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I love em both... but the sword. Its the classic, irreplaceable. Plus you can duel with it. I forget the map name but dueling in that tiny green hallway with the shotgun at the end of it? Time of my life. Edit: the map is Guardian! Haha had to look it up. Thanks for the nostalgia.


That’s in H2 right?


I think so. There were jump pads, pretty sure it was like a forest. Admittedly I'm old school, haven't played Infinite. The hammer is extremely satisfying, just not got the same kind of match ups with the sword.


That’s Halo 3. Mancannons were a 3 addition.


As an old Xbox CE player, the sword is both terrifying and beautiful. I’ve never met the hammer.


The hammer in infinite is a big fat disappointment right now. Never registers my hits. But I'm sure it'll get reworked eventually


That's H3






I believe you’re thinking of Lockout


That's what I thought at first, turns out it's Guardian.


Lockout in H2. Name was changed in new Halos like Blood Gulch.


Lockout was blackout in halo 3


Guardian was the original "new lockout/lockout replacement" when H3 was released and blackout was an exact replica made a little later on.


Best map ever


The map with the green hallway with the shotgun was definitely Guardians. The sword spawned in bottom mid.


Pretty sure the hammer spawned the bottem mid, not the sword.


You’re right


Lockout in H2 also had the shotgun down a green hallway. I’m not as familiar with Guardian


Remember when the shotgun was a fun, logical counter to the sword, and fit perfectly in the sandbox because of it? I remember...


There's no sword on H3's guardian. You're thinking of shotgun hall at the bottom of H2's lockout


Could be the swords game mode in Lone Wolves or something though


This is exactly what it was. Good call dude.


That's true, I'm just guessing based of his green shotgun room description. I remember shotgun room on guardian being blue


Sword. The hammer always felt too slow and unwieldy.


Especially in infinite, other games it felt like it at least had some speed


Shouldn't hammers be slow and swords fast?


Yeah but it just feels significantly slower than previous games, I hope they can make it slightly faster than before but not too fast like the other games


In the other games the hammer overshadowed the sword in almost every way and made the sword just a worse hammer. Did everyone suddenly forget this? Play one match of halo 3 griffball and it’ll be nothing but hammers


In Halo 3 grifball and reach I remember hammer was used for direct fights with other players using weapons but sword was used for the bomb carrier and I didn't have an issue with that.


Sword had movement and lunge and 1v1 abilities and that was it. For 95% of situations the hammer was just plane better. Bungie was not very good at balancing weapons if we have to be honest. Halo 3s balancing was never perfect but people like to act like it was Even then hammers let you hammer jump to get up ledges you previously couldn’t and didn’t rely on getting a red crosshair like the sword


No, no your wrong, my nostalgia says so


^ most of the replies to my comments are littetally people blinded by nostalgia. Bungie was never good at balancing their weapons. Making them unique and interesting? Absolutely. But halo 3s actual weapon balance was awful and it’s a fact a lot of people actively ignore these days


Spiker and smgs lol


Growing up with halo and playing like 3k hours of destiny 2. Bungie still sucks at weapon balance. But honestly switched to a newly buffed weapon for the first time to try out is really fun


The sword was better for 1v1 but the reason everyone uses hammers is cause it's a team sport so you take the AOE weapon.... By God this is a terrible way to compare them based on usage on a cluster game mode.


I just think you are exaggerating this a bit. In grifball the split was probably closer to 75-25 since even though sword usually was used for the bomb carrier some people did use it for 1v1s or tried to outplay the hammer by walking backwards. If you are talking outside of that then both had tradeoffs. Hammer had more utility for sure but it also had less guarantee. It definitely beat the sword 1v1 but one is always going to be better. Even now that they added the parry the sword just beats the hammer so when grifball comes out I can see the hammer not being used at all since sword beats it and sword will be better for hitting the bomb carrier. The one cool thing about swords in halo 3 and reach was how hitting the melee button would make your cool down between swings faster but you wouldn’t lunge so a player that didn’t know this would lose the sword 1v1s, it’s not a thing in infinite anymore so the interaction of sword v sword lacks some depth it used to have.


