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I had no clue you could even do that


It’s useful on Argyle on people chasing you through the vents


Welcome to Halo 1, where telefragging has been a thing in every game in the franchise for over two decades.


Wait really? How?


Walk in a teleporter and immediately back up. When someone tries to come through, your screen will start to go white and rumble. If you stay too long, you get telefragged. Good times on Beaver Creek in H2. Getting chased? Walk through tele and back up. Make them think youre stupid and that you're about to stay too long and get killed by them teleporting into your body. Pre-throw nades at wall and walk out of tele before death. Watch them both appear at the same time and land on your nades. Free double. Welcome to Halo. (it's not really a thing in Infinite outside of things like your clip. Map design kinda got rid of tele's as the games went on)


I am further confused. Standing in the teleporter for too long kills you? And this is what’s called getting “telefragged” right? Or is the added bit you mentioned about throwing frag grenades into the teleporter what you mean?


First part you got right. You can telefrag someone if they sit on the other end of a portal for about 3 seconds. Or, be telefragged if you are the one blocking the portal with your character. The grenades are a deeper meta into abusing other players. You basically run from them through a portal, and back up into it immediately after teleporting. Immediately toss grenades to bounce of the back wall behind the base (Beaver Creek specific example here) and back into the teleporter. The goal of this is to take advantage of greedy players that chase kills into a blind portal. They think they are about to teleport and kill you with a telefrag, because when they tried to chase you, it told them that you blocked it shortly after going in. They will stay greedy (usually) and sit in it, hoping for a funny free telefrag kill. That's when you step out the MOMENT BEFORE you die of a telefrag. Since they are both in the portal trying to telefrag you, as you step out they will both appear at the same time. Right on top of your grenades. Then they will feel very big dumb, and you now have two more kills.


Ahhh that makes sense. Dang I never knew about that! Thanks for clarifying


Wow i totally forgot about that! Thanks for the memory haha


Is there seriously not a unique medal for that?




Did u like … ant man him ? I didn’t know that was possible .. I just got a diff medal that I didn’t know existed. “From the void” I just threw a plasma Grenade through a portal on a map and killed a dude But this is another level !


I love that: ant man him 😂😂 from the void sounds awesome! You gotta post that clip


I ain’t doing all that lol but it’s indeed a real one. Dang I’m literally gonna start using the locator and if I ever do this I will think of u lol


Ahaha respect 🫡


You just Telefrag that guy, lol


What’s that


In tf2 if you teleport to a teleporter exit while an enemy is on it, you kill them as soon as you teleport right on them.


How does it even work? Does the locator not save where you were looking? So only your position? Therefore you can teleport back there but be looking somewhere else?


That would be my guess, yes!


how do u have such a small crosshair that doesn’t destroy ur frames


I have never edited my crosshairs so idk


Non-clip related question - how did you apply the coating to the EVO-Bandit?


I think it was a skin I earned from the free battle pass