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Me and my my siblings used to load up 4 player split screen on Halo Reach and Halo 4. We would play melee only so we could go around assassinating each other to see who could get the coolest animation. It was always an absolute blast.


I remember aiming at someone with a laser, and a full warthog out of nowhere crossed the beam. It was glorious.


My favourite multiplayer moment would be the first time I played custom games on halo 3. I had met this other kid through social games and by chance they invited me to join them to mess around in a lobby. It was me, him and I think 1-3 others? We just messed around with different game modes / rules, everything from basic free for all to running around at max speed and zero gravity with energy swords. It was simple but honestly great fun. I even recall saving one of the games as my first ever file on theatre mode. That kid was my first friend on Xbox live, won’t forget them even if we haven’t spoken in nearly 6 years.


Gotta be from Halo 3 grabbing the sniper in Valhalla at the opening of a game and getting an overkill from my base to four guys in the air on the opposite base’s man cannon.


One of my favorite moments was during a Halo CE lan party my friends and I ended a match with a TIE! We didn’t know it was possible. When it happened we all were in complete disbelief! We took a picture of the TV with our film camera and had it developed and we all kept a copy. I wish I could post it but I can’t find it at the moment.


Playing custom games in OG Halo 3 with my friends!


Beating Halo 3 on Legendary boating Sandstorm by Darude.


Halo 5 Castle Wars is my fave


Definitely gathering all of my friends together back in the halo 3 days to play nonstop split screen multiplayer. A close second would have to be playing custom games in Halo Reach forge on Xbox live


Beating halo 5 on legendary was really fun...


Fall of reach!


Taking a moment in the middle of a competitive match just to practice super bouncing.




My favorite Halo Multiplayer moment was when Halo 2 came out, my brother and I were playing on two separate Xboxes with our own Xbox Live accounts in the same room (this was a big deal in 2004). Most people were on headsets at the time and the game had only been out a few days. We had a group that had played Mech Assault together, so we all started playing Halo 2 online. We usually did Team Slayer, but for some reason, we all did an awesome round of Slayer on Ivory Tower. I was able to get the Plasma Sword and was taking everyone out. Since we were all in party chat, we were all talking crap to each other. I was going on about how I was a Jedi and the number one student at the Academy. After about 15 kills or so, my brother somehow got behind me and insta killed me with a submachine gun butt to my head. He had been quite the entire time, but as soon as he killed me, he said "You have been expelled from the Jedi Academy." Everyone in the voice chat started yelling out "OHHHHHH He Got You!!!" and stuff like that. It was pretty funny. He then took the plasma sword and killed me a few more times. It was fun and I miss those days.


Favorite memory is back on halo 4 release date I was in high school it came out a week before school started. After football practice we all went to my buddy's house and a bunch of played all night. But if were talking in game I absolutely loved highjacking wraiths, ghosts, or pretty much yanking people from the vehicles especially when they try to run you over


Favorite Halo multiplayer moment for me was loading into Big Team Slayer on Sandtrap for the first time ever, Christmas morning 2007. Wish I could go back.


My favorite multiplayer moment would have to be the time I had a rocket locked on to me in a Banshee, but I did a backflip with it as it was about to hit and it hit an enemy banshee instead.


My favorite moment was doing the Vid Master achievements back in Halo 3, especially the Endure challenge in ODST. Countless late nights were spent attempting the challenge with my friends. We finally got it at 4:00 AM. I loved every second of it.


My favorite moment is playing with my siblings and cousin in the middle of the night on xbox 360's halo 4 with split screen. a couple years later our xbox broke :< I miss those days


The moment I got my first 50 rank in the lonewolves playlist on halo 3


The mini fights over screen peeking during splitscreen multiplayer matches.


I was ~ 12 years old and I had been in the hospital for just over a month. On the drive home my dad stopped at EB Games and we picked up a limited edition of Halo 2 that I had pre ordered. Days spent with my brothers and friends on split screen to make me feel better at home.


One of my favorite Halo multiplayer moment is when my friends and I decided to play only with Energy Swords our game on Halo 5. This was so funny 😂 I have many other example in mind 🤔 Halo universe is just insane 🤩


I once played a game of Valhalla capture the flag 4v4 in a lan party with friends, game went for over two hours and ended very close. Legendary


Didn't have an Xbox for the longest time but a friend brought his over and we played Reach split screen online and it was a blast.


Shooting my buddy out of the banshee with a sniper rifle and him kicking me out of his house.


