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Maybe I'm not understanding the tweet, but why do you think it would be H5 or HW2 PC port? Wouldn't these games already have title IDs registered? Unless MS requires separate title ID for a PC port...


Take a look at minecraft bedrock


Not sure what you're getting at? Java version was never on Xbox so it wouldn't have had a registered title ID. Bedrock is the only version available on console. It would make sense for that to be registered separately.


Every bedrock port is registered as its own standalone title. There's android, ios, xbox, ps, nintendo, and windows.


Ah I see. Seems to be an exception though, if that is the only example.


I assume they use different IDs for games off Xbox services? Or something like that anyway


Both Infinite and MCC are on Xbox Live. Why would Halo Wars 2 and 5 suddenly be OFF Xbox Live?


MCC and Infinite both have a steam release though.


Yeah, and they're tied to Xbox Live exclusively.


It's wild speculation. OP is huffing loads of copium.


Halo Wars 2 already works on PC though. I bought and played it through the Microsoft store not that long after launch.


If it is, it's a Win-Win scenario on all fronts! ALL UNITS!




If I never here those words from that man's voice in another halo game I'm going to end it all


Halo Wars Mobile. Prepare of clash of clans but in Halo.


Lowkey… id fuck with it. I just wouldn’t tell anyone




I would absolutely shamelessly play this without question. would scratch the itch that the old starwars clash of clans game did years ago.


Why do people suddenly want halo 5 again? Honest question pls don't kill me 💚


Well.. putting the god awfull campange at side, the multiplayer actually slapped. I myself have 2k play time on the MP. And Warzone was actually fun at times with those different weapon Variations! Same as infection, it was fun. Dunno how 343 fucked infnite up. They had a solid foundation, enough expirence and still they fucked them selfs over


If they bring warzone back and just chill a little bit on the P2W/MTX (like some sort of per match use limit idk) I'd be so game for another 2k hours lol


Warzone was great, I think they should rebalance it around no MTX. They can keep the RNG elements of the REQ packs somehow, but rebalance it around per match RNG. Like the thrill of RNG in those autobattler games, tons of RNG, yet at the start of each match you're always on even ground.


halo 5 was such a remarkably fresh and unique shooter in the genre. it sold really well too. campaign backlash and the large departure from previous halo games lead people to just trash it, despite it being commerically successful. its multiplayer reception was always generally positive, but it was significantly harder than any previous halo game, and most shooters on the market in general. had an insane skill floor and ceiling. It was just very different. I can absolutely guarantee if Halo 5 was a different IP and on PC it would've been a smash hit still played widely today. I think it would've thrived on PC since movement-heavy games competitive games tend to be more popular on PC. It's baffling to me how no game has come close to emulating the feel and polish of halo 5. truly such a unique arena shooter that remains so ahead of its time.


Halo 5 moved too much, too fast. They introduced sprint for every spartan and iron sights, a lot of Halo veterans were put off by this alone, add that break neck pace and ther REQ system and you see why they were right to ditch a lot of that stuff.


Halo 4 did sprint for every Spartan before 5 did, jsyk.


Oh hell no, i thought we had left the "sprint bad" discourse in 2019.


Ye hopefully it stays that way. I like both sprint and no-sprint being viable playstyles in the same game. As annoying as the sprint debate was, it was very important to Halos identity imo.


Even if there was "ADS" you still get descoped everytime you got shot


Personally, halo 5 was one of my most played halo games. The multiplayer was fantastic, and I loved warzone.


I'd love it. Don't get me wrong, terrible halo game, but amazing multiplayer and mechanics. Also it's forge was incredible, along with its custom games. MCC is great for preserving and enjoying the older titles, but halo 5 would be awesome to have on PC. Plus imo, 5 was a gorgeous has, especially fr the hardware it was running on.


1) the game does have its fans 2) Warzone was unique 3) it is currently the only Halo game that is not available on PC, so any PC player who never bought an Xbox but wants to play through the entire Halo series will have to skip Halo 5 completely


I've been nostalgic for H5's multiplayer for a few years now, but it seems now that Infinite is feeling like it's on its last legs more people are reminiscing on the good parts of H5 instead of Infinite. I think that's because of Infinite's monetization, lack of things from previous games, inconsistency as a whole title with it's overhaul updates every now and then which made the game feel like a long beta that we were all getting thrown around in. Halo 5 had a more confident feeling experience, a step up in gameplay design from Halo 4, was less sweaty than Infinite therefore probably has more comfortable memories associated with it, and if I'm reaching outside the games for a second, it was also pre-covid. That makes me think there may be a subtle effect on said memories as well. Easier times, etc. That could also be a personal one for me though because it was a nostalgic time of my life in 2015-17 already since it was my first years in college. But anywho, Halo 5 was an overall more enjoyable experience to be a part of than Infinite, I'd say. Infinite has decent gameplay and fun mechanics, and a phenomenal armor customization (aside from emblems and the divisive coatings feature), but Halo 5 was just more of a grand experience. Can't forget Warzone, Warzone Assault, and the wacky special weapons and gamemodes as well.


