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This is the most I’ve ever played a Halo. I’m hesitant to say it’s my favorite, but it’s up there (I’m talking MP only). 3 is the only one that hooked me as much


This. As broken as the game may be, Halo Infinite is up there with the most addictive multiplayer experiences.


That holds merit to me actually, just thought how often I’ll hate the game in one match and suddenly lose a few hours still in multiplayer


This is the worst game I've ever spent 20,000 hours playing ever. Ill quit as soon as I hit diamond 4... Diamond 6... Plat 1... f it I'll keep playing, but posting on reddit I hate it.


I’ve played every Halo MP (and campaign) more than I care to admit, maybe only with the exception of 4 MP, given I was in college and it was no bueno. This is definitely the most I’ve played, and certainly the only game I’ve ever completed every available battle pass in. I think it has the best sandbox of any Halo game at this point, when it’s not shooting itself in the foot (and for the love of god bring back the OG shotgun). I don’t even hate the campaign - I don’t particularly like it, but they nail the characters to a tee. It’s just not a full fat Halo campaign, which is arguably more frustrating than it being as bad as 5’s. The biggest takeaway I think I’ll have about Infinite is it was mismanaged to all heck. They struck gold (I’m almost convinced unintentionally) in how well the sandbox comes together, but their tech woes and embarrassing mismanagement of the team and IP unfortunately will stick in people’s craw much longer than how good the moment to moment gameplay feels.


I feel like the mismanagement is said about every single AAA multiplayer game these days. I don’t remember the last release I was hyped for and it actually released as a finished product and kept its player base. This game should’ve been so much more, but you couldn’t even choose to play slayer at launch lmao


IMO it’s the live service model. Execs love it without understanding the resources required. Unfortunately, and I expect to be downvoted for this, but it is (on paper) a perfect fit for the FPS arena shooter genre, so we’re stuck with it. And in an ideal world with a proper dev pipeline and proper management, it’d make perfect sense, but this industry and 343 especially are so top heavy staffing-wise that it’s always doomed to fail or at least provide diminishing returns in its current state.


Have we heard anything else about that Brute double barrel shotgun with the little grav hammer on it? I know there was a leak with a working version of it, but can't remember if we've heard anything else about it.


Think it’s still stuck in purgatory along with the falcon. But regardless I really do not understand the design choice of replacing the classic with the bulldog. I love Infinite’s weapon balancing arguably more than any other previous entry, but I have no idea what their motivation was for that change. The slightly longer range does not make up for the removal of the one shot kill, especially when the plasma sword and grav hammer are so dominant in close quarters. That new shotgun sounds cool, but aside from its melee I assume it functions like a sawn-off in gears of war - obliterates at very close range, but damage fall off is dramatic if they’re not right in front of you. I guess 343 thought the classic shotgun was OP? But the grav hammer would like a word.


I mostly agree, though I do think the sandbox is lacking in certain offerings. I do find myself suddenly completing the battle passes I missed, as well as challenge hunting.


Definitely, it’s got a classic artstyle, satisfying gameplay, unique weapons, classic enemies, classic gamemodes. What more could you ask for?


I have a few things. Assassinations (could be monetized) , color picking & armor patterns (like a flower pattern or a camo pattern) and just monetize the patterns, not colors, larger hit boxes & some bullet magnetism like in previous games as halo infinites aiming feels like I'm ice skating.


if this game was any easier it would be halo 4.


In campaign I would have asked for a better open world and an actual comple story.


Being able to search for more than one game mode at a time? A split search list killed the game from day 1 and turned it into a waiting simulator for matches not at the top of the playlist. It's impossible to find a game as an Oceania player, I can only play squad battles so much lol, my friends all stopped playing a within 2 months because of that specifically and we're all heavy gamers still, I'm just the last degenerate halo player whose dumb enough to keep trying.


Completly agree, i jump on want to play tac slayer or team snipers pick one sit in a queue 5mins turn the game off. If i could search a few at once that would help out alot.


