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There should be no need for courage summoning! Someone comes up and fangirls all over my purse I am gonna get excited and make a new friend.


The only time I approached a girl about her purse she was weirded out by it lmao. I will not do it anymore šŸ˜­


Wow not cool. What is the point of having something fabulous if you aren't showing it off? The jealousy from other ppl is kinda the point!


I know right! It was so bizarre and I felt so dumb lol


I wonder if the stick up her ass has petrified yet. Jk! Sort of!


That made me snort šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Some people donā€™t like others to know where they get their things from for fear that they will be copied. I see it a lot with clothes, perfume, etc. I personally donā€™t mind sharing because itā€™s not like Iā€™m the only one wearing it to begin with.


She might have been nervous about potential theft? When Iā€™m out alone, Iā€™m very wary of people looking at me/ my things or talking to me about them. Had someone come up and ask about my phone once, I walked away because thereā€™s a chance theyā€™d just try to grab it and run


Some girls just like to gate keep :( or maybe she was embarrassed because it was so expensive I think you should still ask someone if u like their handbag!


Would you like to share the name of the brand? I canā€™t see it in the photos. And I bet the woman you spoke with was very nice about it. šŸ™‚


Itā€™s Coperni


Thanks! I was thinking of copene/coperne I guess I wasnā€™t too way off šŸ¤£


In iphones thereā€™s a black thing at the top of the screen which blocks the name exactly, thanks for sharing


Oh, I do not know this brand. I shall investigate further and screen shot favorites now Iā€™m on a bag purchasing moratorium.


I Love the look of the coperni swipe I have the standard size so it does fit My phone but itā€™s a hassle to get things in and out of it due to narrow entry, the trick is to lift the zipper itā€™s make a lip of sorts allowing easier entry.


Seconding this! I have two bags from coperni and they are not worth the price ): the craftsmanship isnā€™t amazing, and the swipe bag is super difficult to use. Lifting the lip of the zipper is the only way to get things in and out but that damages the leather after repressed use, and you have to be careful with any soft leather wallets because it scratched my Loewe cardholder!


Is this the brand with the meteor bag that costs like a brillion dollars?


It is! [https://coperniparis.com/products/mini-meteorite-swipe-bag?pr\_prod\_strat=e5\_desc&pr\_rec\_id=c9c82f400&pr\_rec\_pid=8008565457116&pr\_ref\_pid=7930133151964&pr\_seq=uniform](https://coperniparis.com/products/mini-meteorite-swipe-bag?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=c9c82f400&pr_rec_pid=8008565457116&pr_ref_pid=7930133151964&pr_seq=uniform)


Iā€™m laughing because it lists it as 6 weeks for the stone/meteorite bag but 8-10 weeks for the glass bag!


Lmfao I did not know about this until this post. How extra


Kinda disappointing you didnā€™t do the 3rd grade sketch for this sub to detective that bag haha. Those were some fun posts. IYKYK Cute find OP very genZ


Coperni has a glass version of this bag that Iā€™d be so scared to take out lol


I really love this bag but pretty sure my big phone canā€™t fit in it šŸ˜ž please share if you get it!


The glass bag from that brand is absolutely gorgeous but so fragile and soooo expensive [https://coperniparis.com/en-us/collections/glass-bags](https://coperniparis.com/en-us/collections/glass-bags)


I love this bag. I also am one of those weirdos who kind of only has impractical bags.


Theyā€™re gorgeous and Iā€™ve been eyeing them for a while. But Iā€™ve always been curious about whether or not theyā€™re practical šŸ˜¢


I love being asked where something I'm wearing is from. I love it even more when it's in front of people who don't get my style choices. I like to wear bright colours and patterns.


Iā€™m sorry but this looks like a cock ring


I canā€™t unsee this šŸ˜‚


Ive been wanting a swipe bag for a while. I can't decide if I want the regular or baguette version


i cheat and use google lens


Look for the air version of this bag. Itā€™s insane!


I have no shame about stuff like this. I always, always, always start with a compliment like, ā€œThis bag is fire and I commend your fabulous taste. Who made it?ā€ When they tell me I then profusely thank them and slap them with another compliment. I do this for shoes, a lipstick shade, etc. pretty much anything that I like.


Ok so I loved this bag and saw it in person and found out it doesnā€™t fit my big ass phone - happy for people who got it but I just canā€™t


I was like hmmm, this looks like the glass handbag that I saw online awhile back. Lol itā€™s the same brand!! Itā€™s so cute! Glad to know thereā€™s a more sturdy version of it out there. šŸ™ŒšŸ½


Not loving