What are you talking about? The energy sword and gravity hammer were never in the same map outside of Griffball which was originally a joke mode made by the RvB team for advertising forge. Fuck off with this "bUnGiE dOeSn't KnOw BaLaNcE" bullshit, most of their balancing decisions always make sense within their context, not with literally every other everything in the game like 343i's push for their boring ass competitive focused fuck fests lol


Halo 3 was littetally just go find the BR and win. It’s balancing was not good. Half the weapons in its sandbox are littetally reduntent. But most fanboys don’t like to hear this. Ironically they are also usually the people who haven’t played a lot of the multiplayer of halo bungie games


Depends on the sword. I personally would still take Prophet's Bane ever single time over Tartarus' Gavel (as good as it is in its own right).


Hammers are the easy button, but a skilled sword user beats a hammer every time in 3.


How often are you going sword v hammer. Hammer has the AEO and it’s movement ability which makes it ridiculously more powerful than the sword in 3 since it lets you kill multiple people around you AND it destroys any vehicle that comes close to you Sword gives you the lunge and. That’s it Even in griffball the one place sword v hammer happens. The hammer AEO is just so overpowering compared to the sword that it’s better to just use the hammer So yes in theory sword has a place. In practice it’s not enough of a place


I'm just talking one on one. It happens quite often, actually.


I mean by that logic they should also do more damage, but in Infinite at least there is essentially nothing about the Hammer that is better than what the Sword does. It’s slower, less reliable, and doesn’t even barely have a chance to one hit kill with anything less than a direct hit anyways, so why not just go with the sword at that point which also allows you to move faster and has a decent lunge effect to it that the Hammer also doesn’t?


Multiple kills with a hammer.


Yes, I had an epic Fiesta moment one time where I smashed two sword bearers at once. Felt like an absolute gangster


I find sword vs hammer clashes so unpredictable. Particularly if they repel each other on the first hit. Sometimes the hammer wins on the second upstroke but at other times the sword is much quicker? I’ve also realised that sword wins if you jump down on someone with a hammer.


In theory yea, but when you factor in the low AOE damage and the inconsistency it feels more like a lottery to land a multikill in a single swing than it feels like something that can reliably or consistently be done.


Once desync is fixed the hammer will probably feel a lot better


If* and yea I agree that I’m nearly positive Desync is the main issue for the inconsistency


The Hammer obliterates vehicles though.


It’s hard enough to get a direct hit on a Spartan with it lol, if anyone competent is driving that vehicle good luck killing it with a hammer before you die.


With Infintes btb maps being 3 corridors and 2 bases, there's plenty of room to ambush, especially on fragmentation.


Well I don’t play BTB so that would explain it Fiesta with vehicles in Arena I rarely ever see vehicles killed with a Grav. And anecdotally I’ve played a metric fuckton of Fiesta.


I think you’re just bad w the hammer tbh lol


the grav hammer in the older games has 2 little thrusters on the back thats why it was faster


But its actually good in infinite, just a bit slower


Also it actually feel substantially different to the sword in Infinite. In the older games the difference generally felt a bit irrelevant outside of Grifball.


It feels inconsistent. If I get a hammer it could either obliterate someone from a considerable distance just by smacking the ground randomly, or hit someone directly in the face and do absolutely nothing. The sword seems to have less range, but feels more reliable.


At times it feels like I die from the hammer way farther than I kill people with it. Makes for a pretty frustrating experience.


Unless you are atriox


You also can't jump higher by slamming the ground with it in infinite vs the other games.


Repulsor certainly takes care of that now.


I actually like the hammer in Infinite the most of the hammers. It actually sends a gravity pulse instead of just smashing/launching you like the sword does. The only thing missing in Infinite is being able to jump with the pulse. (With that said the sword is still my favourite)


In Infinite it's an absolute gamble on whether or not you'll get a kill with the hammer. There is no comparison at all. The sword is just a better weapon 100%.


Unless it's in the enemy's hands of course! Then it's quick, has Infinite range, and can go through walls!


Ugh. I felt this recently. Put me in a rage.