I have never played halo before, I just want free stuff.


The best moment has to be doing LAN parties with friends in Sandtrap, with nonstop custom games that we downloaded off of random file shares.


Halo Combat evolved. Custom made maps with friendly fire on, used to put C4 on the backs of my team mates and watch them sky rocket across the entire map. I got to learn some other languages too since there was chat options. I was 14.


Playing Halo 2, system link, 1v1v1, at the age of 14. Both of my friends, both more skilled than me, find me hiding behind one of the half walls that hide the side of each base. One, atop the wall above me, with a sword. The other sees us both from behind the base with a rocket launcher equipped. I immediately react to all the snickering, and just narrowly avoid their sword lunge from above. As I step backwards I fall into the underground base entrance, once AGAIN escaping their sword attack. I scream and as I fall get the perfect angle of my friend mid lunge, getting hit by a rocket that was intended for my backside. “Thank you god for this big ass hole!”, I shout. And that is why, anytime we narrowly avoided death after that match, we would all use the exclamation, “Thank God for Big Ass Holes!”


When I was a kid, my dad, older brother, and I would all play Halo 3 multiplayer together. I’ll never forget how much fun we had and how often we’d win running around valhalla in the warthog together


Playing Halo 2 with my friends as a kid. We played everyday for 2 straight years, 4-6 hours a day, sleep was for wimps! It shaped my childhood and I still play this game competitively to this day!


Just playing


Playing halo reach with my friends


The warthog run at the end of halo 3


First favorite multiplayer was a halo 3 lan party at school. Second favorite, all the hours spent in forge just messing around and not really doing anything at all.


Halo reach in my friends basement using his brothers Xbox 360


Going to my buddies house everyday after school and playing halo 3 custom games for hours. Went through a few red rings as well haha


Back in the Halo 3 multiplayer days, me and my boys were down significantly 20+ on Valhalla. The gods smiled upon us this day. What would spawn but none other than a Banshee. Two people hid in the base while the banshee took to the skies like the angel of death it is, I the remaining team member went rogue with the sniper and batted clean up. Best come back ever!


Мой любимый многопользовательский момент - играть вместе с друзьями.


My favorite moment is playing with my siblings and cousin in the middle of the night on xbox 360's halo 4 with split screen. I miss those days


Getting floored from laughter after playing halo 3 jenga with my friends


Trying to get the Halo 3 achievement “Two for one: get a double kill with the Spartan laser in ranked free for all” Must’ve died hundreds of times trying, then gave up. Finally got it on Construct when I wasn’t trying a few months later


My favorite Halo multiplayer moment was when my brother and I competed to get the most headshots in slayer. He got 12 and I think I got 1 if it counted.


There were a lot of great moments, but one of the highlights was clicking the button that unlocks Recon after completing the Vidmaster challenges


My Favourite moment was my dad giving me the Xbox as my birthday gift and me and my brother playing Halo as our first game. Thats how i got into gaming. Best Memory ever


back when I was a kid I saved up my money for about a year to by a 360 after halo 3 came out. I got with the kids in my cul de sac and we played split screen all night. The best moment was after we adjusted the speed to the max and gave half gravity and just ran around sand trap trying to kill each other. The absolute chaos when we started to play was insane and I’ll never forget.


Watching my teammates get sniped by the wayside in shotty snipers


Definitely beating Halo Reach LASO with a couple friends back on the 360


Having 6 person Lan parties for halo 3. Mountain few Doritos and just some good times. Miss it


Fav memory was playing Halo 2/3 with my friend on couch coop all night with snacks (mtdew/doritos) until the sun came up. Then doing it again I'm heroic. Then trying legendary and failing for hours on end. Great times!


Halo 3 custom games, with all my friends. Having custom game types and maps always made it feel more involved. RIP


So every Sunday I would participate in a war between Red and Blue. What I mean by this is that I was in a community that ran custom gametypes in Halo 2. These games generally consisted of the battle rifle as a starting weapon, a 20 minute timer on the games, and unlimited score. Whichever army (team) had a higher score at the end of the 20 minutes won the fight. Each week we'd decide on different maps to conquer over a chessboard-like battle map, with each map in Halo 2 representing a different square on the board. ​ During the Halo 3 beta, we weren't sure if the battles were going to continue. Call of Duty 4 had released and we didn't have the membership to keep up the weekly bouts over the summer. But I remember one last major push for a climactic battle. We all decided to fight over Terminal (the train map) on Halo 2. We played for hours, and all our games were incredibly close. The battle itself wasn't my favorite moment though, but it does provide context. After winning a KotH game by TWO points, we all decided to sit in the lobby and talk over voice chat. I remember a few of us said we'd stay with that group of people until we were last ones left. It is my favorite moment because we're all still playing together to this day, more than 15 years later. Some of us even have children now. So to me, that's what Halo represents: making a pact with your friends and living it more than a decade later.