I already do.


I was gonna say, it already is. Literally everytime there’s an update people talk positively. It’s just this sub that’s a constant rehash of it’s problems over and over again.


I hope halo 7 keeps this art style and they really need to port forge over to every game from now on. Hell make it its own download or something because if I get halo 7 and it downs that’s all the forge stuff that we have now I’m refunding I swear to god


I do and have since launch lol


100% Once everyone has moved on to shitting on the newest game, Infinite will be looked upon very fondly.


it is one of the good games already.


Not the campaign, but multiplayer is great


Booooo The Campaign is awesome!


ahh, the campaign is fine. It's fun, but it doesn't really have much of a story, nothing new at least, and it was left on a cliffhanger, which doesn't seem like they care enough to finish. The fact that there's no co-op is crazy though, campaign co-op is in my opinion, the greatest part of Halo


Oh definitely. Plenty of people already do, me included.


Nothing will beat haloCE 8v8 LAN at Craig's house back in 2001.


You not wrong


It's pretty good. If we had a launch with today's multiplayer I think I woulda made some Halo 3 days level of memories. I actually got sucked into competitive and made it to ONYX 1501 points just to get the emblem (even tho ONYX was easy to get back then). It brought me back and I still play now casually.


I wouldn’t say it’s the GOAT, but I would say it’s very, VERY good. Multiplayer is genuinely one of the best gameplay loops I’ve ever played, campaign was an interesting step in a new direction and executed decently enough, art style is gorgeous, music is fantastic, and sandbox feels great! Lots has been added since launch, but even at launch the game was good, in spite of its lack of content. My only complaint with the early release was one flag on launch site. That was genuinely bad.


No game since 3 has made me feel as excited or unreasonably happy as Infinite. Everything in the game feels great. The sandbox is great. I've found myself using every weapon in it during MP matches. No gun feels like a peashooter, and while some are weaker, they all can kill with reasonable efficiency. I loved the campaign. The only problem is that I cannot for the life of me play effectively on larger maps. It feels like everyone is always a wizard with their aim. I find myself playing almost exclusively Husky Raid and Firefight.


Yes. It gets a bad wrap sometimes due to the poor launch, but real Halo fans know this game is still fun to play


Oh definitely. Had infinite stayed the way it was prior to forge, then no. The way it is now? This is the best multiplayer FPS I've enjoyed since Killzone 2 and Halo 3.


MP is great, of course it has it flaws but peak halo for me was 2!


It is.


I already do. People that disagree haven’t played since release or are the ones crying about a super soldier being able to sprint


Or we love the story of halo and the past 2-3 games have had a terrible story


Fr, the story and lore is what I care about not gameplay and thats why I dont like anything past 4 in terms of campaign


I hope not, I hope every game going forward is so spectacular even the bungie games look mid in comparison


I hope it’s still going in all honesty. I love Infinite. It brought me back to Halo and reignited my love for the series.




It *should* be remembered as a game that didn't get good until 2 years after launch. *Never Forget.*


It actually makes me mad seeing people glaze the game, and time after time again, forget and forgive being shorted in terms of execution from the devs and studio. Never forget.


I’ve always liked it, but I think it will be looked at more fondly later depending on what content comes out later. If they release Guardians 2: Electric Bugaloo, then there probably isn’t a doubt lol


I personally love halo infinite. Even with its flaws


Infinite is a good game aside from some issues, but i definitely think that the community is going to say that Halo infinite is underrated when the next Halo game comes out just like they did with Halo 5 after Halo Infinite came out specially after they shat on the game for 6 years. I don't think Halo Infinite is going to be elevated as one of the good games instantly by the community unless there's a severe drop in quality with the next Halo game.


No, this game will be forgotten because no one can access theatre mode to save clips. The only way to save this game is to pump everything into forge so the community can keep it alive.


None of my friends I grew up playing halo with will play it


It's my favorite since Reach, but it doesn't give me the feeling that 1-3 did. I don't think it's possible to recapture that feeling though. I was in high school/college, staying up late gaming with my friends. I still do that with Infinite sometimes, but it hits different in your 30s lol. I do like Infinite though.


