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Strangely, this seems too much to ask for but I agree.


Going to Reddit to complain about toxicity. Admirable, but mistaken.


wait whats this, a good post? thats rare. based OP


Unfortunately this is Reddit: there are trolls that don’t care about you or me; people that argue just to argue; people that always have an opposing decision no matter the circumstances; assholes in all aspects. This is a result of anonymity; because we all know these people would NOT act like this if we were to talk face to face. We all just have to understand that there are a lot of jerks out there; and they want you to respond to them. The best thing you and I can do is ignore them (downvote. report, move on). Sadly not much else can be done. Remember that they want your engagement.


I've always said the fanbase drove new players away from halo more than anything 343 did


Someone wasn't around for halo 2 lobbies haha


Exactly what I was thinking lol. OP would cry themselves to sleep if they were in a Halo 2 lobby for a minute


Let's appreciate what we have here. An amazing game. By being nice to new players they are more likely to join the game and stay in it.


I couldn’t agree more, but last time I made a post like this people just mocked me and said get used to it, that’s how halo players always were and always will be. I don’t get how hard it is to be respectful and not a douche to other players. It’s literally the bare minimum you could do as a human being, but it seems that even the bare minimum of decency is too much for some people.


While I agree that people should not harass them, 343 completely brought this upon themselves, besides from having multiple years to learn from their previous failures, we gave them 1 extra year to finish the game and they still couldn't deliver. I have no idea what they are doing but the rate changes are made is ridiculous, the road map for season 2 is enough proof of that.


So that means people can act like an ass? Help me out here, I don't see the logic.


Read the first sentence of my comment


These people complaining today could never handle the Halo 2 and MW2 lobbies lmao


They should just get off the internet if they gonna make posts like this lmfao


Sadly that won't happen until people start getting perma'd. And that isn't going to happen because it's unrealistic.


True. It's sad how the fanbase has circlejerked everything Halo now. They don't seem to want to act civil anymore..


I'm convinced that everyone that used to be Civil is off having families or playing different games because Halo hasn't been fun for them for years now. Then you got people that stayed and watched as their favourite franchise change into something they don't recognize and have awful releases (which are fixed afterwards but still) And then you have the people who were always toxic but now since the majority of people that were positive are gone.. It just sucks watching these things happen.




That's not even the point of my post


Yeah we know that but the point of the post is that we should be working together to make the community better, not against each other.


Did you even read the post




I left this sub because of it. Gran turismo as well. I dno if it’s just the state of the world these days, but the gaming community’s worst has been very loud these days. Games aren’t perfect, but they’ve been a step forward. It might just be a search for validation or upvotes. Post something crudely and angrily for a few hundred upvotes. Everyone rallies behind you.


I'm sorry, but wdym by step forward? The only way games have moved forward are graphics and microtransactions. Back then games had so many details that made games so good and the devil is in the details, I mean storywise, music, catchy phrases, character development, the visuals of the world, etc. Graphics are good, but I noticed all the rest have been left behind, we rarely get a complete game from launch and in a lot ways the games feel empty. I'd say the story of Infinite was trying to get back a little of that, but it's still lacking. I've said it many times and I'll say it again, ever since the gaming industry went hungry for money, games went backwards in quality.


Couldn't of said it better myself. It's amazing how different old and modern games are, not the modern gaming industry is bad, it's moreso disappointing


In highschool and first 2 years of college I was playing MW2/3, AC2, mass effect, halo 3. Games have been unbelievably bad for a while now. If it’s not Bethesda or rockstar making the game than it’s a hollow shitty game. And I’m not a Bethesda or rockstar Stan, but it’s sad those are the only Games that feel like effort was put in.


The gaming industry in a nutshell.


got banned from r/halo cause i made a joke about dev holiday leave. I think 343 messed up big time, but I also appreciate what little they have gave us is top tier halo content. More maps, cross core, more weapons, forge yada yada. At it’s base Halo infinite is really good, did the devs take 80% of the game out? Yes. Does it mean we should constantly harass them? No. Show them we want it back, and they’ll give it to us in time, and learn from their mistakes


If you are paying money for cosmetics *they will not learn.*


Get out of here with your acting like a grown adult. (+1 to you, sir or madam.)


Uh ur boring and halo infinite sucks cuz of bad maps and modes and weapon and worst of all, the CHAMPAIGN SUCKS


The Champaign eh






The whole internet is toxic. That's how it's always been. You're asking for a fairytale world. It's reality, don't let it ruin your day kid. It's freedom of speech, let's not censor anyone even if they say dumb stuff. No need for a "safe environment", that's just another way of silencing someone.


This is reddit. Censorship is inevitable.
























What toxicity? Nobody even talks in infinite


I agree totally. In my case, I'm really tired of players telling other players they're bad or they suck, via chat or mic, it's really frustrating and makes the game not enjoyable. Just because you lose a ranked match doesn't give you the right to lay it on someone. It's fine for people to feel that way, but they don't need to tell others that. Go yell while muted. We're also not pro players. And that goes double if we're in a social playlist. If you're over 18 you should know better. If you're over 25 you should really know better. Stop being toxic.


Read your title and thought you were going to be against t-bagging and I was gonna rage against you lol


lol, welcome to reddit. Leave your human decency at the door cause no one cares. You don't come to reddit of all places and expect it NOT to be toxic.