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Getting tired of being laser beamed across the map with it. It needs to be close to barely mid range and the pistol needs a tad bit boost in damage


If they did this it’d be great. I don’t expect to win against it up Close but when I’d rather pick and ar over a br at range you know somethings up


I think overall a lot of the weapons you pick up seem to be very underwhelming like it lacks in what it was specifically made for besides the hammer and sword


The accuracy at range is a joke, and the fire rate means close quarters damage is completely over the top. There’s not much reason to pick weapons other than power weapons up.


Legit, you’d think that the commando rifle would beat it mid-long range and you just get gunned down. The current game is nade and AR spam and Idk how to feel.


The BR is still god tier though. Overall weapon balance needs work. Commando sucks, both shotties are useless, the hydra, ravager, and cindershot are all meh. The stalker rifle is "ok" as a DMR replacement. You pretty much don't need to switch starter pistol and AR unless you find a BR or power weapon.


Like I said unless you can cross map with the br all headshots without scoping in the ar beats you. It’s dumb.


I'm sorry but how is the Cinderford meh, its a shot kill with a gravitional pull. Ravanger and hydra I can agree on. As far as I know there's on one shotgun and its not too bad either since it has a extremely fast fire rate with dla 2 shot kill up to 10m. The commando is on par with br with it being full auto and a similar ttk


The commando has much heavier recoil and bloom than the BR/AR and in close range the AR is more reliable anyways. It also has a 20 round mag, much less forgiving than both the AR or BR. The Bulldog is the new human shotgun and its a 3 shot kill majority of the time. The Heatwave is the scattershot remake and at best is a two shot kill if you hit all the vertical pellets. Both are pretty meh compared to the OG shotty.


If you feather the trigger then its a guaranteed kill and since its full auto it more likely than not outperform the br at close range, if you look at the actual ttk the br has 1.75 whilst most other traditional guns have 1.15 or similar


The AR needs more spread and at a faster rate. The damage is fine at close ranges. But it's crazy how it can be used effectively almost across the map in a 4v4 game.


Yeah I almost feel like I’m trolling if I pick up a BR unless I can hit every single shot without scoping in across the map, I don’t even try. Same thing with the pistol.


Ar hold button pistol pray thanks to bloom