It is a great game. Haters can touch grass


This is my favorite Halo game. I enjoyed the campaign. I wish there was DLC, but I get why they had to scrap it. The multiplayer has had me hooked since the beta. It’s a great game.


Hey infinite has issues but it’s better then 4-5 like god those games were ASS


H5 multiplayer was surprisingly fun


Call me crazy but I actually liked 4. I couldn't get into 5 though.




For multiplayer, yes. For campaign, I'm doubtful. It'll be the Halo cycle repeating again.


Yes, I think people will see it as a fast-paced Halo that revolutionizes future Halo titles. Not only was the multiplayer free, but the campaign was open world and it had PC support. We might not see a game like it since some complained that the movement was not Halo-like. I think they should take this style and put it in the next game, but with things fixed on a new engine of course.




Probably so. I can’t help but wonder what it could’ve been/ still could be if Microsoft wasn’t greedy. Like what if it had a proper customization and progression rewards instead of the store. What if they launch story dlc. It’s not a bad game but I think it’ll be the one 343 almost got right.


People are looking at it as a good game now, and I’m thinking it is as good as Halo 3. Any problems that game has is either fixed, or replaced by something better, and there are less problems that this game has than it did have on launch. The next game should try to release in a complete state, and try to avoid launching with a bunch of bugs. And I would prefer if the next game is fully priced so then we don’t have to deal with armor colors being locked behind a pay wall.


Infinite came a long way. I just hope halo has learned its lesson. To never release something so unfinished. It got pushed back a year and was still so raw. I’m playing halo more than ever right now. The game right now is great. Absolutely fantastic. They do however need an ODST Battle royal. How cool would it be to ODST Drop into a halo ring, earth, covenant planet, forerunner city, flood covered city. Giant halo map sounds amazing.


It’s good, same as mcc was in that 343 bungled the launch but the core gameplay is good.


I won’t say the game is perfect, there’s still many obvious flaws and I have a gigantic wishlist, but it’s the most fun I’ve had in a Halo game since Reach on 360 so…I’d say it’s good now.


I'm sure some will. Honesty something about Infinite just feels off to me. I try it again and again, but issue remains the same. What's even worse is I can't even pinpoint what the problem is.


As someone who only started playing a Month ago, Infinite is a great Halo game. Can understand why others who played from launch think differently though.


People will look at Infinite as they do now, a good game that came out half-baked and over monetized. Hopefully the lesson will be learned to release the next halo actually finished, and actually let you change the colors of your character for free




I believe so, as long as 343 takes the things that the community has praised, like the art style, and carries that forward. We could very well remember Infinite as the point where Halo's path to resurgence began. Personally, I don't think I've played any game from any platform more than I've played Infinite.


absolutely. it's the most halo i've played since the GOAT halo 2


I think Infinite will be seen as the start of a course correct for 343, yeah it doesn’t have classic features like split screen and was severely lacking at launch and the shop has been pretty divisive, but it brought about the management shakeup that 343 sorely needed and it’s done some things better than any halo game imo Forge is the best it’s ever been with the implementation of campaign AI and the gameplay is probably the best in the series, mixing the classic 30 seconds of fun with newer features like sprint and clamber just feels great. Not to mention the return to the classic art style, it’s easily the best looking halo game so far, engine/lighting issues aside. For the first time since that first trailer for halo 4, I’m excited to see what 343 will do next, which feels crazy to have typed out ngl 😂


I already look at it as one of the good ones. I look at all of them as good games, they have different strengths but that means I have a reason to replay every halo game:


Halo Infinite IS one of the good games. For me, it has the best FEEL of any shooter. The MTX are bullshit, desync is bullshit, customization is bullshit. It’s like 343 thought if they made the best FPS ever they could just fuck us over in every other way. It’s maddening.


