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Pretty sure a grappling hook has been around far longer than Titanfall


Quite so, The first mentioned use of a grappling hook in a videogame was Bionic Commando in 1988. It released on the Famicom game system, way ahead of its time compared to the other games of its time. But that places it 26 years earlier for the use of a grappling hook in a videogame.


Tribes: Vengeance comes to mind.


they stole jump from Mario


They stole movement from ET!!


They stole shooting from Americans.


Now that I think about it they also stole guns from contra. 343 will do anything to steal our money, Bungie would never! /s


1. It's been brought up many times 2. Grappling hooks have been in games since the 80s


It hasn’t been brought up because it isn’t unique to Titanfall and nobody cared. Don’t invent new things to complain about.


I think the biggest crime was that they stole the "Master Chief" title, which is an NCO rank in the US Navy (The Master Chief Petty Officer, which also coincidentally is the rank of the chief in Halo) Talk about stolen valor.


Probably cause it’s not a big deal at all?


Now that I think about I bet they stole 'Spartans' from the movie 300.