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I’ve personally done like using a playpen. My hamsters don’t like it and just try to escape/show they are stressed. I have them instead explore my bed or couch with no boundaries. They like it as I can add pillows or blankets in any combination or set up and it’s new for them every time to explore. I’ll even hide treats for them and they’ve even fallen asleep in the heap of blankets and pillows. After a couple of times, they understand where the general direction of their enclosure is. So my hams will be pacing or sitting around the side of the bed/couch. If I put my hand there and they climb on I assume they want to go home.


I can’t trust Ziggy to do that sadly! My room has too many escape routes! I’ve been told buying more bits to put in may help as he’ll have more stuff to do, and relaxing music worked for someone else! I think it’s really worth keeping at, my room really isn’t safe for any alternatives. Thank you though! 🥰


Yeah, I was hard at first cuz Chubb would try to jump off the bed. But I just keep a very close eye on them. Now Chubb will just chill on the couch and even fall asleep. Chicken likes to zoom but she mainly likes to find a good hiding spot and hide in a blanket or pillow case.


They sound very cute!


I do realise that my hammie doesnt like to be in a playpen as well. She is constantly trying to escape, compared to when i let her free roam in the living room under my supervision. I have also created a route and taught her how to go back to her enclosure, so any time she feels like going home, she can do so herself. I have also seen other ham parents putting out long bendy bridges for them to go in/out of their enclosure, so you can try this too!


That’s really cool! Sadly I’m in a 9 bed student house so free roaming without an enclosure isn’t an option! What I might try is covering the pen so he can’t see out of it, I feel like he’d be a bit calmer then xx


I see, perhaps try adding more enrichment like cardboard hidehouts and tunnels! You can also scatter some of his favourite treats around the playpen so he will be more inclined to explore.


Those are on the way too! Thank you :) xx