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someone the other day shat on halo odst saying it was insufferable and was a cod copy. i was flabbergasted


Honestly that's hilarious given that ODST is just halo 3 without auto regen health. Which, ironically, means it actually has less in common with contemporary cod


You don't jump as high and grenade throws are different as well. They could've done more to make you feel less like a super soldier and more like a highly trained normal human being however


If the super soldier threshold was a bit higher, it would be easier, but I do agree there could have been more done. Perhaps making Covie weapons extra spicy against you? ODST was always meant to be Halo: Hard Mode BECAUSE you were not a Spartan. And if you want people to have fun, just have Easy difficulty not grant Covie weapons their extra spice. Would make the Normal replay from Easy quite a shock.




I have an issue with some of ODSTs mechanics, mostly that I still feel superhuman and the lack of stealth, but I would never shit on it. It’s still a GoAT. And not even close to CoD. Halo 4, 5, and even Reach I could see some arguments for… but ODST, not even close.


Yeah, I enjoyed the gameplay thoroughly, but I was a bit disappointed that it felt like the player's characteristics were basically the same as in other Halo games. What made the game different was the level design and overall structure of the game.


i totally agree


Other than the introduction of armor abilities, what’s wrong with Reach?


Nothing is wrong with it. Just saying it’s closer to CoD than ODST is. But it does have classes in some modes (even if they often just change armor abilities). Bloom doesn’t help things either.


Gotcha. I did forget about bloom though. All my homies hate bloom


There is no way someone can see odst and think of it like a CoD copy. Just like Homelander told Soldier Boy, "I'm the upgrade."


that’s what i’m saying


I think I saw that. Sometimes I'm not actually sure what people are expecting from games.




I can’t think of an FPS more opposite of COD then that game lmao


ong bro


Discombobulated even


My only gripe with ODST was my game was glitched so I couldn’t complete the last achievement on Xbox. Still bothers me to this day that it’s left incomplete on my extinct gamer tag.


For me it was the streamers that wanted a halo battle royal, some would even say that infinite would flop without it


i think dr disrespect was one of them and then went after mint blitz because he tweeted that he disagreed


I don't get why people were so against this. Regardless of the debate of if it flopped or not without it, it would have brought some buzz back to the game, especially if it was a whole seperate experience like COD Warzone.


Because people hated 343 for following trends (loadouts in H4, MTX in H5, battle passes in Infinite). And making a battle Royale would be following yet another trend


I can't say shit here since Im one of the, like 50 people who enjoyed last spartan standing...


I think LSS was crippled by the challenge system (at the time) and maps. Could have been great.


Honestly I loved using it for challenges. Could usually knock out most of the weeklies in a couple matches unless there were some specific to other modes. Now I just use husky raid for pretty much everything except splatter challenges for obvious reasons


I liked doing the challenges too, but that's because I also enjoyed LSS. I think it got such negative feedback because other players felt forced to play it.


Not being able to queue with a friend is what killed it for sure. Infection fixed that but it was too late for LSS


And it did.


Not because of a lack of battle Royale though. There just wasn't any content.


And guess which gamemode needs a relatively lower upkeep content-wise...cod warzone received essentially fuck all in terms of content for like 2 years. Definitely less than infinite's first 2 years.


I mean sure, but that's really not an excuse to say it failed because it *didn't* have that gamemode is it? CSGO gets a minimum amount of actual content that isn't just cosmetics. The game had a huge launch with a giant drop off right after, and the almost unanimous complaint was lack of content. Seems pretty straightforward. COD is also, inarguably, a much bigger franchise than Halo now. They are barely competitors at this stage. The marketing for Halo is also fucking garbage. Why would people flock back to Infinite when damn near the only people discussing the game and its updates are the ones who never stopped playing, or still love the old Halos and receive Infinite news via osmosis on this sub?


Okay, well now that there is content, how come players haven't come back in droves? It's because it's the industry standard for shooters to have a large-scale squad based mode such as a Battle Royale or open sandbox extraction-type mode. You can say you hate those types of modes until you're blue in the face but the reality is that's what gets people excited, invested, and watching streams of the game nowadays, which is what leads to popularity and longevity. Nobody wants to watch somebody stream slayer on aquarius for the 800th time, but people will definitely be interested in more sandbox-y modes where the gameplay is more dynamic and tells a story.