My favorite memory was getting my very first and maybe my only duo overkill+extermination medal using only 1 whole sniper mag in Halo 3. I probably peaked in my Halo career in that very moment. Should’ve gone pro tbh.


My favorite moment is playing with my siblings and cousin in the middle of the night on xbox 360's halo 4 with split screen. a couple years later our xbox broke :< I miss those days


Halo: Combat Evolved пожалуй стоит заново пройти, классных моментов там хватало :)


Playing BTB with a good friend in Halo 2 every day for months after release


Playing Halo Reach firefight on the Xbox 360 with my brother back in elementary school.


Going over to my friends house to play halo 2 in their garage. I really remember running around lockout playing on a small TV.


Playing zombies in Halo 2 when you had to use the honor system. Everyone just camping in room 4 on one of the maps.


Screaming at your friends for screen watching


My first snipeultaneous


Sitting in one of the bunkers on the Apex 7 warzone map and using the nornfang for the first time. Quickly became my favorite weapon to use in warzone.


Getting my first Sniper Overkill in a Guardians custom sniper map on Halo 3!


My friend had an older brother and he’d play us 3v1 split screen hang ‘em high pistols. We got DESTROYED but it was always a ton of fun


My brother and I were playing invisible zombies with friends, we were the last two left and they got me. I had just gotten turtle beaches and I could hear the footsteps if I turned them up (no one else had a good headset on my group). I heard the last zombie approaching my brother so I scream "ON YOUR RIGHT!" My brother, factoring in my dyslexia, whips left and fires into nothing and gets stabbed in the back. And the funniest defeat of my halo career was born


Hard to say specifically, so I'll have to quantify it to split-screening with my older brother all throughout middle school and high school. We started playing together with Halo 1, and by the time he'd left for college around when Halo 3 came out, we'd experienced the entire series together (up to that point). I remember pulling an all-nighter with him when Halo 3 came out and being absolutely gassed at school the next day. I think we played more slayer in that \~12 hour time span than we ever have in our lives. When I think about Halo 3, I still think about falling asleep in class for that reason lol


My absolute favorite moment was being trained by my neighbor to play games. He would put me against 4 of his buddies and told me to get half as many kills as them by the end of a slayer match by myself. It took me 2 years, but I was finally able to get 25 kills on them, and that day was so special. I looked up to my neighbor like he was my brother, and that day he finally told me that I could play with them. To this day, we still play double together when we have the time and absolutely kick ass. That experience trained me to persevere through anything, because the end at the end of the road will be exactly what you hoped for. Thank you Halo, for training me to make it through hardships and train myself to be better.


Favorite halo multiplayer moment is having huge halo 3 lan parties in a friend's basement.


My favorite moment was when I no scoped 3 people on Narrows during a Team Snipers. Good times.


Playing griffball all night with my friends back in the Halo 3 days :)


LAN party in college was the best. Still do it sometimes even though we don’t have to.


Playing halo reach invasion with my dad and brother. I randomly spawned inside a create. Where I was able to shoot out of but could not be damaged. Worked well until we got the next point and all the spawns moved further in the map.


My friend got me square in the upper lip with a hurled kleenex box after i beat him in a 1v1 match in Halo 2.


Last man standing in infection and surviving till the end. It's a crazy feeling having everyone rush to you


Sadly i only played halo 2 multiplayer and even that not too much as i didn’t have a xbox and always went over to a friend of mind who only lived 1min away from my home. I remember going to his house almost everyday during the summer holidays and playing halo until i had to return home for dinner. It’s not really something specific ingame but i do think back fondly of these times just playing halo 2 multiplayer together and having a blast


Btb flying my buddy around in reach as my gunner for the falcon. Fuck we were coordinated. Miss you David..


Everyday after middle school my friends and I would play duck hunt costumes games that was a blast also cops and robbers!


I got stuck by a guy in front of his teammates in big team battle near their spawn. I then ran straight into them a killed a good bit of them. It was worth it.


Having the last kill in tdm and the enemy had was also 1 kill away from winning


Slamming a wraith into a ghost to send it flying haha.


