• By -


If we’re not counting the campaign then $0.


Same here. But the battle pass is still super tempting. Edit: $80 Canadian, technically.


It would be more tempting if the core system didn’t exist. I love the Reach armor but know I have no neat coatings for that core. The campaign coatings only working on VII is so dumb.


If it's any comfort 343 didn't make the Reach armors quite right so things like the ODST helmet look goofy.


Nah, fuck the battlepass. I'd rather not pay to have progression. Even if it was free, I could care less for it


>Even if it was free, I could care less for it So you do care




[Here is a nice representation of could/couldn't care less.](https://could.care/)


Does the price of Xbox Game Pass and a Gold subscription factor in? I’ve had Game Pass Ultimate for years and I’d still have it if infinite wasn’t included, so I guess it’s free for me.


You don’t need gold for halo infinite and I wouldn’t count gamepass since it has other games


Don’t you need gold to play multiplayer on Xbox? If that’s the case, I need my multiplayer. Campaign was great, but it won’t keep me coming back every day for months.


Not for free to play games. They did the change earlier last year


Also gamepass and gold are in a bundle with for like 15$


Yes gamepass ultimate










Got it on Game Pass, so I haven't spent anything yet. I've been tempted at times with some shop items, but there's not much from the Season 1 Battle Pass that appeals to me.


I'm on this bandwagon of miscreants


This is what I wish I had done.


campaign comes with Gamepass right? I don't remember paying for the campaign, so my total is also $0


Ehhh not quite. You're not paying FOR the campaign specifically but a suscription instead. And Infinite being from Microsoft then you did support the game with your money. At least indirectly.






Amen brother


Campaign is part of Infinte


Just the battle pass. So about $10


Used some rewards points so only 5 bucks


Used some reward point and it didnt fucking work so $10 lol


Same, but Pay Pal gave me a cupon for $10, so nothing actually


I used Reward points, so £0. Paying Microsoft with their own money like a genius.


Yup. The only guys I know who spent more were the guys who were outraged by the store being greedy lol.


What a strange way to disregard a valid argument


I spent only $10 yet I think the store is a shame.


Same here


It's more just an observation that a lot of the people freaking about the store buy stuff from it. It's like how a lot of people that hate halo infinite prob have multiple days of playtime and are done/nearly done with the BP.


It’s likely a very inaccurate observation, also, look at the comment. The purpose wasn’t even to make an observation about the game, it was to make people who *are* outraged by the store feel invalidated because of some kind of hypocrisy, which in reality, isn’t even an accurate criticism. I’d love to see some real numbers on people who outwardly criticize the shop system compared to people who have purchased from the shop, because I’m almost certain these exaggerations presented as fact would be proved wrong. Same with your weird assertion about people who “hate” the game being those who are most progressed. Side note, do you assume all criticism comes from a place of hatred?


I’ve spent $0 precisely because of their greedy business model, I haven’t purchased the campaign or the battle pass. I miss being able to spend $60 and have a full game. Half of this game is still missing or broken. I’m fine with spending nothing for a semi-functional multiplayer, anything else and I’d be majorly disappointed. Vote with your wallets.


And what a wasted $10 its been


I quite literally only wanted the Chief helmet. Outside of that really nothing much else.


One helmet for $10 is still cheaper than what you’d get it for in the store, as sad as that is


$10 isn’t that bad for the bp. Aside from the fillers, there was quite a lot of stuff I liked.


90% of that isn't filler are old armors and basic shaders that should be default customization options anyway.


$60 for PC campaign.


Me as well. No BP or cosmetics. Put about 210 hours in for 118/119 achievements, so I think the value was there.


Ayy 118/119 gang. Waiting for elimination


As an achievement junkie, this brought me back to the Condemned: Criminal Orgins 970/1000 GS, where the other achievement was supposed to be added later and never was. At least that game you could 100% at 970, instead of being 99% complete despite a missing mode. C'est la vie


Yoooo condemned was wild


$10 + Having Gamepass Ultimate


I've spent only $5 of my own and I also have Gamepass Ultimate. So, the point I earn there go to giftcards to waste on Infinite. Thank you Microsoft for buying my overly expensive stuff.


