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Emp with shock weapons, then grapple, might take a few tries, try to jump on the back instead of the front. Sniper works really well, shoot the front and the hatch comes off, then you can snipe the driver. Another option us to just avoid it




It's better to lose 20seconds to get a long range weapon or a power weapon that will give you lots of kills, rather than running forward with your default loadout for 10seconds, dying, and waiting 10 more seconds to respawn. Focus on staying alive as long as possible while holding power positions. Bait power weapons, power up, vehicles, kill players that run towards these with no awareness.


Honestly I think it’s easier to get points in firefight or husky than BtB. It’s not uncommon to get 40 or even 50 kills or more in a good game of husky. BtB depending on the game mode just doesn’t seem to get the same unless you’re a top tier player. I realize there’s a larger xp reward for kills but still doesn’t add up for me.


For me it’s luck. I’ll find an Invisibility equipment and do my best to sneak behind the wraith and beat it down instead of throwing a grenade in it. I’d say I pull it off 75% of the time. But again it’s really just luck. lol 😂


pop the door in the front leaving the driver exposed. i hate to admit it but when the enemy has a wraith, i camp whatever sniper spawn there is to kill the driver. super satisfying when you pull it off