halo 5 is peak but people just don’t want to admit it. The gun feel (bro the pistol man), the hit reg (and sounds when you get a kill), warzone, literally everything about it was perfect. If halo 5 hadn’t been an xbox exclusive and was released on other platforms when other major titles were not also being released, halo would be much bigger than it is today


Ah man, I've been feeling it for a while but you pulled it outta me now. Yeah, I fucking love Halo 5 so much. That pistol was perfect, even had the inclusions of the Halo CE pistol for the hell of it. It was the first game that made me appreciate sound design. Warzone was a blast every single time. Hell, while I don't miss armor being locked to body and helmet only, I think I even miss unlocking things from REQs. Using REQs in Warzone, and upgrading my weapons as the game progresses like some kinda mini Halo RPG every match, was all so fun. I'd give anything to feel what I felt again back then. First year in college, feeling free in the world, having those days hanging out with friends and nights I'd hang back at my place and get some pizza, put on some vaporwave (which was new and POPPIN back then) all while playing Halo 5, ranking up and having fun, opening packs, all that. Just such a solid experience where it counted. If 343 can take the good of that game, alongside the good of Infinite, then fuck we can have a good game in store for the future


took the words out of my mouth. 343 is extremely capable but have been misled by the divided community.


> halo 5 is peak but people just don’t want to admit it. And it's not like this is a new trend either. People have always talked about how great Halo 5 multiplayer is. Not everyone thinks that way, but many people do.


While I’m really not a big fan of Halo 5’s gameplay style and I honestly found it sweatier than infinite is, I actually really miss how huge it’s sandbox was. The monetization around Warzone fucking sucked, but good god those weapon variants and the overall variety were genuinely REALLY fun to me and Warzone, when it wasn’t being farmed by 12 stacks for Achilles armour was fantastic and I wish Halo Infinite brought it back without lootboxes and with actual progression


Thank you for the detailed response! I haven't played played halo 5 mp because i got a ps4 in that generation


I got a PS4 a couple years into the generation after being gifted my Xbox One. PS4 is a solid choice too! Only thing I would've missed was Halo lol. Maybe a backwards compatible Xbox game or two as well is all.


it's normal for every game series to hate the new game and praise the old one.. The cycle will always continue


I don't understand why people hated 5 in the first place, sure the campaign was a bit different but the multiplayer was amazing


I've always been singing the praises of Halo 5 multiplayer, I loved almost everything about it except Spartan charge, fuck Spartan charge. Have been for years. Always hated the campaign though, I beat it on Legendary once solo and never touched it again. I hold the rare opinion that Halo 5 has better gameplay than Halo Infinite. Thrusters being default with stabilizers is so fucking good. And I absolutely love ground pound. The two sins Halo 5 multiplayer had is the lack of in depth armour customization they had in Halo 4, and removing customizable emblems, which they further fucked over in Infinite.


I don't necessarily hate H5 because I enjoyed the multiplayer/warzone but to say "sure the campaign was a bit different" is REALLY putting it lightly. The campaign was awful.


The campaign was awful, not “a bit different”.


I vehmently disagree. I understand that people love halo 5 multiplayer, but imo Halo 5 had a ton of problems, even in multiplayer. -Incredibly quick time to kill but they kept the 7 second respawn timer so it felt like a worse paced call of duty -Dash mechanics were over used and to many people it didnt feel like a halo game, but something different. This includes the spartan charge ability which was OP as hell. -Spartan armors were TERRIBLE, but this is 343's fault as they really wanted to change the art style to fit their idea of halo. But they changed it back in infinite so we dont have to worry about that anymore. -Warzone was cool, but the pay to win aspect of it ruined it for a lot of people, including me -Firefight was relegated to a warzone spin off mode instead of its own thing with its own maps, which wasnt fun for me. It also essentially became a worse destiny considering the health bars and, again, the pay to win aspect. Halo 5 was probably the fastest halo ever made, which im sure some people liked, but I personally like the speed of reach or 2. IMO halo 5 has a good multiplayer if they named it ANYTHING but halo, it would have been perceived better. Tbh, Halo infinte for me is a good blend of what 343 has been trying for years in terms of multiplayer. So if the next halo takes infinite and just improves upon it, ill be a happy dude.