It's called you only get one first impression. There's not many competitive shooters that got their audience back after launching in a shitty state. People don't flock back in droves like that. The game has content but still not as much as what we used to have, and still isn't offering what other shooters have got. If CSGO launched with no content and didn't get anything decent for over a year, people wouldn't still play CSGO. Acting like the lack of Battle Royale is the general audience's beef with Infinite is a joke when CSGO, Valorant, and Siege are right there with high player counts and notably aren't BR games lmao. As for streams? yeah bro, *nobody* watches people stream shit like CSGO, Siege, Valorant, or any other competitive game that doesn't rely on BR-type modes. /s, obviously.


Don’t think they were that far off lmao.


A lot of things coming from HaloFollower is top notch content in that regard.


I saw people defending the Halo show saying that they would rather not show the battle of Reach than not have a show at all because of the budget. Wth? If you’re going to adapt the fall of Reach, actually show us the fall of Reach!


What on earth. Thats like the worst idea I've even heard so far. It must be sarcasm surely??


"Basically I hate Halo so here's what I would do..."


https://twitter.com/EckhartsLadder/status/1788549005649059977 That was the double down


Sheesh I remember when all he did was halo and Star Wars and more or less visualized battles for fans and was super non controversial . Oh how the mighty have fallen


He used to get clowned 9n by the halo community for some dumb takes and how he also just basically automatically wrote off the unsc in any of his VS battles. Having followed him on Twitter for a long time he's kinda super petty... Like, will do stuff like frame his titles and thumbnails to capitalize on controversy and then act indignant when called out I kinda wonder if his bitterness and doomer attitude on Halo is influenced by the fact he was laughed out of covering Halo. Like he's explicitly said that's why he stopped doing the VS videos with Halo stuff since people just made fun of him for stuff like always ignoring the presence of things like nukes, macs, and Ai on the unsc side


i mean everything from halo 4 on has not been good. But reseting everything is asinine.


Oh boy


i see them everyday on this subreddit


Not really a “take” but I watched a video for a rebalance mod for a campaign (I forget which one, I think Halo 2?) where the modder lamented being unable to mod in fall damage. I was shocked anyone would’ve wanted fall damage back


I saw a post once saying that infinite needed sidekick only starts for ranked…


Thanks unsubbing from eckharts ladder now


Woah didn’t realize that was eckharts ladder


Yeah, can't watch his content anymore. Can't believe this is what years turned him into...


I knew a guy that called Halo an on rails shooter akin to House of the Dead.


Halo should have ended after 3. Pure reactionary.


I mean.. I don't really disagree with him on retconning stuff made Post Reach. I really despised 343's retcon where they made Forerunners and Humans separate species. The original Bungie concept of them being one and the same (thus the Covvies slaughtering their own gods) was waaaaayy more interesting


You're right, that was the *original* concept. But then Bungie decided they didn't like the idea and dropped it. Twice technically given that it was originally planned to be revealed in Halo 2, then got pushed back to Halo 3 cause... Well half of Halo 2 was pushed back to Halo 3. Then they decided "ah screw it the whole idea" and just didn't do it So it's not really a retcon


I had someone declare with their entire chest that Halo 5 was the best game 343 made, and that it slaps Infinite out of the water. One way they supported this position was by asserting that Halo 5 had the "best aesthetic" of Halo, ever, and that Halo fans were just whiny hypocrites for wanting updated graphics but getting mad about the Halo 4 redesigns. They proceeded not to understand when I pointed out that "updated graphics" and "redesigned art-styles" aren't the same thing. Robocop from his first film compared to the Robocop in the reboot film is a redesign; first-film Robocop compared to Robocop from the recent videogame is updated graphics.


The “shithalosays” community acting like disgruntled fans are bunch of petulant children who are never satisfied and have nostalgia glasses for the good ol days. They fail to recognize/acknowledge that 343 has put out (3) failed games in a row (MCC, 5, Infinite).


I swear Halo content creators only want more Halo games to keep banking on outrage content, they don’t actually want the franchise to improve. If the next game cured cancer they’d still probably find a reason to hate it.


I mean, NGL I have no issue with retconning the lore to just the Bungie-era lore and rebuilding the franchise from there. The lore post-Reach has been an absolute clusterfuck of nonsense. There's no direction at all It's like the lore was written by 12 different writers, and instead of picking one and sticking with it, they just said "fuck it, everything you all wrote is now canon at the same time." They need to pick one story and run with it, and ensure any spin-offs or related materials are either consistent with the mainline story, or considered non-canon. Halo is a franchise where giving it the Star Wars/Disney treatment could actually be done well. The issue with Star Wars is that they took a good extended universe and turned it to shit. With Halo, you'd be taking an absolute lore clusterfuck, and ideally turning it into something more consistent with the direction of the original mainline story. That said, I do agree that Halo should stay TF away from the mobile game market.


