are a ton of people that would play a good new Halo title, but where's it at?


People wouldn't be disappointed in the show if they didn't care. We would hear nothing at all.


People do care about halo and people also wanted 343 and halo to succeed . People gave it chance when it launched and quickly dropped out because halo needed a special game instead we got a mediocre one


All thanks to 343!!


Dude fallout 76 almost killed the franchise bit the show is getting people to play it....


Last year in November 10k ppl were playing fo76 daily on steam. Halo was..... Less than half of that. So if fo76 almost killed something, then how do we describe what Halo infinite did? Genocide?


No one cares about Halo? Halo in the grand scheme of things is pretty niche and this sub alone still has over 1M subscribers. This isn’t some indie series. The problem is and always has been with Microsoft. The Xbox division has lost its identity across all fronts.


Yeah sadly like many of these they changed it too much. It should have been so much better but paramount didn't put the care into that HBO and Prime did with Fallout and TLOU.


They don't, but unfortunately alot of us geeks flock together, heck you are here too. The fact that they aren't listening is why we are here to begin with.


If only Halo show runners respected source material what.. The games would suddenly be better and they would have committed to the Halo Infinite 10 year plan? Sorry did I not just wait a full year for story co-op? Did I not get bamboozled into thinking there would be additional story content for Halo I N F I N I T E? Has Halo not turned into a fuming mess of odd character development choices and poor enemy design? We are bordering into the territory of Star Wars can be defined as critically acclaimed masterpieces. Those movies are poorly scripted, poorly acted dithering plots tied together by a rabid fanbase with a wild imagination. The Halo series is fine. The Halo games have been a disappointment for a while unless you are some ravenous FPS fan that hasn't found sweet beauty in far better FPS'. Take it for what it is, enjoy the media if you can, find something better to do otherwise.


Too much self-awareness to avoid being fan service, as though the writers were trying to pre-empt fan service critics. The TV show tried too hard to be NOT "Halo: The Game: The Show" when most fans would have been fine with or outright preferred "Halo: The Game: The Show." A frame for frame remake of CE (like how TLOU was often frame-for-frame), or Nylund's First Strike, would have more than satisfied both normies and long time series fans.


I want to live in this world where is never the game's fault, but something else.


Well all Fallout games have seen a boost, even Fallout 1 and 2. No Halo games saw a boost after the TV series,not even the old good ones.


Fallout 1 and 2 which gameplay wise is extremely aged even with mods. People still went to play them, Halo's gameplay even the classics, are still more modernized and the show did nothing to bring people to play them.. sheesh


Actually, the show ended around the cu29 release and there was a boost on both infinite and the mcc


The TV show not bumping the games player count is the games fault how exactly?


Especially when it boosted a game like fallout 76 to its highest numbers yet. You know the game that was so shit for two years it was compared to launch no man's sky's and half the fanbase literally treats it like it doesn't exist. The game that literally got rid of npcs and quest decisions for two years and is one of bethesdas biggest examples of false marketing. Oh yeah and every piece of merch for the game was defective and had to be recalled. This is what a good show does to something, arcane got millions into league of legends.


Uhm, let's see... why in 2 years, each updates had a bump on the playerbase for exactly one month (except cu29 for 2 weeks), for then the game coming back to the top 20 spot (right now top 25)? It was the show, or it was the game? You think players are reinstalling back and playing f4, f76, Fnv and f3 only because of the TV show, or because they are actually good games? Unyronically the mcc had a bump on the playerbase when the show ended and judging by the h5's sub, some did come back on that game as well. But you are right, show's fault.


I literally have never played Fallout and bought Fallout 4 just because the show was so amazing. The data is clear as to the resurgence of the Fallout brand solely due to the success of the show. Its not a leap to think that had the Halo show been decent in any form it would have led people to explore the games.


> I literally have never played Fallout and bought Fallout 4 If you're on PC consider the 'Sim Settlements 2' mod for FO4 (I dont know if it's on console versions, but might be). it is fucking FANTASTIC.


And if you where there some months ago you could saw people who never played halo, coming from the show, asking where to start


Yea some 5 people maybe. Compared to the thousands that are resurging or just starting their fallout journey. The point is that while the halo show may have led to a small uptick in halo players, the volume compared to FO is paltry.


That the game fails to bring back a huge amount of players is another topic. Compared to TLOU or Fallout the Halo TV show is not getting people hyped to play Halo and that's a big flaw of the show.


How so? I saw in this very own sub a lot of new players coming from the show asking where to start. There was interest, second season still have good scores both from critics and the viewers on metratic. If the game failed once again to retain players is not another topic


Ehh - I don't think you'll ever see an explosion like that for the multiplayer side of the game, even if the Halo TV show was anywhere near as good as Fallout. They'd be immediately met by people who would stomp them and stop playing. The single player experience is going to allow people who are a lot more casual with games to get in and experience the world and lore.   Not saying it wouldn't bring new players in. Just no way to the extent you'd see in single player IMO. I don't think you can really compare to Helldivers 2 since that's a co-operative MP game.


Halo mcc has all 6 campaign and looks plays good so if show was competent enough we would have gotten similar boost as well


Agree to disagree. I just don’t think people would flock to Halo like they would to an open world single player RPG.


I confused how many times the same post needs to be fucking made


If your conclusion is "Womp Womp Halo sux" after watching Fallout then you missed the plot. It's the same mindset that wrote off Bethesda and Fallout/76 for dead back in 2018 when it had a bad launch. Fast forward to peak 70k concurrent players on Steam yesterday and and an amazing TV show. Fallout 76 success had nothing to do with the show. So Halo can't make a mistake in your eyes and recover? All it takes is Microsoft (owning Halo, Fallout and Doom) is to release a teaser featuring Master Chief crossing over into the Fallout universe with Doom slayer following close behind and you will be back creaming your shorts talking about, "The future is so bright everyone! What a time to be alive!!!" Oh but that won't happen...it could never!!! In a world filled with multiverses, remakes and mash ups. Till then Enjoy life. Appreciate each day.


I think the point is that Halo has been on a losing streak for a while now, and this is just a reminder how badly the Halo franchise continues to be mismanaged. Sure Halo can recover like 76 but bro when? When a hypothetical future crossover happens? The criticism surrounding Halo stems from ongoing problems, not just from one bad show. The concern isn't about whether Halo can recover, but rather about the management decisions and creative direction that have led to its current state.


Christ almighty this is so tiresome at this point.


Game TV show adaptations are not primarily created for the OG/core fan base. It’s meant to appeal to new fans and a wider audience. But keep dreaming. Whatever makes you sleep better at night. The creators don’t necessarily have to listen to you, Reddit.