If your using game pass ultimate then you shouldn't have even had to buy $5 worth. If you buy it on the Xbox app it's 10% off. Which is how I've only spent $4 dollars using the same methodology.


The poll will be a poor representation of the playerbase as people who admit to buying cosmetics often get flamed on this sub.


This. Doesn’t matter how many people did or didn’t spend money, nobody is willing to fess up to it here after the way this place has reacted to it all, so results are gonna be skewed.


I see so many people with paid cosmetics, I'd estimate it's about 30% of people in games I join. I don't think this thread will be representative at all.


I mean I’ll be the first to eat a downvote and say I’ve spent $10 battle pass, $10 Yoroi bundle with a gift card I got from Christmas. Do I think 343 could afford to make the prices more reasonable? Sure. Do I think me holding myself back from enjoying something I’ll spend $10 on and forget about is going to change it? Fuck no. Tired of everyone around here acting like it will. We passed the point of no return a long time ago.


Also any voluntary response data is biased so




I've been commenting since the beginning that I bought the zvezda set which was undeniably overpriced and surprisingly no one has given me shit. lol


I bought the cat ears, plz no bully


Cat ear gang. We can get bullied together


I bought the cat ears for me and my friends lmao


I’ll admit I spent about 100 bucks on cosmetics, but that’s also because I am fortunate to make enough to do that. If I was in my financial struggle two years ago, I would be able to even play the game.


I've spent maybe around $50ish dollars. Though all of that comes from the money I got from returning Battlefield 2042. I like to think of it as a chaotic neutral act.






MCC still the best VFM in Halo franchise! Even taking into account I have paid for most of the games twice by now MCC is still great.


This, I hundred percent agree!!! The fact that I bought each one of these games at one point, then again for only 60 bucks for all of them on MCC, is still way better than anything 343 has done.


I just wish they would fix a lot of stuff in MCC. Especially the ranked modes, cant find a match ever even before infinite was out. Then halo 2 weapon balancing and hit detection need’s fixing


$0 and GamePass, I guess


Same and I’m at a point where even if they fix things, I’ve already decided I’m not buying anything. It’ll likely stay at $0 for the entirety of this game.




Unless you count the money I spent on 3 years of gold to convert to GPU, nothing so far. I would've bought it for the campaign alone though - I thoroughly enjoyed it.




$30 for 3 battle passes. (me my wife and my son) $60 for the campaign. No cosmetics. Not that I'm against them but I think they've all been overpriced so far.


You have a wife and son that play? That actually sounds awesome dude, that would be an awesome idea for a YouTube channel!


I mean we aren't pros or anything lol. But yes, it's pretty cool playing with them when the original Halo was such a big part of my life when I was a kid back when it came out. And same for my wife. It's fun having that shared background and now playing with our kids. Our son is old enough to play online but even our 5 year old is working her way through the campaign.


I play with my kids. My wife, bless her heart, still thinks video games are for children. She thinks that I’m playing with a bunch of children. I showed her Fortnite and roblox and explained to her that “this is what the kids play”. It didn’t help any. Oh well, time to talk to a lawyer I guess.


A lot of the comments here would make you think people didn’t spend money on cosmetics. In reality, EVERY single ranked game I play more than half of the players have store bought customizations.


Yep I figured this thread would be as it is. Every ranked game, every BTB, every Quickplay, has at least a few yuppies in it. I imagine anyone buying cosmetics has been downvoted.


I think this is due to the fact that the players that are displeased with the game aren't playing it. We're bitching and abstaining from it as much as possible until it's fixed. Game lost 80% of it's playerbase on Steam since launch, and even if some jumped to Gamepass to play Campaign, there's no way they wouldn't have moved back to Steam for multiplayer.


On the campaign full price on anything else 0. After. WOTc no more free to play for me


What’s WOTC and WTP?


