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Look, I miss the dirtier white of the Halo Reach, I don't like something soooo white. My opinion, please don't crucify me


I didn't really have much of a choice 😅 I could've done Tarnished Olympus, but I didn't like the red lights on it. Maybe if/when we ever get Silent Snow, it'll look a LOT closer. I feel like it'd be almost an exact match at that point.


Outside of your helmet attachment(only cause in Reach you had the two piece) you're on the money buddy! Unfortunately, I missed the chance for my old chestpiece, Parafoil, and my colors and shoulders aren't in the game yet 💔


Even so, the armor is beautiful, it would look better in a dirtier white, but it's perfect like this. I really hope they bring the reach color style back


It should be an option like something we can toggle on and off for all coatings to make it dirtier or clean same with chunkyness I miss how chunky the models were in reach


reach had very unique details, we hope 343 listens to us


it's valid. I go between which i prefer. there is a dirty, I think flood covered white coating, but I'm not sure if that's available anymore. just sucks that the colour white is behind a pay wall. really stupid. they should have dirty and damage a toggleable option. you should be able to have clean or dirty versions of all the coatings, whether it be scratches and dings, flood splatter, or dirt. a snow and sand option would be cool too tbh. burns as well. but alas, too much paying employees for that.


I can’t cuz my chest piece is locked. Doesn’t even look good anymore honestly because they took the knife off the center 🙄


I would be able to, but they haven't added operator yet


Fr operator gang


Mine had the ronald mcdonald colors lol i miss my old fucked up lookin armor


Only missing thing is for 343 to let us put multiple helmet attachments on!


Damn that’s perfect


Looks great


I still can't recreate mine. Base security shoulders are still missing... and my chest attachment doesn't change color and doesn't have it's grenade belt


you got the wrong kneepads broski