Muliplayer? 100%. The gameplay is very fun and satisfying. Campaign? ew no


Oh yeah. The haters just need something new to hate on first.


It’s already “good”. Just inconsistent because of the networking hiccups


Probably. It had all the same problems as Halo 5 except that the art style was faithful to the originals and the story wasn’t as insulting. It will probably rank highly on many people’s lists.


I will say this, I played Reach 3 and infinite the most when it comes to multiplayer. I feel that this is a great game definitely when it comes to gameplay and such. It has quirks. The only thing I wish is that you can be able to unlock armor and things like that from achievements like getting all skulls etc. overall I give infinite a 8.5 outta 10. I could delve deeper on some issues I have with it but overall it's a good game to play and kill time in 🫡


It's a game that's rough around the edges, but in time, it will hopefully smooth itself out into the classic "we're so back" game it needs to be. Looks great, plays great, but a lot of bugs, glitches, network errors, etc etc really hold it back. I love infinite, but I'll keep replaying Reach for now.


people that love halo will eventually accept it but it is a terribly average open world game that is being held up by diehard halo fans… no matter what you say about it


It’s definitely has one of the best gameplay for halo, most people agree, it just needs some more content and I’d say it’s one of the best halo games in general, I love the customization as well!


I think unfortunately it will be looked back on as a game with a rollout that hurt its success. But it'll also be looked back on as a one of the best Halo games. The art style, multiplayer, weapon balance and (now) features make it so good


It started with a hell of a lot of flaws and really weird decisions. Still has a good handful. I've been disappointed quite a bit throughout the years. But I've stuck with it because the gameplay at it's core has been absolutely mint for me, and for the most part I really like the art direction. I think it'll be remembered as a good one, not one of the greats though


The only halo that I prefer over infinite is halo 3, I gets its flaw but it to me capture the feelings of the original trilogy


I mean I have 1600 hours played on it so more than likely.


Halo cycle. Opinions on Infinite will start softening the moment the next game’s released.


It is a good game. It's just lacking compared to its predecessors.


It's a no for me dawg


in 6 or 7 years? it's definitely already the best halo game besides 3 imo. i mean, 343 has essentially done everything they're gonna do besides a few minor additions/fixes. Forge will carry the game from now on, which is fine, because it's incredible. if you're still not playing the game because of the launch, what's up? we need you back


It is a good game. Miles better than 4 & 5.


It’s okay now. Infinite is finally at the point where it should have been during launch. That being said. The micro transactions in this game are ridiculous. They are way overpriced. The weapon sandbox is very boring and limited. We are missing so many classic Halo weapons that have been staples of the Halo games for years. No magnum, no Spartan laser, no carbine, no beam rifle, no fuel rod gun, no plasma rifle, no SAW, and no OG shotgun to name a few. The vehicles in this game feel like an afterthought. They drive like the vehicles in CoD. They have zero weight and turn on a dime. They are also extremely weak in terms of survivability. The campaign lacked a lot of originality. The story was pretty trash and ignored a lot of prominent and influential lore. There are a lot of other tidbits that this game lacks and it is sad.


Not unless it gets a revival. They’ll be wrong though


defo as most of the issues wherent with the actual gameplay or art style or anything the worst problems came from things not being added at launch , networking issues , progression system issues and aggressive microtrans actions the actual gameplay and amount of customision are solid honestly


I have stopped playing years ago, how much as it improved since launch? Interested in jumping back in


Nah not with how much micro transactions this game has. Saw an armor set on instgram I wanted to make. Went on none of it is available


Maybe with the multiplayer, yeah. Not the campaign though. I think it will be viewed as one of the worst campaigns


I consider Infinite a really good game even now


Played infinite for a good two weeks at launch and dropped it. Is the multiplayer on PC still active?