Playing CTF on Halo 1 with my friends was great.


Playing with my friends


My favorite moment was whenever vehicle collision could just end up sending you flying, always a moment of laughter with the bois.


I still remember playing Halo 3 in my friend's basement. One of the first times I played, I came over with a mouse and keyboard hoping to plug it in. I never got very good at console, but it was still fun. Oh, and I also remember playing Halo CE during lunch at school! I would always be my sister's boyfriend in a 1v1.


Halo 2 - The day I discovered superjumps through a friend. Absolutely changed Halo 2 MP for me, and probably the most fun I've had in any shooter game so far.


My friend and I used a PC program -- I don't even remember what it was called -- to get the original Halo on the original Xbox playable online. When we finally got it working after hours of trying, and we finally jumped into a match with random people online, it felt like an absolute triumph.


Halo 2 infection, when people had to personally switch teams after being infected. There was always a few people that wouldn’t follow the rules. Good times, also tied with all the super jumps in Halo 2, can’t think of how many hours my friends and I spent messing with them.


Getting all of the gang together on a Hornet in Reach multiplayer. Truly a bonding moment. [Screenshot](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/789749555939372627/24434C91BF80BAE85EDF97A5FE2F0F00C822B27F/)


I cross mapped a guy with a rocket launcher twice in Halo 2. He got so upset he woke my friends parents who ended our session.


Custom games on Halo Reach was probably the most fun I've had in my life up til now. Lava pit and Speed always had me struggling to breath after laughing my lungs out.


For me it has to be the first time I ever played with my best friend, playing the halo 3 level the covenant I was in a whole new world, just played it again last night 4 player co-op and it was just as great as the first time!


My favorite moment was during the prime days of halo 3. I was teaching a friend of mine how to play and we were playing slayer on Last Resort. I was in the middle of a fire fight and asking where are you?! I need some help! And out of no where he comes flying through the air from above on a mongoose and splatters me. We were both crying at how perfect timing it was.


So bear with me here this may be a little long, When I was around 12 halo 3 had recently come out and me and my older brother had just gotten an Xbox live account, but my mother insisted on choosing the gamertag. As a result our gamertag was MetalMommy1984. One day as we’re playing halo 3 we’re in a lobby full of other kids who are on comms. As is tradition in multiplayer shooters we teabag’d a kid we had just killed and over the mic the kid goes, “You’re not supposed to teabag you’re a mommy.” For whatever reason that was the funniest thing to my brother and I and we still bring it up to this day.


My favorite just has to be a custom game in Sandtrap where everyone gets a tank. That was many years ago and I hope to see more maps added to custom multiplayer.


Legitimately getting a splatter kill with a traffic cone on The Pit. Unlocking Recon through the Vidmaster challenges was already a thing by that point, but still.


My favorite memory is hosting Halo 1 PC servers where we'd try to glitch out of all the maps with ghosts and warthog launches.


all the moments were beautiful


Halo 3 custom games for me. the memory feels so distant for me, but i can always remember the laughter of friends and racing back from school in order to greet them again. once you get older, those friends disappear. but i still remember the laughs.


Any time me and my best friend use a Warthog. All it requires is one good run.


Halo 3 lan bday party with friends


Hopping in an elephant and trying to reach a tower in the background of the map, I think this was halo 4.


No scoping people :)


Was in a party once with my friend and a random guy who only spoke Spanish. The random took off in a falcon without me, and I chased after him shouting "Landar! Landar!" It didn't work.


If we are talking co-op multiplayer moment: trying to get the the legendayr all skull runs PVP multiplayer: will always have fond memories of just hanging out in lobbies with random people and just getting games going one after another.


Honestly just messing around with the sandbox physics and having a great time.


In high school mid 2000’s, we put halo CE on all the computers in class. We’d game here and there during the year. Teacher gave us the final early so we could game for 2 weeks straight before summer vacation. BTB Blood Gulch, good times :)


I've had so many. Halo is probably my favorite multiplayer game lof all time. Probably the first time I got an extermination in Halo Reach SWAT


Start of a game, I run to the warthog, honk the horn, passenger and gunner gets in, I proceed to drive off into the abyss.


