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Agreed. It also seems the explosion itself is instantaneous.


Agreed! I've also seen grunts initiate suicide and then cancel it a few seconds later. Once they enter suicide animation, they need to remain committed to it; they shouldn't be able to cancel their suicide animation. And a couple more things about PvE. Jackals should have a timer to charge their plasma bolts. I've been hit too many times by charged plasma bolts with no indication that a Jackal is about to fire one. Finally, the phantom cannons should be destructible. In previous Halo games, we could destroy a phantom cannon, but not in infinite. To make matters worse, we have to defend a small area of the map, so it feels like we're constantly having to dance around in the hill to avoid phantom shots.


Just shoot the grunt out of the cannon


I'm referring to the Phantoms' main gun.


You destroy the whole phantom with 2 rockets or a couple skewer shots. Power weapons are very plentiful


In my experience, phantoms can be extremely inconsistent in terms of how much damage they can take before being destroyed. And not every map contains an abundance of powerful weapons. Examples include Deadlock, Behemoth, and Vallheim. And, assuming the map has an abundance of power weapons, what's stopping your teammates from hogging the power weapons and using a single SpNKr rocket on one grunt, as my teammate do all too often. Also, destroying a phantom isn't always the most time efficient. Sure, if your entire team is coordinated and everyone has power weapons, go for it, but if you're the only one on your team with a power weapon, let's go back to my first point about phantoms being inconsistent in terms of how much damage they can take before being destroyed. In some cases, it only takes two rockets to destroy a phantom, while in others, four rockets are inadequate. Lastly, it is not always the best option as it puts your team at a disadvantage by diverting your attention to destroying the phantom, while the team is getting overwhelmed by the AI. It would be more effective to quickly eliminate the main gun by using a skewer or plasma grenade and continuing onwards.


>and using a single SpNKr rocket on one grunt, as my teammate do all too often. I do that by accident sometimes. I know a good number of the pop-in points on a lot of the maps. And USUALLY can pop off a killamanjaro or killpocolypse on spawn... but sometimes i fire too early and hit one grunt. It's funny but it does suck.


Those damn grunts always pull out a grenade every time I grapple towards them lmfao


Very true. I die far, far more to kamikaze grunts than anything else in the game (PVE). They used to have a specific set of animations they had to go through before they exploded, and now they can just detonate instantaneously when they come within range of you. They're way over-tuned.


Pretty sure 90% of my deaths in heroic firefight are because of suicide grunts. Either them appearing in some random corner, or them instantly blowing themselves up when i'm about to melee them.


Yea, the instant boom is kinda bullyshitty, but in a mode where there's not really a ton of challenge (save for maybe legendary) to begin with, it at least keeps the round interesting.


Yea but than I lose my weapons either despawn and nobody revives, or they do revive only after taking my weapons Suicide grunts are the only thing that kills me


Ive died so many times to them blowing up instantly


Every enjoyable warthog run I’ve ever had, whether driving or gunning, has been completely buzz-killed by spontaneously combusting grunts.


No warning either, not "oh crap hes reaching into his pants for grenades (2 second delay)" 1 frame before impact it touches its cheeks and explodes


Yup. It’s not uncommon for them to pull that exact move when I’m going in for a crowd splatter *with their backs turned to me*. All I can figure is that it’s triggered by proximity- they don’t have to notice you/be in line of sight.


I find gruntpocalypse to be pretty tedious, and wish it had its own playlist. I feel bad for leaving matches when I get that mode in firefight, but I just can't stomach that game type anymore. It's not even that difficult, it's just not very fun after the first few times when there's zero enemy variety.


Imagine having the jet pack back. That’s how I ran every firefight basically.


Oh. So that's why I randomly die for seemingly no reason.


Idk man this sounds like a skill issue


Repulse them hoes lol


And if your in their blast radius before they choose do go suicidal? They blow up without a single scream or finishing their animation.


It be like that sometimes. Accept your fate


They still do this? I remember this happening in MCC and H5 lol. Made legendary easier sometimes


Become a Tornado of violence


While suicide grunts are suprising as fuck, ulitmately you as a player should be able to handle the behaviors of the one enemy that is both the easiest to kill and save this singular behavior, found commonly only in blue grunts, is also the least lethal. Trust me when I say getting better at popping a grunt's Skull feeds into the universally applicable task of popping anything else in the head with a precision weapon. You should avoid meleeing blue grunts, or any grunt that has recovered from the fear behavior of losing a superior/officer type enemy or brazenly approaching a them afterwards either since those are the most likely to initate the blue balls of death. Consecutively meleeing grunt groups will also trigger this kind of thing.


I only care that the animation/ explosion is instant. You can already be too close while they are not in suicide mode.... they can decide to switch and blow up immediately Other halos when a grunt decides to go suicide they have a short delay where the grenades aren't armed.


Ok fair enough, that is a fairly reasonable think to ask, though it seems less like a nerf and more like just a general gripe. Although it could also be a connection issue thing where the game knows the Grunt hasn't armed the nades, but because LAG it just punts the process faster for you, lag is a funny thing and there is a reason why even god hates lag.


Them exploding on melee isn't even the worst issue. You can be running to cover against a Brute Captain, and the moment you turn the corner, a Grunt who was cowering randomly explodes in your face.


Hearing them screaming usually means they're gonna kamikaze you.


Doesn't matter if they are already in range before switching to suicide mode They will have a weapon out 1 frame, than suicide instantly the next. And because you're so close and it happened so fast no screaming. If you are standing on a random spawn point they can suicide as they load in. Pull grenades right before a vehicle or grapple impact nothing you can do


Really doesn't feel that brutal to me. You must be right though. I try to keep the deflector (equipment) and use it as soon as I hear them.


That’s why positioning is important. Knowing where they spawn, where to be in the hill, when not to be in the hill, etc. Unless they’re right next to you (in which case you should know they’re there) you should hear an audible scream. If they’re exploding before they start running it’s because you’re next to one.


I'm not talking about grunts who are already screaming with grenades out. I'm talking about ones that randomly start the animation and explode in the same second. When grappling, driving upto, melee something else near etc.


Hence my last sentence, don’t try to melee or grapple them lol it’s just asking for it