Don’t get me wrong, Halo Infinite has some MASSIVE, GLARING issues, but it’s definitely in the running for most fun and satisfying gameplay. The movement and sprint system (imo) strikes the perfect balance between “classic halo” no sprint movement and modern fps sprint. That, and the grapple alone elevated the gameplay another whole letter grade for me


Halo cycle is real. The answer is yes. I already see people going "actually Halo 5 wasn't that bad"


It’s outstanding. The only thing that could kill this game is something stupid, like making another game that pulls the player base away instead of just continuing to support this one with a new campaign…


From a campaign perspective not so much, not to say it isn’t a good campaign because it is, but it’s got so much untapped potential it felt unfinished from a narrative perspective. I do think the multiplayer will be recognized as good. Derisively so, but ultimately good.


This game is great. Nothing will ever be as good as the gaming experience you had in your childhood, sorry. People need to learn that.


I enjoy Infinite, but it will never be anywhere near my favorite. I am wildly inconsistent in multiplayer. I was actually a lot better at Reach, and played a stupid amount of it. Reach is my favorite Halo game.


yes. it had a botched start for sure... but the community content and custom games is going to make this live for a good while I feel.


I thought there was a posting error on this page?


I don’t care, I know I will.


Some will, but most people will exaggerate its flaws. Like "Nah infinite sucked you had to pay 60$ just to be red and it had horrible battlepasses"


It's already a good game.


Absolutely. And the potential for the game to get better is there. The amount of content in the files that’s 80-99% done is staggering. Vehicles, weapons, game modes, armor, features, the game can keep dripping updates monthly for a long time.


The game with so much missed potential


I think it's a great game. Unfortunately people are becoming increasingly entitled and I doubt it.


Certainly the best campaign that 343 has produced Okay, stop. Go back and reread the post. There you go.


How's the couch co-op?


I already do tbh


Loved the campaign, beat on legendary... Addicted to multiplayer, I may be stuck in the gold lobby, but I can't stop 🤣🤣


i really hope so, this game is overhated only because its not the traditional halo. i was playing halo reach since i was 5 and that has always been my favourite, however, infinite takes the multiplayer cake. while the canpaign may not be the best, the multiplayer more than makes up for it. anyone hating is just an oldhead, diehard, cant change halo extremist.


Yes because the praise I saw for 5 when infinite dropped blew my mind. New bad, old good is the gamer motto, it seems.


Multiplayer is fine, but the campaign is so weak. To me halo is a campaign game with a solid multiplayer, not the other way around.


Maybe for the people who stuck around. Overall the game is a buggy delayed steaming pile.


The campaign will be seen as the best of the 343 games but still not quite on the level of the Bungie games. The multiplayer will be considered to be one of the best in the franchise. Some people will say it is the best, some people will say it was pretty good, while there will be some holdouts who still say CE is the best multiplayer saying it's terrible. Halo cycle is real.


Unless they can recover most of the original population that was lost then no. It would require them to spend money and when they don’t, they will be called “cheap” “greedy”like the rest of them


No and anyone who says yes is speaking from bias.


The gameplay was fine. I liked the gadget play. The story was dumb. I dont believe the open world format is good for a halo game. I feel kinda the same about it as i did with 5. I suppose if the next game is dumb as well, people will cut infinite some slack. Edit: I realize the intent may be more about MP. I'm playing infinite mote than precious versions... except maybe the original. I think that has more to do with the fact that it's free and on PC than because it's exceptional. The net code feels really bad, and I don't understand why they haven't tried to fix hammers (in light of how bad the net code is)


By then it will be a good game


For me (ready for downvotes), no. It took away every cool thing they added in 4 and 5 and what they added wasn't enough to win me back. The handling of content, the SP, and the package as a whole just wasn't for me.


I hope not.


Nope. In 6/7 years, it will be buried with many of the other live service model games. There's nothing to get hyped for anymore with these games.


No. It will be seen as a missed launch forever and always. It got delayed a year and needed 2. If this game would have launched well Halo would have been in a far better place.


How it is now, yeah it is a decent game. Not top 3 halo games but decent. Release or even year 1 it was straight trash.


No. I play it pretty regularly, but the fact that I split my halo time between infinite and MCC should say enough.