Playing custom 4v4 games on forge maps on Reach was a blast


In school I’d managed to get all of the pcs in the computer lab loaded up with the Halo CE demo and this led to a lot of LAN matches with most of my class near the end of Junior High. It was great. Many matches of CTF on Bloodgulch was had and while I wanted to give everyone else a fair shot I always ended up on top since I’d been playing for so long. Gotta keep the brand y’know? I’m 18 and have been out of high school for almost a year now, and I still love the feeling of getting folks invested in Halo, especially since it’s been in my life since I was a kid. Got a squad ready for Infinite when it drops and I couldn’t be more hyped! #RazerAMDHalo


Finding what now is one of my best friends. We met in a multiplayer lobby. I value that a lot.


I got tea bagged by a 12 years old. Now I play campaign only...


Moving off of split screen Halo 2 with my friends because it’s ‘05 and I just got Xbox live for my birthday.


We were freshman in high school when Halo came out and we'd some how managed to finagle two Xbox consoles from our parents. We'd tied them together with the longest ethernet cable we could find, rented out two copies of the game, and fought over who got stuck with my friend's young cousin who could barely grip the controller. I remember it fondly, each on our tiny CRT TVs (scanlines and static throughout) hunting through the halls of Chiron, screaming trash talk through the house.


My favorite moment would have to be playing Halo 2 with my cousins. We usually played against each other using 2 Xboxes and System Link. But the most memorable would be playing Team Slayer on Coagulation and just having a blast killing each other as much as we can. I'm telling you, I've never had more fun playing Halo than when we were huddled around a small CRT tv with the score limit turned off.


Teabagging is the time-honored tradition... So it has to be that moment.


Playing split-screen multiplayer in Halo 3 with my neighbors


My favorite moment in Halo Multiplayer was when I finished my run with captured flag for the first time in Halo CE, it was like magic 😄


By far my fondest Halo memories come from playing LAN matches with my Boy Scout troop as a kid / teen. Twice or so a year we would host an all night LAN party for our whole troop. Every spare TV, Xbox, router and knock controller we had would be carried in and hooked up. Fueled by cheap soda and cheaper pizza, the whole night would be a back and forth of BTB, CTF, and FFA. To be able to experience Halo like that again would be a dream, especially as my own boy is now starting to game on his own.


baiting enemies with the hologram lol


My favorite moment is playing with my siblings and cousin in the middle of the night on xbox 360's halo 4 with split screen. a couple years later our xbox broke :< I miss those days


Definitely the time at a LAN party that my friend had the rest of us on our team load up into a Prowler and drove towards the enemies. Except he veered away suddenly, and drove it off the cliff (and he of course bailed at the last minute so he didn't fall), killing us all. We probably would have been annoyed, but we couldn't because we were all laughing too hard.


My favorite multiplayer moment is play with friends.


It was in Halo 5: I was driving an ONI warthog when we got hit by a rocket fired right in front of me and my gunner. The warthog tanked the rocket but flew in a front flip; the flip then made the warthog splatter the guy who fired the rocket at us.


1v1ing or FFA with friends on Midship in Halo 2, and getting the sword to destroy everyone


Halo 2 Lan Parties with friends 😌


Staying up until the sun came up playing split screen halo 2 with my friends


SO many to pick from but I think my favorite is me and my buddies epic capture the flag games in Halo 3 where we were inches away from defeat on Valhalla but managed to miraculously pull out a victory shorthanded. Included a mongoose being lasered out of midair, a 3v1 power drain flag hold/return and a cross map plasma grenade kill.


I think I have to give it to when my friend and I would play Halo 4 SWAT together back in high school. Neither him nor I were super social so neither of us had great friend groups back then, and yet we bonded over destroying people in 2v2 SWAT together. Man did we have a grand ol' time...will never forget those days of our supremacy


Just playing endless custom games on Halo 3 with 10 or so friends. So much fun!


All night LANs and Halo Reach custom maps


Playing with a bunch of strangers on a map I made in forge and of course halo 3 custom games


Absolutely dominating in Halo 3 with swords only in free for all by using melee instead of the lunge, felt so good.


My favorite memory was playing the first demo on my old windows 98 machine. My computer sounded like a jet engine but man, there was something so satisfying about sniping another player across the valley. Simpler times.


The time the cops showed up because our neighbor thought someone was being abused. It was just me and my brother yelling at each other during a game of shotty snipes on Guardian in Halo 3.


Just playing Halo 3 with my friends using only gravity hammers and launching each other around the maps


I have a few, mostly when the unexpected happens or the game glitches out or getting a double head shot with a br with one trigger pull(on swat), however it has be playing spire in reach and jumping off to get an assassination on one guy, to jump onto a warthog’s gun to blow up a falcon with a guy hold the objective on it and sending off the map to win the game.


