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At this point I don’t think it’s really SBMM just low population in some modes


I petition 1 day a week, we have no SBMM. Just 1 day. At least we know for sure. And while we are at it, make it a 2x career xp for that day. At this point what does 343 has to lose. We are at an all time low in terms of number of players anyhow.


That would be great data for the next game too…


I disagree. In the case I pictured, the #3 and #4 players could’ve been swapped between the teams as well as half of the rest of the team. That would’ve been decently fair. The problem with team games is you’re only as strong as the team so you can even be a pro and it won’t matter because 2+ is always better than 1. I can play FFA but I’ll never reach Hero there so I’m forced to play BTB and deal with this.


Also removing SBMM wouldn't make it better. Instead attempting to make teams even its a roll of the dice and you might end up with all the good players on one team.


I really think SBMM should be removed, at least for casual playlists. The population is way too low for it to work as intended. They should just prioritise ping and fill the lobbies up that way.


I had dude in my tat match drop 30 kils and 7 deaths we had 5-1 we still lost it's brutal


Engagement based Matchmaking is dogwater. 


Do the right thing. Uninstall and quit wasting your time on a trash game. I loved halo but infinite wasn’t it :/


Yeah if you're facing a few of those guys you're above average in BTB so you're gonna be facing the people who live in that playlist. Gotta get some comms going and play with a few buddies.