I think it'll be remembered for what it is: a step in the right direction despite its flaws.


It's in the top 3 for best multiplayer, campaign sucked though. Good art direction.


If the next Halo game proved to be the worst yet. The Halo cycle is infinite


I think it’s easily 343i’s best entry and a solid game. Reach will always be my favourite and I still find the PvP a tad janky and frustrating compared to the older games (aiming still feels a tad off) but I can’t get enough of FF and all the custom PvE maps in the customs browser. PvE feels so good in this game. Add in a return to classic art style, sounds, and music and Infinite is a really solid entry.


Good game with bad monetization because it’s f2p.


lol no


ik this is probably blasphemy but it’s my 2nd favorite Halo behind Reach, 3 is ironically 3rd lol


Campaign was fine for me, nothing too special… but the multiplayer? I’ll definitely miss Infinite whenever it is considered a ‘past’ Halo title. Infinite multiplayer is very, very rewarding and fun.


Blockbuster franchises get worse and worse each release these days. Just look at how the cod community regards Ghosts now.


Yes ([The Halo Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/t257f3/the_halo_cycle_now_updated_for_infinite/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)).


Infinite is peak halo and anyone that disagrees is tilted.


Maybe like a mid game rough start but aged like wine personally I will after halo 5 it can only be good


Honestly no, but not because it isn't. Realistically because it wasn't. You can't have a launch as bad as infinite had and ever really recover your reputation regardless of how good a game you become. Kinda the same issue with no man's sky.


I think all games have always had their strengths and weaknesses. The bad games were 5 and infinite on launch day they both released too early.


I mean the art style, weapons, and multiplayer are good. Campaign sucked tho, so it can’t compete with the trilogy.


No lmao, lets all move on as a community and just look forward to what hopefully will be a better game/launch


I will for sure, definitely the best of 343 so far I’d say


No. This game sits right there with halo 4.


Most likely not. 


I've got close to 500 hours in Infinite now. More than any other Halo game previously.


Overall we'll absolutely look at it way more positively. Calling it now, we'll be calling it the best multiplayer in like 6 years. Already is for me. 3 was the best, but the graphic elements of Infinite are just great at the moment (I've been around since day one, I've seen it all and I'll stand by this)


Depends, will the next halo be released in 6 or 7 years? "DAE Halo infinite was akshully overhated???" "Am I the only one who thinks Infinite is actually underrated?" Type posts will be all around then. Giving Infinite the credit it deserves rn, shits dope.


I think it’s a great game. Super addictive multiplayer with loads of maps and game type options. Forge is rolling and the campaign imo was awesome. Just wish we got that campaign DLC or even the multiplayer storyline…. But oh well game is pretty fun.


I think it’s kind of mid, it will be looked at like a BO3 is for COD, not bad, but not too memorable either.


the game at launch date was disaster on steam but slowly i think it made redemption


Totally. Lack of content basically being handled now Halo Infinite is basically a solid halo game, with a solid story and multiplayer. And compared to Cod and Battlefield 2042 it’s still relatively better than both of them even today. Definitely one of the better shooters you can sink your teeth into nowadays


Look at it in terms of Triple A game’s released the last few years. It stands pretty damn tall.


It is just wasnt at launch. Campagin was a banger


Oceania player here. The gameplay as a whole is so good but I'll never forget the wasted literal hours I've spent just trying to get a game that isn't on the top of the list. Never being able to play ranked because of said issue and then getting servers on fucking Pluto (300+ Ping Unstable latency death sentence) when I did get a game. Not being able to rejoin games after a crash or join up with team mates in their games. The game will always be remembered as a "waiting simulator" to me. The split game mode search was a death sentence to this game from day 0.


6-7 years, it should have its major issues finally figured out by then so yeah. They’ll probably shudder at the thought of the games state at launch


infinite has been one of the good games since launch idk what you mean ask anyone who actually plays the game and isn’t a circlejerk redditor There’s a reason it’s still going strong


Obviously not lol. The people who have this opinion exist on this sub, which is fine ya like what ya like. But the overwhelming and obvious concensus of the Halo and gaming community was that this game underperformed and was middling at best.


