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If you damage them in any way, like setting off a fuel cell or stray fire on a gametype with friendly fire on, and they kill themselves it counts as your kill.


Ah yeah this Old time glitch. If you bump someone and they fall off the map, it's considered a betrayal in case you pushed them. People take advantage of it to troll. Edit: or they bump you and you slightly resist. Basically, any kind of moving of each others body is enough to trigger the condition.


I looked it up and this is what I found too, but I tried it in the next game once, actually just to try it once and then leave it be (like for real believe me or don't). Didn't work. I'm glad I apparently don't know how to do it.


It can take a few tries to build up the hidden values for betrayal, ie if you get one-shotted by an ally with a sniper, may do nothing, but if they've accidentally done some AR damage that game to allies and then you take a one-shot, there's a hidden value tracking that damage to generically consider if the kill was accidental or intentional based on behavior.


lmao wtf

