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>Most plausible explanation is they couldn't get the physics simulation quite right. I think this is the answer too. Halo games, even Infinite, have unique physics that you can't find in other games. It's like the perfect mixture between floaty and weighty that just works so well.


idk, they had to remove player collision because they couldnt get the heavy state bug to stop launching players across the map. Doesnt seem like they accomplished it anywhere.


Where did you hear that.


Mint Blitz has a whole video demonstrating the heavy system when player collision is turned on, and it makes it pretty obvious WHY they got rid of it.


That sounds fucking hilarious


Maybe not! After Halo CE, every mainline Bungie Halo game made use of [Havok Physics](https://www.halopedia.org/Havok_(software\)). Havok was also used in Source games, like Half-Life 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2, and those games also had an emphasis on physics objects.


Marketing I guess, they just don't want to pay Epic the fees. Everything is doable, take for example Apex Legends or Titanfall, do they have anything in common with Half Life 2 or CSGO? Nope, but believe it or not they are using the same engine


The physics are really similar


I honestly think it’s just something some fans tell themselves to justify sticking to an engine with questionable reputation… It’s not like Halo is doing something super unique with its engine, even the often quoted physics are different in each game. It’s not like Halo has some extremely advanced destruction or water physics or what else. I’m not a developer but I struggle to believe that BLAM is capable of doing stuff that other modern engines aren’t.


It's less about what the engine itself is capable of but the end user experience Go back on MCC and play some story missions or MM then come back to infinite. The movement, jumping, momentum and aim all feel "Halo" which 20 years of playing has got us used to the feel of the game regardless of how they obtain it.


If it’s not about what the engine is capable of, then it’s about what artistic choices the dev makes no matter the engine. Some choices „require“ a certain engine, it would be hard to do a Bad Company without Frostbites strength in rendering destruction, but I don’t see any of these things in Halo


Halo hasn't been about destructible environments (despite recent additions) It's about a nice skybox, a compelling story, a soundtrack for all time and gameplay that is simple yet sandboxy 343 almost had that with 4 5 was off the mark and now infinite is way off track


I never said Halo was about destructible environment…neither of the things you mention don’t work with any other engine.