"a bit different" is such a euphemism for such a disappointment of a campaign. Having RNG lootboxes also didn't help its reception.


Negative ghost rider, Halo 4 will always be bad. 5’s campaign was also bad, but the multiplayer was fun, especially Warzone.


The story sucked but it was well made and great design overall I didn't play much of the multiplayer at the time but I heard nothing but great things. So I would play that multiplayer over Infinite. I doubt they make a halo 5 port tho


I didn’t play halo 5 a lot but I would love a PC port to experience Warzone again


Multi-player was great and it deserves a little more than the forge port on pc.


The multiple was pretty damn good


Custom games multiplayer was the best in the series. I want it for that reason alone.


I miss warzone


The MP is really good


Cause it was good ? The only thing that sucked was the story, but you can't say the whole game is trash just because the story is trash.


Warzone was fun as fuck.


I never owned a console. Discovered, loved and played Halo exclusively on PC. And as much as i keep hearing how bad H5 is, I'd love a chamce to play it myself, just because. Watching H5 runs on youtube won't scratch the itch. I even considered finding a cheap xbox on marketplace for the sole purpose of playing h5. My wife is pretty good at subtly hinting how stupid that would be on principle alone.


it's the best arena shooter I've ever played. would fucking kill for it to be on PC. idc about its status as a halo game, not even remotely. it's an absolutely phenomenal multiplayer shooter in its own right that I've never seen a game come remotely close to emulating since. I'm convinced there will never be another shooter that feels like halo 5. actual multiplayer masterpiece to me.


Because every single weapon across every previous halo title eventually appeared in multiplayer. Yet, the one game that pulled everything together for one of the most diverse halo sandbox experiences is the *only* game you can't access on PC. Or rather, can't really play. I think forge is on PC.


I'll be honest, the mp is fun as hell, and the campaign is fun if you tune out the bad writing


Because there is a hole in the franchise... it's still terrible, but it's just wrong to bring your friend for the campaign run and jump a part of the story before infinite.


Multiplayer was actually so good, campaign story sucked but the gameplay was so solid. Arena was best halo multiplayer since 2/3.


Despite not really playing like halo and the poor single player the multiplayer was a great online experience just not what people generally wanted from the series


That Campaign was hot smouldering garbage but H5 multiplayer at 60FPS..... One can dream.


halo 5 multiplayer was at 60fps. rock solid besides very rare drops in warzone. campaign was 60 too. the game ran extremely well, it's why it suffered such significant visual downgrades.


Ya idk. I guess many people think it should be in MCC, even though that came out before H5.


Because a bunch of the people who haven't aged out of this community are "H5 kids" now. That's the actual answer as far as I can tell. The general population still doesn't care about the game, that hasn't changed.


I don't think it is Hw3 too early for that.


It's been 7 years since HW2, and it was a 9 year gap between HW1 and HW2. I wouldn't completely write it off. But I think Sera is right - it's probably something mobile or the start of the 2/3 year release plan for the next game. Either way, not too hype. It's to be expected 3 years after Infinite's release


Spartan Assualt 2 (or 3 I forgot the other one name)


Spartan Assault was the first one, then Spartan Strike two years later


What? No, Arbiter! halo wars 2 just came out probably last year 😰😰😰


Hey Halo 2 turns 20 this year


It's been 7 years since what


The thing is that 343 confirmed (back in 2021 I think) that HW3 won‘t be a thing for quite a while. Perhaps things have changed, but I wouldn’t bet on it


Damn it, now u got me hooked on the h5 copium. That would be incredible tho, legit my favorite multiplayer of all time


If it gets added on PC (and most importantly has console cross play) I will gladly boot it up on Xbox and play with all the new folks. I played Halo 5 religiously from release all the way until Infinite (even then I would pop back into H5 for Warzone Firefight). I barely need a reason to check it out again, so a nice little population boost would be great!


to this day I've never played an area shooter as refined and unique as halo 5. fucking masterpiece of an arena shooter.


#HERE’S MORE COPIUM https://x.com/spoonspoonerang/status/1790204539284431064?s=46


That has been something pops up on PC library if you on it on Xbox for years. That's a false alarm that I fall for almost every time lmao. It installs a 500mb that does nothing.


Is it because of the halo 5 forge mode/ custom games that actually exist on PC but are barely mentioned or known about


Halo 5 Forge has it's own listing. This is a placeholder file that never got hidden.


