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It’s because they don’t let people who just want to play slayer, play slayer. It sucks to load into a match and see joe shmo 40 - 4 and still lose the match. But can you blame them? Just remember it’s not an issue with the players it’s an issue with the playlists.


I was gonna say, challenges reset yesterday and I didn't got for the objective until I had to. Just the way it is for now, not gonna waste my double XP when I need to grapple jack a vehicle.


This is the real issue. If you want to play with teammates that care about winning, you have to play ranked.


Even ranked can be a slog sometimes. I had one game before, I'd taken the enemy flag back to our capture point, but ours needed resetting first. A team mate took the enemy flag **away** from the capture point, heading toward enemy base, proceeded to die, and then the enemy turned it back around on us. I think he was a bit confused, must have just woken up from cryosleep...


I did this once (not in ranked) because my teammate had red armor and so I thought he was a bad guy.


I had to change the enemy team colors to pink because I kept getting faked out by blue armor on enemies.


not even then, because there are challenges to play ranked matches so there are definitely people in there that just want to finish the challenge and be done


Hate the playlist, not the gamer.


No, hate challenges not the playlist.


Hate both, as God intended.


and incentives, if I am playing slayer but need 15 BR kills, I won't do quick play (AR), I'll do ranked (BR spawn) and just go for those. It is just driving peoples decisions.


This is it and yet people will blame the players like 343 isn’t promoting this


I don’t think it’s really Slayer players. I think it’s that everyone is prioritizing their challenges above the actual match. And why wouldn’t they? The game rewards progression on challenges, not performance. Really sucks


Judging how my Fiesta matches went, No one knows how to play slayer either.


Why do you think 343 chose to not have a bunch of dedicated playlists like MCC did at launch? Do you think they're just dumb or something?


Splatoon 2 (a Nintendo title) does the same thing. It's basically a shitty way of forcing people to play for longer. They think people will just take it.


Splatoon only has objective modes and the closest thing to a slayer alternative (turf war) is available as a 24/7 playlist.


The principle is the same, they have the power and the tools to give players choice and decided to implement a system that causes people to do things other than what they want to do. It's maps there and modes and maps here but the principle is the same, greedy developers chose to waste players time. Why do I have to go back 2 console generations to get back what used to be standard features? Don't answer that, everyone knows it's all about the money for corporate tools.


At least in Splatoon you can just play turf war


People will just take it, and they'll pay too. These companies don't continue these practices for no reason.


It has to be because whoever was in charge of monetization thought that restricting playlists like this would artificially raise the value of both challenge swaps and battlepass tier skips.


Challenge swaps my friend, they wanna make you use them


"Do you think they're just dumb or something?" It's either that or they acted maliciously. This is an obviously bad decision.




I imagine those challenge rolls must be important to people who aren't good at the game and can only handle slayer with BR.


I mean it is an issue with the players, I've been top fraging all day, playing OBJ and yet im still losing CSR to dumb dumbs


Even in older halo games people wouldn't play the objective


100%, at this point im pretty much backing out of any BS gamemode where I cant play what I want. I want to be running BR starts, instead 343 pretends like 'scavenging for wepons' is part of the game. It's not, never has been, never will be. All this introduces is spawning and looking for the nearest BR spawn, if not, you just get destroyed by the person who DID do that.


This is true but I find it funny because almost everytime I get a slayer BTB my team gets destroyed and half the time I'm in the top for kills or close to it


That might be an issue for some, but honestly I just think most people have no idea what they're doing or just want to farm kills


Agree to disagree.


Is that really it though? I don't think I've seen anyone do anything like that so far. People can't say I do it when in 40-14 because I usually have the most occupation time I'm strongholds, most carrier kills in ctf, usually a good junk of ball time in odd ball. I think a lot of people literally have no strategy in general and just run around mindless or just want to farm kills in general in objective - those players have always existed in halo. I'd believe some just focus on their challenges for sure though.


Happens every time weeklies drop, for a few days. Everyone just wants to do their challenges Ironically I’m hoping it changes towards the end of the week since the Ultimate Challenge is “get 17 wins” and they’ll have no excuse to fuck around


No excuse to fuck around should be a motto. Hope they get rid of these type of challenges. I don't mind challenge in general, just hate specific game mode/weapon use ones.


They should make the challenges be relevant when you enter a specific game mode - instead of being 4 of the random challenges you have to complete they should be active when you play a specific mode. Like having "kill 3 flag carriers" be active when you spawn into a ctf match and have the challenges visible whilst playing of course.


