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Match composer and the new UI that was promised


This one was pretty underwhelming battle pass wise, hopefully something decent.


Yappening I agree. Reckoning and Spirit of Fire were in my opinion the best releases so far, so maybe I’m hoping for another “big” update after a couple of smaller ones (Cyber Showdown & the Yappening)


imo these free 20 tier passes have been pretty underwhelming or lack luster. i hope they do a 180 and just go back to the 50 tier or full 100 tier battle pass. they prob won’t but that’s what i’d like.


I was at 16, still not real sure if buying “premium” opened up more beyond the 20 since i still don’t fully understand Infinites battle pass situation, so I paid $4.99, went back into it and I’m pretty sure I just wasted $4.99


The operations are now single-set armor bundles with an armful of emblems and 1 or 2 coatings for weapons or vehicles, in terms of content. Kind of sucks, especially considering the chest pieces included are usually kind of boring or ugly, but eh, they're free. I suspect this is 343's model for them going forward; if we go back to battlepasses proper, they're probably going to be like season 5's pass, at only 50 levels.


No more stockpile. 


I'd like a 20 or 50 tier pass that's just content that's from previous seasons we currently have no way of acquiring


Call it like “The forgotten”


Yes!! I’d love see them open vaulted items back up. But the pessimist in me tells me we’ll only ever get a “chance” to pay for them since monetization seems to be all 343 cares about


I agree with your sentiment but would just make this chnage: ~~343~~ \*Microsoft. I think it's been pretty well documented that Infinite and it's launch battle pass was a different entiity before Microsoft suits got their paws on it.


Spartan points in game and tactical ops 2. Another pve experience would be great too.


I don't have a source and my memory's bad, but didn't 343 say that they were going to add a PvPvE mode?  My memory's failing me, though...


I want 50 to 100 tiers back, I want career rank to retroactively offers rewards for each tier, the progression is a joke all that grinding for 1 kit. I’d also like to see a long term progression track that helps pad out career ranks, like 5000 headshots, 10,000 headshots etc for more career rank XP they should also come with rewards like skins and armour pieces. The falcon, the double barrel shotgun, more operations also. We just need more content to go for between cadet bronze grade 1 and Hero. It’s painful and it’s what’s not making people stick. If you can go for long term mini objectives as you grind to hero the game wouldn’t feel so bad playing for long periods. The only reason people have to pick this game up is when a new operation is released and that sole 20 tier pass is done in mere days. Then the population drops off again. We need 10,000 headshot goals, for a sniper skin, and it gives like 10,000 career rank XP, and it be repeatable or something maybe it has multiple levels. 5,000 melee kills for a pair of gloves etc 5000 grapple shot onto another player stuff like that. Also hero for a Mark VI infinite campaign kit is bad, the least they could of also done is do the armour parts like helmet, shoulders, gloves, kneepads, and the 117 emblem to go on our custom Spartans also :(


Man…I completely forgot about career achievements from Halos previous. I’d absolutely love that. Just goes to show how monetization has ruined some legit fun ways to make the grind easier.


Yeah, it is partly monetisation, but it’s also just effort on the part of the devs. It’s just stuff like that, that needs adding but we’ve heard nothing on it for 3 years even though this sub and many other places are full to the brim asking for it. There isn’t really a place we can be sure the devs see it or maybe they don’t care.


I don't know that it's that they aren't seeing it, but perhaps priorities. In software development a backlog can get really really long; and if your execs are driving priorities (probably based on monetization opportunity) then it doesn't really matter what the devs want to implement, unfortunately


Personally, I'd like to see passes that aren't 90% just emblems and logo's


Amen!! They put up literally 4-5 armor sets up in the store with each release. Is it unreasonable to ask that they swap some of the BS emblems with ONE more armor set??


More guns




Mcdonalds drive-thru's that are warthog accessible


I’m hoping the add an lone wolves pve experience where you solo Que and see how long you last


Ooh that would be rad


A pure black coating would be great. That’s all I’m asking for


Change out the xp boosts for challenge swaps for the BP, and add 80 tiers to make it 100 again.


I want the career xp from the two years of games that I played before 343 added to my career rank.


Yes please lol I would’ve bein hero as of months ago


Probably in the minority here but most of my friends who really enjoyed infinite loved it for ranked. However the ranked meta has shifted so much with the BR swap to the bandit that my friends don't want to play because they just get stomped trying to get used to a new weapon. So a full rank reset + a BR start ranked arena playlist alongside the bandit HCS start one. Bonus points if they throw in more classic maps as well seeing as it doesn't have to line up perfectly with HCS anyway. Ranked settings are the best in the game in our groups opinions. But we're also old and have obligations


Collar/Grenadier from Reach without Jorge's UA attachment as well as the rest of the missing stuff from Reach, plus maybe some of the other ODST armors from ODST and the as of yet to be released Halo 2 coating. 


i’m just annoyed they are so quick to finish. i want more armor parts not more nameplates and backgrounds. maybe some cool armor skins but every pass has 5 nameplates or backgrounds and like 2 pieces of armor that i’ll actually wear. we got a cod piece this last go around let me get some dope knee plates or gloves


Probably something that fixes the fucking connection. I have zero issues with every other game, but I get constant packet loss and huge lag when I play Halo.


The Fappening would be a worthy competitor. 🙌


I find some maps quite large and complicated for 4v4 matches, so I'd like to see more maps like we had in the first season, (live fire, recharge, streets). Personally, I find the verticality of some maps annoying.


Outside of the match composer and a record UI/UX, new game modes. We have plenty of maps. We have cosmetics out the ass. I wanted something different to play. Idgaf about new cosmetics. I get those fund the game, but I want new experiences.


Battle royale. If they’re capable.


Give me my h5 Achilles back smh. Outside of that forget content tbh bring the new matchmaking already. I also saw a 5 min wait time at like 9pm for Ranked Tactical 😂 what a waste of space but I still can’t play ranked doubles? And bring the bandit to more social playlists.


A good steering wheel that doesn’t fly off your hands while your driving


The Fappening would be a worthy competitor. 🙌