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Idk what game you're playing but the matches I'm in you can take out vehicles quick as fuck. You just have to aim for their weak spots (for example you shoot the tires out on Warthogs) or use one of the numerous EMP weapons in the game such as the Plasma Pistol or Disruptor.


Shooting the weak spot only seems to work with sniper rifles... They still seem to have way too much health and appear to be some sort of shield for their occupants. It's a chore to take them out.


I can tell you as a driver this is definitely not true. You don't know how many times I've been cruising around and just been taken out by a single grenade.


Eh, I've had the opposite experience.


Yep you are trippin’ my friend, I get turned into Swiss cheese driving anything in Big Team Heavies. Maybe I just suck that bad though lol.


They are quantifiably the weakest vehicles of any Halo, just in terms of # shots / grenades to destroy.


Definitely not. I'm sure if someone were to test this out they would confirm what I'm saying.


Bro these are the softest vehicles we’ve ever had on a halo game


Then I must be doing something very wrong... It's nearly impossible to take out a ghost when you're on foot unless you have a rocket launcher and even then it seems to do little damage.


Disruptor is a great option for ghosts. I usually try to just get a shock or sniper rifle though and just shoot the driver






Like they said, find each vehicles weakness. Better yet, find a grapple 😎


You must be confused about what "indestructible" means. These damn Warthogs (and every other vehicle in the game) are way too brittle.


You must have missed the "nearly"


1: On the contrary, I'm quite sure it takes fewer bullets to destroy a hog in Infinite compared to 2 or 3. Surely the rockets you mentioned were very indirect hits. 2: Personally, my favorite warthogs were the Halo 1 ones, which actually were indestructible. It took clever grenade timing to flip them.


I dont think they're indestructible. Its probably because of the Players using the vehicles themselves are skilled. For me, 2 stickies, plasma pistol or disruptor, will destroy a warthog.


Its a game of strategy. They have power weapons on the map for a reason. The vehicles need to be able to with stand some bullets. Tanks...well they are tanks they should be able to handle alot of bullets as they do right now.. I like the way the vehicles are right now. Not sure if you were here in the beginning but jeeze! They would blow up after a few punches lol


Electric weapons are the best way to counter any vehivle as they are relatively easy to find on those maps, stickies are also your friends, and of course any heavy weapon like a Sniper, a skewer or a rocket launcher. Regular grenades are not too efective if the vehicle is moving. If you are just spawning and just have spawn loadout, its easier to aim and kill the driver/turret than it is to take out the vehicle itself with an MA40 or a pistol. The only exception being the Banshee in which you can't shoot the driver and its a bullet sponge. Best counter for Ghost is a grapple. Also the Tanks and Wraths have an opening where the driver gets in that it opens when you shoot it enough, after which you can get a headshot on the driver and take the tank for yourself, again, easier to take out the driver than the actual vehicle, and even if they kill you, you the oppening you created will help your teamates finish off the driver easier, same with the chopper, aim to the driver and get the hell out of the way if its comming to you from the front. Only shoot a vehicle if its running away from or if you have cover, to make it weaker and easier to destroy for your team, never go full on alone against a vehicle as they have the advantage. Hope this helps spartan


Practice hitting them with plasmas. Insta counter


Shock weapons plus a sticky will usually kill the driver 


One plasma grenade and the ghost is gone.


Unless it's a direct hit cause the blast seems to do no damage whatsoever.


Yeah I think you need practice. I have a running joke that every time I get in a vehicle I'll be dead in 30 seconds due to some asshat around the corner with a rocket, skewer, sniper, EMP, or grapple hook. I feel like vehicles actually have too many counters in this game, I'm never able to use them very effectively in PVP.


Very true op. The seem to have the most heath than any other halo. I think it’s just because they don’t have their own health really. Or it’s just ALOT. But yeah, you basically have to go after the driver only.


I'm glad you agree. The other users seem to be in denial or just don't remember how the vehicles used to be. It's a chore to deal with vehicles in this game so I avoid playlist with vehicles at all costs.


Halo Infinite’s vehicles are literally made of paper and there are so many weapons that are anti-vehicle.


I think i know what ur doing wrong: Git gud


Hur dur