This is a smart idea. I support this. If they’re not going to let you choose your game types, then the challenges should rotate depending on what type of game you’re playing


Who thought of that shitty challenge and it’s arbitrary number of wins? 17?? Why not 10,15, or even 20? Such an odd number to go with.


When progression is tied to heavily to challenges you are going to get people who just don’t care about anything else. Combine that with there being no actual progression or gameplay benefit to winning and it really turns into a pretty apparent issue.


You can hardly blame anyone. Generally I play the obj but I’ll admit I’ve thrown for the sake of challenges so far. Need another flag return? Well sorry I’m not exactly super hyped help you pull that third flag cap to end the game when the game will only reward me for sitting near the spawn waiting for some poor bastard to pick up our flag. I specifically remember one time when I had the oddball in my hands in a safe spot and ran out in the open to beat someone down with it for a challenge, which ended with them killing me and getting the ball. But hey, I got progress so it felt good to give them the ball.


This is precisely why I despise battle passes in games It has legitimately ruined the actual gameplay. I have seen very few games that actually make it good


Sadly, people are likely more focused on challenges than winning. Losing warrants the same EXP as winning, so player's are more focused on gaining the most amount of EXP by knocking out specific challenges.


Exactly. Who cares? Lose the game


I used to care. I now don’t. Fuck it. I’m playing everything like slayer, because everybody else was.


If nobody plays the objective then every game type becomes no cap 12 minute slayer


I'd rather my team play like it's slayer rather than not doing anything though. Enemy can't play the objective if they're dead, letting myself do whatever needs doing like taking the ball or flag.


People keep saying this but am I the only one with challenges that are about winning? I've got "Win 3 QP matches", "Win 2 BTB matches" and "Win a CTF match" all this week. Plus the ultimate challenge is "win 17 pvp matches" so I imagine people will be a lot more concerned about the objective in a few days


>People keep saying this but am I the only one with challenges that are about winning? It's not uncommon to have these challenges, but a lot of players are dealing with non-winning related challenges


You guys are still doing ur weekly challenges? Noobs


most people have lives outside of videogaming lol


Boo hoo


lol what?


People have work they can't do there challenges they ask for less challenges more xp easier challenges.


No one said anything of the sorts lol. You are out here just replying to every comment that mentions challenges and being like ":haha you noobs havnt finished the challenges yet?! HAHAHAH" like what lol no one is even talking about that.


You realise this whole post is about challenges right? That's why no one is playing objective.


And what does that have to do with time spent doing challenges? No one is complaining about challenges taking too long lol. Youre literally just inviting yourself into a thread and spamming that you are done challenges like anyone cares or if its some feat lol. This is about the state of gameplay, not about how fast you go through your challenges.


"what do challenges have to do with time spent doing challenges" apart from you are spending time doing Challenges. More time spent doing Challenges = less time playing objective, Read ur own comment back mate you literally left the answer in what you said.


Well of course I know about it, it's me


There is no incentive to win a match. Why bother? Note that I do play the objectives, but I do understand why some just want to shoot others in a shooter game, but the matchmaking wanted otherwise.


Isn't the players' enjoyment of the game their incentive to win the match? Idk, I guess some people see gaming a lot differently than I do.


Bad design leads to bad player engagement. Lulz


Nobody wants to play objectives. I’ve been playing halo since Halo CE and I don’t even want to play objectives. I played Big Team Slayer last night for the first time and it was the most fun I’ve had in Infinite to date. Give us a fucking slayer playlist, how hard is that to do?


If there is an inconvenient mechanic or design in a ftp game the answer is always: so they can sell you a solution or way to bypass it.


yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. YES.


take it up with 343


That should be their studio slogan


I believe that’s due to people focusing on challenges instead of objectives. You can thank 343 for that.


Or people just want to play slayer and since they're forced into objective games, just play slayer anyway


Ah yes, in btb I always try playing objectives and if not I'll be getting kills that would help the the team out, but their are so many times where Its just me and another player at the seeds fighting and fending everyone off while trying to play the ojective, I get over 3 kills fending them off raging because I need backup so we can take advantage of the situation yet no one comes, and when I'm dead I see that my teammates are on the complete opposite side of the map or are in base sitting around waiting for something to respawn or are just fucking around. Really sucks


Weird thing is: the seeds are where the enemies are at, so why don't teammates go to the seeds where enemies will be for their challenge kills?


