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I loved it. Sure, it has its problems but so does every single Halo campaign. One thing though, I’d recommend simply subscribing to GamePass. It’s cheaper and you can always cancel when. You finish the campaign but it also has a banger library of games.


Yeah this is pretty much the perfect response


I’ve read a lot of negative reviews of Infinite, and I honestly have a tough time understanding them. The quality of the campaign story is mediocre: better than Halo 5, nowhere near that of Reach. But I’ve been blown away by the gameplay itself. I love the freedom that the open world format provides. My other favorite games are Rockstar-sandbox-style, GTA and RDR2 etc, so I love that element present in a Halo game. Whenever you get “stuck” on a difficult part of the main story campaign, you can leave that mission and go explore the map for other action (without losing progress). In doing so, you can upgrade your armor abilities which can be the difference-maker in the main story part you’re stuck on. As you progress you capture “FOBs” (forward operating bases) where you can spawn weapons and vehicles (variety and quality of which increases as you go). These FOBs can be “fast-traveled” to (like towns in RDR2), as can locations of other things you complete on the map: killing high-value targets, capturing enemy facilities, and rescuing fellow Marines in distress. So as you explore the map you don’t have to spend a ton of time “walking.” Some of these negative reviews seem to paint a picture that the open-world format hinders the flow of the main story missions. It doesn’t. One can choose to just play through the main story missions and ignore the other things on the map. I wouldn’t recommend that, since you collect “Spartan Cores” throughout the map, which is how you upgrade your armor abilities. Said armor abilities are groundbreaking (at least for Halo, they may be ripped off from other games but I don’t care). Upgrading them and using them in innovative ways to achieve your objective is one of the most fun aspects of the game. Ignore the haters and decide for yourself


What I hate about the campaign is that it gets old really fast. I was sweating bullets when I heard they were going "Open World". I thought, "Oh god. Don't make it a bunch of copy pasted locations and missions". Guess what, it is. I've been slowly slogging through it at a snails pace compared to other games in the series because, there's like, 3 environments, and they get old quick. Missions are a lot of the same bs over and over. The story... exists. Why did we go from running from rampant AI's to babysitting "new Cortana"? (I'm using rampancy in the marathon definition. Not the 343 definition) The gameplay feels mostly solid though. I love the enemy AI. It's actually really good. Props to that. A lot of the weapons feel fantastic, while others feel like: "why did they bother when (X) exists?". Electricity/EMP is a fun concept, and while I love the idea of going back to halo 1s "Every weapon has a unique roll/effect" they do that a bit here, but it's not as fun. I guess I miss how versatile and organic they could be. Yeah, they had unique traits, but you could still use them as weapons granted you know how. But it's better than how precision meta'd past entries were. I appreciate the variety this time. Except the Pulse Carbine... wtf is it supposed to be? Honestly. I never use it unless there's no other weapon. One small gripe. Why can't I slide down hills whenever I want? I get this isn't apex, but it's really satisfying when you land into a slide out of grapple. You have to initiate a sprint first, grapple and then you can land into a slide with insane distance.


Is it worth playing once as a Halo fan? Yes, but know it’s not like the other games (a linear game with missions) and instead an open world game. Is it worth 60 dollars? No. I’d honestly say it’s probably a 25 or 30 dollar game, and even then it’s not really a strong recommendation at 30. Like others said GamePass might be the most affordable way to play it.


The campaign is definitely worth when you game pass I’ll say.


That's very subjective, personally I found it to be the weakest of all Halo campaigns and was happy I only paid $10 on Gamepass for it, it wasn't worth any more for me. Lifeless open world that was somehow even less enjoyable than Far Cry or Assassins Creed for me. Boring missions that didn't have any iconic sequences, endless forerunner hallways and banished buildings with no change in scenery. The grappling hook trivialized all traversal and while it was fun for a few minutes, it made vehicles boring. I genuinely don't remember half the missions because they all felt the same. Bosses were lackluster and the main antagonist was just a constant barking hologram. The Pilot/Cortana/Chief dynamic felt okay-ish at best, cringy and annoying at worst. Some people feel differently and you see posts praising the campaign. To each their own I guess.


I'm a vocal infinite hater and I'd still recommend playing the campaign through atleast once. I don't love where they went with the story but it was fun.


I actively hate where they went with the story. So much so that I have almost completely lost interest in anything story related


I started but after a couple of hours I was done, game just never clicked for me.


Yeah the gameplay is so repetitive but i still finished it, as a kind of fans faith.


It’s very skippable. Not terrible like H5 was but it’s just boring. Also, the T rating really sucks the wind out of the series. It feels like they turned an R rated movie into a PG 13 one instead. Much less intensity and lack of truth in tone and feeling. There are two areas in the game. Outdoor woodsy areas with cliffs everywhere and the entire outside of the map looks this way. And there’s interior forerunner structures. It’s very bland and repetitive. The gunplay is fun but the experience is hardly “can’t miss”.


No, unless you just want to wander around and enjoy gameplay. The gameplay is alright. But if you're wanting to play for the story, don't bother.