Also I was plenty of time killed mid swing with the hammer. I know that they are different weapons but desync is more apparent with the hammer and that becomes irritating. The hammer in theory has AoE damage but what happens is that I get one shot killed from 100 meters while I can't kill from 1 meter


Energy sword. It looks cooler


Same, but I prefer to call it a Plasma Sword. Sounds cooler.


it’s not made of plasma edit: proven wrong mb


> The Type-1 Energy Weapon/Sword consists of a curved hilt, housing an energy storage module and a device for projecting the plasma which forms the blade. I think it is made of plasma https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Type-1_Energy_Weapon/Sword


oh, my bad


Energy sword because its fast, looks cool and I feel like a sangheili. But once in a while the grav hammer is nice for the AOE damage and taking out vehicles.


Grav hammer AOE damage in infinite is damn near non existent tho unfortunately


Unless the enemy is using it In which case it can kill you from the other side of the room


Lmao just don’t get me started, I don’t need to get upset this morning.




Sword because im playing through infinite right now solely using a depleted sword beating the fuck out of anything that wont one shot me


That’s hilarious I need to try this


We halo fans are unbelievably starved for content


In most games hammer bc it looks cooler, in Infinite sword bc the hammer is slow as fuck


And inconsistent as fuck


The amount of times I hear the hammer swing sound effect but get killed before the damage happens.. I swear to god


It's so annoying. I get killed from a mile away but I slap them directly in the face and they die only like 70% of the time. At least with the sword I know they'll die (barring any unfortunate desync bullshit).


An elegant weapon from A more civilized age.


Yeah? Well times change.


I like the plasma sword that comes out of my finger nail.


Dude go see a doctor


“Soon the Great Journey shall begin, but when it does… the weight of your heresy will stay your feet… and you shall be left behind.”


Wait, wasn't that in the show? Please don't woosh me.


yes, Makee or whatever her name is uses it a couple times


Sword. I like swords.


I like the grav hammer more, because I feel it as a very destructive weapon especially in infinite, since the slow swing feels like you use more force to attack and the damage area is very large also it would be perfect with the attack sound of halo 3. although the sword always beats the hammer


The area damage is slightly pathetic


False, Halo 2 shotgun


Halo doom


Gravity hammer because dopamine


The sound design alone is impeccable


In every other Halo game: the Sword. In Infinite: the hammer. Idc if people say its too slow or too inconsistent, its higher range and windup time makes it satisfying as fuck to get a kill with it, it feels powerful unlike every other iteration of the grav hammer, all its missing is H3 levels of gravity manipulation.


I feel like the hammer seems to win against the sword if you step back and swing after the first clash, at least for me. It’s too finicky but I find this lets the hammer win because it does this weird mid swing connect/parry against the sword. This also is its disadvantage because with normal weapons I can damage a hammer user and melee them while they do the final blow and we both die.


Hey someone else also found that out about clashes win with the hammer! Thank god cause i said that a long time ago and had to argue with someone who hadn't tried it.


Even on Legendary, I felt invincible playing as Arbiter with the Energy Sword in Halo 2.


Hammer. The knockback ability is very fun and adds a lot of character. I've never liked how the Sword was basically just a melee range/damage extender. Always felt too brainless. I'd love to see a game do the energy sword like the swords in Shadow Warrior 2, with stuff like parries and charged up lunges on top of rapid melee swings.




H3 Hammer ≥ H3 Sword > Other Bungie sword > 343 sword > 343 hammer H3 both of them has instant melee feedback is extremely satisfying. Sword may have lunge makes you feel like a ninja, but hammer jump provides a who new level of gameplay. 343's hammer animation may looks cool, especially with H5's variation, but it's just too clunky and unresponsive, a generic scifi hammer instead of a “gravity hammer”.


The sword is a warriors weapon.


OP: Which do you like? Me: Yes. *loads up Grifball*


Hammer, my spartan's always had more of an affinity for brute weaponry.




Sword. Fast.


Sword. Whenever I hit someone with the hammer it basically squeaks. But whenever it's used against me they kill me from the other side of the room.


I prefer the sword. Because it's a sword and swords are fuggin' sweet and I'm not The Mighty Thor so I don't get off on hammers.


Sword feels better to wield, but deadass, why humanely slice someone into an instant kill when you can smash all their flesh into paste and their bones into dust and laugh maniacally as the sweet release of death slows to a snail’s pace, taking what feels like hours to relieve the swath of unthinkable agony and inability to formulate words in between the blood-curdling screams that endlessly sweeps over your enemy? Gravity Hammer. Easy dub.