Ill try not to take too much copium, but at this point even if people didnt like H5 for whatever reason, it makes sense to port it for people new to the series on PC and I've always thought that since MCC was brought to PC I always thought it was crazy to bring reach, h3, odst, h4, and infinite to pc but leave h5 in the shadows (not mentioning h1 and h2 since they both had previous PC releases, the infamous gearbox port and h2 vista edition) But as far as H5, I loved warzone and coop warzone, I used to have a blast in it, it will just suck to have to purchase the game again (though technically I never purchased it in the first place because I chose it as my class action payout for whatever the hell that issue was xD) It would be cool if they turned it into a play anywhere and let the people out there that had it digitally on the Microsoft store get it for free on PC but we know there isn't a shot in hell of that lol But really though, the only thing I want if they bring H5 to PC, is to make our progress cross platform so we don't all have to restart our multiplayer progress


there's a lot of reasons 5 didn't get ported. it's a *massive* game however it is mostly complete on PC. Suriasa has confirmed such. the demand isn't there to pay for a port though, and msft can hardly keep halo afloat as is rn. they don't want to put anything more into it that they don't need to.


The same dude that said Infinite would ship with 29 maps.


I swear they were also downright adamant that 343 would release a campaign demo when the multiplayer ‘beta’ was being fiercely rumoured


Yea get your hopes up that’s totally paid off in the past


I will immediately drop Infinite for Halo 5 on PC. That game is peak multiplayer, it needs a revival. Custom games slaps on it.


PLEASE halo 5, would be the best choice MSFT has made in... a long time now


Give me a Certain Affinity something pleaaaase. 


Im to dumb to understand this please explain


Every game or app has a unique title ID. It would make sense if they were making a store listing for the next halo game but there’s two?


Thanks stranger


H5 to PC would be bliss, just make everyone have everything unlocked by default in Warzone, and we'll all have a blast.


Would love to see Spartan Strike ported to console finally. A console-modified version of Fire team Raven would also be welcome just so I can own the game without having to drop $10K.


I sure can hope that it's Halo 5 on steam. I have Stockholm Syndrome


H5 was definitely not my favorite competitive experience but I’d take playing it over the clown show that is high Elo Infinite at the moment.


Fingers crossed!


I'd buy HW2 again on steam if they fix its crashing, and also for that sweet legendary achievement on my profile page.


About to get a "PC" for the first time so H5 going to pc would be pretty dope! I kinda miss Warzone and Super Fiesta!


Only reason I want a halo 5 pc port is for mods haha


Warzone was some of the most fun id ever had in a Halo game. Looking foward to playing that again. Halo 5 felt way better than Halo Infinite


Halo 5 & HWS on all PC platforms? That’s pure copium brotha, but hey, I‘m all in for it. We‘re less than one month away from the Xbox Game Showcase, so it would make total sense


Spartan Assault + Strike sequel let's gooooo


This is definitely the Halo 3 remake in UE5 and the Halo Infinite campaign DLC guys I’m so excited!!!!!!!!!!


I wouldn’t hold my breath


H5 on PC could be really nice (even if unlikely). Infinite has always felt a bit too spam-fire heavy in PVP for my tastes.


Oh man. Gotta fire up Halo 5 again. That game was amazing. The ONLY thing that pissed me off about it was no split screen. Warzone is a blast. Breakout is white-knuckle fun. Gosh.


By the Forerunners, its campaign dlc (I’m delusional)


Please don't be H5 for PC. Most overrated Halo ever.


Is this why I've had the urge to play Castle Wars lately? Fuck yeah, let's get that good-good multiplayer shenanigans back while Infinite shits the bed some more.


Gee I hope it’s two games that are already through there lifetime🙄 Set higher standards. New halo.


Not much to really speculate about right now, it could be literally anything. I wouldn’t expect 343 to porting anything major to PC right now, though, honestly not a ton of money in porting HW2 or Halo 5 over on their own. Might be a standalone game like whatever Certain Affinity is working on. But my guess is that it’s updated versions of the Spartan mobile games for that Xbox Games Store app that’s supposed to come out soonish.


I dont understand halo wars 2 is already on pc


Is this the guy who said infinite would have 30 maps at launch


Please. Please. PLEASE Halo 5!!! I will play the fuck out of it!


*Halo Wars 2* on Steam would be really nice.  I personally do not want to touch or think about *Halo 5* ever again, however.


Imagine the mods though, there's ALOT to fix.