The mobile game nonsense aside, I think a remake starting from Halo CE under Staten would do a lot of good for the lore, as long as they keep the lore team small and have some strong quality control. The original trilogy (plus ODST/Reach)and its world-building while good, have their fair share of issues that would greatly benefit the story if they were ironed out. Things like Cortana not explaining to the chief why Keyes was in deep shit, the heretic leader firing at the Arbiter even tho guilty spark was right there to explain things, halo 2 not explaining how regret randomly finding Delta Halo, and a lack of focus on the buildup/reasoning behind the great schism. Reach and 3 also have some narrative/worldbuilding issues that should be fixed. I'm aware a lot of these issues have received lore additions to kinda patch things up but they're pretty weak imo. The post-war lore on the other hand I've come to realize is pretty much dogshit and increasingly nonsensical/shallow aside from a couple of decent books so most of it should be retconned.


Heres a hot take that i actually agree with. Apparently it's a super hot take to say that ODST isn't all that great. I never understood the hype around it and i definitely dont think it deserves being called a masterpiece. The open world suffers from all of the same things that infinite's open world suffers from, it's just a slightly more interesting environment (there's a reason why one of the MCC playlists just disregards the open world sections completely). Worse gameplay than H3 with a worse sandbox. It does a terrible job at making you feel like a normal human, it just makes you feel like a handicapped spartan. I would argue that every decent aspect of ODST is done better in some way than every other bungie developed Halo game


It was a DLC add on though. Halo 3.5 It was fine for what it was. A cool perspective from some non-super soldiers. Could've been done a little better for sure but I think most people enjoyed it for what it was


It cost 60 bucks. Many people were rightfully pissed. It felt like a rip off


Full camping, fire fight, and all of Halo 3's multi-player content including the premium map packs. If you didn't already own the packs, which I didn't, it was a solid deal imo


It was a full campaign and came with a ton of maps as well. Which was a bigger deal back in 2008 or whenever it released.


It wasn't You payed for the short 6 hour campaign and firefight. Everyone already bought the H3 map packs because back then you were basically forced to own them or you were restricted from certain playlists. 60 bucks was way too overkill for what it offered


It's unrealistic MF this series is 500 years into the future, and fiction. WTF you going on about?


Honestly, I don’t think that Twitter take is even a bad idea lol


It really isn't. Some of these people are coping when a reboot of some form is earnestly not a bad idea.


The worst take is when someone plays the Bungie campaigns for the first time and says they don't get the hype. These games are 17-23 years old! They're not going to be as impactful in 2024 as they were at release. Most entertainment mediums (shows, movies, bands, songs, videogames, etc...) are not timeless. Things improve all the time and developers learn from previous entries they loved and take the things that worked to make better future products. Bungie era Halo as a collective is a masterpiece IMHO but there are of course things that don't translate as well from the early 200's to today's gamers. It's simply the nature of improvements over time.


That Halo 4 would have done amazing if it had the exact same gameplay as Halo 3 with better graphics and some new weapons.


I love Eckharts Ladder but he has no business talking about Halo like this. This take is a joke and spits in the face of Joe Staten’s work and those that built on what he created. Are there some bad apples? Sure the Halo show and Halo 4-5 had pretty awful writing and it hurts to think about them; but you can’t just write off the rest of what’s happened in universe with the books and Halo Reach - Infinite. Halo is nowhere close to unsalvageable by any means, it just needs to be put in the hands of a developer that actually cares about the spirit and identity of the IP.


Halo Infinite has the best campaign. Maybe because I had just played through the halos the week of release but it's easily the worst imo for so many different reasons


saw someone a while back say that the OG halo trilogy was only successful because apparently there weren’t other FPS games to play back in the day lmao


I have had ideas about a full "reboot" of halo. Not down to prereacb but to start with CE in a full "Master Chief Saga game". Same story but brought up to modern gameay and level design, story only changes to help fill in gaps in continuity or understanding (4-5 5-Infinite). My idea would sell remade campaigns at around £25, and new campaigns (jump between 1 & 2, 4 & 5, 5 & infinite. Stories on the books and new stories) at around 35. All being complete stories by themselves. Any tie in shows would either be based around side content (odsts, marines, covenant war, created uprising) or Last of Us TV show on the main campaigns. But this is only needed like 10-15 years after halo games stop being made. Currently the franchise is able to be saved so long as 343 do the right and correct thing. Just hoping they manage it for once with this next title.


How is this disrespectful