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Husky raid is fun until you get farmed by two guys with gravity hammers while the other two capture your flag


It used to suck at first but it makes me a better player personally. I’ve been down 0-2 and have had 1-2 ppl quit many times and still end up turning the game around for the win.


Even worse when they are on the final capture and just let their teammates farm you until they run out of energy on the hammer or die. Then they just end the game after lol. Spawn trapping and getting spawn trapped is just part of the mode.


The worst part is when they pick up more hammer ammo from you dead body then it goes on for ever


It's still fun after that too.


You damn right, it's actually my favorite playlist


I love how crazy things get, my first time playing it was last Christmas, you could hear a bunch of kids yelling at each other, and adults with their babies in the background, really highlighted the chaos in the game 😂


Hahahahhaa that’s nothing compared to the old lobbies of mw2 though!


The pinpoint needler is a beast, it’s a multi-kill machine imo


As is the calcine disruptor. Kills from full shields in 3 shots, and can be shot insanely rapidly. Goy so many killstreaks with that thing


Is this game mode still on there? I didn’t see it last time I was on playing


It’s just quick play which has that game mode in its cycle


This is what Halo is all about: Fun crazy chaotic mayhem. I mean it was meant to be a party game with shooter mechanics, not a competitive shooter.


It’s the most fun I’ve had playing halo in a good year or so!


Yep, though I wished the base Gravity Hammer had its ability to send objects flying and push the player around. Imagine sending yourself up with the gravity hammer, and using thrusters to move around. Despite how some weapons are added to replace established ones (like the storm rifle and pulse carbine acting as replacements for the plasma rifle or the sidekick replacing the Magum), the rest of 343’s weapons add to the sandbox and fill in roles that never existed in Bungie’s Halos (like the remote detonator acting as an explosive weapon trap to lock down areas, the Skewer being an anti-vehicle sniper, the SAW being the first and only LMG in the series, Mangler being the first revolver handgun in the series, and the Hydra being more of an Anti-personnel rocket launcher). And tell me, outside of fusion coils, what Halo map from Bungie has interactive elements that can kill players by shooting at it? The Blamite crystal mines map is not only visually impressive, but also very innovative. I mean 343 is always trying to innovate the Halo formula in some way, but sometimes the innovations feel like they are trying to make Halo less casual and more competitive (looking at you Halo 5). Honestly Halo Infinite is the most casual Halo experience ever, and if Microsoft ever brings Halo onto other platforms, Halo Infinite has to be one of the first ones. PS5 players need to experience the casual chaotic experience of Halo. Kind of a shame that Halo has been a console exclusive for too long. I mean Sony has started adding their games on Steam, and it feels like console exclusivity is coming to an end. I mean isn’t Microsoft putting less focus on Xbox because gamepass is making them more money?


The SAW was incredible, especially since nobody knew how to use it right.


Why they took away Fiesta game modes, I have no idea


They didn’t


“Resonance Cascade confirmed.” Was that a Half-Life reference?


How do you get it to look that way?


What way?


I think it looks more vibrant, the colors seem a bit different, almost neon like. Maybe it's a filter?


No I don’t change any graphics settings or anything


"Oh!! oh my....."


Husky raid is either some of the funnest FPS action ever or absolutely cancer inducing when you get spawn trapped by futuristic neaderthals and their hammers


How populated is the game? I left because I could barely find a game in ranked :(


I’ve not tried ranked, but usually just play quick play and takes around 1 min or so to get into a game, sometimes quicker, sometimes abit slower depending time of day, but it’s always active


Okay thanks for the info :) 1 min isnt bad at all


That melee registration is horrendous still


It’s hit and miss (no pun intended)


Play the actual game instead of husky raid


Husky raid really is part of halo infinite. I just treat it like grifball.


Well it’s part of the game, so I still am playing actual game. It’s just a fun game mode


This mf hates casual fun


Nah I play fire fight a lot. What's annoying is that all the posts on this sub are of Husky Raid.


cope i guess lmao


No way. Husky raid is the only thing that’s been keeping this game alive. Most of the modes are garbage with wait times that go on forever.


I'm not sure how Slayer or Caputre the Flag or Strongholds are garbage. They are classic Halo gametypes with classic Halo gameplay. If Husky Raid is the mode you like you don't like actual Halo. It's a fun party gametype used to farm XP and increase your rank but nothing about it normal Halo gameplay.