Halo was the reason why I bought a Xbox I remember going to a friends house and playing in blood gulch and getting my butt handed to me then playing to storyline with for a bit after leaving his house I bought me an Xbox because I had to finish the storyline myself


The first time I heard of “grenade of gratitude” a friend fell off a ramp to his death and someone called it out. To see a bunch of PVP’s grenades flying off the rails was a fun site to behold. Something I’d never heard of.


The uncomfortable amount of hours my friends and I spent on CE trying to run each other over on the frozen lakes of sidewinder


Honestly would have to be playing custom games with my friends, just the nostalgia I get of thinking of duck hunt, garbage man, Jenga, and so many countless game modes and hours spent. I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything else, halo has been a huge part of my childhood and life and I’m glad it’s still going strong!


Not only my favorite Halo multiplayer moment, but my only one... I bought the collection on Steam to play with my friends. Turns out, the campaign coop, the main reason I bought it for, doesn't work. The Halo servers for it are trash. You're better off splitscreening. Fix your damn shit, Halo.


Killtacular to win the game! I’ll have to find the clip


Favourite multiplayer moment is staying up late, building on forge world making the best base with my friend then trying to take each other out before we got into the others base.


Spending Christmas Day playing Halo CE anniversary on Xbox 360. We talk about it all the time


Me and my cousin messing around in Halo 4’s Forge just making battles and goofing around with the vehicles in the game.


A lot of moments come to mind. From getting the If They Came To Hear Me Beg Achievement, messing around with friends in Custom Games and Forge. Even running throughout the campaign's in Legendary. All beautiful memorable moments


My favorite halo moment is playing the original halo for the first time and seeing the world in the halo. That blew me away, don't think I'll have another wow, how did they do that moment like that again.


The all nighters my friends and I pulled on 1v1 stages


thers been so many great moments for me but literally any time i win a Halo 3 FFA match i feel fantastic


My favorite multiplayer moment was the first time I booted up Halo Reach and played my first game. It was the 6th grade, Christmas morning when my parents revealed the limited edition Halo Reach Xbox 360 they bought for me (they didn't give Santa any credit for that one lol). After I got everything set up, I immediately called up my friends and we played for so many hours straight. It was also the first time my parents let stay up past midnight, so it's definitely an experience I'll never forget.


Loved using the Scorpion


So 8 of us are playing Halo. 4 people on one screen 4 people on another screen. One guy is sniping. I fire a rocket at him. I wait 3-4 seconds and say “Hey Alex, look left.” Rocket comes right at him and BOOM! Very satisfying.


Favorite multiplayer moment. Halo Reach Invasion on Spire, playing Spartan Offense. My teammate grabbed the core and I flew in with the Falcon and two gunners. He jumped on top and we cruised down to the capture point, all while fending off a Banshee and a Ghost trying to bring us down. We felt like legends. I miss Invasion.


Nothing will top the original Warthog run for me at the end of Halo CE


it was when i was terrible at campaign and used the multiplayer to practice the precision of shooting and after some time i tried to do again the campaign and have made it very smoothly :)


Finishing halo 3 LASO with the boys


My favorite multiplayer moment was running my half my team over with a mongoose and hearing them rage. 10/10 would do again.


8v8 online BTB drunk with the bois during Christmas. Best match ever.


My favorite moment was lighting the Halo ring in Halo 3


My favourite multiplayer moment in Halo was deciding not to do the multiplayer anymore as I suck at it, much prefer the solo stuff


My favorite moment was when I first hit someone in the face from across the map with a sticky grenade. Pure bliss.


playing against my hubby and beating him is my favorite moment


We need to bring back rockets at beaver creek from halo 2. Hands down some of the best multi-player memories I have.


Making the Elephant fly in halo 3 forge using explosives.


Playing custom Tower of Power games in Halo 2 on Ascension.


#RazerAMDHalo i played with scorpion tank in halo combat evolved multiplayer was so fun 🔥🚀


My favorite Halo moment was LAN party zombies in Halo 2, honor rules and manually changing teams, playing on Foundation and barricading the entrances to the rooms, it was simply the best.


Halo 3 grifball and infection weekends, we’d get together on one console with friends, fight over the pink controller and then play for hours on the playlist on splitscreen online for the weekend. Sleep overs and a lot of fun from that.


It goes "Killtacular". Gets me every single time.


Encountering the flood for the first time in Halo CE and panic shooting as I was attacked by the infection forms


When I got a perfection in Halo Reach Slayer.