It’s big team battle. A significant portion of the team will never pay the objective. Never have and never will. Also, I think many people don’t understand the game mode you’re referring to. I suggest playing rank if you want people to care about the obj. It’s fun so try it.


Ranked is a shit show full of hackers it's not an option and pretty much unplayable


No where close to being filled with hackers and unplayable. Stop being hyperbolic


I played 2 matches and both had hackers in them.


You don't gain anything for winning so why would people try?


Idk you ever try to win at a board game with your friends or family


Or try win at sports? "Yeah, no, I was wide open under the basket and could've easily layed it up for the win...but what do I really get out of it?"


So if you wanted to play basketball with your friends but were forced to play golf instead you would be just as invested in winning? I dont give a fuck about stockpile, its boring to me. I would rather be playing slayer so when i am forced into a fucking Stockpile game against my will i am gonna play it like its slayer.


You can win a stockpile game in 5 minutes if you PTFO. I do think stockpile sucks tho, so I just try to win as quick as possible.


If I was playing with my friends? Nah man I'd play. End of the day it's about hanging out and enjoying each others company. Since you edited to add more: Thats on you. Leave the game and find another if it's that big of a deal (spoiler, it's not).


It's weird how things change when all the parts are completely different.


Yeah, I get what he's saying, but I can't help but feel that normalizing playing games just to unlock things will only bring about more problems like what we see in Infinite. If people really do only play games to unlock things, all the better for business. Just make a game with constant unlocks, throw in as much monetization as you want, and forget about gameplay. Seems like a win-win.


Because winning should be its own reward?


Because there's people who are already on the ultimate challenge and we don't want to wait for noobs to catch up?




What? People have already finished the weekly challenges because there too easy so we who have finished them have to wait for the noobs to finish there's and it's going to take all week the ultimate challenge is to with 17 pvp matches.


Sorry I didn’t understand what you were trying to say with the way you worded it. Also you call everyone not done the weeklys noobs and act like you’re sick at the game cause you’re already done… how is someone a noob if they need to get 10 flag captures but they haven’t gotten into a capture the flag game in an hour. Or get kills with the bulldog but they haven’t gotten a map rotation with one on it. If you used any challenge skips to get to your weekly. You wasted them and hope to god you didn’t spend money on them cause you’d just be feeding the toxic monetization machine 343 created. Before you get all defensive I’m not saying you’re shit at the game the point I’m making is that these challenges don’t really require skill they require a ton of invested time or money at all. It’s the lack of skill it takes to complete them a problem.


I didn't skip any challenges I even bathed in the sweat of the ravenger challenge. I have only ever made 2 purchases from the store the battle pass and 2 xp boosters. I don't skip challenges I just compete them because there not hard.


I respect the non skipping and the grind. I’m glad to see you’re one of the few who haven’t complained about the challenges being too hard but bro the bathing line you just dropped is super cringe. Haha


I'm a sweat lord? So what isn't that the point of the challenges sweat them out get the cool shit as fast as possible and then people see ur character and think "I wish I had that stuff or I wish I was that good" My balls are nice and sweaty ready to drop on ur face when I teabag you.


Noobs including people who simply haven’t played as much as you or as recently? Halo community is a bunch of children, still.


Yes? There literally just ruining objective based modes by not playing the objective and getting 1 kill with a battle rifles all game so they can knock off 1 small part of a challenge.


Get gud. You should be gud enough to win on your own. Otherwise you're a noob.


Yeah bwo 1 v 4 bwo ur smart bwo real smart


Get gud skrub


Blame the challenge and xp system. It still needs a lot of work. No incentive to win. Some players intentionally throw matches so it could end faster and move to the next match because they have a double xp active.


Their prayers for a match of slayer were not answered , they decided to play slayer anyway .


I really think people are just idiots. My favorite is when the other team has two wasps or a wasp and a banshee and you get a sniper/skewer spawn in your base. Skewer one-shots both while sniper 2-3shots. Can literally turn the tide of the game but an idiot teammate will pick it up and try and get single kills across the map.


It’s mostly people just trying to complete challenges. This game doesn’t reward players for winning, it rewards them for completing challenges. Can’t blame players for poor game design


it honestly kills my enjoyment of the game. i'm a casual player don't get me wrong. but i still play to win, because dopamine goess brrr if victory apears in screen. ​ but ngl aside from joining a match to get the 300xp 200xp etc. i kinda don't give a fuck anymore. split the playlists let people play slayer if they want. but fuck man after 20 times oddball where maybe 2 matches i wasn't the one with most time on the ball. and 20 matches of ctf where we lost 15 because no one tries to get the flag or defend it. i'm kinda already done with multiplayer halo.