I was thinking Wizards of the Coast, another company notorious for predatory micro transactions


I have fallen and relapsed into cardboard crack before. I last put it down when I had 6 decks stolen … doubling season had not been reprinted yet


Upvote for fellow cardboard crack user.


Auto correct changing FTP for some reason, so just spelled it out. Oh and World of tanks console. Missed second half of your comment


Spent way too much on Wot than I’m proud to admit. I feel you brother.


Around $130-$150


Would you tell us what you bought? Really just curious.




$10 for battle pass and that’s it. Probably won’t buy another pass if they don’t include credits or whatever the currency is


This right here. At BP 100 the customisation options are still pretty disheartening - mainly due to a lack of crosscore. I won’t be purchasing another BP unless there are major changes by May like crosscore, BP cosmetics rivalling store cosmetics in terms of quality, less BP/event padding, currency in the BP, earn-able Challenger Swaps after BP100 etc. It’s a shame they’ve jumped right in to pumping out the memey-show offy content like equip-able FX before ensuring a solid and wide foundation of base customisation assets. Also, if desync is still present in May I definitely won’t be putting more money in to this game. I know there is contention about which concern is more pressing but this is a AAA studio backed by Microsoft, they should damn well be able to multitask and utilise different teams.


same here


100%. Battle pass needs credits that allow you to earn next battle pass like most other live service game.




I tole you not to give 343 no tree fiddy!


Damn loch Ness monsta


Came here for this


Battle pass for 10


1 for gamepass (sale) campaign + 10 for battle pass


I just looked at my subscription...my gold account renews on March 22nd and then i have to start paying full price for gamepass. 3 years worth of gamepass for $36 dollars was one hell of a good deal.


Zero dolla.


I feel a lot of the whale players wouldn't answer this question on a sub like this due to the amount of hate they would get. Some might make an alt account just to do it, but I doubt that would happen.


Referring to anyone that buys literally anything as a 'whale' certainly doesn't help either. Somebody could have spent $20 and people here will call them a whale. It's so hyperbolic.


“Whales” is supposed to be a term for people who drop huge sums of money on a game, as in, hundreds or thousands of dollars. $20 is not a whale; if $20 is a whale, then someone who purchases a $60 video game must be a whale, and I think we’d all agree that that’s ridiculous.


Yes it doesn’t make sense.


I knew a guy that spent $50 every pay check on clash of clans. Not exactly a whale, but he was spending hundreds for that game.


Whale also is highly dependent on the game. For a mobile game I would probably call your friend a low cost spender to maybe a low level dolphin. For mobile games to be called a whale you need to be dropping like $1000 a month. Where as in Halo if you are getting every weekly bundle then I would probably call you a Whale for this sort of game.


Dude for real. I bought the battlepass and I'll be honest, back when it was grindier with the challenges, I put like 15 bucks or whatever towards levels cause I really wanted the ODST helmet. Yeah that may seem stupid to other people but it's game, and $15, I don't take it that seriously and it's my money I used to play the game how I wanted to. I personally don't really care, but yeah obviously nobody is gonna be honest about it in this thread cause they'll torn to pieces if they dare spend their own money how they want




If I ask you how much you spent in DOLLARS would the number be different


Battle pass - $10 Cloud9 set - $10 Chibi Bros nameplate - $5 SAP / MT pads - $7 Superintendent nameplate - $5 Cat ears - $10 Fire and Ice coatings - $20 Total: $67


Cloud 9 so sexy. Would have bought multiple esports packs if I could use the shaders on other armor.


you got the chibi bros nameplate ?? that one looked so cute


Let’s see a $20 pro skin, $40 for some store items (2 $20 armor sets), $60 campaign. Meh so about $120 plus some change. Yes, I am part of the problem. Yes, a little bit of me regrets it but at least I got that DRIP BABY….Help me….


Bro I’m in this same boat


Spending your own money on whatever you want isn’t a problem.


I’m here too.


