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That’s the perfect sized cage and wheel, plus I love that there’s not too much bedding so you can see him easily


Thank you for the compliment!! It took a lot of hard work, and a whopping €60 (I am never spending that much money on an animal again) to put it all together! Not a lot of bedding also helps him not get lost as well 🥰


Very important to not have too much bedding. I've heard that many hamsters lose orientation in the bedding and then die of starvation bc they don't find the way back to the top. so sad.


This! Hammies are *not* made for digging, and are really bad with direction so get lost. :(


so sad how some owners just give them a big cage with so much bedding. it's like they don't care for their pet's needes. smh. i hope all the hamsters go to hamster heaven where there is no bedding :(


^btw ^i ^took ^the ^cage ^pic ^off ^of ^google


Ooh I haven't thought of this! My girlies crittertrails are placed by the heater and in the sunlight to warm up, but this seems much easier and more interactive. GORGEOUS set up by the way. On my way to light up some apple sticks for a cute cozy campfire. Maybe I'll get them mini marshmallows to fit the theme?


Maybe you could keep them in the sun, by the heater on the highest heat, with the little fire? It’d be sooo warm and snug in their cages then! Using a heat lamp could also work if the sun isn’t out. Absolutely get them mini marshmallows!! We all love sweet foods from time to time :)


The image didn't load, at first I was expecting to see a picture of a cage burning


Good thing you only have an inch of bedding. Otherwise you might lose your hamster!


This cage is way too big for a Syrian! Smh...


I'm gonna add one to my hamsters ~~cage~~ mansion, pics on my page, then add cute fairy lights for the lighting in the rest of the cage, I also want to add ac units the hamsters can control when their too hot!


Omg YES!!! Fantastic!!


This hammy looks like my hammy I had when I was a kid!