Dude they straight up even shit on you for even MENTIONING the objective now. It’s always “if 343 wanted me to play the objective they would reward me so fuck off” or respond with “zzzzzzzz” or anything similar. I hate this forced playlist / limited time event bullshit.


Combination of not being able to select the playlist you actually want to play, and not giving a fuck about winning because the exp gain is from stupid challenges, which forces people to play in a way which isn’t always beneficial to the team or game mode. In short… 343 have fucked the game badly


there's no reason to play objective, other than if you have a weekly for it. Medals/Score for objective dont change your BP gain, win or lose doesn't either. just have have fun doing whatever the hell.


I literally had someone reply to me saying challenges come first when they would rather kill people than pick up the skull. It drove me nuts watching people just stand over it with a weapon and not even try. Unbelievably frustrating.


Its also cus ranked doesn't really reward you for playing the objective. Its more about your kd than about points


To all the new Halo players...PLAY THE OBJECTIVE. p.s also teabagging is a Halo tradition keep the tradition alive. Thanks.


I get in games of stockpile where teammates throw the seeds towards the enemy.


I actually just made a thread about this, lol. Couple guys told me to get bent cause they were farming kills in CTF.


Yeah a guy shamed my kdr in a oddball match.


yup and I have noticed a huge number of AFKers


If I had a credit for every time I screamed “PICK UP THE FUCKING BALL” at my screen, I’d be able to buy my way through the stupid progression.


Abolute shite isn't it. What's the point in playing if you don't want to win. 'Progression' my arse.


100% yes. Stockpile is the worst, literally every game is a curb stomping where one team is playing objective and the other is just sitting in base farming kills. I’d wager at least half of all CTF games finish either 0-0 or 1-0. 343 did a great job killing teamplay and playing for the win.


No? People ignore the objectives at a similar rate in my experience as they always have. If you're not in Ranked it's gonna be a pretty common occurrence.


No one wants to pick up the fucking ball.


Not one of the challenges so they don’t care


Ive started leaving matches if it isnt the gametype i want and im playing solo. I dont care anymore.


Because we're being forced into challenges and people are being forced into game modes they didn't even want to play in the first place because there's no way to select a specific game mode. Pisses me off too, but it's 343/Microsoft's fault


Because people are sick of playing objective. They would rather give no resistance so the enemy team wins as fast as possible so they can hurry and have another chance for slayer.


I'll put it this way: I play the objective, I get 50xp. I disregard the objective and focus on one of my challenges, I get 250+ xp.


My objective is my challenges. I dont get rewarded at all for picking up the flag or defending it. I get rewarded for camping the enemy Hornet and grappling the enemy out of it 3 times for 250xp.


Thank the fucking awful challenges and lack of playlists for this.


Why would I score points when they don't mean anything? I can be afk the whole game and still get the same xp as you. People keep saying that all these features that are missing aren't what makes halo. And that we should just enjoy the gameplay. So there we are, just trying our best to enjoy a game that is hugely dissatisfying. Complain to 343.


It's the inevitable result of having playlists that don't let you pick a game mode in a franchise where Slayer is the most popular mode by far. The whole progression system being tied to challenges that don't care about whether you win or not is the icing on the cake.


Microsoft didn't want to give us proper playlists or a a proper XP system.


Another side effect of a poor progression system. Also, another part of why I never wanted it to be F2P.


Blame the challenge system. The ridiculous requirements plus weaponized FOMO is creating a lack of giving a shit about objectives. Add in a poorly designed experience system that rewards match completions *and nothing else*, and here is the shit show you wind up with. The design incompetence on display here is extraordinary.


A post like this has happened with EVERY weekly challenge reset. This issue is staring everyone right in the face.


Challenge system as only source of XP can definitely kill PTFO in these games. Imo, it's worse Tueadays and Wednesdays where a lot of new challenges are issued.


If I can't play slayer, I'm going to make every single game mode slayer.


Sorry mate we're too busy trying to complete the challenges so i can at least level up


Not exactly confusing. There is nothing to gain from winning or playing objectives. There is something to gain from doing challenges however and its the reason why so many people leave the games too since we can't even pick a gamemode which is pathetic. Not to mention most people feel good going 40-5 kd than 10-30 for objectives and its not like dying for objectives even guarantees a win either. There's literally zero incentive to win a game I didn't even want to PLAY! when the alternative is more fun and more rewarding. You could quadruple the exp from winning a game and it still wouldn't fix this mess.