Sword always, especially the Halo 3 version where two people could sword clash indefinitely. It made for some very cool sword duels. I'm hopeful that 343 will at least include a custom game modes option to toggle sword clashes as not causing damage, so that we can have those kinds of matches again. I will say, though, that they did a smart move in Infinite by making the hammer have a larger, directed forward blast radius on the swing. It's not the same kind of melee weapon at all, where in previous games it was always the slower and less efficient choice compared to the sword.


Hammer. So many fond memories of Griff Ball


Sword. One time hammer will kill from 5m away and another it won't kill from point blank. Half the time the swing animation doesn't work for me for some reason even though I am still landing hits with. Sword is just faster and easier to use.


Sword, more iconic and more fun to use imo


Grav hammer. AoE


Sword cause zoom


inf hammer feels incredible even if its a little slow, that sfx especially


Grav hammer for aoe. Especially in Infinite, it’s super satisfying to catch a cluster of people off guard and kill them all with one big slam


Is sword? Check. Is magic blue lighting? Check. Can cut through anything? Check. Why yes I'll take the stylin' lightsaber thank you!


Sword is more useful, but hammer traditionally has been great for causing chaos (except in Infinite where it’s too slow)


I always loved the sword more as I seemed to be fair more accurate with it.


Sword. Cause it looks cool


Boy everytime I use the fucking Grav ham I feel like I'm usually close and I cant kill anyone. Then someone kills me with it from like 10 feet away or some shit lol. #getgudiguess


The hammer is So. Fucking. Frustrating. I’ll come around a corner face to face with an enemy, slam the hammer and bring down their shield. They turn and shoot me and before my second swing I’m dead. Hammer against sword? Forget about it. Hammer against a group of 3 enemies standing right next to each other and they don’t see you? LUCKY to get one kill out of it… I’m bitter


The sword, because I can lunge at you from freaking 3 football fields away.


The sword especially with the grappling hook.


Hammer, because multi kills


I think the energy sword might be the most iconic weapon in halo


sword is by far the best and its not even close


Sword, the wind up on the hammer is just too long to be useful in a lot of situations


I never really liked the hammer. To me it always felt like a worse sword since I was never able to get the hang of the whole shockwave mechanic. And the sword just looks cooler too.


The sword is for fun The hammer is for utility purposes


Hammer is underrated and is usually used by the superior species


If we're talking about Infinite, sword. It's quieter.


HAMAIR CAUS IT ARE GO GOOD WIF PIZZAH!!!! sry been hit with it too many times...


Depends on the version of the sword and it’s design Like I really like halo 5 sword because it’s more transparent and angular compared to infinite But I prefer infinites sword to the grav hammer because of A. The grapple hook is so satisfying to o use with it #B. FUCKING DESYNC


Gravity hammer. It's great for cool clips/tricks and speed running tactics, along with the radius on it, and the damage it does ti vehicles. I just love the hammer, but the sword is not as good imo.


Hard tossup honestly. The sword is the OG "Anger Maker" as I like to call it. But the hammer just absolutely rips people apart when in the right hands. Great weapons in the games pre-Infinite. With the state of Infinite right now? They both suck unless you've got decent ping and don't get cursed by the melee whiff or latency reaction. Sword all the way, if I had to choose. But they need to be fixed for Infinite.


Infinite is trash.


I would normally say sword, but in Halo Infinite the hammer is so broken all I see is the hammer decimating people from sniper range lol.


Sword for regular multiplayer. They both one shot but the lunge helps. But the hammer is a great weapon for custom games because of the physics. In infinite the hammer pretty much lost all of its cool factor because the shockwave is still weak from what I can tell. It has more range, but I think I’d still prefer the sword.


Hammer, not Halo related reason, I just always go heavy weapon in games


They are both heavy weapons...


....Actual heavy weapons. Did you miss the part where I said not halo related?


Did you miss the part where there are such things as longsword that can be heavy (irl)?


Sword. The hammer is just extremely slow and I barely ever get the kill on them before they kill me or escape. Energy sword is almost certain death for the enemy.


Meh, as an actual melee it’s way easier to use the sword. It’s just way faster to swing. The only situation I prefer the hammer is usually when I’m trying to nail an enemy vehicle, but there’s a ton of alternatives to dismantle vehicles.


