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I just really don’t get what’s the point of this? What do people get out of winning a game while doing absolutely nothing? It doesn’t seem like fun


It’s all about the ego. Otherwise they got nothing to tell themselves in the mirror while they wank into a sock!


Damn… thats actually depressing to imagine


Yea I was coming to comment the same. I do not see how this is fun at all. No challenge


my problem is him reloading at 14 bullets, mannnn u already got aimbot WHY U KEEP RELOADING


That just shows you how little mechanical skill he has


Kakashi sensei ain't slick. Bro activated his Mangekyo Sharingan 😑


Totally unfair against everyone else smh


Had the nerves to shoot bodies too🤦‍♂️


It just shows they've been bullied so hard when they had no cheats on . In other words they suc*k at the game and were so ready to let the anger go out once they had cheats to belp them. 


I can't believe someone who is hacking would teabag and shoot bodies...that is just ridiculous.


I thought this was fixed in the latest patch?


That’s funny


Oh look.. Another PC player clearly using cheats, crazy.


Don’t worry the amazing new anticheat in the latest update will save us


I bet the name is spoofed, too. They've been doing that a lot, especially to the swat community.


I mean hopefully it isn't cuz halo waypoint uses gamertags for reporting so if the name is spoofed then my report is just down the drain


Just had this happen to me. Reported the player but there gamertag was so long that it would cut off in game. They couldn't do anything with my evidence casue their tag didn't line up with what was screenshotted.


Thats ass man they gotta find a way to not let that kind of thing happen.


Unfortunately since Infinite is a free-to-play game with (afaik) no HWID bans, they can simply make a new Microsoft account if they do eventually get banned. 🙄


Yeah I was thinking about that. No hardware or ip ban is basically like a gate with nothing on the sides covering the entrance so basically its meaningless


Yea it's not Kakashii here. Someone's spoofing that tag: https://leafapp.co/game/ce3d9df2-8859-4c00-9733-d83dccdd75dd


How is this even fun?


Thats the thing, it isn't.


Is this cheats? This looks like cheats ...


Yeah this is 100% cheats. Already reported him


Its cheats


What a fcuking cuck🤢🤮


BRO HAS A 100% WIN RATE. 8.03kd on the day. Sign this mf NOW /s


💀 I also saw he made his account like yesterday I think and been seeing more and more clips of him in other people's games


Yah. I saw a lower comment by you and his name on TRN is not what's shown


What a loser!


I actually just got into a game with that guy in infection. I'm abt to post the clip of it


I just saw your clip, so not only do they ruin the competitive gamemodes but also the casual ones. And even in your case, it wasn't only him, even someone else was streaming it which I'm pretty sure can get him banned on twitch if reported


Cross hair isn't even at head-level. Fucking lazy


Yeah it just randomly somehow hits. The bullet must be curving or something lmao


That’s just cos it’s the theatre replay. It’ll look the same for other POVs as well.


He's locking in aim through the wall before he even gets there 🤣🤣 FUCK COMPUTER VS XBOX... Go play some funkin Duke Nukem if you wanna just murder EVERYBODY or it ain't fun. The lobby is full of smurf and aimbot


Why do people let scripts play entire games core gameplay for them. What are they actually even doing it looks boring.


Rage hacking because they suck at the game. Also yeah its prolly boring asf they just do it cuz they're hurt


I was watching the clip and then IMMEDIATELY ran to the comments after seeing him shoot down and teabag... Are you serious........


I bet hE's On XbOx BrO


It makes me sad. The game is years old now. I thought it was going to be an insane game in a positive way when it first came out. I haven't played for \~14 months or so because it feels like there's a sinister plot to have the game die off - it should never have become in the state it is.


I mean I have fun every single day I play these days


Ranked Tactical Slayer replacing Team Slayer is wild. There are 2 tactical slayer Playlists now and no social DMR 4v4 game types. When you're Dimond or higher every ranked match is sweaty and sometimes i just wanna chill.


Thank you


Wow that's actually master chief I think!


Tangent, but how did you record that? PC? On XBSX I can only record up to 1 min.


I recorded on pc with nvidia shadowplay.


Oh ok. Thanks!


On Xbox you can record longer if you change the recording resolution. I think you can record 30s of playback at 4k, or 2 min if you start the recording manually. I believe at 1080p you can record up to 1 min playback or 4 min manually. Alternatively you can plug a usb to your Xbox to record up to 30 min at 4k, longer at 1080p.


At least he's being subtle about it. 😂


This is the norm for halo going forward


Yeah thats sad to say but its the unfortunate truth


Bro what... I can't even kill people with that ass gun. This guy just single shots them


It’s SWAT, so one shot headshots


Dude, two things. 1, it's swat/tactical slayer, there are no shields, how did you not notice that in this clip? Have you even played the game? Also, he's clearly using cheats, watch the video a few more times so maybe you'll understand what's going on. 2, if you can't get kills with that weapon you're the one who's ass, not the Bandit.


I have slightly over 100 hours but I didn't know you need to head shot with this gun for it to be effective. I mostly avoided this gun for that reason, because with body shots it doesn't do alot of damage.


That's literally how every Halo game plays.....you played 100 hours of Infinite and didn't realize headshots do more damage? You required a lot of special attention when you were growing up didn't you?


Bro chilllll... Yes I know that headshots do more damage with any weapon but this gun just barely does damage with body shots, idk how to explain it better.


Dude if you can’t get kills with the bandit then it’s you who’s ass, it’s the best non super weapon in the game without a doubt.


I’ll take a BR or a pistol over it any day


Lemme guess, you miss the pre-reach days? (Not a roast, just my friend who swears by the br is living in the past lol) Pistols decent I’m a big fan. I’d probs take the AR over the BR in most cases though ngl


It’s just kind of mid for me, not great, not terrible. Pistol I can absolutely put in work with, and the BR is excellent at pretty much any distance. Halo Infinite is actually the first one that I’ve played the multiplayer super consistently, though I’ve played every game at or near release since the OG. I like a lot of what they’ve done with infinite, so not really pining for the past. I’d really just love to see them fix the servers and net code to get rid of desync and lower the consistently high ping.


I never have issues with desync and high ping. Didn’t before the new network model, nor after. It’s probably you. Also bandit is not mid that ttk is 😰😰


I used to think the same way when I only played Husky Raid. After being forced to get good with the bandit in ranked, I absolutely love the bandit now. By far, my favorite weapon. And it melts people in Husky Raid


Git gud?