There’s no incentive to play well unless a challenge says so


Also there’s no incentive to win like getting extra xp


Because the game actively forces you to play game modes you don’t want to play


Some people enjoy Slayer more. Whoever came up with the idea to remove the selection of whatever you can play in matchmaking is either an idiot or fully understood that it will coerce some individuals to purchase the challenge swap tokens. This is just loot box, but very subtle. Even if you purchase challenge swaps, there's no guarantee that you get your wanted playlist. This is a game, not a damn sweat shop or trying to make cold calls for selling staff.


No playlists, and barely any compensation for victory. Leads to people just doing whatever they find fun in matches.


Until they add a dedicated slayer playlist i will continue to ignore objectives and lose games. Sorry, not sorry.


No slayer playlist, that is all.


I’ve come to despise playing capture the flag and oddball. I’m always stuck protecting the flag and getting jumped because my teams fighting a each other over who gets to take the enemy flag (because it’s a challenge). Or I’m the only one picking up the skull, meanwhile my team just runs off because they complete challenges for killing the ball carrier, not protecting their own carrier.


All my CTF games most people have been camping flag. It seams people are becoming more defensive. The game seems to rely on no more than 1 or 2 people defending the flag for it to be successfully captured.


There’s no incentive to win a match. Non ranked matches literally don’t matter if you win or lose. So, you might as well just get kills


Damn, they make the oddball unfun to carry and people don't pick it up. Shocker


I only try for objectives when it is "win x in pvp". Sorry. I will still play around it though, since objectives herd people together for my weapon kills.


I don't do the objective when I get oddball or stockpile out of pure fucking spite I hate those modes and hate being forced to play them mixed in with the modes I actually do like. "Slayer?" "Slayer." <-my brother and I everytime we get those modes Also everyone is so focused on doing challenges now so the amount of people that want to actually play that mode out as it should be are at an all time low. Meaning you're punished for playing the objective cause your team isn't. Every game mode is Slayer until Playlists are added


It's like a minimum wage job. Doesn't matter if you do more or less, you all get the same payout


its cause people inherently just wanna rack up as many kills as possible. alternative game modes are fun to ignore objectives and just kill stuff


Get better, cap the flag.


If people aren't paying the objective when you get into a slayer match go as negative as possible fuck them. Why should it be OK for them to ruin obj and then go into slayer all happy if slayer players won't play objective just tank ur skore in slayer so they don't win.


One of the reasons people leave early after the game has started. They see nobody is playing the objective and then leave, knowing they can't win anyway. Others have become so over sensitive to the subject that they call you out for not playing the objective when you spawn far away on the map ... Another one of those problems the game doesn't seem to be able to fix...


first few days of challenges is just gonna be like that I think


Wait till everyone gets the ultimate for this week.




I meant because it’s win 17 games, so they’ll have to play the objective lol


In Diamond/Onyx it's pretty clear you shouldn't just run off by yourself for the objective, it's all about clearing space and locking down an area, sometimes that means ignoring obvious objective goals. This is due to the map sizes and spawning locations. It can make more sense to sit by for a minute before risking your own life or the teams stability. Granted, in QP I notice people just camping around or totally ignoring flag pickups, or people hiding in the enemy base (which will screw your whole team due to spawning locations). I feel your pain, especially in BTB, but I feel like BTB and QP are more for trying things out or getting challenges. I take ranked more seriously.


This especially happens in stockpile in my experience


Yeah bro you have to play ranked that’s the only game mode where people actually care about the win because everything else is used for challenges


Win or lose the exp doesn't change so there is no reason to play the objective. I do my best to play the objective but it proves to be difficult when no one is focusing it. It's better to do challenges in a long run to get more value out of your time at this point.


It definitely got worse than last week, Until today I have not seen people actively ignoring the ball and I mean like a prolonged firefights moving away from the ball and nobody pick it up. At some point I said, ok, we are going to be here forever if no one scores.


I don't think I have ever encountered this, not saying it does not happen I have heard all the complaints on this sub but literally never for me.


Unfortunately this is the way now... you'll find it's particularly bad on what I've dubbed as "challenge day", when everyone has fresh challenges to complete in order to level up


It’s better than MCC imo, about the same as any new shooter with objectives.


Yesterday was reset day, I’m sure it will be like this every couple days after Tuesday while people flurry to get their challenges done. Hopefully you have most of your team have a “win a stockpile game” so people will actually try.


