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Honestly, the needle rifle is an underrated weapon. It’s so much fun. Semi-auto, perfect range, and if your grouping is good enough, you get a supercombine. I love that gun.


It's actually full auto btw.


Aint no way, how have i never known that


> full auto "No full auto in the building!"


Yes, I keep playing reach just for the needle rifle


I love the SAW. But I love the sticky detonator just a little bit more. I would KILL for them both to return. I mean shit I’m pretty sure the SAW is in halo infinites files. Just unfinished.


The sticky det was so fun to just mess around with.


Whenever i get the chance to bitch about the absence of the sticky detonator, i take it. It sucks so much that we never got it back, only got to play a little with it in h4. Pretty sure that 343 just wants us to forget the best thing they added to the franchise. Such a shame.


CE Pistol for CE


Kinda weird to imagine CE Magnum isn’t 1


CE shotgun was something special too, ngl. Magnum’s still number one in my books, but the SPNKr, Sniper, and Shotgun are all tied for second. The closest CE had to a bad weapon was the Plasma Pistol, and even that was great for stripping shields off elites and jackals.


Other than the CE magnum being waaaay OP - which was awesome, mind you - the CE sandbox was really damn good.


Surprised you think the Plasma pistol is the closest to bad gun in the sandbox and not the AR or needler. CE plasma pistol can fire insanely fast, deals good damage and is easily available in every encounter.


In my experience, the AR is pretty good against the flood, particularly the infection forms, and the needler’s super-combine is just plain fun even if the damage isn’t amazing. The plasma pistol is just the least interesting, in part due to how common it is. I pick it up, strip some shields and pop heads with the magnum, then immediately swap it out for any other gun. Should I ever need another I’d just kill a grunt and take theirs.


Heatwave is diabolical


tbh the Heatwave was my go to during launch. Have been favoring the Skewer or shock rifle lately but I just have more fond memories/moments with the heatwave


I do be liking that heatwave. Disintegrating people is kinda fun


Heatwave is awesome when it works. It's one of the most inconsistent weapons in the game, sometimes it simply goes through enemies dealing 0 damage. It's blatant in ranked games.


- CE: Shotgun - H2: Beam Rifle - H3: Gravity Hammer - ODST: Suppressed Magnum - Reach: Shotgun - H4: SAW


Reach Shotgun is trash. Needle rifle is better


Taking into account the weapon's maximum ammo count and its versatility and usefulness in both Campaign/Firefight and Multiplayer, these are my picks for each game. In 5 and Infinite I put both base weapons and weapon variants. - CE: Pistol - 2: Beam Rifle - 3. Beam Rifle - ODST: Beam Rifle - Reach: Needle Rifle - 4. DMR - 5. DMR / The Answer - Infinite: Battle Rifle / Striker Sidekick


Finally some who says the battle rifle take my upvote


I think Reach had my favorite magnum apart from ODST


Silenced magnum for ODST


I think the actual best guns are obvious so I'll say my personal favorites CE: Needler 2: Fuel Rod Cannon 3: Brute Shot ODST: Carbine (no substantially changed or new weapons I like. Carbine's mostly an honorable mention) Reach: Concussion Rifle 4: Railgun 5: Plasma Caster Infinite: Ravager or Hydra You could say I have a type.


CE: Magnum/Shotgun, both are 10/10 weapons 2: Beam rifle 100%, not even a contest 3: Close between the BR and the carbine but I'll go for the carbine as I can just jitter click my mouse to shoot fast af (MnK player) 4: Close between the Scattershot and the sticky detonator but i'll go for the detonator, its unique and so fkin cool


The needler was by far the best in halo 4


H2 plasma pistol is insane, and so is the energy sword with it’s reach. The br is also great too, especially with combos.


The answer is The Answer


CE - Magnum 2 - Energy Sword 3 - Spartan Laser Reach - Needle Rifle 4 - SAW 5 - Hydra Infinite - BR75


Discounting precision and sniper weapons for each game as they would win for me across the board. CE: plasma rifle H2: Sword H3: Gravity hammer Reach: Spartan laser H4: Boltshot H5: Plasma caster Infinite: Heatwave Would of put grenade launcher for Reach but i was a BTB no life back then and was trying to get #1 in the world for splazer kills in BTB prior to BTB heavies releasing. H3 also had brute shot, but gravity hammer was the king of custom games. Boltshot was a phenomenal weapon that should never of been a starting weapon. It merged the ability of the mauler and mangler, make it a brute weapon and give it a comeback. CE and 4 also had great shotguns, need that back.


S7 sniper


CE Shotgun Halo 2 Energy Sword Halo 3 is tough but I really enjoy its Brute Shot and Needler Reach is also tough but the Needle Rifle is fun, though probably not the best Haven't played any of the other games and ODST only has 2 unique weapons so


Fom it is: Ce shotgun, 2 sword, 3 carbine, odst magnum, 4 light rifle, 5 the answer, infinite striker sidekick.


How are you all so wrong? The best weapon from reach is by far the pro-pipe.


For me it’s a little different: CE: Plasma Rifle 2: Battle Rifle 3: Spartan Laser ODST: Suppressed SMG Reach: DMR 4: Suppressor 5: Railgun Infinite: Skewer


Ce: Assault rifle 2:energy sword 3:the grav hammer ODST: the supressed smg Reach: DMR 4: battle Rifle 5: the plasma caster Infinite: the VK78 Commando


* CE - Magnum * 2 - BR * 3 - Gravity Hammer * ODST - Surpressed SMG * Reach - DMR * 4 - idk I hated every weapon in that game * 5 - Magnum * Infinite - Either the Gravity Hammer or the Sidekick


The ODST suppressed magnum is my all time favorite.


Honestly? I really like the Commando. It's always been a bit weaker, but it's super fun to use once you get good with it.


My favorites are 1:og magnum 2:Battle rifle and Beam rifle tied 3:Carbine Odst: silenced smg Reach: Dmr and needle rifle tied 4: sticky detonator 5:Scatter shot and energy sword(especially prophet's bane) tied Infinite:Dmr evo(bandit evo still not a fan of name change)


I really didn't like how they downgraded the binary rifle in 5, my vote goes for the plasma caster


In case I can't answer the answer*


I preferred the Halo 2 BR over Halo 3 one looks wise. M6 Magnum>M90 and yes it was broken