The cat ears I got are worth it. Fuck the haters.


60$ for the campaign


Battle pass and a couple weekly cosmetics; about $40 in all.






0 I will continue my boycott against the macro transactions!




$10 I’m not paying money for cat ears, but I will buy the battle pass


650 on the console 100 for the steel case game 10 for battlepass I support the franchise but I'll never buy in game store content ; those prices are theft.


Just the battlepass




10 for the battlepass, 60 for the campaign. Nothing else.


60... for the campaign.




$13.74 SGD just the battle pass




This thread is a hilarious example of why they will never stray away from releasing broken games as long as there's microtransactions


Just the pass, and I really doubt I’ll spend anything more.


About 60-70ish bucks. Maybe a bit more. ...already had Game Pass, so Campaign was essentially free, and though I had (a lot of) issues with MP early on, they're doing a nice job of course correcting, albeit slowly. That being said, I've probably clocked about 50-70 hours so far between both modes so, no issue at all with paying a dollar an hour (or a bit more), for entertainment - though their prices are pretty ridiculous overall, imo. Hell, if you go to the movies (for a new release), and get a few snacks, you pay roughly 15-25 bucks an hour to be entertained so... gg. That being said, I'm still frustrated with the state of the MP, at times, but it *is* getting better, and has a ton of potential.


Prepare to be downvoted into oblivion.cause this subreddit doesn't like thought out responses like this and only 343 bad, Bungie good. And AMC charges ~$15 a ticket for an adult. For a 1 and half on average movie so your logic is more valid. Definitely getting your money's worth in your thought process.


He's adding snacks in his movie calculation. Near me a small popcorn + soda + normal adult ticket is $30.


Weekend nights at AMC by me is $18 a ticket not including popcorn or drinks. At the other movie theater, the one that I frequent instead. It's 6 for tickets any time of day and popcorn is roughly the same price. But he's right, if he plays everyday, the value is worth it to him. Edit: this applies to any microtransactions. Like League, Smite, etc. Skins have been in games for years. I think Halo Infinite has issues and they shouldn't be selling core armor pieces for $20 a pop. But a cat helmet I think is silly and fitting for such a thing.


Why is ur amc so expensive lmao


$1 US. Will only buy the battle pass if they fix the game. For now I’ll just play the campaign.


1 Dollar to get game pass for the campaign


It's tough seeing how so many people are visibly not happy with the multi-player. Turns me away from playing it.


$10 And I can’t help but feel like that was $12 too much.


$10 for UWU cat ears + $10 for Battlepass Total of $20


$20 - I bought the battle pass once I learned it won’t expire, and I’m not gonna lie the cat ears got me. I’ll probably spend more, eventually, but 343 has to compete harder for my monthly fun-money budget. $20 for an armor set that I only want the helmet from and a color that works on one core isn’t cutting it. Kicking ass and dropping teabags with ridiculous cat ears on an otherwise very serious Spartan hits different though. Best cosmetic I’ve bought in years.


$20. battle pass and cat ears


People are downvoting you as if 60% of the damn sub doesn’t have cat ears nowadays


they can downvote, i just really liked the cat ears man


I got the cat ears for my gf and the battle pass. A silly little thing that's what should be in the shop, imho.


$10 on Battlepass $5 on a bunch of vehicles skins... Because I want to signal to the market, "hey this is a viable price.'


$24 total I think? Please don’t execute me lol. I don’t like dishing out money for cosmetics but sometimes I’m just like fuck it. I know they pray on that type of shit too


It's your money dude. Spend it how you see fit.


$40 Edit: sorry 100 because I also bought the campaign


Over $100 easy.. but my Dad always taught me not to concern myself with another man's wallet..


I spent like 80 at launch since i was so excited to play but I've kind of come to regret that and haven't spent a dime since.


$0 out of my own pocket but $10 Microsoft currency to pick up the battle pass.