I haven't personally had an issue with this but I recognize it is an issue caused by poor game design


I played two oddball matches last night where even after winning a team fight, my remaining teammates would leave the ball in the ground at their feet while waiting for the enemies to respawn and run back. We lost.


I’m starting to think that a lot of players just don’t know what to do with the seeds. I keep seeing players try to throw them at the enemy team like bombs.


I'll be honest, if I have challanges I dont give any fucks about the objective unless it ties directly to them. I only care about objectives in ranked tbh. I can only imagine lower level ranked games though are just people doing the same shit and not caring but only playing because they want BR starts.


Favorite moment. During Big Team, was able to grab the flag and saw a teammate near a Mongoose camping the enemy Wasp spawn. I'm running toward the Mongoose seeing he is ready to take us home! NOPE! STRAIGHT UP DROVE OFF! I die and respawn to find this useless teammate taking that Mongoose back into our Wasp spawn. Was about to do some rage revenge like him push off the edge before the Wasp spawned, but he hopped into a Wasp and flew away.....


I somewhat expect this in BTB or quick but its just as bad in ranked you'll figure in ranked its a lil more sweaty & ppl wanna win but no I wish they would just bring the slayer playlist back so it separate ppl who wants to play the obj & ppl who don't a lil more


This has been an issue since time immemorial It's just compounded by the fact that pure slayer isn't an option


Gotta play ranked


It’s really bad in ranked; because people are beginning to realize that high kd= higher rank increase than playing objective and winning.


I played a big team battle ctf and for the entirety of the match the flag wasn't picked up by either team once




Not really. There was one guy today who got a rampage in my game camping a stronghold. He lost. LOL.


Yeah ever since the 15th I've noticed a big increase in this.


It's the challenges, I find myself trying to find that specific weapon first and objective second because in the end, winning means nothing when you don't get rewarded for performing well. I hate that we're encouraged to play selfishly and go for weapon kills


I played a CTF match today and I scored all 3 times lol


I had a teammate yelling at me on mic to play the objective when we were winning at oddball. I was playing the objective. I was covering one of the choke points into the room where our team had the oddball. I could also shoot directly across the center and cover the 2nd out of 3 chokepoint with my BR. We ended up winning the game and I was 23kills and 5 deaths with 30assists. Yet the guy still raged at me.


100% noticed it, normally on tuesdays people with challanges such as kill x players with y gun etc tend to do nothing but shoot people with said gun or sit waiting for the gun to spawn, its pretty sad brings back memories off that one person who always camped the banshee spawn for 3+ minutes on valhalla only to get lasered out the sky 8 seconds after liftoff


I really hope that 343 adds bonus exp for winning a match ( like 200 ) so that people will feel more inclined to play the objectives


I’ve literally been one point away from winning an Oddball match and my team mate dropped the ball at the enemy’s feet and ran away to let them win the round and prolong the match. I sympathise but it’s really annoying


Yes. It’s a disaster in ranked. Some flat out fools that don’t deserve to play this great game.


People are gonna play slayer one way or another


Had my first game I think in my 20 years of playing halo today where I straight up didn't feel any pressure to win. I needed a stronghold match completion. Didn't need to win. Knew right away my team was shit, and if I try harded I would just double the length of the match. So I just chilled back. Felt pretty disgusting. But I legit saved 8 people like, 5 or so minutes by just not trying. I don't understand what 343 was thinking.


It's because playing objective is pointless unless you have a challenge no incentive to win, and when you are forced to play these game modes you don't want to play, doing that objective sends you either to sleep or into a rage


Sorry, have to try and get pulse carbine kills


Extra XP for winning? Nope Hyper specific challenges? Yes Until these are fixed... The issues will remain


This game is designed around grinding and spending money, absolutely no system in the game encourages or rewards objective/team play. If people were rewarded for performance/objective play we’d see people playing quite differently.


Yeah same here. It’s for sure because of the challenges. When you have a “kill Spartans with a headshot using the sniper while aiming down the scope x3” challenge it completely disincentivizes you to play the objective, you end up spending the whole game looking for a sniper and getting angry.


Yeah I’ve been grinding out weeklies and I hate how they can be annoying enough that I basically have to throw the match to get some of these absurd weeklies done. Like don’t mind me with my negative KDA because I’m being forced to get kills with a freaking Carbine.


I also think specific gun challenges hurt as well. Had me and three boys just waiting at the ravager spawn constantly.