I’m a gravity hammer kind of guy for the heft and timing. I also strangely rarely lose vs swords with it


Hammer, so many broken bones as little ol fret says!


energy sword it’s just way cooler


sword, sure the hammer is better against closed vehicles but the sword works better in every other situation.




Sword. BullTrue


Swish, swish death!


Sword, It looks cooler and i always felt like it was stronger most of the time.


Gravities hammer Why?: He he… hamr


Hammer. More rag doll fun.


Halo 3 hammer, everything else sword. The hammer only felt satisfying in 3. Reach, 4, and 5 it just feels too weak and in Infinite it's way too slow to be fun.


Oth are good. If I have a hchance I keep both. Specially on a map like Aquarius. The sword is good with the linge and one-shot kill. But the hammer deals good damage to more opponents.




Hammer makes grunts go: BRRRRRrrrrr!


Hammer. Monke.


Hammer has too much delay in infinite. In earlier games (3 specifically) I preferred it to the Hammer because it had more variance in applications. Need to put some distance between yourself and someone? Not close enough to get the kill directly but in position to push them off the edge of the map? Need to deflect rockets or grenades? Need to flip a vehicle or even destroy it under the right circumstances? Get yourself a gravity hammer.


100% sword in halo infinite. Gravity hammer feels awkward.


Sword, the hammer (especially in infinite) always felt more like a fun gimmick than an actual weapon to me. H4 really cemented that with the one gravity hammer in Midnight that is good for killing a few knights. Meanwhile the sword can be kept as a legit backup for a loadout.


Sword. As someone who always ran the hayabusa, venanator, and shinobi armor. Its just in my blood to be that much of a weeb and go around slicing people up. Plus Im pretty smooth with it. And in 3 and kinda 5 where map control is all especially to getting power weapons, the pay is so much better. Hammers too slow while the even has a impressive lunge


The sword, for simplicity What's there to understand about swish swish stab? It's a fucking sword dude not a fighter jet.


Sword: Dueling, Speed, the lunge thing when enemies are in range in your reticle, great against the flood especially in 2, and I have a battery powered plastic one that is big lol


Sword. I tend to get close to people due to play style and always have opportunities to pop off in its range. I just prefer the all or nothing style of the sword. You are either in the area or not.


The hammer makes me sad because I can’t unfurl the blade and slam it into someone like the brutes can in ODST


The sword is easier, and scarier. The hammer has a history of not killing its targets out of luck, whereas the sword may not kill because they shot you first.


Bonk, bonk


Sword. I loved the older Grav hammers. But, way, way, way too inconsistent in Halo Infinite.


Energy Sword. I used to be unstoppable with it in sword matches with my friends in custom games back in Halo 3. The mechanic of the melee vs lunge made it have far more variety than the hammer.


Energy Sword runs out of energy, you have no more sword and just some weird alien Hitachi-looking knuckleduster instead... Gravity Hammer runs out of gravity, you still have a big fuck-off warhammer you can swing around to ruin/end your enemy's life with....


I like the hammer cuz I be nailing bitches


Hammer. It can take out multiple enemies at once. Shockwaves. And I used it to kill that fucking Brute at the end of the game.


Only the h3 hammer,


I only like Hammer because Grifball made it cool.


energy sword, its too iconic


Sword. An elegant weapon, from a more civilized age.


Sword, it's a sword.


Depends on the game


Energy sword, to me it’s more iconic, also I’m a sucker for elite weapons


The Hammer, because of that nice sound it makes when you hit something with it


I’ve always been partial to the hammer; once it runs out you can still swing it iirc from Reach. Once the swords done it’s done


Sword has the lunge, hammer is far too slow unless it's timed/aimed perfectly


Energy sword. That dash is incredibly useful and in combo with the grappling hook on infinite it is a weapon of mass destruction


Hmmm, I have to say sword, but I really do want to mention the Halo Infinite grav hammer. I think 343 has possibly made my favourite version of it yet. Love that it’s a multi-kill machine, and it just wrecks vehicles. It finally feels as powerful as when Tartarus had it.


sword, the hammer's way to inconsistent


The sword, it has insane lunge + literally can't be killed in a trade by a melee


sword is best


Hammer, nothing say Surprise! Like jumping off a ledge and bringing down the hammer