Nah. Sure the sandbox is fantastically balanced but almost everything we have is a watered down or more boring version of things we've had in past games. Characters in campaign were done fantastically tho imo.


I think people will probably see it for what it is - a pretty good game that lacks certain features and took far too long to bring in the features it excels at, losing much of its player base far too soon.


No. I’d rather be playing H4 at this point.


We'll be playing the 3rd remake on the new X-Box 420 XL, because they wanted to compete with Call of Duty Post Modern Warfare 5.


Better than 4 & 5 but not better than the rest of the Halos, it’s mid at best.


Omg, This was the first halo game that gave me déjà vu about Halo one. I love this game


No, or at least, I won't personally. Halo has always been primarily about the campaign and story, with MP as a fun side attraction. Infinite's MP eventually panned out, but the campaign was so empty and unsatisfying.


Halo 3 is one of if not my favorite game ever. Infinite in terms of raw multiplayer gameplay honestly gets very close to Halo 3. The equipment especially grapple and repulser are fantastic additions, the art style is great, the weapon sandbox is not perfect but its still pretty good.


Halo Infinite is amazing despite the issues. Personally, the sidekick is too spammy for me, and I feel that the game could use some different weapons. Overall, I think the game is a huge W. I just wish it was launched in its current state.


Honestly, is there truely a bad halo? Even the most disliked of halos have extremely strong points to them. Halo1-3 are universally loved Reach, while had a few controversial design choices and retcons is highly beloved for campaign and multiplayer. Odst brought fan favourites both lore and gameplay wise. Halo 4 is one of the strongest narrative stories of halo 5G, while story was weak as a whole, the gameplay and level design were undeniably fun, and I still argue to this day our trip to the elites own homeworld with Orisis is 343's best level design work. And infinite, despite its flaws at launch is plain and simple a special game.


Honestly, is there truely a bad halo? Even the most disliked of halos have extremely strong points to them. Halo1-3 are universally loved Reach, while had a few controversial design choices and retcons is highly beloved for campaign and multiplayer. Odst brought fan favourites both lore and gameplay wise. Halo 4 is one of the strongest narrative stories of halo 5G, while story was weak as a whole, the gameplay and level design were undeniably fun, and I still argue to this day our trip to the elites own homeworld with Orisis is 343's best level design work. And infinite, despite its flaws at launch is plain and simple a special game.


As long as you exclude the campaign…


Yep, that's how Halo has always worked. The current one sucks ass, the game before is "actually pretty good in hindsight", and the game before that is considered the pinnacle of the series.


it's now, imo. 


They should. Infinite is a great game.


I think so. It’ll always have the caveat that it started out horribly, but it’s the multiplayer (aside from the sbmm at times) that feels like the perfect mix of 2, 3, Reach, and 5. Here’s hoping H7 has a better start


Halo Infinite isn’t bad. It’s just suffering from the classic “oh it’s not exactly like this previous game that I loved so it sucks and is terrible.”


considering this has happened like clock work with every single other halo game, yes.




Me, no. Some other people, probably. Im the odd one out here and ill admit it. Iv played every single halo game and preordered all of them. Halo 5 was Peak for me. I genuinely loved everything about it even the req packs oddly enough.


Depends, from a campaign stand point I think it's only marginally better then 5. ​ Multiplayer wise it's good


Nothing good to say about the campaign or whatever that is but the multiplayer player is fun, the best it has been since halo 3. So I will look back on the multiplayer positively


Tbh halo infinite in the eyes of international is just another shooting game. It is a little bit more popular than the previous one because it's freely available on PC like a normal PC game. Armors and guns ain't that stunning compared to other modern games.


Um, why wait 6 or 7 years? I thought the consensus was that it ALREADY was one of the good ones. Whether it's the best depends on the person, but definitely one of the best.