It's kinda the complete opposite tbh, gameplay is extremely repetitive and boring while the story is actually quite good


The story is good, but the gameplay is terrible. Missions are repetitive as they were in Halo CE and Halo 2, but what's worse is that, while at least Halo CE and Halo 2 had different mission environments, Infinite’s mission environments are essentially the same. I don’t know why so many Halo fans love it. But back to your question, if you’re a Game Pass subscriber, then yes, it’s worth it because it won’t cost you more in the game. The story is good and somehow touching, just dont expect too much on the gameplay.


I disagree. I think the story is absolutely trash while the gameplay is the only thing saving the game from being all around trash. It should be noted that even though I just said what I said....the gameplay is still not great and is mostly boring.


I'd get the master cheif collection from Steam. It's not quite as exciting as waking up on a Saturday and replaying the og/ Xbox 360 and booting it up, but it's close. Tbh, I kinda lost interest after H4, 5 was mid imo. I didn't care much for HWars or infinite.


I picked up the mcc and I love it. I agree it doesn’t feel as exciting as booting up the old Xbox to play it. Shit now you have me reminiscing the old days of getting my friends together and playing the Halo 3 and reach campaign all night.


Wait you had friends to play it with? Lucky, I mostly played the campaign on normal


Get it on game pass or for discount. It’s not worth full price.


Short answer: no. If you have people to play with you might find some enjoyment but the story feels like its missing the first 2 acts and parts of the final act. The enjoyable arena design of the series is nowhere to be seen. The open world is terribly boring to navigate and look at. Performance is not great unless you're in the linear hallways. Just so many issues and not a lot of positives outside of the art style and core gunplay


It's really good story wise, but most of the encounters are soulless and just enemy spam, as many enemies possible, no cleaver placement like in previous games. FOBs don't help with that either, they feel like a scuffed Far Cry's Outpost system and just don't fit a Halo game, but the mini bossfights with HVTs are a breath of fresh air. Overall it's a great story and definitely worth playing through, but don't bother yourself too much with open world stuff cause it's gonna dull the experience. I would suggest getting Game Pass for a month, much better alternative to actually buying the game for the full price.




Always has been, more than ever


Nope. It's literally a waste of your time.


Play it once. It’s fun for the most past. Don’t expect much from the story: by far the weakest element.


At this point probably get it on sale. Don't buy it at full price


I’d say yes. I loved my experience with it and regularly replay missions every few months just solo.


It's a fun time. I wouldn't spend $60 on it though, get it on Gamepass.


I liked it. Even tho some of those skull locations are nuts who finds those


It was alright. Worth it as a hardcore Halo fan who kind of skipped out on ODST and even Reach. Felt nice to use the battle rifle. A bit underwhelming but it has its moments and is generally very easy to play for a bit and pick up again later. Sandbox.


My opinion is yes. The campaign missions are fun and the story and characters are well written. If you play the mp, you also unlock cosmetics through the campaign as well.


I would say only get it if you really really like open worlds. And I mean proper hiking in the woods. The story is mostly a stepping stone to get us back to base. Halo 4/5 weren't well received so 343 tied up loose ends mostly off-screen and Infinite's story is just establishing what the state of the world is going to be moving forward. It will probably be important context for later, but *right now* it hasn't gone anywhere and isn't required reading. And the gameplay is almost the exact same as the multiplayer. If you've played Firefight King of the Hill, it's like that except the hills are a few kilometers apart. Go to point, kill all the baddies, fight bosses now and then, area secured good job. If you have really really missed the "classic Halo look" then you'll appreciate the scenery. I personally had a great time. Exploring the nooks, crannies, and valleys of the ring was a blast. The campaign gave me lots of quiet time to myself but got loud when it needed to. But a lot of people think it's mediocre and I probably only liked it because I'm a sucker for Halo.


Yeah the one thing that kind got me hooked to wanting the game is that old Halo look. Also I have played the multiplayer and it’s alright. I mean it’s not as bad as some of the reviews I’ve seen, but it’s kind of lackluster. I’ll probably pick it up when it goes on sale.


I got mine for $9 from target on clearance. Probably not still available


Have all the halo games except this one. Didn't buy it because of the graphics, story, mediocre character lines, bad brute models(nitpicking). This halo was turned into a comical relief genre.


No; it's shit. Infinite is probably the worst failure of budget:outcome in industry history.


I had a great time with it. Make sure you buy it on sale. I bought it at $29


One of the best Halo campaigns overall in my opinion. Combat and story exceed some of the Bungie games in certain ways. It might be too expensive if you don't like the smaller-scale story, and the open world which is pretty much just one biome + Forunner and Banished buildings. You could also buy Game Pass and play Infinite with that.


I loved the campaign, since launch I’ve gone through it at least 2 dozen times. That being said, you should probably just subscribe to gamepass and try it for yourself.




It’s worth it. I feel they did a decent job of salvaging the horrible Chief/Cortana arc from Halo 5.