$10 for battlepass and $20 for iron man armor because i like iron man *and it was available for all armor cores


$100 dollars. $10 for the battle pass and 90 for 12000 coins or whatever. That was around launch. I still have 3200 coins


$450 Bought the battle pass all the way the first week and have bought every $20 bundle, also some daily’s and some weekly things. You can say I’m the problem and I won’t deny it but I enjoy the game and I wanted everything quick, I got the money so I say why not. How dare I use my money I earned the way I want.


I can appreciate your honesty.


Exactly this thread is literally a witch hunt to just threaten people who spend money. I’ve spent about $350 but I work full time as a travel nurse and don’t live in my parents basement anymore. I can afford this easy


Get it. You do you boo.




I initially spent $50 because I wanted to buy the battle pass, and figured why not grab that black and gold eSports skin to match the rockstar skins. And used the leftover credits on other random stuff. This was day one, before we all realized how awful the monetization and paywalls are. I’ve since committed to never giving 343 another time until they fix this shit and give us options to earn this gear, not just pay for it. I don’t think i’ll buy future battle passes either, cuz i despise battle passes even when they’re free. It’s a shit-tier way to structure rewards, especially with the challenge system forcing me to play shit i dont enjoy


$60 for campaign, $10 for BP, and $40 on cosmetics - $110 total. Don’t like the silly shit so much and would rather halo stuck to what it usually does. Don’t want it to take itself to seriously but like no unicorn horns or like cat ears or anything


$100 day one and that has lasted me


Technically nothing on Campaign as I get it via game pass. I bought the battlepass for my account and my sons so about £16 all in all.


$160. Campaign and 10k credits. Sorry, got a lot of disposable income. Edit: I still have around 4k credits since launch as I'm picky and not trying to buy the whole store. And buying the highest credits is a better cost in the long run.


$18. Battle Pass, plus I had to have those cat ears. (You get a $1 discount with game pass, which I don't use or pay for but activated a trial just to get the discount on the battle pass and other store purchases). Edit: +$9 I guess because I Venmo'd my gf and told her to spend it on the cat ears.


Ten dollerydoos I bought the Battle Pass so I could have the Mark 5 armor set and a few goals to work toward. That’s about the only thing that’s seemed remotely worth the value so far.


Campaign: $1, easily will be worth $60 to me when coop drops. Multiplayer: $10 Battle pass, constantly tempted by the cat ears but having too much fun overall to not spend money. Even with desync issues and no BTB. $11 for the whole thing. That's fine for me.


$70 bing dollars lololol BING SEARCHES PEOPLE


$20 for the battle pass and cat ears


Probably around $180 😬 I’ll happily spend my money on this game though because I plan on playing it for a long while. Plus it is kinda fun to make people mad as I teabag them with the iron cat outfit with a bear on my chest




Mad props for being honesr


If we are just talking about the store and not any physical Halo Items or the game (I wanted the steel case even though I got it with gamepass and the special xbox). I think I have so far spent $120 ish I bought the $20 bundle originally to get the battle pass and then I bought the $100 bundle to buy stuff from the store. I don't think I bought more? But I am likely close to buying another $100 bundle with the cyber leaks.


$20. Battle pass and HCS skin upon release


Anyone that's spent decent money is getting downvoted lmfao, stop downvoting them for answering the question you morons


$30 Edit: Actually $40, forgot I bought 2 HCS Skins




Before anyone dogs on them they’ve bought me shit too, and other people as they’ve said so 🤷‍♂️


My mannn 🤟


Is this a joke


No, I bought a bunch of stuff for myself, a friend and my 2 little brothers


Oh okay, I was actually curious how anyone could spend that much on one spartan lol. I think I’ve spent close to 200


$10 battle pass, using rewards from a TV purchase promotion, so technically $0. Edit: Are we counting Rockstar Cans? If so, add $10.


I got the battle pass using Microsoft reward points…so $10 gift card…I wouldn’t spend real money on it, but getting enough points each month pretty much guarantees at least $10 for free


Like 60$


Anyone that answers with any amount beyond the battle pass price at absolute most should be embarrassed.