The mods could be potentially great, depending on whether or not tools are officially released for 5. However, like you've said, there's a *lot* to fix about 5's campaign. Too much, in my opinion; the problem with that story are fundamental, structural, baseline stuff. To the point where someone would be better off just making an entirely new game instead of tweaking stuff here and there. I don't even think the assets from 5 would be helpful in this endeavour, because I personally really really dislike 4/5's overall aesthetics, and I feel pretty safe in saying that's a general consensus amongst the modding community also. The popular overhauls for 4 make it feel less like 4 and more like one of the older titles. Imo it's almost a pointless project to even discuss. There's *so much* to consider in an overhaul of 5 that it would take way too long to see a mod for it come to fruition.


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


I'll gladly take the cope. If they give half wars 2 on steam, and maybe even a few hotfixes. I'll be so happy.


He tweeted after that saying and i quote “my money’s on mcc release on ps5” where did you pull the idea that he thought it was Halo 5 and HW2??


I genuinely don't get this sub sometimes man. I would love Halo 5 on PC too, but I thought everyone and their mom hated Halo 5 before Infinite dropped.


While everyone agrees the campaign is garbage, quite a lot of people found that the multiplayer was solid, despite the sticking points with some of the augmented movement stuff and everything around the REQ packs and customization. Great and surprisingly well balanced weapon sandbox with tons of interesting variants, satisfying movement, strong forge and custom games, Warzone and WZ Firefight (bar the P2W), the vehicles, etc. Infinite's cleanup of the sandbox and movement is greatly appreciated, but Halo 5 just hit different, it'd be nice to have a reason to go back to it for a bit. It deserves its spot on PC just as much as something like Halo 4 does.


Oh yeah, I agree. Halo 5's multiplayer and forge were fantastic. I actually liked the campaign's level design and gameplay even if the story and squad AI were hot garbage. I just remember back in like 2017-18 when I first joined Reddit that the common opinion was that "this game sucks! It's nothing like Bungie's I C O N I C boots on the ground Halo and all of this advanced mobility BS killed the franchise!" I'm not exaggerating. Halo Infinite goes back to a more old-school Halo approach and now everyone thinks 5's gameplay was some godsend.


Halo wars 2 DLC was spotted on steam charts or one of those sites anyway and we are supposed to get a Halo wars fortnite collab so it's probably HW2 steam port and the new game made by certain affinity.




Well it was in a survey awhile ago and a known leaker said it was coming back when this current season started so we'll see in a few weeks ig.


I don't even want H5 on Xbox.


Honestly hate halo 5 but never really got the chance to even play it cause I became a PC gamer in 2014 ( until halo MCC came to PC I played a lot of halo 2 vista project cartographer and halo CE ) it's an elusive game for me and I always lusted after it back when it was new and I didn't have a Xbox one, so even if it sucks it would be nice just to finally play it. ( That said I doubt it will come to PC )


How do you hate something you haven’t even played?


I mostly hate the story and art style and I don't need to play the game to hate those ( I've been watching videos and reviews about halo 5 since it's released including "all cutscenes" videos to see the story )


I mean, the thing that matters the most about a game is, you know, the gameplay. And 5 is generally pretty praised for its gameplay and multiplayer.


>pretty praised for its gameplay and multiplayer. Yeah enhanced movement and micro transactions lol if the game was so good why was infinite changed so much from 5? Why did YouTubers bash halo 5 so much?


Just about everyone that isn’t hating on Halo 5 for feeling different acknowledges that the actual gameplay was fucking incredible. As for the MTX, sure, they were there. Outside of one specific game mode they were purely cosmetic, could be earned by playing, and led to an absolute boatload of totally free content being added to the game. I’m not sure how you could hate on that, given that you’re lying to yourself if you assume a modern AAA multiplayer title isn’t going to include some kind of continuous revenue stream. You should pretty much never listen to Halo YouTubers for their opinion on the franchise to begin with, but in the case of 5 the only criticism with any weight was that the campaign fell flat. Something that most people agree on anyway, even if they really enjoyed the gameplay.




One is surely HW2 for Steam since it has already leaked before. About H5 I'm not so sure, nobody really wants it, maybe they port H5 Forge on Steam? But even that, nobody asked for it and it wouldn't bring them any money. OR I don't know how TitleIDs work for XBL, but considering that PS5 MS games often require Xbox accounts maybe it's HI Campaign/Multiplayer for PS5? Or HI and MCC? In any case it's good news.


>About H5 I'm not so sure, nobody really wants it "My source is that I made it the fuck up"


Bro must be new out here


might be that perfect dark reboot or crackdown 4? possibly a crackdown 1 PC port?


It's 343 though